IN - Aliahna Maroney Lemmon, 9, Fort Wayne, 23 Dec 2011 - #4

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When my dad died, I could not bear to look at his things at first, especially not photos of him. I kept away from all of that. It was like a punch in the gut to see his face in a photo.

But, nothing was removed. In fact, 3 years later, I have refused to allow my mom to paint his den, even though she has painted everything else in the house. My mom eventually did give away some of his clothes to the poor, but most if it, I insisted be kept. I organized all his papers, work stuff, his writings, the most mundane things. They are all labeled and boxed and I can't bear to get rid of even the unimportant stuff.

Now I look at his photos every day and talk to him, smile at him, tell him I love him.

Perhaps the mother can't bear it right now. I do understand that. However, to want to remove it all, well, many people do do that. (My mom wanted to burn down the house when my dad died). Still, it seems odd. But maybe everything reminding her of her daughter acts like a monstrously huge, accusing finger, pointing right at her, reminding her that she is the person who gave her child to the demon who murdered and dismembered her.

Can you imagine that feeling?

This was my thought as well, or one possibility I consider plausible at any rate. The same applies to the shrine that she theoretically removed. Everyone responds to death and horror in their own way, some of us even make jokes about it occassionally, I dont think it means much.

In my opinion there is more than enough here to cause a reasonable person to question this family and even their potential involvement in this crime without this stuff.
People deal with greif differently....I have no idea how I would act if this happened to my child-God forbid it ever does, but I will say this, I could not stay close to where it happened....I'm not judging the mother whatsoever....more of this story will come out, esp about MP....

However, what the grandma said really rubbed me the wrong way...i know i've said it time and time again, but i just can't shake it......

So, in my list of stuff we still have to figure out, not including the obvious questions of poor judgement:rolleyes::silenced:

1. Does MP have a former spouse, domestic partner, baby momma, children?

2. Is there any way to sleuth the names of the men allegedly "caught" for the abuse of Aliahna in IA in 2010? (I haven't found one)

3. Is it possible that the dismissed case involving MP as the defendant in November of 2010, and in the same county in IA where the Souders/Lemmon family lived, is in any way related to what happened to Aliahna?

4. If so, was it dismissed because her parents refused to press charges?

5. If not, is there any way to find out the specifics of a case that was dismissed?

6. I now have heard that the surviving children have, in fact, NOT been removed from the home. Is this confirmed? Or is it simply that the rumors of their REMOVAL were never confirmed?

7. Under the law, do the police have to name the parents as either co-conspirators or POI's in order to keep them from skipping town? Are they free to escape jurisdiction? (Although with a case this high profile, it would be hard to really hide this time.)

8. Since LE made a statement confirming that the two other girls had NOT been examined for signs of sexual abuse, can that set both the Sherrif's Dept. and CPS up for a negligence suit brought on the the parents? (oh the effing irony:furious:)

That's all I got for now that can be asked within TOS and the realm of possibility. TIA.

Thanks this is a good list!
So the family boxed up all of Ali's stuff to take to a storage facility? I guess the paralysis is over. Plus, I'd bet that is not all they are packing...probably gearing up for yet another move. JMO.

I find it a bit odd that all of her stuff was boxed up so quickly...especially, when the mom has all of these "health issues"

Been wondering if mom could have MS - don't they have flare-ups and sometimes take strong infusions of steroids to get back to their prior level of functioning? I knew a lady once who could walk sometimes really well, and others not at all.

Thinking back to the pic of mom with g-mom on the couch and mom has coat on just her arms - wonder if that was covering up an IV or something?

I'm a firm believer in people's privacy concerning their health, but in cases like this, it's hard not to be suspicious. It could be nothing - I think I'd need if not a wheelchair at least a very strong pair of arms to help support me at a devastating time like this. I think for suspicion to be diverted from mom though, it'd be in her best interest to explain - IMHOO

I hope they move out of that horrible place, but IMO, it's much too soon for so much activity around the house. I do hope LE "has someone" on the house and the storage unit for comings and goings. Could fill in some missing pieces about this whole strange situation.

Did we ever hear if all the children are still there, or are there current pics or video of them at the house?

snipped: Centerville, about an hour and a half drive south of Des Moines, had 1,247 children under age 18 in
2009. More than four in every 100 were subjected to abuse that year, according to a Des Moines
Register analysis of state child-welfare statistics. The city is the seat of Appanoose County.

My family is very sentimental, in my possession is 100 years old rocker tahn belonged to my great great uncle who died of diptheria age 20 months.
A framed drawing from school, of another great great uncle who was killed violantly by a drunk driver in 1932 at the age of 9.
My dear grandma made sure we all KNEW them. Kept their memory alive generation after generation.
My grandchildren have my father's WWII, rations, Eisenhower jacket.
Some things are heirlooms and priceless.
Not costly just love for a deceased love one.
How can things just be discarded even before a funeral?
FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- Police are trying to determine if a man suspected of killing a Fort Wayne girl could be linked to similar crimes around the country.

Investigators said they are concerned about Michael Plumadore’s past because of his apparent lack of remorse when he described 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon’s slaying to detectives.

Plumadore was baby-sitting Lemmon and her two younger sisters at a Fort Wayne mobile home park days before she disappeared, RTV6’s Chris Proffitt reported.
mom just claimed the flu. IMO if she had MS or something serious she would of used her excuse better,,,,,,,,,,JMOO
Can the mom and SF be arrested for neglect?

If there is proof of it. Don't worry, if LE finds enough proof for the state to charge them they will be charged. It may take a while but it will happen.

I posted this in the other thread as an example.

Jada Justice, a NW Indiana case. Jada's mother left her with her cousin and cousin's bf who she knew were drug users/dealers. Cousin killed Jada while bf held her down and watched. Then they tried to burn her body. When that didn't work they encased her in cement and threw her is a swamp.
The boyfriend took a plea deal and testified against Jada's killer. She was found guilty and sent off to prison. Jada's mother was then charged with neglect. I bet she didn't see that one coming since 2 years had passed since Jada's death.
My family is very sentimental, in my possession is 100 years old rocker tahn belonged to my great great uncle who died of diptheria age 20 months.
A framed drawing from school, of another great great uncle who was killed violantly by a drunk driver in 1932 at the age of 9.
My dear grandma made sure we all KNEW them. Kept their memory alive generation after generation.
My grandchildren have my father's WWII, rations, Eisenhower jacket.
Some things are heirlooms and priceless.
Not costly just love for a deceased love one.
How can things just be discarded even before a funeral?

Well, the article didn't say they were being discarded and there was a quote from someone stating they were putting the things in storage.

I hope they are not being discarded. The mother may really regret that if she did, as time went on.
In reference to flag on coffin at funeral for JEL.

I looked at the obit. It doesn't say he was retired military. It says he served in the AF during the Vietnam War.

He could have done one tour, he could have done 5. But it only says he served not that he retired.

He may also have never served overseas during the Vietnam War, my own FIL was stateside during the whole biggie. He's still a vet.

That is why he had the flag IMHO, because he was a vet. The rules recently changed and they can be found here:

The VA hospital would have provided him with medical care but he probably had a co-pay (depends on if he sustained a lifelong injury while serving that required him to have ongoing medical treatment for that injury (including agent orange exposure) for life, if he did---no copay for that).

He more than likely got the reimbursement benefit for burial costs (up to 2 grand) and a headstone (up to 3 hundred dollars). Flag.

When you talk about the Dependency and Indemnity Compensation that is a benefit for the current spouse of a vet and their minor children (I'm not sure if it goes above the age of 18, some benefits do). But---the caveat of that is that the vet has to have died a service connected death. Leading us back to was his cause of death caused by his service in the Vietnam war.

We just don't have that info. But IMHO he got the burial, headstone and flag and that's probably it.

This post is so far off topic I hope a mod doesn't delete it. JMHO
FORT WAYNE, Ind. -- Police are trying to determine if a man suspected of killing a Fort Wayne girl could be linked to similar crimes around the country.

Investigators said they are concerned about Michael Plumadore’s past because of his apparent lack of remorse when he described 9-year-old Aliahna Lemmon’s slaying to detectives.

Plumadore was baby-sitting Lemmon and her two younger sisters at a Fort Wayne mobile home park days before she disappeared, RTV6’s Chris Proffitt reported.

I have a feeling and it is very bad at the moment.............BBM
Just when I though I couldnt get anymore creeped out...I scoped his FB page...IMO the pentagram tattoo is the LEAST of the red flags.

I only see three pics on his FB, one is Aliahna's missing poster....what am I missing?:waitasec:

So, in my list of stuff we still have to figure out, not including the obvious questions of poor judgement:rolleyes::silenced:

1. Does MP have a former spouse, domestic partner, baby momma, children?

2. Is there any way to sleuth the names of the men allegedly "caught" for the abuse of Aliahna in IA in 2010? (I haven't found one)

3. Is it possible that the dismissed case involving MP as the defendant in November of 2010, and in the same county in IA where the Souders/Lemmon family lived, is in any way related to what happened to Aliahna?

4. If so, was it dismissed because her parents refused to press charges?

5. If not, is there any way to find out the specifics of a case that was dismissed?

6. I now have heard that the surviving children have, in fact, NOT been removed from the home. Is this confirmed? Or is it simply that the rumors of their REMOVAL were never confirmed?

7. Under the law, do the police have to name the parents as either co-conspirators or POI's in order to keep them from skipping town? Are they free to escape jurisdiction? (Although with a case this high profile, it would be hard to really hide this time.)

8. Since LE made a statement confirming that the two other girls had NOT been examined for signs of sexual abuse, can that set both the Sherrif's Dept. and CPS up for a negligence suit brought on the the parents? (oh the effing irony:furious:)

That's all I got for now that can be asked within TOS and the realm of possibility. TIA.

I'm going to work on 3,4 and 5 tomorrow. Love being on vacation. :)
My family is very sentimental, in my possession is 100 years old rocker tahn belonged to my great great uncle who died of diptheria age 20 months.
A framed drawing from school, of another great great uncle who was killed violantly by a drunk driver in 1932 at the age of 9.
My dear grandma made sure we all KNEW them. Kept their memory alive generation after generation.
My grandchildren have my father's WWII, rations, Eisenhower jacket.
Some things are heirlooms and priceless.
Not costly just love for a deceased love one.
How can things just be discarded even before a funeral?

I, too, am the keeper of many of these thing for my family. My father was the only one in his generation interested in genealogy, and the precious (although not monetarily valuable) items that belonged to people in our family. He knew all the stories associated with them and told them to me. As it turns out, I am the only one in my generation who cares to take up where Daddy left off.

That said, when I lost my Mom, I couldn't bear to go through her things right away. We all lovingly packed them up when we sold her condo, and the things that I kept of hers, well it was maybe years before I could bring myself to hold them and look at them.

All this to say, I have since day one NEVER defended victim TS in any of this, but I can sort of see how personal belongings may be hard to see.

Everyone is different.

Doesn't change what I think the 'deal' is, though.
If there is proof of it. Don't worry, if LE finds enough proof for the state to charge them they will be charged. It may take a while but it will happen.

I posted this in the other thread as an example.

Jada Justice, a NW Indiana case. Jada's mother left her with her cousin and cousin's bf who she knew were drug users/dealers. Cousin killed Jada while bf held her down and watched. Then they tried to burn her body. When that didn't work they encased her in cement and threw her is a swamp.
The boyfriend took a plea deal and testified against Jada's killer. She was found guilty and sent off to prison. Jada's mother was then charged with neglect. I bet she didn't see that one coming since 2 years had passed since Jada's death.

I think in cases like this the key is-did the parent know the "babysitter" was unsafe? Of course so far the relatives of Ali's mother have been singing praises about the alleged perp- how trustworthy they believed he was and how he couldn't hurt any child. And so far it doesn't appear the alleged perp actually was a RSO. If he were then I wouldn't be surprised by neglect charges at all. He was however a convicted felon but I am not sure if that is going to lead to any charges.

So, in my list of stuff we still have to figure out, not including the obvious questions of poor judgement:rolleyes::silenced:

1. Does MP have a former spouse, domestic partner, baby momma, children?

2. Is there any way to sleuth the names of the men allegedly "caught" for the abuse of Aliahna in IA in 2010? (I haven't found one)

3. Is it possible that the dismissed case involving MP as the defendant in November of 2010, and in the same county in IA where the Souders/Lemmon family lived, is in any way related to what happened to Aliahna?

4. If so, was it dismissed because her parents refused to press charges?

5. If not, is there any way to find out the specifics of a case that was dismissed?

6. I now have heard that the surviving children have, in fact, NOT been removed from the home. Is this confirmed? Or is it simply that the rumors of their REMOVAL were never confirmed?

7. Under the law, do the police have to name the parents as either co-conspirators or POI's in order to keep them from skipping town? Are they free to escape jurisdiction? (Although with a case this high profile, it would be hard to really hide this time.)

8. Since LE made a statement confirming that the two other girls had NOT been examined for signs of sexual abuse, can that set both the Sherrif's Dept. and CPS up for a negligence suit brought on the the parents? (oh the effing irony:furious:)

That's all I got for now that can be asked within TOS and the realm of possibility. TIA.

Wow, FrayedKnot, great questions. Just wish I had answers.

I can only say that on #2, I found a recent case in the MSM where a 55- year-old father and his 20-year-old son from Centerville, Iowa were sentenced in sexual abuse of two children. The alleged abuse of victim 1 went back many years (although the charges were for crimes committed from 2002-2010, probably because the family only moved to Iowa in 2002). But there were charges involving a second victim, ending in July 2010. The father, Thomas Wood, is serving 80 years in prison. The younger man, Thomas Wood, Jr., just pled guilty in a plea deal to 2 counts of child endangerment relating to Victim 2 and he is now on probation.

I grew up in a small town in Vermont. When I was 12, (early 70's) I took private clarinet lessons. My parents would drop me off and head to the grocery store. When my lesson was finished, I would walk from the home to Main street and wait for them to pick me up.

One night (it was dark) as I was walking down the hill, a car slowed down and followed me as I walked. Scared me silly. I ran onto a porch of a house that had a light on and waited. The car finally left, and I ran all the way to Main street.

I never told my parents as I thought they would think I was just paranoid. I eventually requested to quit the lessons. They never knew why.

They are both gone now, and I wish I had told them. The whole episode haunts me today.
I'm going to work on 3,4 and 5 tomorrow. Love being on vacation. :)

Oh man alive!! :rocker: You rock!

I have searched news stories, blotters, etc. with no success. But I have no dates other than the year, and am assuming it is Appanoose County, but maybe a neighboring county.

I am on vacay too, but I just don't think I have the chops to sleuth these, since I keep hitting dead ends!
Wow, FrayedKnot, great questions. Just wish I had answers.

I can only say that on #2, I found a recent case in the MSM where a 55- year-old father and his 20-year-old son from Centerville, Iowa were sentenced in sexual abuse of two children. The alleged abuse of victim 1 went back many years (although the charges were for crimes committed from 2002-2010, probably because the family only moved to Iowa in 2002). But there were charges involving a second victim, ending in July 2010. The father, Thomas Wood, is serving 80 years in prison. The younger man, Thomas Wood, Jr., just pled guilty in a plea deal to 2 counts of child endangerment relating to Victim 2 and he is now on probation.

YIPES! I found that case and skimmed by it......I did NOT see the charges involving a SECOND victim! Thank you! :great:

I swear I think if this statement by DS pans out, it could answer a TON of questions!
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