Jesse's Father to Shed Light Monday Night!

SS said she didn't think RG had squat to say.

I guess in these type of matters in the future, we should make sure she weighs in! :)
A bit off topic, but the Gund's dog was named Sammy and Casey chose the name Sam for the sister of Zenaida that was at the park in story number...3?

I already thought that.:blushing: but apparently you & I are the only to realize..........hmmmmmm more casey code.

BTW - I whole heartedly agree with you about what you said about cindy!! Perfectly stated.
He spoke on NG tonight and nothing new to say at all just trashed Cindy a bit and that was pretty much it. Big waste of time!
And I'll say it again, I hang on almost every word SS says here and I will step and admit in this case, she was again right on the money!
I already thought that.:blushing: but apparently you & I are the only to realize..........hmmmmmm more casey code.

BTW - I whole heartedly agree with you about what you said about cindy!! Perfectly stated.

Thank you:blushing:...Casey code...we should write a book!
He spoke on NG tonight and nothing new to say at all just trashed Cindy a bit and that was pretty much it. Big waste of time!

The entire show was a huge waste. LP with more random theories based on nothing at all, Nancy ranting without having a clue what she was ranting about, and Rev G ranting at Cindy. My head hurts.
Hey, what's up with this Supernatural Response Team and casting out spirits and speaking in other languages while he does this? I was just browsing through the blog and ran into some pretty freaky stuff...I think the REVEREND Gund may be a self appointed
so where is rj shedding the light- so far no mention of it on NG.


His big "revelation" I believe was in response to NG's question about her being a "nutjob" and he said that this is a different KC and that is what all her friends have been saying too. Am I missing something? Haven't her "friends" been saying just the opposite? That nothing changed and she was happy, upbeat, partygirl that she had been before???
His big "revelation" I believe was in response to NG's question about her being a "nutjob" and he said that this is a different KC and that is what all her friends have been saying too. Am I missing something? Haven't her "friends" been saying just the opposite? That nothing changed and she was happy, upbeat, partygirl that she had been before???

well, actually some of her friends were saying this, youd have to consider the source.
Hey, what's up with this Supernatural Response Team and casting out spirits and speaking in other languages while he does this? I was just browsing through the blog and ran into some pretty freaky stuff...I think the REVEREND Gund may be a self appointed

yes, he's an odd duck all right...fits perfectly in this case.
(singing) Shine the liiiight...shine the light....shine the light...won't you shiiiine the liiiigghhht oooon me?

I am still in the dark about RG's revelation tonight. Anyone else?!
Which friends? - I must've missed something

sorry lacey, too off topic and too many threads ago, besides its pretty irrelavent. I just hope LE finishes up and proves their case. Because people like RG and his teasers are getting a little old!
He said absolutely nothing tonight. I wonder if NG is realizing that he really doesnt have much to say about anything. He seems to be enjoying the limelight a bit too much for my tastes...

What a waste!
Well...It IS still Monday night?

(That was a bit of a let down, wasn't it?)
sorry lacey, too off topic and too many threads ago, besides its pretty irrelavent. I just hope LE finishes up and proves their case. Because people like RG and his teasers are getting a little old!

Does anyone else recall any of KC's friends in any of the interviews saying that KC was different somehow? If O/T, could you be so kind to PM me. I am baffled by this.
I agree. For all she knew Jesse could have been helping Casey hide Caylee for awhile. IMO Cindy has every right as the child's grandmother to speak to LE, but RG has no right going on national tv talking about all this. He's not even related to Caylee and didn't know the family really all that long.
At one point he WAS related to Caylee...when Casey led them all to believe that Caylee was Jesse's child. They were engaged, she spent alot of family time with them, and they were Caylee's caregivers on many occasions. Until the DNA proved otherwise, they were family in thier minds and hearts.
With that said, anyone who has had any history with Casey can very well shed some light on this case in some shape or form.
IMO, I don't care what forum it may be in, let them talk if it brings closure to this case.

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