Geraldo Live at Fox News 10:00pm EST

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I can name tons of beautiful women with cheating dogs for husbands. WTH? That sure doesn't make for a good case against it, Geraldo!

Whoa! This comment from GR made me FUME! IMO...A man cheating NEVER has ANYTHING to do with the looks of his Wife and EVERYTHING to do with his lack of ethics and loyalty!

What an idiot.
Has anyone posted the link to this yet?

If it is here, it'd likely be on the media links thread...might want to check there.

Also, bigjuicykungfu, on youtube, has alot of Caylee-related vids, it might be there.
I think everyone realizes that it is indeed the defense's job to raise doubt. While there may be some that will say that what we know at this very moment might not be enough to convict Casey (and for the record, I personally do not believe this), there are VERY FEW who actually believe Caylee is alive.

They can spout anything they'd like, but not many will change their opinion based on Baez' leaks and/or propaganda.

IMO, having a gag in place will not effect many opinions. Casey Anthony is the biggest liar on the face of the planet; or at least the biggest liar I have ever heard of. She, of her own free will, did not contact authorities when her daughter was missing. She's the one who proclaimed there was a real life Zanny the nanny, WITHOUT a single shred of evidence to show the woman even exists; aside from inside Casey's own imagination. Baez can say what he wants and it is his job and his duty to try and counter everything, but no amount of spewing on his part is ever going to change the facts.

EDIT: I see the quotes around this, so I assume they were Baez' own remarks when you said, "We are objected to the gag order at this time." Can someone help me out here? Is this even a grammatically correct statement?

Good closing argument for the PA!!!
If it is here, it'd likely be on the media links thread...might want to check there.

Also, bigjuicykungfu, on youtube, has alot of Caylee-related vids, it might be there.

Thanks Paladine, I was being lazy.
Hank Hill (my avatar hero) would NEVER cheat on Peggy....the only man on the planet totally trustworthy & immune to seduction! :clap:

LOL...yep, the only way that a man can totally be trustworthy and immune to seduction, is if he is a cartoon. :)
I thought I heard that too! Funny, any time I've heard that phrase used, it was with the context that ONE person was "trying" and the other was "resisting."

Just trying to figure out who's doing what with this scenario! :blowkiss:

I took it to mean she was doing just as much as he was. It
takes two, one can't do it alone.
Did I miss something, or when Kimberly G asked him about the physical contact at the jail, he responded that he wasn't just her lawyer, he was also her councilor and some contact was appropriate to provide needed counciling and emotional support?

Does this deeply trouble anyone else? It also always amazes me that even when these TV talking heads start to ask the real questions, like miss KG did, they fail to follow up. A few questions like, "so you always touch your clients in jail?", "you are a defense attorney not familiar with jail contact rules?" and "what other clients have you physically counciled while in or out of jail?"

yes it does.....I keep thinking hmmmmm haven't there been cases out there defending some against this? He may know the saying "two to tangle" but should perhaps remember "when at first we deceive...."(hopefully that was somewhat correct with the quote :waitasec:)---Perhaps he should reconsider the gag order....or take into consideration some of the comments others make of what he presents...not all are madly in love with his performance.....has he even asked for a change in venue? what about speedy trial? I'm so tired of the blame game from that side when no one offers anything except different stories (okay mistruths) --- please!
Also noted in the start GR used to proclaim his view that Caylee wasn't with us anymore and that her mom did something to this kiss up approach????? :chicken: :eek: I do believe that Mr. Rivera is setting himself up for future interviews....(now Mr. Nejame who is after ratings????:confused:) jmo
Whoa! This comment from GR made me FUME! IMO...A man cheating NEVER has ANYTHING to do with the looks of his Wife and EVERYTHING to do with his lack of ethics and loyalty!

What an idiot.

he should know from experience...hasn't he met some of his wives this way?
Did you catch Geraldo's comment about how "iffy" the evidence is? LOL Sheesh! This is going to be very hard to watch. (Moving all things I can throw at the television out of my reach now...)

I did not see his show, but I too think the evidence is much too thin;
It is very upsetting; and I know that some have been convicted with no body;
While I have not posted much on this case; I have been watching it;

I know you want to believe that there is a lot that points at Casey - I wish you were right.
But IMHO there is more suspicion that points directly at her then hard evidence that you can walk into a court room with confidently.
I hope the volunteers DO come back with a body. I wish a respectful burial for that poor child. and while I do believe that George should have never cleaned the Car, I feel sorry for him. But IMHO he knows the truth and does not want to lose both of them and did his best to save Casey. JMO;
But evidence as Gerardo comment goes is "Iffy" from the stuff I know about.
Yes the Dogs went to the car, yes they found a strand of air from a decomposed body and No they can not say DEFINITELY that Casey had a hand in this. No matter what I look at it comes back the same way ALL accept one thing WHY Casey waited one month to report her baby missing. That is all they really have on her, the rest is circumstantial. JMO

Do I hope they DO have a case - Absolutely.
Do I pray for justice - Absolutely.
Do I see enough evidence - NOP...:(
Do I hope I am wrong - Yap.
But that is what I see - I also see that Casey is mentaly damaged, not sure how that may play out.
IMO JB will throw KC under the bus when push comes to shove. He has ulterior motives and they're all for his personal gain, has nothing to do with an attraction to KC or protecting her rights, or getting her off. He knows he cannot win this case. He is milking it for as long as possible - will make for a much jucier book/movie. I think KC thinks shes a master manipulator, never met a slimeball lawyer before!

I agree! And what was his purpose for being on the show, he didn't say anything, was he just filler, IF Caylee is alive why don't all of them, CA, GA, LA, her defense team, all of them just get together and go get her! Bring her home and get Casey out of jail. Stop wasting the time of TES, let them work on finding the missing of those who truely want their loved ones found.
I agree! And what was his purpose for being on the show, he didn't say anything, was he just filler, IF Caylee is alive why don't all of them, CA, GA, LA, her defense team, all of them just get together and go get her! Bring her home and get Casey out of jail. Stop wasting the time of TES, let them work on finding the missing of those who truely want their loved ones found.

LOL Yes, that is what you heard more or less. So she really did get a letter from Scott P...just not THAT Scott P. What are the odds?! This case just has so much off the wall strangeness all the way around! I suppose now the defense will use this letter as a prime example of how a name can be used by one person to reflect another instead of the actual person. (In other words, ZG is real...just happened that LE found the wrong one at Sawgrass...while there was another ZG there all along.:rolleyes:)

They need new straws to grasp at, imo. Their straws are all bent up and rather tattered at this point. Sheesh!

Another diabolical plan by the defense BUSTED on WS!!! Oops, I meant defense strategy! :waitasec:
First of all, hats off to Kimberly Guilfoyle for asking him the question we all would have loved to ask!

Secondly his statement "It takes two". That implied, to me at least, that even if KC wanted him he was being strong.

He was uncomfortable and deflected it by attacking KG. Feigning shock at her question.

He is truly a piece of work...IMHO
According to GA's interview, their finances are in bad shape. How are the attorney's being paid? Publicity doesn't pay the bills. How will they pay all the experts? Is everybody hopping on this case for free?
According to GA's interview, their finances are in bad shape. How are the attorney's being paid? Publicity doesn't pay the bills. How will they pay all the experts? Is everybody hopping on this case for free?

It is interesting that he can afford to fly to NY, ect. and do all these interviews without any money coming in from the client. If it's for publicity he sure isn't getting good reviews from the public.
I would love to know who is paying all these attorney's. :confused:
According to GA's interview, their finances are in bad shape. How are the attorney's being paid? Publicity doesn't pay the bills. How will they pay all the experts? Is everybody hopping on this case for free?

JB sees future big bucks rolling in because of book and movie deals. I think he's deferred his fee because of all the fame and fortune he thinks is going to come his way as being a part of the case.
I agree! And what was his purpose for being on the show, he didn't say anything, was he just filler, IF Caylee is alive why don't all of them, CA, GA, LA, her defense team, all of them just get together and go get her! Bring her home and get Casey out of jail. Stop wasting the time of TES, let them work on finding the missing of those who truely want their loved ones found.

Au Contraire - he made the dumbest statement so far to date. He claimed that the audio of George was HEARSAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hearsay is when someone says that someone else said something. This is audio of George IN HIS OWN VOICE!!!!!!! That is NJOT and never will be hearsay.

Can anyone verify that this man DOES have a law degree????

"We are objected to the gag order at this time"

"LE has been leaking things since day one & now that we have the evidence they want a gag order"

More lies. HE doesn't want the gag order cuz he'll have to shut up. Pure and simple. Given his stupid statements, he should shut up.

The public posting of discovery is NOT leaking. Leaking is when information that rumor is leaked. Someone please send Baez a dictionary.
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