Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #35 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I am signing off for the evening, but would first like to thank you all for helping me get through listening to all this nonsense. Websleuths is a great place and I am so glad I am a member here!!
I'm not Mormon and should probably stfu, but I'm finding this religious discussion bordering on attacking the Mormon faith. I'd hate to see that.

Just to balance it out, I don't think it is an attack on the Mormon faith, but, rather, a critique. But I also think it is best kept off this murder case because, in the end, Travis was butchered, and it was not about his religion.
Go to family court in your town and look for cases that have been going on for 5+ years - you'll find more of JA's ilk, the ones who haven't murdered yet.

What do you mean for five plus years? How is that possible? Wow. Do I live in a bubble or something? Are they domestic abuse cases? That is just plain scary. A lot of sick people in this world. My friends and family are all normal. Well, I thought I was normal until I got addicted to this case. Maybe not! I will feel normal once she is convicted.
darn just got back from my meeting and Court just ended.

Did I miss anything?? have we gotten any where near June 4th??

Something tells me we're going to be well into next week with no June 4th in sight until Thursday of next week!!!!!

We learned that she doesn't like to say the word PENIS.

We learned that she composes her e-mails.

We learned that she had typos in the composed e-mail.

Is it better to avoid her talking about June 4 before the long weekend? I think her telling her story about why she had to kill him due to his viciousness would be better heard next week so Juan can cross right after. Right? I don't know.

She is going for a record # of dates on the stand, that's for sure. Does The Guinness Book give a title for that?

Well if we have to wait until next week for Cross by Juan then I better stock up on more chocolate. My brownies have saved my sanity the past 2 days, lol.

I know that if I skip a day, it will be the day when Cross begins, therefore I am tethered to my computer until then. I'm addicted. I cannot stop watching no matter how bad the pain. :please: Praying Nurmi will get tired of this tomorrow and sit down.
Finally! Done for the day!!! Are they going to continue this tomorrow. I'm seriously considering not watching and then watching JVM for anything important. I just spent 6 hours of time that I could have used banging my head with a brick. :banghead: There was only one interesting thing today!
I am so angry. What Nurmi is doing is inexcusable. Yet another full day of testimony with maybe 20 minutes worth of valid, relevant information.

INAL so I'm making up my own 'rule' here - there SHOULD be a rule against a lawyer who, after the witness/defendant answers a question,

Lawyer asks: "What happened after you got to the house?"
Answer: "Well after we got to the house, I did a load of laundry and took the dog for a walk and noticed there was a message on my answering machine."
Lawyer should be FINED or put in time out if he THEN asks:
"So after you went to the house you did what?"
"Did you walk the dog?"
"Was laundry done?"
"Did you notice you had a message waiting?"

Nurmi re-asks EVERYTHING... it's just wrong. Especially considering how meaningless so much of this is - it is inexcusable (now JA is talking about cookie recipes and Napoleon and meeting someone who wasn't rude and knew Travis wasn't home, who went into Travis' office and Napoleon went TOO! Back to the cookie recipe high end recipe, dough refrigeration...)

Why are they using the term "interrogation" re Deanna? Oh right.

Back to the letter they've already gone over. This must be ticking the jury off, too. They have LIVES that Nurmi has completely dismissed for spending hours on very high-school type interactions that have NOTHING to do with self-defense or Travis being viciously killed.

Maybe Nurmi wants to lose. This is such an insult to everyone - including the defendant, the jury, the witnesses, the experts, the families, the citizens in the gallery, the state, the taxpayers...

(sorry - rant over).

Maybe Nurmi is thinking "my careers in the crapper, so I need to make this last. I won't be able to pull a Baez out of my butt, so I'll go down as the slowest most boring, inane defense ever.
It's that time....

Thank You Websleuthers for being there for me to share my aggravation with!

Til tomorrow....:seeya:
I bet Nurmi would love to echo Travis' words to Jodi - "I hardly masturbated before I met it's 2-3 times a day" ...or in his case 'a night'.

This guy is a flat out pervert. Plain and simple. He's loving every minute (or hour) (or day) (or week) of this sordid testimony.
This whole testamony of Jodi's is sounding more and more like the killing was Revenge not self defense as the days pass on. I guess because every time she claims not to be angry about different things you can tell that is eactly what she was, Angry.
I think the love she proclaims stems from wanting to live in TA's successful life and she is bound and determined to push her way in forever. Miss Gold Digger.......

Listened to the phone tape again. One of the first things Jodi asked Travis was about if he had any "International Trips" in the future. She was still willing to play the role of his sex buddy to the max if it meant some trips. Of course, we know not being taken on the Cancun trip was a clue for her that she was NOT IN CONTROL of Travis any longer. This is not even about love. Seething deep rage anger revenge hate kill under that passive/aggressive sweet hard shell.

She felt so wronged. She gave him her arse!
darn just got back from my meeting and Court just ended.

Did I miss anything?? have we gotten any where near June 4th??

Something tells me we're going to be well into next week with no June 4th in sight until Thursday of next week!!!!!

Travis sent Jodi some mean emails and text messages....poor little lamb :furious:
YES. That is so true. There are many people out there like Jodi, they just haven't been in trouble with the law. Somehow they act in their own made for TV drama and avoid going over the line but create chaos and wreak havoc in people's lives as easily as they breathe.

i feel so fortunate that i have never come across any of these types and that my family and friends are all "normal" . jodi is a total lunatic.
I am signing off for the evening, but would first like to thank you all for helping me get through listening to all this nonsense. Websleuths is a great place and I am so glad I am a member here!!

Me too, signing off because my cats are begging to have the poop scooped.

Scooping poop will probably be much more enjoyable than watching the Jodi & Nurmi Show. :floorlaugh:
We learned that she doesn't like to say the word PENIS.

We learned that she composes her e-mails.

We learned that she had typos in the composed e-mail.


We've also learned she knows how to flip pages
and pages
and pages
and pages
and pages
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