IL - Olamide Adeyooye, 21, Normal, 13 Oct 2005

"There are TONS of rumors flying around school.. that she found dead behind one of the dorms, that her body was buried on the quad among construction sites, and plenty of other things.. but as far as we can tell from official sources, NONE of this is confirmed. One news sources quoted a police officer saying that "friends and family" are among suspects of those who may be involved. Scary."

I am following this on the forum of a website that I work for, this lady goes to school with Olamide.
Hearing her say that, the first thing in my head is that Ashley has been silenced and the interviews canceled. Remeber, the friends broke in to the apartment on Saturday, without police assistance, when she did not show up at work on Friday night.
Cops hope media will prompt leads for missing student


The search for a missing 21-year-old Illinois State University student is attracting national media attention that could yield new leads in the the weeklong disappearance, authorities said.

Police have fielded a flood of calls, including from ABC's Good Morning America and MSNBC, about their search for Olamide Adeyooye, a missing senior from Berkeley in suburban Chicago.

"It is helpful because we don't know the whereabouts of the car, we don't know the whereabouts of the individual," police Lt. Mark Kotte said Thursday. "It could be very far away, so getting the word out is a great thing."

"We suspect criminal activity, we just don't know what we have. There are all sorts of options, but you don't want to have tunnel vision," Kotte said.

Foot, canine and air searches continued Thursday for Adeyooye, who was to graduate in December with a degree in criminal laboratory sciences. The FBI and Illinois State Police were aiding the investigation.

Friends say Adeyooye showed no signs of problems recently and planned to return to the Chicago area and work at a hospital lab after graduation.

Kotte said police were seeking interviews with six to eight "persons of interest," including friends and people who may have seen Adeyooye before she disappeared. Friends have sent out messages on websites and blogs, such as the Missing & Abducted Blog, seeking help finding her.
  • Search going on throughout State.
  • Still determining what kind of crime occurred. (Home invasion, etc)
  • Personal property that was found were documents with her name on them outside of a dumpster near her apartment.
  • Not sure if Olamide knew the persons involved in the crime.
  • Have not found car.
Missing Student's Father Pleads For Her Return

The father of a missing Illinois State University student pleaded Friday for the safe return of his 21-year-old daughter, whose disappearance more than a week ago has sparked a nationwide search.

"Wherever she is, whoever might be in control of her, please for God's sake release her," Adiodun Adeyooye said after police briefed the media on a criminal investigation in the case.

Adeyooye said fasting and prayer have carried him through days of worry about his daughter, Olamide Adeyooye, an ISU senior from Berkeley in suburban Chicago last seen Oct. 13 after renting a movie at a Normal video store.

"I know with God, all things are possible. ... As each day goes by that I don't see her, my heart breaks," said Adeyooye, who now lives in Maryland and is staying in Normal to help with the search.

Normal police Lt. Mark Kotte said an investigation aided by the FBI and Illinois State Police is "moving along," but that authorities have yet to find the missing ISU senior or her car, a green 1996 Toyota Corolla.

Adeyooye, who is to graduate from the 20,000-student college in December, was reported missing last Saturday after she failed to show up for classes and her weekend job as a waitress. The disappearance was labeled a missing-person case until Wednesday, when police launched a criminal investigation after finding personal items belonging to Adeyooye near her off-campus apartment.

Police had declined to elaborate on what was found, but Kotte said Friday that documents with Adeyooye's name on them were found in a bag near a trash bin several blocks from her apartment.

Kotte would not say how many documents or what they contained, but combined with evidence found at her apartment and interviews, he said they led police to suspect wrongdoing.

"We're convinced some sort of criminal activity occurred. What it is and who's involved, that's why it's still so open for us right now," Kotte said.

Police also have identified six to eight "persons of interest" and have already interviewed some of them, Kotte said. None are now considered suspects, he said.

Kotte said nearly 40 police and other authorities are involved in the search, which includes ongoing foot and canine searches centered around Bloomington-Normal and aerial searches of the entire state. Descriptions of Adeyooye and her car also have been distributed to police across the country, he said.

Adeyooye's family and friends also are searching, posting fliers and sending out messages through Web sites and blogs seeking help finding her. Up to 30 family and friends from Chicago and other cities have traveled to Bloomington-Normal to help, her father said.

"They cheer our hearts up," he said.
Wow, well with that information now, that the "personal effects" were papers with her name on them.. it almost sounds like she did talk to someone online who came after her. AFter all, papers with her name on them, and her friends are no longer considered suspects? .. and Ashley has been shushed from posting personal bios and such online? If I were an internet predator, I don't know necessarily if I would bring papers with name of the person I am stalking on it, or dispose of them near her home, but you never know these days. But that sounds about right to me..
From Today:

E-mail No. 1

Please help me to understand why a story about Jennifer Anniston kissing Vince Vaughn would be more important than your covering a missing African-American college student from Illinois who has been missing for a week. I am sending this to several different e-mail addresses, in hopes that someone will listen. I've seen coverage of this story on only 1 of the major networks (MSBC), which consisted of a short phone call from someone here in Normal. At least they did provide some sort of coverage. None of the other major news networks have picked up this story, yet when Caucasian students are missing (Natalee Holloway (search), Taylor Behl, etc.) there is no lack of coverage.
You advertise yourselves as the fair and balanced network; however I don’t see anything fair or balanced about your lack of coverage of this story...

ANSWER: I don't know about the Jennifer Anniston/Vince Vaughn reference (it was not on our show), but I do know something about the missing student. On Tuesday night we planned to do a segment on this disappearance. We had booked a guest on this early in the afternoon on Tuesday. One of my producers spent a considerable amount of time developing this segment for us. I forgot which segment we had planned to do this story in on Tuesday, but during a show break, and before the scheduled segment, I was told the guest cancelled on us. This was a surprise... coming in the middle of the show! Of course this left us in a bit of a bind since this was happening mid-show.

What happened is that the guest called our control room while we were already well into our show and said that she had received a call from the family who said the disappearance is a "private matter" and that they did not want anyone to discuss the disappearance. Hence the guest said she would not be joining us. We were suddenly in a bit of a bind. If you paid careful attention to Tuesday's show from our New York Bureau, you will recall that I had said goodbye to Dr. Baden and then he showed up again later in the show. Why? Because mid-show, after the scheduled guest cancelled, we needed a guest and we suddenly asked Dr. Baden, who was leaving the set, to stay and discuss another case. He did. I guess the transition, which seemed awkward to me at the time, went pretty well since no one wrote me about it.
Police Continue Search for Missing Student

Normal Lt. Mark Kotte said more than 40 town, county, state and federal investigators are involved in the search, and Illinois State Police airplanes and troopers on foot have been searching rural and wooded areas across the state. Information on her case has been distributed nationwide, he said. Kotte said the "personal items" investigators found Wednesday were documents containing Adeyooye's name, and people in a search effort found the documents beside a trash bin in a parking lot several blocks from her house. He declined to say what type of documents or bag were found, but said search dogs tracked a scent from the trash bin to a landfill on Bloomington's west side.

Kotte said "kids" not involved with the case had been searching for valuables and threw the documents out of the trash bin.
Police and rescuers continued searching the area and across the state Friday in hopes of finding an Illinois State University student missing more than a week, police said.

Kotte said the "personal items" investigators found Wednesday were documents containing Adeyooye's name, and people in a search effort found the documents beside a trash bin in a parking lot several blocks from her house. He declined to say what type of documents or bag were found, but said search dogs tracked a scent from the trash bin to a landfill on Bloomington's west side.

Kotte said "kids" not involved with the case had been searching for valuables and threw the documents out of the trash bin.

Police were still looking at six or eight "persons of interest" in the disappearance, Kotte said, but have no suspects. Kotte said investigators still hope to find Adeyooye unharmed.

Personal items found earlier this week near a trash dumpster not far from the apartment of missing Illinois State University student Olamide Adeyooye led police to search a landfill in Bloomington, police said Friday.

Police Lt. Mark Kotte said the items were documents with her name, but declined to be more specific. No evidence was found at the dump, he said.,1,6054319.story?coll=chi-newslocal-hed
Not sure if this has any relevance at all to this case, but I heard today on the radio (no news articles yet that I can find) that a passenger plane has gone missing off the radar, 3 minutes after taking off from Lagos, Nigeria. It has 108 passengers, and 6 crew members on board. This is the place that Olamide was born, which is why it peaked my interest. As of now, they have no idea what has happened to the plane.
Likely not relevant at all, but worth posting.
WackyLadyCaet said:
Not sure if this has any relevance at all to this case, but I heard today on the radio (no news articles yet that I can find) that a passenger plane has gone missing off the radar, 3 minutes after taking off from Lagos, Nigeria. It has 108 passengers, and 6 crew members on board. This is the place that Olamide was born, which is why it peaked my interest. As of now, they have no idea what has happened to the plane.
Likely not relevant at all, but worth posting.
Volunteers Help in Search for Missing ISU Student

"We're continuing with aerial and ground searches," Normal Lt. Mark Kotte said. "We're working straight through the weekend." Kotte said no suspects have been named, although the agency is interviewing several "persons of interest."

He estimated about 40 town, county, state and federal investigators are involved in the search, and that airplanes across the state are looking in rural areas.

About two dozen family members and friends gathered at Normal Police Department on Saturday morning to coordinate the day's search efforts.

The group was planning on searching the area around Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, and residential areas between Washington and West Market streets, Michael Troha of Hillside said.
PrayersForMaura said:
Police investigate disappearance of ISU student
Published October 18, 2005

Police in Downstate Normal said Monday that they do not yet suspect foul play in last week's disappearance of a 21-year-old Illinois State University student from west suburban Berkeley, but her close friends fear otherwise.

Olamide Adeyooye--"Ola" to her friends--is a good student completing her studies for a degree in laboratory sciences. Until this weekend, she reliably showed up for her shifts at a Ruby Tuesday restaurant, her friends said.

The last time anyone spoke with Adeyooye was Thursday night when she chatted on her cell phone with a friend and with her boyfriend, who was out of state, friends said.

When her cell phone was found in her Market Street apartment, it had 65 missed calls. The last connected call was made at 9:30 p.m. Thursday, friends said.


The police don't suspect foul anyone surprised? She's been gone how long......missed 65 phone calls on her cell...hasn't contacted anyone...didn't show up at her job....must not have made it to college either...NO FOUL PLAY SUSPECTED though. All I can do is just shake my head.
At times LE do nothing but disgust me. It's like they don't want to put out the extra effort.
amandab said:
I wonder why they'd do that? If she were my daughter, I'd want as much attention drawn to her as possible.

That is what I was wondering. Was the friend or the parents supposed to appear on Fox? Why would the parents cancel the media attention? If the friends was supposed to appear on Fox the parents could have easily taken her place. What is up with that? Most parents would do anything to get the media attention. I don't get it. Cops must have had something to do with that. That is just really strange. The friend is to be commended in my book for getting this girl's picture, name and info out there right away. In my book anyway. She is really worried about this girl.
fourboys said:

I feel bad for the girls...friends....that were told to step aside. It would have been great to get this gal on Greta. How can the gal's parents even compare a local station to Fox? If anyone would know this gal's last movements it would be her friends. Personally, I would have been grateful to the girls for stepping up and getting info out there.

And the cops finally suspect something may be going on!!!! They are checking out the neighborhood within a 3 block area. Lord forbid they get to far out there....and only a week or more late. Isn't it the cops themselves that say the first 48 hours are the most important when it comes to finding a missing person? I'm being sarcastic but my gosh...weren't all the indicators there from day one? It just irks me.
fourboys said:
Cops hope media will prompt leads for missing student


The search for a missing 21-year-old Illinois State University student is attracting national media attention that could yield new leads in the the weeklong disappearance, authorities said.

Police have fielded a flood of calls, including from ABC's Good Morning America and MSNBC, about their search for Olamide Adeyooye, a missing senior from Berkeley in suburban Chicago.

"It is helpful because we don't know the whereabouts of the car, we don't know the whereabouts of the individual," police Lt. Mark Kotte said Thursday. "It could be very far away, so getting the word out is a great thing."

"We suspect criminal activity, we just don't know what we have. There are all sorts of options, but you don't want to have tunnel vision," Kotte said.

Foot, canine and air searches continued Thursday for Adeyooye, who was to graduate in December with a degree in criminal laboratory sciences. The FBI and Illinois State Police were aiding the investigation.

Friends say Adeyooye showed no signs of problems recently and planned to return to the Chicago area and work at a hospital lab after graduation.

Kotte said police were seeking interviews with six to eight "persons of interest," including friends and people who may have seen Adeyooye before she disappeared. Friends have sent out messages on websites and blogs, such as the Missing & Abducted Blog, seeking help finding her.

Now LE want the media involved....if they had wanted that from the beginning there is a chance the car might have been spotted by now. It's crazy to focus the whole attention... in the one town when in reality this gal and her car could be out of the state by now. To bad her picture didn't get out on the airwaves right at the beginning. I guess it was a case of LE and family wanting to make all of the moves which stopped Fox news and any chance of anyone outside of the gal's own city knowing anything about her disappearance.
I agree with the people that said LE always gets goofy tips and they get good tips when a missing person is put out on the airwaves. When my daughter's killer was on the run LE got a tip that he was seen on "Jay Leno!"
Well he wasn't but LE can usually figure what tips are worth checking out and what ones are goofy.

In my opinion the faster a missing person's picture and info hits the airwaves the more chance there is to find them. It only makes sense. What did it take...a week for LE to find papers with this gal's name on them in the bushes in a park? I will never believe it is better for LE to wait a week or two before they decide they suspect foul play when someone who is a responsible person goes missing. When dinner is left already heated in the in the player w/the tv on, cell phone left behind, lights on, every indication that a person was going to be gone a few minutes, no show at work and school...that is pretty obvious that something isn't right to me. I think the girlfriends were just trying to be helpful and find their girlfriend....they are just kids and the gal's parents were far away.
Police Release New Details About Investigation

"We have found personal articles belonging to Olamide," Normal Police Lieutenant Mark Kotte said in a press conference Friday. "These articles were documents with her name on it."

Kotte described the evidence, which was found in a dumpster in the vicinity of Adeyooye's Market Street apartment, as a "bag of documents."
The new evidence, along with interviews with persons of interest known and unknown to Adeyooye, led the police to consider the case a criminal matter.

"We only have persons of interests," Kotte said .

"Rising above that is a much different step. There is a big difference between persons of interest and suspects," he said.

Kotte confirmed there are about six to eight people that are persons of interest and not all of them have been spoken to yet.

"We are convinced that some sort of criminal activity has occurred," he said. "[We don't know] what it is and who is involved, that is why it is still open for us right now."
jodierenee said:

her myspace picture. Such a pretty girl.

By the way, does anyone know why we can't post pictures on here, only links? It sure would be helpful. I can see her picture right now when I'm posting this, but once I submit it, it's only a link.

I can see her picture.
Prayers for Olamide and family.

Only wish family and LE pushed harder when she first was reported missing by friends. Wish we all had such good friends, they were on top of it from the beginning.

Why and how could someone "fake" her lj...i read the "fake" one when it was still up...seemes strange it did not mention her boyfriends music or band as her favorite.

My heart goes out to him...:(

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