General theory thread and motives rehashed #5

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Oh, you know it was probably put on him by the cops because hes still an undercover penetrating the system to save Americas prisons, well, I bet thats what he tells his mom!! jmo

She's probably bursting with pride as we post.
Joe sure did according to some.

Like you, I think if a food source is tied with blocks and tossed in the river a gator may 'store' the food source if not eaten right away.

I found these items and snipped some:

From the link:
Feeding activity is determined by water temperature. Temperatures below 68-73 degrees Fahrenheit will curb an alligator's appetite. In North Florida, alligators enter a period of dormancy during the winter months and reside within excavated caves along the water bank. In southern Florida, alligators are active hunters all year.

From the link:
In the summer, alligators eat lots of food and build up plenty of fat on their bodies. When the weather grows cool, they eat much less. They can go without food for weeks in the winter.

Both links indicate they "eat less" or "curb appetite".
Not "never eat" in winter.

And Ronald and his buddies were also known to kill deer and throw em to the gators and watch the gators devour the deer.
Joe sure did according to some.

Like you, I think if a food source is tied with blocks and tossed in the river a gator may 'store' the food source if not eaten right away.

I found these items and snipped some:

From the link:
Feeding activity is determined by water temperature. Temperatures below 68-73 degrees Fahrenheit will curb an alligator's appetite. In North Florida, alligators enter a period of dormancy during the winter months and reside within excavated caves along the water bank. In southern Florida, alligators are active hunters all year.

From the link:
In the summer, alligators eat lots of food and build up plenty of fat on their bodies. When the weather grows cool, they eat much less. They can go without food for weeks in the winter.

Both links indicate they "eat less" or "curb appetite".
Not "never eat" in winter.

IDK, but the University of Florida says "cease":

Feeding activity is governed by water temperature, with foraging activity ceasing if the temperature drops below 20 to 23°C (68 to 73°F).

While the Florida Wildlife Commission says "stop":

Alligators are ectothermic -- they rely on external sources of heat to regulate their body temperature. They stop feeding when the ambient temperature drops below approximately 70° F (21° C). Alligators are dormant throughout much of the winter season. During this time, they can be found in burrows (or "dens") that they construct adjacent to an alligator hole or open water

My money's on they don't eat when it's cold.
When Ron is charged with his involvement he better plead guilty, a jury of 12 might not dig a big ole swastika on his neck.

If I was the SA, I'd try my best to get Jewish people on the jury, and the defense couldn't exclude them based on that! Plus the defense wouldn't want to question them about the tattoo, because they don't want to bring any attention to it.

Smart move Ron!

Also try to bring in the video of Ron using the "N" word while he is in jail. And his discussion with GGS about "snitches." I'm salivating at the thought.

This puts CASEY ANTHONY's tattoo's and jail house videos to SHAME! If the state attorney EVER charges Ron they got a lot to work with, and Ron has helped them out! LOL
Well it would warm up significantly in March, what if her body was weighed down with objects like bricks and a rope? Laci Peterson's body didn't wash up until 4 months after her body was dumped. That still gives gators time to do what they do... :(

These people may not be the brightest people out there, but they aren't as stupid as to bury a body somewhere, when they know damn good and well what gators do, and they were known to feed things to the gators.

It is possible blankets, or clothing of some sort could be buried somewhere, but that body is gone.

It's the water temperature that's important for an alligator's biological trigger, not the air temperature.

Last year, I went to the Federal government (NOAA) for water temperature information in the St Johns. Notice on MAY 1 of last year, the water temperature at Palatka was STILL below the trigger point.


Just to refresh our memory on how cold the air temps were in Putnam County during February, 2009:


IDK, but it doesn't seem too likely alligators were active.
At Silver Springs which is in Marion County (just south of Putnam) the alligators there break their winter fast in April. According to the handlers, the gators don't eat all winter because their metabolism slows in the cold temps, and even though the temps may come up for a bit, they don't feed because they don't want to be stuck with half digested food in their stomachs if the temps drop back down again.
Shes not with the gators, shes probably in a family killing field or something, I do not trust any of the families on both his sides. It will be a place that Ronald has hunted on, or brought girls for secluded private time. jmo
OMG MKay... have you not seen this? I smelled something afoot so I went looking.... Check this out! All I can say, is...OMG!

Scars, Marks, and Tattoos:
Type Location Description


Thank you, as always, Ger. May I throw up now? He is crazy. I bet he doesn't even know what a swasticka or iron cross stands for!!!!!! Scorpion, joker, yeah, he's that bright (not) that's why is d. azz is in prison. Who is Cece? His sister?

OMG, is just wish he would fade off into the sunset, or the abiss. He keeps putting himself out there, he wants to know what we all think. Well, RONALD, you disgust me as a father, a citizen, and as a human being.
It's the water temperature that's important for an alligator's biological trigger, not the air temperature.

Last year, I went to the Federal government (NOAA) for water temperature information in the St Johns. Notice on MAY 1 of last year, the water temperature at Palatka was STILL below the trigger point.


Just to refresh our memory on how cold the air temps were in Putnam County during February, 2009:


IDK, but it doesn't seem too likely alligators were active.[/QUOTE]

God bless you, Concerned Papa, for all of your efforts. I just always wanted to believe they gave Haleigh a proper burial, perhaps with her great grandfather. txs
There was no time for a proper burial for Haleigh. By 3am she had probably been dead for 10 hours, if Ron was at work he wasn't there, it consisted of some twisted family members burying her in a makeshift grave unless they had a child size coffin handy. Casey Anthony is weird, but she did leave her child in an area that she could have been found, and was. Ron and fam hid the body well.

Which supports the saying "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime".
Very sad imo. The things prisoners have to do to survive. Horrible :(

He has a wide selections of groups to identify with, he didn't have to be a Nazi but he now is and he knows what it means and thats imo, a fact. jmo
Very sad imo. The things prisoners have to do to survive. Horrible :(
Nowhere near as sad as all the drug addicts dying from pills people like Ron sell. He is probably still selling them in there, that's just one of the things the neo-nazis do in there.
Very sad imo. The things prisoners have to do to survive. Horrible :(

May I point out, that they're prisoners for a reason, likely their poor choices made while free citizens. I feel no sorrow for this person. None. His survival instincts astound even me.
I will say this freaks me out. I bet he adds a ton more tattoos and just thrives as being known as crazy and dangerous. He is the type to kill another prisoner and get more time just so its easier to maybe confess when he already is in life for something else. Its almost as people think he was going to reform school and was going to come out a choir boy. Prison life is hard, I wont be shocked when we start hearing stories from his scorned boyfriend in prison. jmo
Very sad imo. The things prisoners have to do to survive. Horrible :(

Sorry Flossie, but tough sh_t! What could have Haleigh done to survive. Yeah, my heart is just about breaking for RC and his "survival." :maddening:
I will say this freaks me out. I bet he adds a ton more tattoos and just thrives as being known as crazy and dangerous. He is the type to kill another prisoner and get more time just so its easier to maybe confess when he already is in life for something else. Its almost as people think he was going to reform school and was going to come out a choir boy. Prison life is hard, I wont be shocked when we start hearing stories from his scorned boyfriend in prison. jmo

I totally agree with you, and barf. He has no conception of the real world!
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