Is Karr the guy?

Is Karr the guy?

  • No

    Votes: 113 30.5%
  • Yes

    Votes: 22 5.9%
  • I don't think so

    Votes: 120 32.3%
  • A strong possibility, but not sure

    Votes: 88 23.7%
  • I am clueless

    Votes: 28 7.5%

  • Total voters
Pinkhammer said:
That's an out and out lie about Karr's handwriting being a match. He communicated by email with Tracey, not by pen and paper. No one has seen his handwriting yet.

Where do these trolls come from? Do they think we all just fell out of the banana tree?
As I just posted, Fox News showed a sample of his handwriting.......from a high school yearbook.....was difficult to see, actually.
I have spent the last 24 hrs watching every thing on this guy and reading forums etc. I am obssessed but I swing from thinking they have the right one to absolutely feeling horrified that they do not. The guy is very odd but I feel something is not right about it all. He is just so effeminate in his manner, he reminds me of the killer in Silence of the Lambs.Kind of Gay. Before anyone gives me grief about this ,I just want to say that I am not a Gay basher as I like gay people.I just think he is measu=red in his response and his answers to questions are wierd. who knows only time will tell. Apparently he drove a DeLorean sports car in his younger years and was always thought of by his peers as a "loner'.
shana said:
I've tried keeping-up on the threads but haven't been entirely successful; therefore, I don't know if the quote below has been posted/discussed. Thought this was a good spot to put it, w/ apologies if it's elsewhere already:

John Karr had disappeared after his release from jail in 2001. Karr, who relatives said had long spoken of a fascination with the Ramsey case, told his father at the time that he was being held for investigation of murdering the girl.


Aha, a record of having 'confessed' to this crime years ago...quite telling, IMO, if it's true.
Sounds like an obsessed whack job, to me. He also had a letter from Polly Klass' killer and a copy of her death certificate.

But, it sure has provided a lot of media attention for the "anybody but the Ramseys" faction. From private detectives to book writers to Patsys's been a bonanza!
When I saw the first pix yesterday (early resume), I immediately thought he looked fem. The second pix when he was heavier did not so resonate. The third pix (how he looks today) did again. Certainly during his live comments, I perceived his mannerisms as those typically characteristic of gay males (of which there have been many in my personal life, as close friends and associates).

What this means...I have no idea.

I am reminded of Richard Speck...not that there's any relevance...just came to mind.
Amster said:
Sounds like an obsessed whack job, to me. He also had a letter from Polly Klass' killer and a copy of her death certificate.

But, it sure has provided a lot of media attention for the "anybody but the Ramseys" faction. From private detectives to book writers to Patsys's been a bonanza!

Nope. not the guy, he's the fall guy.
sharkeyes said:
I doubt it. Look at him - he is mugging for the camera, this guy would have confessed to killing JFK and Lincoln if he thought it would get him on TV. Every time I see him I think of Anthony Perkins in "Psycho."
i so agree with you- this is all about him ....sick
shana said:
When I saw the first pix yesterday (early resume), I immediately thought he looked fem. The second pix when he was heavier did not so resonate. The third pix (how he looks today) did again. Certainly during his live comments, I perceived his mannerisms as those typically characteristic of gay males (of which there have been many in my personal life, as close friends and associates).

What this means...I have no idea.

I am reminded of Richard Speck...not that there's any relevance...just came to mind.
Oh man Richard Speck was a sickie. I will never forget his face.
Definitely clueless!:confused:

Playing the waiting game to find out what they have on this guy, if anything. If he didn't do it, he still needs to be taken off the streets!!:behindbar
Nope. I think Karr is a nut who became obsessed with JBR after her death.
I agree with you Honey. I hope the DNA matches so little JBR can have her justice, but I bet it won't.
Richard Speck died in prison at age 49 of a heart attack--was definitely gay in prison,as there was an infamous videotape--killed 8 nurses in a single night while drunk--never forgot his ugly pockmarked face--was to be executed but 1972 supreme ct. overturned all death sentences
I voted "NO", but am willing to change my vote *if* the family/ex-wife are unable to locate evidence that he was at home with them on Christmas 1996.
Anita Richman said:
I voted "NO", but am willing to change my vote *if* the family/ex-wife are unable to locate evidence that he was at home with them on Christmas 1996.
Unless it's in storage, I'm betting maybe there isn't any such photo. But does that mean he did it? Nope, not in my mind. At least I'm not convinced. He's hiding waaaay to much as others have already mentioned. If he hadn't said anything or confessed to everything, maybe. But cryptic messages and half answered questions don't a guilty man make (for JBR's murder, that is..he is guity as sin of other transgressions, I would think).
Peter Hamilton said:
Richard Speck died in prison at age 49 of a heart attack--was definitely gay in prison,as there was an infamous videotape--killed 8 nurses in a single night while drunk--never forgot his ugly pockmarked face--was to be executed but 1972 supreme ct. overturned all death sentences
He was one strange cookie for sure, I never understood how he killed all those poor nurses, I wish they woul have jumped his a$$ and beat him down!
No, doesn't appear like the type. He hasn't said anything to make me believe he killed JonBenet.
jc9876 said:
Unless it's in storage, I'm betting maybe there isn't any such photo. But does that mean he did it? Nope, not in my mind. At least I'm not convinced. He's hiding waaaay to much as others have already mentioned. If he hadn't said anything or confessed to everything, maybe. But cryptic messages and half answered questions don't a guilty man make (for JBR's murder, that is..he is guity as sin of other transgressions, I would think).
I absolutely agree with this. I also agree that even if a photo alibi doesn't exist, he still most likely didn't do it.
Anita Richman said:
I voted "NO", but am willing to change my vote *if* the family/ex-wife are unable to locate evidence that he was at home with them on Christmas 1996.
Anita wow! Where have you been?

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