Hailey Dunn General Discussion #2

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Shawn and Billie both were in to some sick stuff very twisted torture methods of rape on people and animals. There is a video of him (I think they took it down from the Internet) but he has just butchered a dead deer and in the video says he enjoyed it. and if I didn't get confused, I think on a computer they found someone had done a google search on how to get rid of a body, or how to dispose of a body? so that is really odd stuff. I think they had what I refer to as " A deadly obsession" of each other. Her actions are suspicious! I mean her polygraph examination ordeal is odd, for someone claiming not to know nothing at all. I think she knows he did something, and for him to tell investigators once that she could be found in scurry county, well that is where the lake is.

Oh I agree with most of what your saying ;)

Billie said recently that he did a search on decomposing bodies the day Hailey went missing. She also said some other incriminating things but my main question would be if what she is saying is true why wait for over two years to say these things? why only say them when Shawn has said negative things about her first?
My main concern is that there will just not be enough evidence to find out what actually happened, and to convict the person who did this to Hailey.
Her remains were not found for 2 years, that is a long time that she was out in the elements, they may not even be able to determine COD. Most types of physical evidence that may have been there (DNA, fibers, etc.) would have been washed away or degraded. Unless there was something WITH the remains that would directly point to the perpetrator. I am hoping this is the case.
I think if this case had been treated differently from the start it would never have gotten to this point. When I was reading the old threads the main concern at first is that Hailey was being looked at as a runaway by LE. It wasn't until about January 2nd or 3rd (from my recollection) that they brought in some other agencies and started REALLY investigating. That's a lot of time for evidence to be hidden or destroyed.
I hope investigators have a lot of stuff they are keeping to themselves, and are just getting their ducks in a row for an arrest. But I really fear that is not the case. :(
Oh I agree with most of what your saying ;)

Billie said recently that he did a search on decomposing bodies the day Hailey went missing. She also said some other incriminating things but my main question would be if what she is saying is true why wait for over two years to say these things? why only say them when Shawn has said negative things about her first?

answering her motives would be like figuring out a chemical Equation, im sure that a guilty mind eventually wants to diminish the actions of onto someone else. I just wonder if the person that found the remains knew either one of them and decided to look around in that area based on things that SA had previously stated about scurry county? maybe he knew SA knew that area very well? I think another body had been found there once before but was a male? Why would anyone do a internet search on how to dispose of a body, or information on decomposition of a body, unless you needed that information for anyone particular reason? I do hundreds of searches for all sorts of things over the internet, and not once have I ever had a reason to do such a search on the subject matter other then the fact I have on pathology sights for my college assignments. His actions point a finger of guilt on him, or at the very least a finger of suspicion. The attack either took place on hailey sometime sunday night or he somehow got her to go with him very early monday morning and drove to the lake area and assulted her there? but I don't think she ever left the house by herself. It wouldn't surprise me that BD could have had knowledge of all this in the first place, we hear about sick stuff along these lines all the time about some women doing anything to please their boyfriends in a sexual nature, if both were into all sorts of sick *advertiser censored* and all that other stuff, she could have allowed him to live out that motive on hailey, I think if that is the case, hailey may have threatend to tell and things got violent, she most likely was strangled or suffocated, I think Law enforcement should have used a chemiluminescence spray to locate any possible blood that may have been cleaned up, at very least they should have used a " woods lamp " which is a lamp used to cause semen to fluoresce on articles of clothing or bedding. bottom line is; SD made some incriminating comments within the first day of her being missing, usually but not always someone isn't actually considered missing until 24 hours goes by, at least in the terms of a missing person status, didn't he say she was missing much much earlier? how and why would he know that? to be honest, im still getting my feet wet on this case so there are things I may or may not know clearly. I need to get a lot of catching up done. the affidavits I have seen speak volumes!! the very first statements are important because if questioned again if there is a change in answers then Law Enforcement become suspicious.
My main concern is that there will just not be enough evidence to find out what actually happened, and to convict the person who did this to Hailey.
Her remains were not found for 2 years, that is a long time that she was out in the elements, they may not even be able to determine COD. Most types of physical evidence that may have been there (DNA, fibers, etc.) would have been washed away or degraded. Unless there was something WITH the remains that would directly point to the perpetrator. I am hoping this is the case.
I think if this case had been treated differently from the start it would never have gotten to this point. When I was reading the old threads the main concern at first is that Hailey was being looked at as a runaway by LE. It wasn't until about January 2nd or 3rd (from my recollection) that they brought in some other agencies and started REALLY investigating. That's a lot of time for evidence to be hidden or destroyed.
I hope investigators have a lot of stuff they are keeping to themselves, and are just getting their ducks in a row for an arrest. But I really fear that is not the case. :([/QUOTE

how many missing kid cases aren't considered runaways in the first hours? basically all of them are looked at as runaways at first, that has to change, because the first 48 hours if critical in any investigation. I don't remember is they ever mentioned that clothing was or wasn't found with the remains? fibers can possible remain in tack if they are the type to cling such as car carpets. if you were an investigator, wouldn't you find it suspicious that his cell phone pinged towers in a remote area mile and miles away from her home not only in a remote area, but in the same general area her remains were found 2 years later. that is way to much of a coincidence for me to over look, it doesn't prove guilt, but it proves he was out in that area at the time she was missing, his cell phone didn't just start pinging random towers, they don't work like that, they serve a certain area until you travel beyond that service area then another tower picks it up. I think law enforcement knows stuff they aren't releasing so they don't compromise the investigation. in their eyes, I believe they know SA isn't only a person of interest but the main suspect now. So where is SA today? that is the question, has he skipped town?
From what I have seen most of the locals are pretty fixed on what they think happened. I honestly think though some people even if they saw evidence that Billie had lied would still believe her over the truth.

They did. They do.
My main concern is that there will just not be enough evidence to find out what actually happened, and to convict the person who did this to Hailey.
Her remains were not found for 2 years, that is a long time that she was out in the elements, they may not even be able to determine COD. Most types of physical evidence that may have been there (DNA, fibers, etc.) would have been washed away or degraded. Unless there was something WITH the remains that would directly point to the perpetrator. I am hoping this is the case.
I think if this case had been treated differently from the start it would never have gotten to this point. When I was reading the old threads the main concern at first is that Hailey was being looked at as a runaway by LE. It wasn't until about January 2nd or 3rd (from my recollection) that they brought in some other agencies and started REALLY investigating. That's a lot of time for evidence to be hidden or destroyed.
I hope investigators have a lot of stuff they are keeping to themselves, and are just getting their ducks in a row for an arrest. But I really fear that is not the case. :([/QUOTE

how many missing kid cases aren't considered runaways in the first hours? basically all of them are looked at as runaways at first, that has to change, because the first 48 hours if critical in any investigation. I don't remember is they ever mentioned that clothing was or wasn't found with the remains? fibers can possible remain in tack if they are the type to cling such as car carpets. if you were an investigator, wouldn't you find it suspicious that his cell phone pinged towers in a remote area mile and miles away from her home not only in a remote area, but in the same general area her remains were found 2 years later. that is way to much of a coincidence for me to over look, it doesn't prove guilt, but it proves he was out in that area at the time she was missing, his cell phone didn't just start pinging random towers, they don't work like that, they serve a certain area until you travel beyond that service area then another tower picks it up. I think law enforcement knows stuff they aren't releasing so they don't compromise the investigation. in their eyes, I believe they know SA isn't only a person of interest but the main suspect now. So where is SA today? that is the question, has he skipped town?

But that is my main concern, that ALL they have is phone pings. You can't convict on pings. People are prosecuted on circumstantial evidence all the time, but it has to be a whole collection of circumstantial beyond a reasonable doubt. Shawn acting odd and creepy in combination with the pings are just not enough. I hope they have more than that.
My main concern is that there will just not be enough evidence to find out what actually happened, and to convict the person who did this to Hailey.
Her remains were not found for 2 years, that is a long time that she was out in the elements, they may not even be able to determine COD. Most types of physical evidence that may have been there (DNA, fibers, etc.) would have been washed away or degraded. Unless there was something WITH the remains that would directly point to the perpetrator. I am hoping this is the case.
I think if this case had been treated differently from the start it would never have gotten to this point. When I was reading the old threads the main concern at first is that Hailey was being looked at as a runaway by LE. It wasn't until about January 2nd or 3rd (from my recollection) that they brought in some other agencies and started REALLY investigating. That's a lot of time for evidence to be hidden or destroyed.
I hope investigators have a lot of stuff they are keeping to themselves, and are just getting their ducks in a row for an arrest. But I really fear that is not the case. :([/QUOTE

how many missing kid cases aren't considered runaways in the first hours? basically all of them are looked at as runaways at first, that has to change, because the first 48 hours if critical in any investigation. I don't remember is they ever mentioned that clothing was or wasn't found with the remains? fibers can possible remain in tack if they are the type to cling such as car carpets. if you were an investigator, wouldn't you find it suspicious that his cell phone pinged towers in a remote area mile and miles away from her home not only in a remote area, but in the same general area her remains were found 2 years later. that is way to much of a coincidence for me to over look, it doesn't prove guilt, but it proves he was out in that area at the time she was missing, his cell phone didn't just start pinging random towers, they don't work like that, they serve a certain area until you travel beyond that service area then another tower picks it up. I think law enforcement knows stuff they aren't releasing so they don't compromise the investigation. in their eyes, I believe they know SA isn't only a person of interest but the main suspect now. So where is SA today? that is the question, has he skipped town?

part of an article she had been wearing was found nearby. I don't know how much of it though
What surveillance cameras are on what businesses in C City and did any of them see vehicles late in the night that can be attributed to ANYONE in the house Sunday night? More than two people failed polys
But that is my main concern, that ALL they have is phone pings. You can't convict on pings. People are prosecuted on circumstantial evidence all the time, but it has to be a whole collection of circumstantial beyond a reasonable doubt. Shawn acting odd and creepy in combination with the pings are just not enough. I hope they have more than that.

Some things out there are only rumors or things that I don't personally know myself for a fact which is why I am not posting it here but from whats being said I believe they have more than phone pings. I also believe they have enough evidence to know cause of death.
What surveillance cameras are on what businesses in C City and did any of them see vehicles late in the night that can be attributed to ANYONE in the house Sunday night? More than two people failed polys

Something else to be taken into consideration maybe is what did any neighbours see or hear between Sunday and Monday night.
But that is my main concern, that ALL they have is phone pings. You can't convict on pings. People are prosecuted on circumstantial evidence all the time, but it has to be a whole collection of circumstantial beyond a reasonable doubt. Shawn acting odd and creepy in combination with the pings are just not enough. I hope they have more than that.

LE vacuumed and collected evidence from the car. Maybe there is something unique about the soil from the area around Lake JB Johnson.

We just don't know what kind of evidence LE has. IMO, the FBI is playing this close to the vest because they want to build a solid case. It hasn't even been three months since her remains were found, forensics take time. At least that is what I keep telling myself ...
YOu know what Tugela, if the police would release this information to the locals, I am pretty sure we would change our minds as to what happened to Hailey. IF there are other texts, IF there are reports of activity on the gaming system- yes, that would change our minds- but guess what- the police haven't released this information probably because there is no activity to release. So as of now, I have my suspects now we just need a trial. Oh, and one other thing, I have noticed it takes about 4 years to get to trial in cases like this, so it looks like we have another year Dec. 2014- we should get justice for Hailey!

Police do not do investigations to provide information to the public, they do investigations for the state to gather evidence for charges and a trial.

They very rarely release that sort of information, and a professional police force will never release it.
im not sure that any DNA material would be useful if it was exposed to the elements over a two year period bacteria from soil and water will destroy it, Personally I think she was taken to the lake very late on sunday night left there and then he went back monday to better hide her body? jmho

Since all they recovered was a few bones I doubt there will be much of forensic value in that respect.

All they would really be able to tell from the scene would be that she was dead. If there was major trauma (gunshots, blade wounds, blunt trauma, things like that) they might be able to see from marks/damage to the bones, but that is pretty much about it.
LE did not go to court to get a restraining order. BD said she was getting one, but I doubt she actually did it. Probably just bluster her part.

More rumours based on gossip that has been distorted through the retelling?

I think sometimes it helps to get the facts in a case. Billie claimed that the reason Shawn was in the house the day LE searched it was because she had told him to leave and he wouldn't. Within a day or so she gave a news conference. That day she claimed she had obtained a court order. The order she claimed she obtained wasn't in fact the one she did get. She moved shortly afterwards. That is not rumor. You might not like what I post but I can assure you that theres a lot more I could post but don't as I am not sure about it being true or not and therefore if I don't believe it I don't post it.

By the way had she told the media she had the order and it wasn't true it wouldn't have been a bluster. It would be yet another flat out lie.
Hoping for news of an arrest. Back into lurkmode.
LE did not go to court to get a restraining order. BD said she was getting one, but I doubt she actually did it. Probably just bluster her part.

More rumours based on gossip that has been distorted through the retelling?

Yep, a rumor ...

The mother of missing Colorado City teen Hailey Dunn said she filed a no trespassing order against her boyfriend, Shawn Adkins.

Billie Dunn said investigators found disturbing messages about her in Adkins' cell phone Thursday. She didn't wish to go into detail, but described the content as "threatening."

Dunn said Adkins can't come on her property for a year under the order she filed Friday.

"He made threats against me. I don't think he sent them anywhere. They were just on the memo pad...I got scared and I didn't want him to be able to come over here at all anymore," she said.

Dunn was arrested Thursday after police came to her house looking for Adkins, and she lied and said he wasn't there.

Officials took Dunn into custody and questioned her. She was released Friday on a $6,500 bond.

"They're suspicious Shawn keeps trying so desperately to get back with me because they think I know something, I'm hiding something for him," she said.

Dunn said she has no plans to see or speak to Adkins again.

"Even if by some miracle Hailey walked through the door and he had nothing to do with that, there's too many problems between us now," she said.

Dunn said Adkins hasn't tried to contact her since she filed the order.

I finally removed all of the Hailey Dunn FB pages that I have been following. I can't stand all the hate coming from both sides. Neither side seem to care at all about Hailey. Just being hateful to each other. No news on any of them anymore anyway. I will no longer be posting here either because I see it heading the same way. If any new NEWS links are posted, I will post them here, but will not be posting otherwise. Everyone has seemed to forgot that this is not about pointing fingers at this person or that person. It's about Justice for a little girl who laid dead in a field for over 2 years. EVERYTHING at this point is pure speculation and not helping Hailey at all. I have my OPINIONS but that is all they are and will be keeping them to myself from now on. Nice to meet everyone here.
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