Forensic Astrology - Haleigh Cummings #1

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On SM they have her listed in their who's who as Ronald's paternal Gma/great gma. Can a post a link to that here? Or don't you need it?
The only thing so far on who Annette is, are posters saying great Gma. Will keep looking....

I believe you are right. Annette is the paternal GGma

On SM they have her listed in their who's who as Ronald's paternal Gma/great gma. Can a post a link to that here? Or don't you need it?

Khaki & Capri, no link needed. I was not aware there was a G-Gma in the picture. So this is Ron's mother's (Teresa Neves) mother, correct? And supposedly she "went by" the house around 7:00 pm? I wonder how she knew Misty was there with kids --- unless she entered the house and/or Misty & kids were outside at that time.

Housemouse/ Tuba should we consider G-Gma a "credible" witness of Last Seen?

Went thru the FL Sex Off. REGISTRY and can NOT find this guy. Perhaps the name has been submitted because of his past attempted murder conviction only.
( ONLY?? -that's scary )

Please forgive me - I do not have a cross reference of where that name arose from. Did not intend to get anyone off track...I will go back to watching!!
Khaki & Capri, no link needed. I was not aware there was a G-Gma in the picture. So this is Ron's mother's (Teresa Neves) mother, correct? And supposedly she "went by" the house around 7:00 pm? I wonder how she knew Misty was there with kids --- unless she entered the house and/or Misty & kids were outside at that time.

Housemouse/ Tuba should we consider G-Gma a "credible" witness of Last Seen?


At this point, I do not know. There is way too much Neptune going on in these charts. Who do we trust?
Please forgive me - I do not have a cross reference of where that name arose from. Did not intend to get anyone off track...I will go back to watching!!

Oh, please continue to participate. Although he may not have a SO record, he is a hard core criminal & does live in the area so of course he would be looked at. We could keep checking on the Who's Who list in the main forum to see if his name shows up...wonder what his association might be???

Ron's alibi:

<<Capt. Dick Schauland of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office confirmed investigators were looking into the new lead about Croslin Wednesday morning and said it was among the 1,200 tips being investigated. He said the father's whereabouts that night checked out — Ronald Cummings was at work when the little girl disappeared from her Satsuma home.>>

I tried your link above trying to find the details about Ronald Cumming's job and his alibi, but didn't have any luck.

Does anyone know exactly what his responsibilities were, how many people he worked with on this night shift, and how he is related to them?

I want to check everything out, and hope I am not asking people to repost info I may have missed.
Oh, please continue to participate. Although he may not have a SO record, he is a hard core criminal & does live in the area so of course he would be looked at. We could keep checking on the Who's Who list in the main forum to see if his name shows up...wonder what his association might be???

FifthEssence, Heartbroken was trying to help me...

I had asked if any of the SOs in the area had a record of "killing their wives and children", even if only metaphorically. I think Heartbroken was looking for perps with murder in their pasts... probably my fault for jumping to conclusions about the Heracles asteroid...
At this point, I do not know. There is way too much Neptune going on in these charts. Who do we trust?

I know. I am so confused. Now there is talk off Ronald having a fight the day before with a man about a gun? Haven't seen links yet, so it may be rumor. Want me to chase it or wait?

ETA: Here's a link and a snippet.....A relative told First Coast News Cummings accused the other man of stealing a gun. The relative could not remember the name of the man or where the fight happened.

The relative said the man disappeared the next day and the gun was found in a ditch.

No word on the type of gun, but on the night Haleigh disappeared, Cummings told responding deputies he had a 9 mm Beretta handgun and would kill the person who had taken his child.

Authorities would not comment on the claim.
Regarding RSO Larry D. Yates, the natal chart reveals only relatively insignificant intersections with the charts of Haleigh and the 911 call, so from an astrological standpoint, this would not be a person I would be overly concerned about having thoroughly checked out with regard to this situation.

Drivenon, I think that partially answers your question about wouldn't they all look like they could be involved. Actually, no they wouldn't. Soulscape set the parameters that we're looking at in terms of the RSO's natals as compared against Haleigh's natal and the 911 call. Those with big red-flag areas in their natals that ALSO intersect in ominous ways with Haleigh's natal and with the 911 call would be the ones that astrologically suggest a need for further investigation.

This Yates, whose chart I just looked at, has one red-flag area in his chart that is in fact similar to part of Winch's chart. Yates also has Jupiter conjunct Pluto, with Uranus thrown in for good measure, which also indicates a certain erratic potential for violence and power-tripping. However, his natal chart as a whole is not nearly as OMG as Winch's was. But beyond that, the ugly part of his chart does not intersect with Haleigh's or the 911 call, and the parts of his chart that do coincide are not big red flags. Does that make sense?

I'll keep on with the others...
Khaki Pants,

I wanted to address your concerns too. First, in a general sense separate from the question of pedophilia.

The conventional wisdom in astrology is that the more you understand your natal chart, the more you understand yourself. And the more you understand yourself, the more you are able to consciously address those subconscious parts of yourself that may lead you into temptation. The more you consciously decide how to behave in situations where your inborn nature impels you in one direction, which may not be the direction you consciously want to go, then the more you can overcome the tough parts of your chart.

People who don't bother to try to really know themselves and address the uglier facets of their nature tend to essentially be ruled by the uglier facets of their nature. But those who strive to overcome can be greatly assisted by knowing their natal charts because it helps you know the kinds of situations that are likely to be troublesome for you. Then when you're in the middle of a blow-up or whatever, sometimes it clicks through and you can say, "Oh, that's my moon-conjunct-Pluto (or whatever it may be) making me make a big drama out of something that isn't a big drama. Maybe I'd better slow down, calm down and think this through."

But if you don't know that's part of your nature that isn't necessarily a wonderful thing, you tend to just go off and then get really defensive about it and say, "That's just me. If you don't like it, to heck with you" or whatever. Well, actually, that isn't "you"; that's just one facet of you. And you can consciously deal with it, keep it from creating ugly results in your life and allow more beautiful facets of you to take the forefront IF you're aware of things like that and can deal with them.

While it is my understanding (from a relative who is a professional in the mental health field) that pedophilia cannot be cured, it is still true that pedophiles who are self-aware and are committed to NOT offending can and do consciously create for themselves circumstances that will allow themselves to live productive lives in which they do not act on those impulses, even though they still have them, and they can have lives in which they do not offend and do not hurt anyone.

Obviously, you can't count on the fact that all or even most pedophiles are self-aware, have a good strong moral system going for them, have the family and social support to help them avoid offending, have a plan to keep them on the straight and narrow, etc. I do think it's possible for some. Others, given the opportunity, will certainly fall right back into offending.

Just my thoughts. Would be interested to hear more of yours.

Ronald is a crane operator for the bridge-building company. So essentially he probably works alone in his crane although alongside others in whatever project they're working on.

Hope that helps.
Mary, I would like to Thank-You for sharing your knowledge with the rest of the ws crew.:blowkiss:

Will continue to follow Haleigh's case and pray for her return.

Ronald is a crane operator for the bridge-building company. So essentially he probably works alone in his crane although alongside others in whatever project they're working on.

Hope that helps.

Thanks, Mary. It does help. I truly hope he is not involved with this. The murders of these sweet innocent children are really getting to me. I sometimes wonder if I am losing my objectivity and becoming suspicious of everyone and everything.

I agree with you about knowing your own chart. Watching the transits and seeing what kind of events occur over time, and how you manage the energies is an excellent way to become self-aware. As long as you don't go and scare yourself silly over an upcoming Saturn transit, etc...

added thought: what does a crane operator do at night? do they actually build bridges after dark? or does he work inside a big hanger?
Can someone post a chart on the parents getting called into the Sheriff's office this afternoon?
Khaki & Capri, no link needed. I was not aware there was a G-Gma in the picture. So this is Ron's mother's (Teresa Neves) mother, correct? And supposedly she "went by" the house around 7:00 pm? I wonder how she knew Misty was there with kids --- unless she entered the house and/or Misty & kids were outside at that time.

Housemouse/ Tuba should we consider G-Gma a "credible" witness of Last Seen?


Is G-Gma believable?

In searching for the link on Ron's alibi, I found more of G-gma's story, believable or not, you decide.
I tried your link above trying to find the details about Ronald Cumming's job and his alibi, but didn't have any luck.

Does anyone know exactly what his responsibilities were, how many people he worked with on this night shift, and how he is related to them?

I want to check everything out, and hope I am not asking people to repost info I may have missed.

Hoping this link works. No idea of who he works with, etc., just the statement that he was at work.

<<Capt. Dick Schauland of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office confirmed investigators were looking into the new lead about Croslin Wednesday morning and said it was among the 1,200 tips being investigated. He said the father's whereabouts that night checked out &#8212; Ronald Cummings was at work when the little girl disappeared from her Satsuma home.>>
Is G-Gma believable?

In searching for the link on Ron's alibi, I found more of G-gma's story, believable or not, you decide.

Will tackle G-gma's chart tomorrow... getting late here... she sounds reasonable to me.

Sounds believable to me, too. Worth a chart IMO...

Police said they received a tip that Croslin was out instead of home with Haleigh and her 3-year-old brother last Monday night. However, Sykes said that tipster was wrong.

"We have heard rumor after rumor after rumor that has scared the daylights out of us, and it was absolutely nothing but a rumor," Sykes said.

She said she last saw Haleigh outside on the porch eating dinner at 7 p.m. on Monday.

"Her and Junior were sitting up there with a plate in their lap and eating. When we drove up they hollered, 'Hey Granny. Hey Granny,' like they always do," Sykes said.

Putnam County officials said they are looking into the Croslin tip as a possibility, but added it's only one of hundreds of tips they've investigated.

Thanks for the source, Capri!

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