IN - Lauren Spierer, 20, Bloomington, 03 June 2011 #31

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My Thought Process is driving me crazy.

I keep repeating the same questions over and over in my head and I wonder how many others are doing the same. So, I thought I might list my questions and either get some answers or maybe create some new thoughts for others to consider. Besides the obvious "what happened to Lauren?" - In no certain order - Here's my list.

1. What was the condition Lauren's and Jesse Wolff's relationship? (why were they not together the night Lauren disappeared?)
2. What are the details on everybody's prior arrests?
3. Why was Corey Rossman Banned from Smallwood?

Respectfully snipped by me. I attempted to answer #3 by looking this up on-line. What I remember from an early report was that CR and JR used a credit card to break into SW the previous fall. I can't find anything that verifies that now. Maybe someone else can or remembers reading that? What I did find was that CR and JR were found walking, under the influence, in the hallways of SW, and that CR was caught doing a nasty thing (think he couldn't wait) in the SW parking garage. I'm not sure of the site where I found this info, so I'm considering it rumor.

That said, the fact that he was banned from SW yet entered the premises with LS definitely says something about his personality and character traits ... and that he was glued to LS that night. IMO, he apparently did what he wanted to when he wanted to.
Respectfully snipped by me. I attempted to answer #3 by looking this up on-line. What I remember from an early report was that CR and JR used a credit card to break into SW the previous fall. I can't find anything that verifies that now. Maybe someone else can or remembers reading that? What I did find was that CR and JR were found walking, under the influence, in the hallways of SW, and that CR was caught doing a nasty thing (think he couldn't wait) in the SW parking garage. I'm not sure of the site where I found this info, so I'm considering it rumor.

That said, the fact that he was banned from SW yet entered the premises with LS definitely says something about his personality and character traits ... and that he was glued to LS that night. IMO, he apparently did what he wanted to when he wanted to.

I agree with you about CR's entitlement mentality but if security had an official list of people who were banned from the premises and a reason for why they were banned... That's something I would like to see.
See New York Times Opinion Page published Oct 11: Two Families need to know. Spierer's and Baby Hope.

Keylime that's right-not rumor.
Bessie what do you make of the massive search near Martinsville on Father's Day 2011? Still bothers me. All because of a strange odor called in by a couple who lived nearby? I find it hard to believe. They had to have more than that to go on. After search was called off They say it was just a freshly dug hole for a utility pole--something like that.
Respectfully snipped by me. I attempted to answer #3 by looking this up on-line. What I remember from an early report was that CR and JR used a credit card to break into SW the previous fall. I can't find anything that verifies that now. Maybe someone else can or remembers reading that? What I did find was that CR and JR were found walking, under the influence, in the hallways of SW, and that CR was caught doing a nasty thing (think he couldn't wait) in the SW parking garage. I'm not sure of the site where I found this info, so I'm considering it rumor.

That said, the fact that he was banned from SW yet entered the premises with LS definitely says something about his personality and character traits ... and that he was glued to LS that night. IMO, he apparently did what he wanted to when he wanted to.

true--also ZO was banned from SW and he was there too.
Question 21...adding to Chuz list..Did LE review all working camera activity from 3am until 10amish of all cars coming and going from parking areas and homes, apts, businesses that were within a reasonable radius of where LS s pathway if she were stumbling back to SW. I know I did not phrase my sentence correctly..but hope I made my concern clear..
Question 21...adding to Chuz list..Did LE review all working camera activity from 3am until 10amish of all cars coming and going from parking areas and homes, apts, businesses that were within a reasonable radius of where LS s pathway if she were stumbling back to SW. I know I did not phrase my sentence correctly..but hope I made my concern clear..

I think it's probably always the case (in hindsight) that there is something more that LE could do or could have done to solve cases like these.

The thing that strikes me as odd (or telling?) in Lauren's case is the lack of urgency or concern shown by her supposed 'friends' and even by the Bloomington P.D.

In my opinion, the Bloomington Police has hamstrung the public's ability to help.
Respectfully snipped by me. I attempted to answer #3 by looking this up on-line. What I remember from an early report was that CR and JR used a credit card to break into SW the previous fall. I can't find anything that verifies that now. Maybe someone else can or remembers reading that? What I did find was that CR and JR were found walking, under the influence, in the hallways of SW, and that CR was caught doing a nasty thing (think he couldn't wait) in the SW parking garage. I'm not sure of the site where I found this info, so I'm considering it rumor.

That said, the fact that he was banned from SW yet entered the premises with LS definitely says something about his personality and character traits ... and that he was glued to LS that night. IMO, he apparently did what he wanted to when he wanted to.

Not sure I fully get the point. From driving records and behaviors of most of the people involved or close to Lauren, it certainly seems that none of them gave a damn about rules. CR had his own mode of operating for sure... but from driving records, drug use, comments about the POI's... you have to wonder where the line was between spoiled, narcissistic, sociopathic and insane. In the case of CR and JR we seem to have a blend of them all.
My Thought Process is driving me crazy.

I keep repeating the same questions over and over in my head and I wonder how many others are doing the same. So, I thought I might list my questions and either get some answers or maybe create some new thoughts for others to consider. Besides the obvious "what happened to Lauren?" - In no certain order - Here's my list.

1. What was the condition Lauren's and Jesse Wolff's relationship? (why were they not together the night Lauren disappeared?)
2. What are the details on everybody's prior arrests?
3. Why was Corey Rossman Banned from Smallwood?
4. What was Zach Oake's connection to Jesse Wolff?
5. Did Police get everbody's phone records from that night?
6. Who all was present during the altercation at Smallwood?
7. Do video's show anyone following Corey and Lauren as they left after the altercation?
8. Were any of the known cameras and locations NOT working properly?
9. Were there any camera's which recorded Corey and Lauren's attempt to stop by Zoe Camp's apartment at ~3:00 am?
10. How credible is the "Bar Manager" that claims she saw Lauren sitting on the steps and hit her head at 3:38 am?
11. what are the details on the trip to Indy for the 500 Mile Race and overnight at the infield?
12. Where was Lauren's roommate staying - that she did not know that Lauren didn't make it home - until Jesse Called looking for her?
13. Did the Bloomington Police check into Jesse's claim that he was home on 9th street and had no Idea about Lauren's partying, the altercation or whereabouts?
14. Did the Bloomington Police confirm Rosenbaum's claims against the accounts of Beth and others staying over at Rosenbaum's apartment?
15. Did BPD confirm Rosenbaum's claim that he could see Lauren "round the corner onto college Ave?"
16. Who else was Identified on any and all the video surveillance tapes during the hours that Lauren went missing?
17. Who were Zoe Camp's Roommates and what were their statements?
18. Where - specifically - were Lauren's items found and could they have been tossed down from a window above the alley as opposed to being dropped by her?
19. How bad was Lauren's drug problem and how much was she in debt (if any at all) to any dealers (like those at 5N)?
20. Did Police search the personal computers of any or all of the POI's?

Given time, I'm sure I can come up with more but that's my first twenty.

Let's dialogue...

#1) why is it relevant? It goes without saying that bf would normally the first person to check out. thing is there is absolutely nothing to tie him to her disappearance. However it very much may have made her more vulnerable that night than usual.
#2) Good question, but realize that when people were under 18 that stuff gets sealed and/or expunged. So what is known and public over 18, is mostly traffic violations and intoxication... quite a bit of it. But none of the 3 main POI's appeared to have any significant (like rape or murder) priors. But they could easily know such people.
#3) It's buried in the early threads of discussion here... If I recall correctly it had to do with being drunk and not living there. Now what else could he have done that wouldn't have resulted in a police report? He also apparently had been in trouble for figuring out how to sneak into 10th and College.
These are just some of the small things that paint a picture of his behavior.
We know he's a snake, but he lived with MB... so 2 snakes, and JR their pal next door... 3 snakes. Now what?
#4) Like #1 why is that relevant? Even if he was a JW's heroin dealer, where is there any evidence leading to them doing anything to LS?
#5) They would be totally useless idiots if they did not. Further the FBI should have analyzed a lot of data on these people since interstate; flight, abduction, murder and body disposal are in varying degrees, possible.
#6) What I want to know is who used LS's keycard to enter SW (did CR have her keycard??? and did he give it back??) LS was there, but kept slipping down in the elevator she was already barely able to stand even against a wall. CR was there and obviously in MUCH better condition than LS. ZO and some of ZO's pals. No other people have been mentioned and details on specifically who ZO's pals were I have never seen disclosed. Another interesting aspect of this is that CR did not file battery charges against ZO. If ZO truly clocked CR so hard that it gave him this long term amnesia for that night, then why not file a police report? CR did not punch back.
The media (apparently with LE's support) immediately painted ZO some sort of hero which did not add up. A violent clocks a snake and that makes him a hero? Someone definitely needed to look into that, it remains a very curious cover up. Some have suggested that ZO is an undercover narc of sorts... or at least LE informant. Others have suggested that he's just a local spoiled rich kid non-student who claimed SW as his territory (yea for the girls) Also people who painted him as a "hero" failed to recognize that no one actually cared about LS and actually didn't check on her condition and didn't stop her from leaving. Yet it's implied that the whole altercation was about her - clearly it was not. It smelled a lot more like ZO and crew were simply pissed that CR was fishing in THEIR pond.
#7) Apparently not... if so... LE is hiding that for good reason and one that probably would have resulted in a man hunt by now. PI's saw the videos and made no such observation.
#8) Ask the defense lawyers... no one would want to know that more than them. The question is really about what does all of the working cameras show when fully analyzed (and that work may still be going on).
#9) None has been publicly reported. The camera's at 10th and College seemed to mostly point north along the front walkway of the building (there is a photo - the last good still shot of LS I think on this walkway from earlier in the day)... this camera was not positioned to capture the street or intersection nor the steps where she fell over hitting her head. Don't think I've seen a diagram that lays all of this out. BTOWN has been really good about providing such diagrams... would be nice to see a breakdown/layout of 10th and College building the exact location of Zoe's and other witnesses in relation to the stairs, the camera(s) and camera direction, and LS/CR's known footsteps through that area. It's my understanding that these stairs are a short distance from the alley where LS exited and was last recorded falling face down.
#10) huh? The 3:38 bar manager (a female) claimed she saw LS slumped over a man's shoulder. This has largely been identified as CR. However, LE said the time had to be wrong because somehow LE knows CR and LS could not have been there at 3:38. So based on that in the media it's said that LE did not give credibility to the witness. Remember at 3:30 MB is calling JR because supposedly LS is over there at 5N at CR/MB's. This creating a time conflict or exposing a LIE. Now this bar manager is not the person attributed with seeing and hearing LS fall over on the stairs hitting her head. My understanding (though I have no link) is that it was ZC and/or friends at 10th and College building that were within earshot of that event. However, it may have been yet another witness, because it's also said that ZC and friends never opened the door... so if they hear her hit her head from inside that would have been really loud!
#11) Overnight at the infield?? yes would like to know this too... it may help lay some of the groundwork on how certain POI's were involved with each other.
#12) Yeah, just what HT was up to that night should be scrutinized.
She's not smelling like roses for sure.
#13) Again, LE would be totally useless if they simply took his word...
It's more likely that a dirty cop was involved than that they didn't check JW out... this is police work 101... if they didn't do that... then there is no LE.
#14) We all want to know that... detective work 101 if they aren't doing this then again... they are useless. But... how can they properly do this without interrogations, lie detector tests, etc... many POI's left town and seemed to have never talked to LE! So it looks like 2 possibilities... they have so much evidence pointing in one direction that they don't need to do that... OR... they are so incompetent that the case will never be properly solved.
#15) The distinction between heading to the that corner and "rounding" that corner is stuff reported in the media. These are unfortunately not words known to have been directly and specifically spoken by JR. It's either his PR people doing the work of misinformation, or some approximation of what he said. To me it doesn't matter if he says she rounded the corner, approached the corner, almost made it to the corner... etc... because I am convinced he's an f-ing LIAR. I don't think she ever walked out that door. And I doubt she WALKED into 5N at 3:00 or into JR's at 3:30... If she were there at those hours it's most likely she was carried.
#16) Great question... we have to hope that detectives and FBI have done the due diligence on all of the POI's and people in videos, connected to LS and CR/MB/JR/JW, etc... That's the stuff that takes time in investigations... but surely they have checked or continue to check this stuff.
#17) yeah, get the feeling LE knows a lot more than we do? Right... they have to.
#18) Uh... well that might be possible... sure toss it out the window right where she fell... hmm. why bother? But that building would be the one on Morton between 10th and the gravel lot. That is the building where the person who initally found her stuff and picked it up lives, and his roommate then later saw it sitting on the ledge. approx time 3:00am and just after.
This being just minutes after the recording of her falling in the same location. Are you suggesting that there is collusion between someone in this building and the players at 5N? Because if someone from 10th and morton building snatched her up after the fall then tossed her stuff out the window... why would CR/MB and JR come up with their stories? they could all just say they never saw her and it would point to that building.
#19) seems mostly irrelevant, because we don't know all of what killed her and don't even have a body. If you are suggesting the motive was that she was killed over a debt, that would seem implausible to me in this sort of environment and other given factors.
#20) Well here we have it once again... is LE doing their job??
It really seems like nothing is going on doesn't it? I have to think that LE really has some solid stuff and therefore can't open up to the public. If that is not true, then yes, they would be horrible... because if they don't have a clue... by now they should be open with the public. If they didn't do things like search computers, cell phones, use cadaver dogs, etc... they are useless. But that doesn't mean we can't figure out what happened and hold those people accountable. This case really reflects poorly on the FBI too. Sure they have other priorities, but if we can't solve simple cases like this, why bother with terrorist nonsense? If you can be disappeared anywhere in the country (as seems to happen every day) and never been seen again... what good is the FBI? We are then living in hell.

Keep pushing... keep digging. never let them rest.
Not sure I fully get the point. From driving records and behaviors of most of the people involved or close to Lauren, it certainly seems that none of them gave a damn about rules. CR had his own mode of operating for sure... but from driving records, drug use, comments about the POI's... you have to wonder where the line was between spoiled, narcissistic, sociopathic and insane. In the case of CR and JR we seem to have a blend of them all.

I have no idea where the lines begin crossing, though I do believe that drug use might affect personality traits that are there to begin with. Re: CR (and JR) and SW, though, I was just pointing out that he did this behavior before, i.e., walking the halls while intoxicated. Why we don't know. Maybe he was trying to score something, i.e., drugs, young women, etc. If there's a pattern, it might be worth noting.

Also, I see a trend between entitlement and such behavior. In my small town, school administrators (HS) have ignored behaviors they should have nailed because "names" were involved. IMO, that lack of taking responsibility escalates. (Example: a boy waved a lit lighter in a girl's face and said he was doing to set her hair on fire in a chem lab. He got "talked to" versus suspended. Guess what happened next? The girl switched classes to get away from him.)
1. What was the condition Lauren's and Jesse Wolff's relationship? (why were they not together the night Lauren disappeared?)

#1) why is it relevant? It goes without saying that bf would normally the first person to check out. thing is there is absolutely nothing to tie him to her disappearance. However it very much may have made her more vulnerable that night than usual.

The state or condition of their relationship is relevant if and when 'motive' can be determined. Lauren disappearing after a major fight or unplanned pregnancy (for example) would paint a slightly different picture from "Lauren failed to show up for a fancy dinner date somewhere."

Domestic dispute is a major factor in Missing person's cases.


2. What are the details on everybody's prior arrests?

#2) Good question, but realize that when people were under 18 that stuff gets sealed and/or expunged. So what is known and public over 18, is mostly traffic violations and intoxication... quite a bit of it. But none of the 3 main POI's appeared to have any significant (like rape or murder) priors. But they could easily know such people.

Arrest priors (especially trends) get to the question of character. A good investigator can use that information to get answers in a case or (if nothing else) to identify other persons who may have been involved in both the current case you are investigating and the past arrests of the person being questioned.


3. Why was Corey Rossman Banned from Smallwood?

#3) It's buried in the early threads of discussion here... If I recall correctly it had to do with being drunk and not living there. Now what else could he have done that wouldn't have resulted in a police report? He also apparently had been in trouble for figuring out how to sneak into 10th and College.
These are just some of the small things that paint a picture of his behavior.
We know he's a snake, but he lived with MB... so 2 snakes, and JR their pal next door... 3 snakes. Now what?

If Corey was 'banned' from Smallwood and he knew he was banned... then he could have been (IMHO should have been) arrested and detained for criminal trespassing - as he was seen on tape in that altercation.

This would have enabled LE to do further questioning in the case - to include photographic evidence of his alleged injuries from the fight.


4. What was Zach Oake's connection to Jesse Wolff?

#4) Like #1 why is that relevant? Even if he was a JW's heroin dealer, where is there any evidence leading to them doing anything to LS?

As it is with any and all other Persons of Interest... we can't know the relevance or the extent of their involvement until they are investigated.

Zach Oake's may have been in constant contact with Jesse Wolff - for all we know and he may have been asked, coached or even ordered to become involved.

He is as much a person of interest as anyone else is - that was with Lauren that night. If he can be easily and quickly ruled out? That's fine... but his relationship to Lauren and to everyone else involved should be investigated (IMO).


5. Did Police get everybody's phone records from that night?

#5) They would be totally useless idiots if they did not. Further the FBI should have analyzed a lot of data on these people since interstate; flight, abduction, murder and body disposal are in varying degrees, possible.

I agree... but I'm not feeling very good about their determination to gather all of that data. How about you?


6. Who all was present during the altercation at Smallwood?

#6) What I want to know is who used LS's keycard to enter SW (did CR have her keycard??? and did he give it back??) LS was there, but kept slipping down in the elevator she was already barely able to stand even against a wall. CR was there and obviously in MUCH better condition than LS. ZO and some of ZO's pals. No other people have been mentioned and details on specifically who ZO's pals were I have never seen disclosed. Another interesting aspect of this is that CR did not file battery charges against ZO. If ZO truly clocked CR so hard that it gave him this long term amnesia for that night, then why not file a police report? CR did not punch back.
The media (apparently with LE's support) immediately painted ZO some sort of hero which did not add up. A violent clocks a snake and that makes him a hero? Someone definitely needed to look into that, it remains a very curious cover up. Some have suggested that ZO is an undercover narc of sorts... or at least LE informant. Others have suggested that he's just a local spoiled rich kid non-student who claimed SW as his territory (yea for the girls) Also people who painted him as a "hero" failed to recognize that no one actually cared about LS and actually didn't check on her condition and didn't stop her from leaving. Yet it's implied that the whole altercation was about her - clearly it was not. It smelled a lot more like ZO and crew were simply pissed that CR was fishing in THEIR pond.

Too many good points to answer them all. And it's all the more reason to know who was present at that altercation and what their relationships were - one to another.

And, you're right... Two guys ZO and CR - BOTH banned from Smallwood, caught on tape FIGHTING over LS (who as you said, they showed no real concern for).... with no charges filed for assault, trespassing, battery or public intox.

It stinks bad.
7. Do video's show anyone following Corey and Lauren as they left after the altercation?

#7) Apparently not... if so... LE is hiding that for good reason and one that probably would have resulted in a man hunt by now. PI's saw the videos and made no such observation.

Yet, we don't know how long it was after the altercation that ZO and others left, where they went, who they called or texted, etc.

Like you said, no charges were filed, no one really acted concerned for Lauren either. Their behavior and locations after the fight may exclude them as persons of interest and it may give reason for a closer look.


8. Were any of the known cameras and locations NOT working properly?

#8) Ask the defense lawyers... no one would want to know that more than them. The question is really about what does all of the working cameras show when fully analyzed (and that work may still be going on).

Knowing where the non working cameras were located would (could) lend credibility to the mar managers and Zoe Camp's claims and witness accounts which (for now) challenge LE's timeline. While knowing there were working camera's in those areas would support LE's decision to dismiss those witness statements.


9. Were there any camera's which recorded Corey and Lauren's attempt to stop by Zoe Camp's apartment at ~3:00 am?

#9) None has been publicly reported. The camera's at 10th and College seemed to mostly point north along the front walkway of the building (there is a photo - the last good still shot of LS I think on this walkway from earlier in the day)... this camera was not positioned to capture the street or intersection nor the steps where she fell over hitting her head. Don't think I've seen a diagram that lays all of this out. BTOWN has been really good about providing such diagrams... would be nice to see a breakdown/layout of 10th and College building the exact location of Zoe's and other witnesses in relation to the stairs, the camera(s) and camera direction, and LS/CR's known footsteps through that area. It's my understanding that these stairs are a short distance from the alley where LS exited and was last recorded falling face down.

There are many sets of stairs on the 10th and College Apartment building. The stairs nearest the Alley are at the North East Corner of the complex. And the stairs where the Bar manager said LS fell over and hit her head (near the clock) are at the South East corner of the complex.

I find it odd that cameras at Smallwood could determine that CR and LS never made it to her room after Kilroys and the altercation.... but cameras could not confirm Zoe Camp's claim that CR and LS knocked on their door at 3:00 at the College Apartments.

There ARE cameras at College Apt.s - yet no mention of CR and LS 'on the premises" anywhere other than walking down the alley.


10. How credible is the "Bar Manager" that claims she saw Lauren sitting on the steps and hit her head at 3:38 am?

#10) huh? The 3:38 bar manager (a female) claimed she saw LS slumped over a man's shoulder. This has largely been identified as CR. However, LE said the time had to be wrong because somehow LE knows CR and LS could not have been there at 3:38. So based on that in the media it's said that LE did not give credibility to the witness. Remember at 3:30 MB is calling JR because supposedly LS is over there at 5N at CR/MB's. This creating a time conflict or exposing a LIE. Now this bar manager is not the person attributed with seeing and hearing LS fall over on the stairs hitting her head. My understanding (though I have no link) is that it was ZC and/or friends at 10th and College building that were within earshot of that event. However, it may have been yet another witness, because it's also said that ZC and friends never opened the door... so if they hear her hit her head from inside that would have been really loud!

You have contradicted some of the things I have found and read in my own (online) investigation.

In my findings, it was the bar manager who claims to have first seen Lauren and a "mystery man" sitting on the steps at exactly 3:38 am. Lauren was sitting higher on the steps than the "mystery man." The Bar manager provided the info to make a composite sketch and she could not identify the man as CR (when presented with a photo lineup). After seeing LS fall over and hit her head.... she then claims she seen them leave down the alley with the "mystery man" essentially carrying Lauren.

My theory is that Lauren was taken through the alley twice after the altercation at Smallwood and that only one trip (the trip of her with CR) was caught on tape or released by LE.

It fits the timeline for CR and LS to exit the alley at 2:51 am like LE says... for them to be confronted by others in that vacant lot between there an 5N... for CR to proceed to 5N and for LS and some other guy ("mystery man") to come East on the alley North of College Apartments (where the light was out in Btown's pictures) and to TRY to get to Zoe Camp's room ~(3:15 am or so) - Having no luck with that.... they proceeded south down down the east side of College Apts. to the Steps under the clock... where the bar manager sees them sitting on the steps (3:38 am) and she then sees them leave to the alley again.... with still enough time to reach Rosenbaum's place and for him to (claim) to have seen her leave at 4:30 am.

Again though.... all of this gets to the coverage of the working cameras and what they show, the credibility of Zoe camp and the Bar manager and whether NON covered areas would allow for the timeline to have occurred as witnesses claim.

In my view, Zoe camp's claim that they knocked at 3:30 am and the bar manager's claim that she sees them on the steps at 3:38 am is plausible. But only if the combination of working cameras, their angle of views and non working cameras would have made their claims possible.


11. what are the details on the trip to Indy for the 500 Mile Race and overnight at the infield?

#11) Overnight at the infield?? yes would like to know this too... it may help lay some of the groundwork on how certain POI's were involved with each other.



12. Where was Lauren's roommate staying - that she did not know that Lauren didn't make it home - until Jesse Called looking for her?

#12) Yeah, just what HT was up to that night should be scrutinized. She's not smelling like roses for sure.

Does anyone know?


13. Did the Bloomington Police check into Jesse's claim that he was home on 9th street and had no Idea about Lauren's partying, the altercation or whereabouts?

#13) Again, LE would be totally useless if they simply took his word...
It's more likely that a dirty cop was involved than that they didn't check JW out... this is police work 101... if they didn't do that... then there is no LE.

Yet, we have nothing that suggests that LE has actually confirmed Jesse's Alibi.


14. Did the Bloomington Police confirm Rosenbaum's claims against the accounts of Beth and others staying over at Rosenbaum's apartment?

#14) We all want to know that... detective work 101 if they aren't doing this then again... they are useless. But... how can they properly do this without interrogations, lie detector tests, etc... many POI's left town and seemed to have never talked to LE! So it looks like 2 possibilities... they have so much evidence pointing in one direction that they don't need to do that... OR... they are so incompetent that the case will never be properly solved.

Kudos to the FBI if they have all of this covered and they are just so tight lipped that it only looks like things are being missed.

However, It it was the latter of what you said (incompetence?)

Heads should roll for that!


15. Did BPD confirm Rosenbaum's claim that he could see Lauren "round the corner onto college Ave?"

#15) The distinction between heading to the that corner and "rounding" that corner is stuff reported in the media. These are unfortunately not words known to have been directly and specifically spoken by JR. It's either his PR people doing the work of misinformation, or some approximation of what he said. To me it doesn't matter if he says she rounded the corner, approached the corner, almost made it to the corner... etc... because I am convinced he's an f-ing LIAR. I don't think she ever walked out that door. And I doubt she WALKED into 5N at 3:00 or into JR's at 3:30... If she were there at those hours it's most likely she was carried.

I agree with your take on most (if not all) of that.

However, if Rosenbaum made a claim that is not physically possible. (for example, if he can be caught in his lie) that is something that can be used in follow up questionings and that is what I'm trying to do. So, if he is actually on record as claiming to have seen Lauren Rounding the Corner... when that is not physically possible... then investigators will know that he's lying and they should (hopefully) know how to use that information in follow up questioning.


To be continued
16. Who else was identified on any and all the video surveillance tapes during the hours that Lauren went missing?

#16) Great question... we have to hope that detectives and FBI have done the due diligence on all of the POI's and people in videos, connected to LS and CR/MB/JR/JW, etc... That's the stuff that takes time in investigations... but surely they have checked or continue to check this stuff.

If I were the parent of any child at I.U. that night - whether my child was involved or not. I would want to know where they were and what they were doing. And now that this is a missing persons case and possible homicide? Even more so, I think the police would have an interest in at least identifying any and all the people caught on tape during those hours.

One of the ways the police could do that - would be to share the tapes online so the public (parents and friends) could help.


17. Who were Zoe Camp's Roommates and what were their statements?

#17) yeah, get the feeling LE knows a lot more than we do? Right... they have to.

Apparently, they know more than they have been sharing even with Lauren's parents - because they don't seem to have any answers to these questions either.


18. Where - specifically - were Lauren's items found and could they have been tossed down from a window above the alley as opposed to being dropped by her?

#18) Uh... well that might be possible... sure toss it out the window right where she fell... hmm. why bother? But that building would be the one on Morton between 10th and the gravel lot. That is the building where the person who initally found her stuff and picked it up lives, and his roommate then later saw it sitting on the ledge. approx time 3:00am and just after.

Do you have a link where I can verify that account/ statement?

I was under the impression that the Village Apartments were vacant and still under construction at the time Lauren went missing.

Are you suggesting that there is collusion between someone in this building and the players at 5N?

Remember - I said it would be a stretch... But I'm thinking that it's plausible. It's only a possible theory based on Zoe Camp's linking of CR and LS to the inside of that building (College apartments) with her statements. In my mind, it seems (possible) that they could have found another room (on the alley) tried to treat Lauren's overdose and failed.... tossed her things from the windows and dealt with her body later.

Please believe me.... I know it's a stretch.

if someone from 10th and morton building snatched her up after the fall then tossed her stuff out the window... why would CR/MB and JR come up with their stories? they could all just say they never saw her and it would point to that building.

I was more focused on College Apartments but College Village Apartments (especially a room on the alley under construction) would sork too. As for why the other's at 5N would make up the story that she made it to that location and left on her own?

What better way to put some time between what really happened (per my theory) and the time frame and locations the police are now looking at?

My theory doesn't absolve anyone at 5N of any role they had in Lauren's disappearance. It only changes the possible location where her death or disappearance may have taken place and the possible way her things ended up in the alley. And AGAIN, it's only a theory to be considered and a long shot at best.

Though, I do wonder now if any of the apartments along both sides of the alley were ever visited by the BPD or any other authorities.


19. How bad was Lauren's drug problem and how much was she in debt (if any at all) to any dealers (like those at 5N)?

#19) seems mostly irrelevant, because we don't know all of what killed her and don't even have a body. If you are suggesting the motive was that she was killed over a debt, that would seem implausible to me in this sort of environment and other given factors.

I've known too many druggies in my life to ever expect rational behavior from them.

When drugs are involved, there's not much they can do that would surprise me. But, I'm not suggesting that she could have been killed over a debt. I am suggesting that "the coke wasn't free" and there were probably strings attached.


20. Did Police search the personal computers of any or all of the POI's?

#20) Well here we have it once again... is LE doing their job?? It really seems like nothing is going on doesn't it? I have to think that LE really has some solid stuff and therefore can't open up to the public. If that is not true, then yes, they would be horrible... because if they don't have a clue... by now they should be open with the public. If they didn't do things like search computers, cell phones, use cadaver dogs, etc... they are useless. But that doesn't mean we can't figure out what happened and hold those people accountable. This case really reflects poorly on the FBI too. Sure they have other priorities, but if we can't solve simple cases like this, why bother with terrorist nonsense? If you can be disappeared anywhere in the country (as seems to happen every day) and never been seen again... what good is the FBI? We are then living in hell.


Well said and I agree with all of it.

I still wanna know.

Keep pushing... keep digging. never let them rest.


I will... almost as if she were my own.
Keep pushing... keep digging. never let them rest.

I will... almost as if she were my own.

Thank you VV and Chuz for your excellent discussion and for your commitment to Lauren, your words above confirm that there are still good people left in the World!

The discovery of who killed Baby Hope (Anjelica Castillo), proves that eventually those who take the lives of others WILL be found out. So, in that vein, to those that know anything about Lauren's disappearance, speak now, or be found out - it's coming.
According to THIS LINK - the Tenth & College Village Apts. were built in 2010.

So, construction would not have been taking place there in June of 2011.

According to THIS LINK - the Tenth & College Village Apts. were built in 2010.

So, construction would not have been taking place there in June of 2011.


Chuz--your insight is amazing, and you've zeroed in on alot of points that have been discussed here already, but lining them up is good, Asking questions "out of the box" about this situation is like saying, "LE has told us THIS, now, what are they not saying?"
The altercation and the 10th and College connection to the situation of Lauren's disappearance are both important things, IMO, that LE are not talking about.
On Saturday I had to go to Upland, a bar right down the stret from 5N.
Ironically, there were 3 guys standing on the balcony of JR's old apt.
That's about all that would fit on this small balcony on the 2nd floor of the 3-story townhouse. Somehow, it seemed we were led to believe the balconies were on the 3rd floor, in that case, they wouldn't be able to see the corner of 11th and College, but from the 2nd floor, a person can obviously see the corner because I turned around and made sure they could, in fact they were looking in that direction.
From the corner of Morton and 11th I could see the corner of 11th and College, and down the street to Upland. No cameras at all on the way to Upland. I wonder which bar the so-called witness worked at as bar manager? Also, did she know anyone involved, and did she live at 5N or 10th and College? My guess is, she lived at 10th and College, and was involved in this somehow, with Zoe Camp. For some reason, Zoe seems sure, very sure, that JR and 5N POIs, or at least JR, is being scapegoated, to use her words. But she doesn't say scapegoated by LE, just scapegoated. By whom does she mean?
Yes, pretty obvious this thing is shrouded by much more mystery than the 5N guys' story. IMO, Lauren somehow did leave 5N., and also, I believe she did double back down to 10th and College. If she passed from an OD,. IMO, it was not at 5N but at 10th and College.
If JW is involved, and did leave the game, obviously, all of his buds are going to say they were all asleep. So, everyone else is partying their brains out, except this one small group are all in bed, BS!! ZO lived in 10th and College, if JW and gang went anywhere, 10th and C is closer and rowdier
and a party Lauren was trying to get into was going on there. Was JW and gang there?
So it could be said, the whole gang including HT, is alibiing each other except for the 5N guys, they get nada.
Chuz--your insight is amazing, and you've zeroed in on alot of points that have been discussed here already, but lining them up is good, Asking questions "out of the box" about this situation is like saying, "LE has told us THIS, now, what are they not saying?"

Thank you, IX.

It was only by reading through the many threads and posts here at WebSleuths that I was able to gain any insight at all.

On Saturday I had to go to Upland, a bar right down the street from 5N. Ironically, there were 3 guys standing on the balcony of JR's old apt. That's about all that would fit on this small balcony on the 2nd floor of the 3-story townhouse. Somehow, it seemed we were led to believe the balconies were on the 3rd floor, in that case, they wouldn't be able to see the corner of 11th and College, but from the 2nd floor, a person can obviously see the corner because I turned around and made sure they could, in fact they were looking in that direction.

From the corner of Morton and 11th I could see the corner of 11th and College...

Snipped by me to focus on this.

What time of day or night were you there?

What about if you were under the influence of something and it was 3:30 - 4:30 AM?

Would you still be able to see someone 'round the corner' of 10th & College from that balcony and under those conditions?
#10) huh? The 3:38 bar manager (a female) claimed she saw LS slumped over a man's shoulder. This has largely been identified as CR. However, LE said the time had to be wrong because somehow LE knows CR and LS could not have been there at 3:38. So based on that in the media it's said that LE did not give credibility to the witness. Remember at 3:30 MB is calling JR because supposedly LS is over there at 5N at CR/MB's. This creating a time conflict or exposing a LIE. Now this bar manager is not the person attributed with seeing and hearing LS fall over on the stairs hitting her head. My understanding (though I have no link) is that it was ZC and/or friends at 10th and College building that were within earshot of that event. However, it may have been yet another witness, because it's also said that ZC and friends never opened the door... so if they hear her hit her head from inside that would have been really loud!

The bar manager interviewed by Tony Gatto and the witness who who saw LS fall and hit her head are the same person. This was confirmed by Gatto.

The "mystery man" and CR are the same person. This was confirmed indirectly by LE from the beginning (when they said the person seen with Lauren was known to LE -- remember, at the time they were referring to Corey only as Lauren's 'companion') and directly by the Private Investigators who make it clear that the person who was carrying Lauren over his shoulders was Corey.

We know about the timeline between the time Lauren and Corey left Smallwood to the time they are last seen on their way to 5 N because it has been confirmed by LE (and the PIs) based on video surveillance. If Lauren had made it back to 10th and College or to someone's apt. there, she would have been captured on video again. "A camera located along Spierer's return route to Smallwood Plaza at 10th Street and College Avenue never captured any images of Spierer" ( Btown has confirmed that ZO's apt. building has cameras at the entrances.
Yes, pretty obvious this thing is shrouded by much more mystery than the 5N guys' story. IMO, Lauren somehow did leave 5N., and also, I believe she did double back down to 10th and College. If she passed from an OD,. IMO, it was not at 5N but at 10th and College.

Or somewhere along the route between those locations.

If JW is involved, and did leave the game, obviously, all of his buds are going to say they were all asleep. So, everyone else is partying their brains out, except this one small group are all in bed, BS!! ZO lived in 10th and College, if JW and gang went anywhere, 10th and C is closer and rowdier and a party Lauren was trying to get into was going on there.

The police have been very firm on their refusal to release any details on what the tapes at 10th and College (college and village apartments) show.

Was JW and gang there?

Good question.

So it could be said, the whole gang including HT, is alibiing each other except for the 5N guys, they get nada.

The lack of answers to even the most rudimentary follow up questions is astounding. We don't even have an indication that any follow up questions have ever been asked to get to the bottom of their alibis.
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