IL IL - Molly Young, 21, Carbondale, 24 March 2012

Personally, I think it was shut down by Carbondale pd either heavy-handedly or once they realized that the entire crime scene was facked up by

1. Letting everybody and their mother (literally) tromp all over the scene before calling Illinois State Police to take over the investigation

2.not giving the coroner access to the body for over seven hours

3. Allowing RM to change clothing and wash his hands before being brought down to the station

And remember, none of this was even put into motion before RM called 911 after 9am, which I am understanding was at least 3 hours after approximate time of death--who knows what he did during this time.

Then there is RM's father who is some kind of computer/forensic IT expert for the PD--some have speculated that he either 1)has something on someone and is using it to shut the investigation down or 2) has the ability to plant something on someone to cause them to shut the investigation down. Not that he would do that, just that he can.

RM's mother also works for PD--Franklin I think.

Interesting to me that RM has shut down his Facebook. Last post said he was leaving town to pursue his "dream job in the city." The timing is curious, right after Molly's death ruling was changed from suicide to undetermined. JMO

I think Molly's dad Larry is doing everything he can, moving slow and methodical and leaving no stone unturned, playing his cards close to the vest. Someone on the FB page asked him why doesn't he just call FBI and he said he wants to cover all reasonable bases first. Paraphrased. But I don't think he will stop until justice is served. He seems more like a marathoner than a sprinter.
This is awful. This is the first time I've heard this very sad story.

Hinky meter is off the charts and with just a very simple search and reading some posts online it becomes even more so.

Something stinks to high heaven in Central Illinois.

I'm off to read more, but there is something very wrong here, something I think we've seen before. :(
Ooh I hate to see this on the second page. :(

The Justice for Molly Facebook page says this case will be on HLN tonight. I'm not a tv watcher so I don't know the times. Please watch if you can.
This is awful, this imo is such an abuse of the good old boy system that I have seen in a long time, he addresses the 911 operator by name, he obviously has a personal relationship with her, with LE, OMG

This case is picking up momentum. The family's Justice for Molly facebook page has over 22,000 members. There is a video in the report where people in the apartment complex say a Carbondale police officer was knocking on doors asking residents what they heard that morning. Residents say officer was there shortly after 7. Molly's ex-boyfriend (a dispatcher for Carbondale pd at the time) did not call 911 until after 9am, but he was a no show for work that morning, shift at 7, and typically they would send a squad to check on an employee who didn't call in.

Coroner'r report states time of death to be appx 4:45-5:45 am.

I wish I could get more good sleuthers here to pick up on this case. Watching this family fight for justice is really inspiring.
God, seriously?

I can try to nudge some folks this way. I'll change my sig tomorrow.
Interesting tidbit that's almost a throw-away line in the article:

"Minton was also working at the time as a police dispatcher."

Minton is the boyfriend.

Two things come to mind:

1) Maybe that was why he was used to sounding calm when speaking with LE in a crisis?


2) Maybe the case was swept under the rug because of his involvement in LE.

Bringing forward my first post when I read about this.
Thank you for showing interest, AE! Molly's family needs all the help they can get getting the word out and getting a complete and thorough investigation!

FWIW, Carbondale Police Cheif Jody O'Guinn is involved in another highly publicized "incident" where his personal handgun was stolen from his vehicle at his residence.

O'Guinn waited a week before reporting his gun stolen, and then sometime later the numbers on the report were somehow changed and the report was mistakenly lost in Animal Control reports.

Gun was late used in the murder of 20 year-old Deaunta Spencer.

I am so confused over this timeline.
"5:45 am Richie’s roommate Wesley Romack arrives home, sees Molly’s purse and shoes; looks in Richie’s room and sees Richie in bed.
5:47 am Romack texts Molly “He’s asleep now, I just got home.”"

Why would he text her, if her saw her stuff there?

There are so many things about this case that make no sense, and that is just one of them. Also, how boyfriend states her gave her cpr before 911 was called, yet he stated she was "bleeding out through the nose"--and yet no evidence of blood on his face or mouth from transfer.

Carbondale police arrived first, and by the time Illinois State Police arrived to take over because boyfriend works for Carbondale, boyfriend had both his parents and a lawyer in his apartment. They refused the coroner access to the body at this time, took seven hours for ISP to get a search warrant.

Illinois State's attorney refuses to interview other residents of the apartment building. Refuses to turn over the case to a special prosecuter even though his ties to the boyfriend's family go very deep.

It is heartbreaking and inspiring to watch Molly's family fight for a thorough and impartial investigation of her death. They are in the fight of their lives, and they are not backing down any time soon.

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