George and Cindy in NC

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It reminds me of that jailhouse phone conversation between CA and KC where KC said to CA (paraphased), "I saw your camero...." CA said, "Which one, I did several and I've only seen one or two?"

No one twisted their arms to be on Dr. Phil. Once they exposed themselves to the media in an attempt to clean up the damage they've done they cannot expect for people to leave them alone. Apparently they want to wear their deeds as a badge of honor.

One person taking a picture in a store on the cell phone should hardly be viewed as a stalker. They were not where the local people expected them to be and apparently those people were curious. No one confronted them and it's certainly not the crime of the century.

How many times have people seen a celeb and taken a picture of them because they want to prove to their friends/relatives that they actually saw them. Because we see them on TV constantly I don't think it was a big deal and I doubt the A's did either. They seem to roll with everything right now. jmo

I agree.

Orlando was supposed to be a dangerous place for FCA and the A's, but I haven't heard of any threats or violence against them or vandalism to their house or vehicles. They have been going out and about in Orlando for almost two months since the trial. Residents are not bothering them. They have been out buying groceries, gas, and other items and meeting with their attorney without being stalked.

When they were photographed at Home Depot a week after the verdict, it sounded more like a reporter asking the questions and probably it was a combination of just being seen and the fact that they were sporting a new vehicle. If they were being stalked, someone would have followed them around Home Depot or reported seeing their new vehicle coming and going from their house from the get-go.

That they were seen in NC is interesting to note that this case was followed there and also that the A's have not been holed up in their house. It is also just further documentation that they are not feeling threatened by the public.

What would be more interesting to me would be if they did attend the wedding in Ohio, did the family greet them with open arms or cold shoulders and did they give out or sell t-shirts, bracelets and balloons to send up in remembrance of Caylee?
I'll ask again, and hope, since it is stated as fact over and over again, someone will post the source that verifies Cindy Anthony is on disability. Otherwise, IMO, it should stop being stated as fact.

Okay, so they're not on disability .. they're just living off their dead granddaughter and all their "foundations" ...


I have no idea if she is or not but she was in the summer of 09. She also stated she wanted to go back to work some day. According to Lippman she has not.

Page 15, Line 22
Yes, apparently they are doing fine in Orlando. No one is bothering them, that we know of. They seemed to be fine when they showed up at the remains site on Caylee's birthday with the crowd that was there. The people who were there seemed to treat them with respect.

If they did attend the wedding in Ohio they were there by invitation so I would imagine the family greeted them with open arms. Some of the other guests, maybe not so much but public opinion never seems to bother them so I'm sure they enjoyed themselves regardless. jmo
Cindy Anthony did so many interviews, I stopped counting. anyone who thinks she didn't isn't interested in being proven wrong. Her interviews weren't the typical heartfelt plea for help to find Caylee. They were mor orchestrated in covering for OCA and diverting attention away from her. She loved to claim they were not looking for Caylee, instead they were building a case against OCA. Aside from that her interviews included BS about herself and how she wasn't eating, sleeping etc. Only to make excuses not to answer any questions she was h&& bent to stay away from.

Larry King, Today show, ABC, Nancy Grace, Fox, Out in the street many times in front of her house. Some of these were repeat when she felt the need to misrepresent something that was being investigated.

My opinion regarding Cindy Anthony can be summed up in one word; Disingenuous.

The first words I ever heard her say were on July 19, 2008:

Those words touched my emotions deeply. So much so that before I knew it, I was caught up in the search effort. I went to Orlando on three different occasions to personally be a part of the search and even set up a program within my company to pay the standard wages for any of my employees who wanted a day off to join in the search. Several took me up on it.

Good for you - and kudos for doing something to involve your employees - this is extremely rare unless the company knows the family of a missing child personally. When you went on the searches they probably let everyone know, at some point, close/immediate family members are not allowed to search with most organized search parties due to the trauma it might cause if they actually found the body, and the chance they may unwittingly contaminate or destroy evidence - JonBenet Ramsey is a perfect example of this happening. The point is, Cindy would not have been allowed to search with, say, Tim Miller's team, even if she had believed Caylee was dead and wanted to join the search.

As time went by, I started reading about her selling Caylee's pictures for $250K, limo rides, trips around the country, "accidentally" giving the FBI the wrong hair brush, immediately scrubbing out the "smell of a damn dead body" in her daughter's car, foundations, and on and on. The list became long.

Cindy didn't sell Caylee's pictures for $250K - this is absolutely false but is on just about every thread here that concerns the A's. You may recall that Casey sold pictures and videos for around that amount and is not having to pay almost $70,000 in taxes to the IRS.

I find the limo rides and trips around the country "reaching", to tell you the truth. It's not like they took a road trip in a limo. I mean, had they chartered Trump's jet and flown to a casino, whooping it up and gambling - yeah, bad....but a limo ride?? Why not? Their granddaughter died, they were not criminals...I just don't get the pettiness of making much ado about a limo ride. It's a big car, big deal.

She didn't accidentally give detectives the wrong hairbrush, she did it on purpose, this is easily researched as well - there's even a video of her admitting to it. FBI already had 3 toothbrushes and another hairbrush with Caylee's hair and DNA. Do I condone her not giving the brush she used just for Caylee? Not at all, but I'm not in her position, which I believe was complete denial and not wanting to believe Caylee's dead body had been in that trunk. She may have believed police would plant evidence. I know she wasn't convicted of obstruction and that hairbrush did not keep them from distinguishing Caylee's hair from someone else's hair.

She used fabreeze all over the car, and she admitted it - she obviously wanted to get rid of the smell, which she wasn't sure was a dead body - fabreeze wouldn't have gotten rid of the smell, and anyone who has ever had to get rid of bodily fluids from where a dead person had been found knows it takes more than scrubbing or spraying with air freshener.

I started this post out with the word disingenuous. On December 11, 2008, Caylee Marie Anthony's little body was found a few hundred feet from Cindy Anthony's front door. The same woman who drew me in with a pledge to "walk every inch of the earth" and "look in every nook and cranny" didn't even make it down to the end of the street, did she?

Cindy didn't kill Caylee and dump her down the street and in the swamp that was covered in water for a very long time. To blame Cindy for not finding Caylee's body on her own seems harsh, IMO. The police were called to the area twice and didn't see the body - THEY are the ones whose responsibility it is to find dead bodies, not the grandparents.

The trial is over. Her blatant, perjured testimony played a role in her daughter escaping any responsibility for her granddaughter's murder and still I have to keep reading, seeing, and hearing about this woman.

Cindy's testimony was impeached, and the Jury knew, without a doubt, she lied. Cindy's testimony about the chloroform searches did NOT have anything to do with why Casey went scott free. The prosecution thought they had a slam dunk case and didn't. The Jury said so and they are the 12 people who set her free. Are they lying as well?

Every time I go to the news, there she is wanting money for her "foundation", swimming with a fish, or buying t shirts in Nassau, just to name a few since the trial.

No, I think you named every time they were unwittingly captured doing what every free human being in the US has a right to do. I haven't ONCE seen her or George on the news asking for money for their foundation. I may be wrong because I have a job and I don't watch the news 24/7, so if there are sources of this out there, I'd be curious to see them!

Now I find out she's scored the grand prize of her hustle. Some guy named "Dr." Phil has reportedly paid her $500,000.00 to be on his show.
While this may be true, there is nothing to go on but a "guess" by another pundit on a talk show wanting to give their two cents in exchange for a little of the Caylee pie profit.

Last line respectfully snipped
Dr. Phil's show is the one that announced money was donated to their foundation. I doubt it was $1.98. It was the media, afterall, who claimed those were pictures of KC and there were posts on here that said the media was not reliable and it was not her. Now JB claims it was her. So I would tend to believe the media at this point and let it go. Monies have already changed hands so what the A's have, they have.

They appear to have no money problems whatsoever so whatever they received they are happy with. So until I hear differently I'm thinking they hit a big one, so big they don't feel the need to shop for more interviews. Also it was reported from a different source that ML was shopping around for a 6 figure payday for A's which was never denied by ML. jmo
No one is jealous of Cindy or George; they're irate. That idea is asinine. To assume that anyone here would pay the price they have paid for a simple vacation is insulting. Jealous is a demeaning word!

Their friends? The only only long term frined we know about is George's from his LE days in Ohio. Oh yeah, he left after hearing too much discord in the family, to put it nicely. The others have seemed to be very short termed acquaintances; most with agendas. And did I miss all the family support at trial? Even Lee who had a reserved seat stayed away. Where was the ret of the family? Please tell me about all the friends' support that was altruistic. If someone gave them a vacation to recoup I would love to know who it was. By history I am suspicious.

Jealous is so demeaning. I'm not jealous. I am, though, irate that so many moral, loving people gathered together to try to help them; people who have not been on vacation in years and years and will not be able to within the foreseeable future. Can you imagine how insulting this is for them?

They know they are "special." They didn't have to agree to the vacation with dolphin picture. Cindy (and maybe George, too?) are publicity smart enough to know it would eventually be released. Make ya belly feel better? Not mine.

Yep, people take trips.

Oh, ps, I did read an article, during the large search time, that said one entire family used their vacation time to help with the search. They thought it would be good life lesson for their children. I wonder what they think now.

There are WS posters who took their families' vacation time and money to look for Caylee.
If the Anthony's were being hunted,if pictures of them were worth anything,there would be REAL media photojournalists following them.We would see media camped out at their home,as they did in the early days of this case.
Cindy and George aren't hiding,or afraid or trying to avoid having their picture taken. They've been out in public.
The Anthony's chose to remain in the spotlight in the last 3 years.
They chose to take a highly controversial position .
They chose to announce they were starting a foundation and that they would be receiving salaries from that foundation.
The Anthony's chose to stand with Casey and not Caylee (I still think George was part of whatever their plan was) .

If there is continued interest in where the Anthony's are and what they are doing ,it's because people want more information about what Casey is doing.Is she a part of their lives? Are they supporting her? Were they looking at clothes that would be for Casey and not a 50 something year old.
I didn't see anyone claim that the A's were physically harmed. The issue was whether people are chasing/stalking the A's. It seems obvious that they are.

Obviously they weren't harmed physically. I was wondering if they were harmed in any manner while at this mall.Was getting there picture broadcast in the news harmful to them?Aren't they doing the same themselves by going on a nationally syndicated show?As for stalking, did the people evolved follow the Anthonys from Orlando and snap pictures of them?Or were they simply shopping there themselves?MOO.
My opinion regarding Cindy Anthony can be summed up in one word; Disingenuous.

The first words I ever heard her say were on July 19, 2008:

Those words touched my emotions deeply. So much so that before I knew it, I was caught up in the search effort. I went to Orlando on three different occasions to personally be a part of the search and even set up a program within my company to pay the standard wages for any of my employees who wanted a day off to join in the search. Several took me up on it.

As time went by, I started reading about her selling Caylee's pictures for $250K, limo rides, trips around the country, "accidentally" giving the FBI the wrong hair brush, immediately scrubbing out the "smell of a damn dead body" in her daughter's car, foundations, and on and on. The list became long.

I started this post out with the word disingenuous. On December 11, 2008, Caylee Marie Anthony's little body was found a few hundred feet from Cindy Anthony's front door. The same woman who drew me in with a pledge to "walk every inch of the earth" and "look in every nook and cranny" didn't even make it down to the end of the street, did she?

The trial is over. Her blatant, perjured testimony played a role in her daughter escaping any responsibility for her granddaughter's murder and still I have to keep reading, seeing, and hearing about this woman. Every time I go to the news, there she is wanting money for her "foundation", swimming with a fish, or buying t shirts in Nassau, just to name a few since the trial.

Now I find out she's scored the grand prize of her hustle. Some guy named "Dr." Phil has reportedly paid her $500,000.00 to be on his show.

Not a bad payday for someone not craving attention, eh?

Nearly every "fact" in your post is incorrect or the skewed version that has been spread for so long that it's become "fact." This is why I can't buy into the Anthony bashing - it's not based on reality but rather on people's biased interpretations of events.

I have not at any time turned on the news and seen Cindy begging for money, buying T-shirts, or swimming with dolphins. Dr. Phil and TMZ are NOT news shows. The are also not forced down my throat. One thing I would do if I didn't want to read or hear about Cindy, is not open a thread titled "George and Cindy in NC". It would seem disingenuous.

I haven't heard any reports of how much money Dr. Phil donated to the foundation in exchange for the interview.
As much scrutiny as the Anthony's are under, I can not imagine Cindy collecting disability illegally. IMO.

1. I'm not even sure if Cindy is getting disability. It has not been fully verified that she is still collecting. If, in fact, she is collecting, does not necessarily mean that she is legally collecting, which your post implies. And I know you realize there are countless citizens who qualify and are denied.
I haven't heard any reports of how much money Dr. Phil donated to the foundation in exchange for the interview.

respectfully snipped by me:

ITA Chilly

I've been trying to make that point for days.

The amount has not been disclosed yet. I'm sure as soon as it is disclosed, MSM will report on it.

I would much rather have factual information than guesses and theories.

Wow, wouldn't Cindy just love this thread. She might even glean some good PR points she can use in her next interview and knowing her, there will be a next. This must be a difficult time for her now.....she was all consumed for so long in working against the investigation. This new foundation will enable her to hone her BS to a new level.MOO
As much scrutiny as the Anthony's are under, I can not imagine Cindy collecting disability illegally. IMO.

The point is that we have no idea if she is collecting or not, legal or illegal, ethical or not. It is a moot point.

But the suggestion that Cindy wouldn't do anything illegal because she is under scrutiny has already been proven false. The spotlight was on her when she perjured herself in court. It didn't slow her down a bit.
The point is that we have no idea if she is collecting or not, legal or illegal, ethical or not. It is a moot point.

But the suggestion that Cindy wouldn't do anything illegal because she is under scrutiny has already been proven false. The spotlight was on her when she perjured herself in court. It didn't slow her down a bit.

I did not see that suggestion made by anyone.
I believe the animosity towards CA in particular is easy to explain.

While CA continually espoused she would search in every nook and cranny for Caylee until Caylee was returned home, the truth of the matter is at no time did she actually search or take part in a search for Caylee.

Her time "searching" was expressed in anger at Tim Miller and others, but most of her "searching" was spent in defense of FCA, and accusing everyone but FCA of being responsible for Caylee's disappearance. She also "searched" by accusing the LE and the OCSD of doing nothing to bring Caylee home.
I believe the animosity towards CA in particular is easy to explain.

While CA continually espoused she would search in every nook and cranny for Caylee until Caylee was returned home, the truth of the matter is at no time did she actually search or take part in a search for Caylee.

Her time "searching" was expressed in anger at Tim Miller and others, but most of her "searching" was spent in defense of FCA, and accusing everyone but FCA of being responsible for Caylee's disappearance. She also "searched" by accusing the LE and the OCSD of doing nothing to bring Caylee home.
Cindy did not search for a deceased Caylee because she refused to accept that Caylee could be dead. It is for that same reason that she felt anger toward Tim and anyone who searched for a dead Caylee. Casey, with all her 'clues' indicated to Cindy that people close to her were involved in Caylee's disappearance. How could Cindy ignore that while still maintaining the belief that Caylee was alive? How could she blame Casey for Caylee's disappearance when she wasn't able to accept that Caylee was gone?

I don't feel that Cindy's refusal to search for her granddaughter's dead body is in any way an excuse for the horrible way she's been treated. IMO, she couldn't cope with the reality of the situation so she created her own tolerable reality. I don't know about anyone else but in a similar situation I could not immediately accept that my beloved granddaughter was dead and that my daughter killed her. It would be a process, long and difficult. I'd probably make a few mistakes along the way too.

Does this really sound right?:

Grandmother: "No, no, no, my granddaughter is NOT dead! My daughter is NOT a killer. My granddaughter will be coming home again, we're saving her birthday presents for when that day comes."

Observer: "You disgust me, Grandmother, for having that attitude. You deserve my animosity and every horrible awful thing I can think up to say about you!!"
Wow, wouldn't Cindy just love this thread. She might even glean some good PR points she can use in her next interview and knowing her, there will be a next. This must be a difficult time for her now.....she was all consumed for so long in working against the investigation. This new foundation will enable her to hone her BS to a new level.MOO

Cindy would only like this thread if she only read the last few pages. :innocent: Almost all the comments, of the 19 pages, so far, think the A's should stay out of the public eye and ANY shopping they do is from blood money. Where else have they received ANY money in the past THREE YEARS, but off little Caylee's death? I would like that one answered!

IMO, Cindy would only read the posts of a few, skip the ones she doesn't like, as if they don't exist. The public, in general, can't stand the A's, believe they helped FCA get away with murder, lied, hid items, and are now living off of the death of their grandchild. I hope their foundation fails, as it only further lines the pockets of the A's. They are free to shop, buy new cars, take vacations, get limo rides etc, but the public has a right to voice their opinions about the A's profiting off of the death of their granddaughter. I have yet to see anything the A's do as helpful to someone else, other than themselves and FCA! :maddening:
The point is that we have no idea if she is collecting or not, legal or illegal, ethical or not. It is a moot point.

But the suggestion that Cindy wouldn't do anything illegal because she is under scrutiny has already been proven false. The spotlight was on her when she perjured herself in court. It didn't slow her down a bit.

Up thread, Strawberry posted a link to CA's deposition on 7/29/2009, in which CA states, she is receiving disability. :banghead: Is being a liar a medical condition? Certainly, she doesn't have a physical disability. :loser:
Cindy would only like this thread if she only read the last few pages. :innocent: Almost all the comments, of the 19 pages, so far, think the A's should stay out of the public eye and ANY shopping they do is from blood money. Where else have they received ANY money in the past THREE YEARS, but off little Caylee's death? I would like that one answered!

Why? Why are the Anthonys' personal finances anyone's business?

And 'ANY shopping'? Seriously? So if Cindy goes into a store and buys a tank top for $3 or a tube of toothpaste for $1.49, that's got something to do with 'blood money'? Really?

IMO, Cindy would only read the posts of a few, skip the ones she doesn't like, as if they don't exist. The public, in general, can't stand the A's, believe they helped FCA get away with murder, lied, hid items, and are now living off of the death of their grandchild.

The public, in general, wouldn't know the A's if they passed them on the street. The public, in general, doesn't care where and when they shop. There's a small segment of the public who do have to know every detail about what they're doing (while at the same time proclaiming that they should be locked in their house doing nothing at all). I think that's weird, but it's also fascinating to watch.

I hope their foundation fails, as it only further lines the pockets of the A's. They are free to shop, buy new cars, take vacations, get limo rides etc, but the public has a right to voice their opinions about the A's profiting off of the death of their granddaughter. I have yet to see anything the A's do as helpful to someone else, other than themselves and FCA! :maddening:

This is America. We're all free to shop, buy new cars, take vacations, get limo rides.

It really doesn't matter whether the Anthonys do good things or not. The same people who loathe them now will continue to loathe them for all eternity. And I think that's bizarre.

I do have a very low opinion of anyone who profits off a death. I don't know if the Anthonys are doing that or not, but my guess is that in some way they are. I do know that Jeff Ashton is doing that. And so are a number of television personalities who are making money hand over fist from this, along with magazines, newspapers, publishers, and other people who will write books in the future. This tragedy and the circus that resulted from it will mean that a whole lot of folks have bigger bank accounts. It's the American way. If anything is disingenuous in this whole fiasco, it's criticizing the Anthonys for their ill-gotten gains (even though nobody even really knows what those are) while at the same time happily gobbling up what the others who are profiting from Caylee's death have to offer.
Cindy did not search for a deceased Caylee because she refused to accept that Caylee could be dead. It is for that same reason that she felt anger toward Tim and anyone who searched for a dead Caylee. Casey, with all her 'clues' indicated to Cindy that people close to her were involved in Caylee's disappearance. How could Cindy ignore that while still maintaining the belief that Caylee was alive? How could she blame Casey for Caylee's disappearance when she wasn't able to accept that Caylee was gone?

I don't feel that Cindy's refusal to search for her granddaughter's dead body is in any way an excuse for the horrible way she's been treated. IMO, she couldn't cope with the reality of the situation so she created her own tolerable reality. I don't know about anyone else but in a similar situation I could not immediately accept that my beloved granddaughter was dead and that my daughter killed her. It would be a process, long and difficult. I'd probably make a few mistakes along the way too.

Does this really sound right?:

Grandmother: "No, no, no, my granddaughter is NOT dead! My daughter is NOT a killer. My granddaughter will be coming home again, we're saving her birthday presents for when that day comes."

Observer: "You disgust me, Grandmother, for having that attitude. You deserve my animosity and every horrible awful thing I can think up to say about you!!"

She didn't want people searching for a dead Caylee because she knew FCA killed her and was covering for her, just like she did at the trial. She even let it slip one time when she said "George and I don't think she's in the woods-URRR-I mean..." I don't get why people take anything she says at face value given her record.
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