Group Plans Memorial Walkway For Caylee,0,6538480.story

"If the memorial is not wanted by the neighborhood, the memorial will be built at a different location and BKH has other uses for the property," Segura said on Friday.

BKH does not own the property, they will build the memorial at a different location BUT BKH still has other uses for the property it does not own?:waitasec:

Yep, that one got me, too.

Did the original owner (from 2008) sell it? I thought he did...if he did not, well, I think he made it clear previously that he did not want trespassing on his land.

While I would love to see Caylee get her lasting memorium, I am not sure Suburban is the place for it. I have grander notions, something that KC will have to see....First, rename the elementary school after her.
Then name Colonial Drive after her-You can't not drive on Colonial/Fl. Rt 50 when you're in Orange. Or, make a park in her name right in the Universal/Seaworld area, with big green highway signs that let you know when you're getting off on Caylee Marie Memorial Highway at the Caylee Marie Park exit. How about a Caylee Marie victims' rights office right next to the Bozo law firm? Yeah, yeah, CA would want in on the trademark action, so let her in. Don't really give a flib about her or GA anymore, just want to stick Caylee right under KC's nose.
When KC finally does want to leave the country, she should have to board a flight at the Caylee Marie International Airport. Just sayin....
I do believe this page has changed:

Faqs are gone, and wording is changed to say if the "local neighborhood" doesn't want the memorial they'll build it elsewhere but that a " change in landscape is needed" ....due to the children who go by there daily.

Pics on the page have changed too.

ETA, I did find it online (I must be tired this morning)
I think it is quite clear that the HOA does not want this in their neighborhood. What type of a charity would not have tried to contact them in the first place and ask what their views were before going forward with a campaign to erect this site? And what news is coming out from them now sounds more like a threat than doing something worthwhile for the the communities benefit.

Somewhere along the way this charity has lost sight of their initial mission statement which is about missing children. No one in this community wants a daily reminder of how a "great mother" just dumped her deceased child off on this property and just went about her life in a normal, positive way. You could defend a mom if the child died accidentally, but there is no defense for the way Caylee was found.

I also think it is wrong to bring stuffed animals to the site now. There is no purpose and it is trashing the site when a single rose would have the same effect spiritually for the person who leaves it. To me the perfect memorial for Caylee right there would be planting some wildflowers that would grow and thrive there. Something that blooms in the spring and carries through all summer. jmo
I'm sitting here this morning a bit muddle headed on my second cup of coffee which hasn't yet kicked in and wondering about the whole thrust of the Caylee Anthony Foundation and this memorial really is.

Those of us who are here and I think it's fair to say - thousands or millions out there believe Caylee was murdered by her mother and tossed away like so much garbage.

But if the Anthony's and the BKH org are following the "official" case - then Caylee wasn't a missing child at all. She was a child who died by accident and shamefully her mother lacked the courage to acknowledge this accident and digustingly dumped her body in a swamp instead of holding a decent burial for her child. So this is what they want public acknowledgement for? What???

So it is this act the Anthony's and BKH are memorializing? Seriously? I understand and you understand the concept of a memorial brick or some kind of discreet gesture to honour Caylee.

I'm not sure why the bizarreness of the Anthony's and BKH concept of a memorial for Caylee struck me this morning.... :banghead::banghead:
I'm sitting here this morning a bit muddle headed on my second cup of coffee which hasn't yet kicked in and wondering about the whole thrust of the Caylee Anthony Foundation and this memorial really is.

Those of us who are here and I think it's fair to say - thousands or millions out there believe Caylee was murdered by her mother and tossed away like so much garbage.

But if the Anthony's and the BKH org are following the "official" case - then Caylee wasn't a missing child at all. She was a child who died by accident and shamefully her mother lacked the courage to acknowledge this accident and digustingly dumped her body in a swamp instead of holding a decent burial for her child. So this is what they want public acknowledgement for? What???

So it is this act the Anthony's and BKH are memorializing? Seriously? I understand and you understand the concept of a memorial brick or some kind of discreet gesture to honour Caylee.

I'm not sure why the bizarreness of the Anthony's and BKH concept of a memorial for Caylee struck me this morning.... :banghead::banghead:

Because it's the truth and the truth always wins out in the end!
Yep, that one got me, too.

Did the original owner (from 2008) sell it? I thought he did...if he did not, well, I think he made it clear previously that he did not want trespassing on his land.

While I would love to see Caylee get her lasting memorium, I am not sure Suburban is the place for it. I have grander notions, something that KC will have to see....First, rename the elementary school after her.
Then name Colonial Drive after her-You can't not drive on Colonial/Fl. Rt 50 when you're in Orange. Or, make a park in her name right in the Universal/Seaworld area, with big green highway signs that let you know when you're getting off on Caylee Marie Memorial Highway at the Caylee Marie Park exit. How about a Caylee Marie victims' rights office right next to the Bozo law firm? Yeah, yeah, CA would want in on the trademark action, so let her in. Don't really give a flib about her or GA anymore, just want to stick Caylee right under KC's nose.
When KC finally does want to leave the country, she should have to board a flight at the Caylee Marie International Airport. Just sayin....

I don't remember if the land sold or not in 2009 but this past summer the land was put up for sale by the owner for about $89,000..,
I don't know if it sold or not and I can not find an active Listing for that parcel of land...
Because it's the truth and the truth always wins out in the end!

Yes, you are right of course! I guess at the time of the verdict I was so emotionally overwhelmed by the - wow - everything about the case that I couldn't separate my own pain from everything and everyone else.

Now that it has solidified and settled if that makes sense - I'm getting some clarity about looking at issues from other points of view and there is no doubt that this one makes no sense to me at all. What kind of a way is this to acknowledge how little Caylee's life was thrown away by her mother and the Anthony family?

Easy answer - it's not. I can think of no reason whatsoever to donate to either the Anthony's foundation or the BKH either. In fact BKH attached to Caylee is just laughable it's so ridiculous! :furious:
In my opinion Caylee was murdered by her mother (never ever missing). Then her mother bags her up and throws (not gently places) her little body in the trash strewn swamp.
In my opinion it is a 'Hey look at us, we're the best grandparents who have ever walk this earth' when in reality by CA's own words Caylee was just a shell.
No one who cared about Caylee (we here at WS just to name one such group) needs a memorial to remind us daily that Caylee was murdered by her mother. I for one think of her every day. To me it's just another slap in the face to Caylee and a attention getter for the Anthony's because they want cash nothing more.
I'm sitting here this morning a bit muddle headed on my second cup of coffee which hasn't yet kicked in and wondering about the whole thrust of the Caylee Anthony Foundation and this memorial really is.

Those of us who are here and I think it's fair to say - thousands or millions out there believe Caylee was murdered by her mother and tossed away like so much garbage.

But if the Anthony's and the BKH org are following the "official" case - then Caylee wasn't a missing child at all. She was a child who died by accident and shamefully her mother lacked the courage to acknowledge this accident and digustingly dumped her body in a swamp instead of holding a decent burial for her child. So this is what they want public acknowledgement for? What???

So it is this act the Anthony's and BKH are memorializing? Seriously? I understand and you understand the concept of a memorial brick or some kind of discreet gesture to honour Caylee.

I'm not sure why the bizarreness of the Anthony's and BKH concept of a memorial for Caylee struck me this morning.... :banghead::banghead:

Just follow the money....

for those here that know - who has the pending offer in. It's listed around 88K, how would a charity that admits to only raising a few thousand come up with 88K?
Just follow the money....

for those here that know - who has the pending offer in. It's listed around 88K, how would a charity that admits to only raising a few thousand come up with 88K?

BKH claims they are depending on corporate support to help them. IMO the HOA will fight the memorial for zoning reasons.

I just find it hard to imagine that the A's could stand there directly in front of where Caylee's remains were found and smile and pose for pictures. This poor child was torn apart by animals, shell or not, the thought is disturbing at the very least. To see the A's stand there with a child who would be about Caylee's age now smiling and posing for pictures brings them to an all time low point in their life as far as I'm concerned. I see nothing to celebrate.

I think we hear nothing from their attorney because he may feel the same. jmo
BKH claims they are depending on corporate support to help them. IMO the HOA will fight the memorial for zoning reasons.

I just find it hard to imagine that the A's could stand there directly in front of where Caylee's remains were found and smile and pose for pictures. This poor child was torn apart by animals, shell or not, the thought is disturbing at the very least. To see the A's stand there with a child who would be about Caylee's age now smiling and posing for pictures brings them to an all time low point in their life as far as I'm concerned. I see nothing to celebrate.

I think we hear nothing from their attorney because he may feel the same. jmo

I'm wondering if he just took his money and ran before whatever they have rubbed off on him...
My first thought would be the A's with their windfall from Dr Phil.
On second thought, they don't give money away, they just take it!

I would be very curious to know who would actually sign a sales contract for this land. Would it be required to disclose that the site was where Caylee Maree was found? If this sale is pending upon financing, forget it. The banks aren't lending money, especially for raw swamp land.

If the sale doesn't go through, would the owner be entitled to any binder or down payment that was given?
If the sale doesn't go through, would the owner be entitled to any binder or down payment that was given?

It would depend on the reason the sale didn't close and how this was addressed in the contract. Example, IF the contract specified that the land had to be approved for re-zoning and Orange County turned it down, then the buyer could back out and would get his money back. But only if there is such wording. Or, it could be the sale is dependent on financing...or anything else a buyer & seller might agree on. But who knows what contingencies were written in the contract...and there's no way to find that out, it's between buyer and seller.

I'm assuming BKH will go through with the sale and I'm only assuming that from statements and postings they've made indicating (as I interpreted them) that if neighbors don't want the memorial they'll put something else there. Perhaps they're stuck with going through with the closing, I dunno. They keep changing their website and postings constantly.
It would depend on the reason the sale didn't close and how this was addressed in the contract. Example, IF the contract specified that the land had to be approved for re-zoning and Orange County turned it down, then the buyer could back out and would get his money back. But only if there is such wording. Or, it could be the sale is dependent on financing...or anything else a buyer & seller might agree on. But who knows what contingencies were written in the contract...and there's no way to find that out, it's between buyer and seller.

I'm assuming BKH will go through with the sale and I'm only assuming that from statements and postings they've made indicating (as I interpreted them) that if neighbors don't want the memorial they'll put something else there. Perhaps they're stuck with going through with the closing, I dunno. They keep changing their website and postings constantly.

What is very odd to me is that they would put "something else there". What would they put there? Just strange!
What is very odd to me is that they would put "something else there". What would they put there? Just strange!

Maybe they just don't want to let go of that piece of land in case someone else comes up with something for a memorial for Caylee - to them it's some weird kind of a cash cow....
What is very odd to me is that they would put "something else there". What would they put there? Just strange!

Yeah, I've been wracking my brain...the land is zoned Residential, so what would they put there? They did mention perhaps putting a playground across the street on the website along with parking. And stated they were hoping to purchase that land across the street for that purpose (that parcel is also owned by Mr. Hendricks). So...what else could they put there? Heck, even a playground would require rezoning.
Maybe they just don't want to let go of that piece of land in case someone else comes up with something for a memorial for Caylee - to them it's some weird kind of a cash cow....

I agree.
IMO...This guy and his charity's continued "interest" in this parcel of land is...well...curious, cash cow? possibly...

I see it is under contract ...but I still can't find it listed anywhere such as on, I wonder if the listing agent removed the listing prior to the sale agreement being finalized.

I searched the county records and the same individual from Winter Park FL has owned this parcel for many years, since 2006 at least.

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