FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #34

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What I want to know after having been at work so long is.......did Linagal ever come back and post what was happening on the case today? She thought there was some activity going on behind the scenes apparantly and was going to post what it pertained to.

I had to deal with a teenager tonight so I haven't had a chance to look for news. I assume it was the statement. I hope there's more to come. Somer deserves justice!
I think the LE chief or whatever his title is really created a whirlwind when he said nobody was cleared but him (something like that).

So everyone is a suspect, including me.

And to carry this simple statement he made even further--who cleared him??

I am suprised the community isn't more nervous for their safety.
Who was watching her children when she was going to school??:waitasec: the neighborhood?

Somer disappeared walking home from school - not in her home, at night. I have no idea who was watching the children when mom Diena was in school. None of the children looked malnourished nor neglected, so someone was. mho
Why was this confidential report released today - and Dad T responds today? I think it has to do with his battle for custody!!! If he knows someone who would release that report and a social worker who wouldn't report it to LE, IMO he knows people who could also harm his daughter. mho
this report was public record.....the reporter stated so, if you read his posts below the article on line.....I think it was released yesterday, not today, ......I am sure the Dad stays on top of things in the news or with LE, this after all, was his daughter....I think we need to focus more on the people coming and going from Somer's home....there seems to be a lot....MO
I think the LE chief or whatever his title is really created a whirlwind when he said nobody was cleared but him (something like that).

So then everyone than is a suspect, including me.

And to carry this simple statement he made even further--who cleared him??

I am suprised the community isn't more nervous for their safety.

Maybe he said that intentionally and/or he NEVER thought people would think mom Diena would murder her children. Most people who saw her demeanor and her intense grieving would never think of her as the predator. MOO
Why was this confidential report released today - and Dad T responds today? I think it has to do with his battle for custody!!! If he knows someone who would release that report and a social worker who wouldn't report it to LE, IMO he knows people who could also harm his daughter. mho

The article was release yesterday, I have not seen the official report anyway, just the reporter's interpretation of the report. Possibly that is adding to the confusion? I sorry I am not following your send sentence at all. It is possible this was told to the SW after the fact, who knows, could have been a month? As far as speculating it has to do with a custody battle, I have no idea & don't care.
LE is NOT obligated to tell the public the facts! Mom Diena was going to school to become a nurse...worked at a dentist office, not sure of the hours. Seems to me, EVERY word, movement, gesture and so on pertaining to mom Diena has been picked apart and put through the wringer. NOT ONE piece of evidence points to her. The suggestion that mom Diena wasn't the 'perfect' mom in no way exonerates the murderer. As a matter of fact, it deters from focusing on the real perp. ALL JUST MY humble opinon

ETA: regarding childcare - it was an option that mom Diena said she couldn't afford. If you put one twin in, you must put the other in and that would leave the 10yo going home by herself. So she would have to pay for at least 3 children. Maybe if she was getting her child support that would have happened. mho

Her parents owned the home in which they live. I would think that allowances would be made on any rent paid (if any) that would alleviate a lot of financial burden if the free services were refused. It does not seem insurmountable to me. On that front anyway.

As a person who has named about 10 different things on various threads that stand out to me that point to her as MY number one suspect, still, I was curious as to what evidence you know of that points to someone else?
this report was public record.....the reporter stated so, if you read his posts below the article on line.....I think it was released yesterday, not today, ......I am sure the Dad stays on top of things in the news or with LE, this after all, was his daughter....I think we need to focus more on the people coming and going from Somer's home....there seems to be a lot....MO

I think we need to now focus on dad T. He seems to be using the released report for his own case. That means he is subjecting the one twin who lost his other half to enormous pain, and the other siblings to tremendous stress, worry, and unrest - on top of what they already are experiencing. MOO

Why isn't dad T. furious that the report never was given to LE? His children were all in danger when in the woods with a stranger. moo
Maybe he said that intentionally and/or he NEVER thought people would think mom Diena would murder her children. Most people who saw her demeanor and her intense grieving would never think of her as the predator. MOO
eyes, it's ok that not everyone sees things the same...kwim? you are here to defend DT....I am not...I am here to try and figure out what happened to little Somer....no stone left unturned....and yes, this included her Mom.....but it's OK....honest...Please don't get so upset....all avenues need to be looked at.....MO
The article was release yesterday, I have not seen the official report anyway, just the reporter's interpretation of the report. Possibly that is adding to the confusion? I sorry I am not following your send sentence at all. It is possible this was told to the SW after the fact, who knows, could have been a month? As far as speculating it has to do with a custody battle, I have no idea & don't care.

I do care.this is about a sweet little girl who was murdered and thrown away like trash.Somer did not deserve this.It's not about a stupid custody battle and that's exactly what it look like he was doing.This is about SOMER.
Maybe he said that intentionally and/or he NEVER thought people would think mom Diena would murder her children. Most people who saw her demeanor and her intense grieving would never think of her as the predator. MOO

I think that is the problem, he did not choice his words very wisely--because it has created more confusion.
That is the problem with going back and picking apart words said at a time of great stress. imo
eyes, it's ok that not everyone sees things the same...kwim? you are here to defend DT....I am not...I am here to try and figure out what happened to little Somer....no stone left unturned....and yes, this included her Mom.....but it's OK....honest...Please don't get so upset....all avenues need to be looked at.....MO

I think we are all here to find out what happened to Somer.Not to just defend Somers mother.
I do care.this is about a sweet little girl who was murdered and thrown away like trash.Somer did not deserve this.It's not about a stupid custody battle and that's exactly what it look like he was doing.This is about SOMER.
The father has every right to fight for custody of his children......this thread is about Somer....not a custody battle....
Her parents owned the home in which they live. I would think that allowances would be made on any rent paid (if any) that would alleviate a lot of financial burden if the free services were refused. It does not seem insurmountable to me. On that front anyway.

As a person who has named about 10 different things on various threads that stand out to me that point to her as MY number one suspect, still, I was curious as to what evidence you know of that points to someone else?

I have yet to see a single word as to HOW mom Diena murdered her child or WHY - just that her parenting skills were poor and she was negligent and Somer was used as a way to prove the point about negligence.

Her parents still have to pay for taxes on that home - do you know for sure she didn't pay rent to them? And really, what she has to pay to have a roof over her head has little, if anything, to do with Somer. I would love to hear the 10 reasons you think mom Diena murdered her child - murdering your own child does not come from turning down day care...does it? MOO
well, I am going to bed now....blessing out to all....maybe tomorrow will be Somer's day!!
The father has every right to fight for custody of his children......this thread is about Somer....not a custody battle....

Ooh - I thought you were the one who brought the two articles about dad responding to kids being in the woods with a stranger. Dad T using that article IS about custody!!!
The father has every right to fight for custody of his children......this thread is about Somer....not a custody battle....

No it's not about a custody battle.This needs to be private.NOT in newspaper articles and on T.V.THIS IS ABOUT SOMER.
I do care.this is about a sweet little girl who was murdered and thrown away like trash.Somer did not deserve this.It's not about a stupid custody battle and that's exactly what it look like he was doing.This is about SOMER.

Oh I care about finding Somer's killer whoever it maybe, but I don't care about the custody issue and the two of them fighting. I personal opinion issues with both of them for sure! ITA this is about Somer and that was my point exactly.
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