jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #64 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Her Mother tried to sell copies of forged letters that are banned from the trial to the National Enquirer.
Someone in her family is selling drawings supposedly by Arias on E-Bay.
I'll let you draw your own conclusions. lol

I thought the same as you & Ada, but those who have been in the courtroom, and have seen her in person, seem to think she is not the brightest bulb in the pack. I'm inclined to believe that the mom just can't understand how her actions are perceived, either in court or elsewhere. It's hard to figure how someone could be so stupid as to try and sell forged letters. If the court could figure it out, so could the National Enquirer (although obviously their ethics aren't real high :floorlaugh: ),
Ok, that's good to know about the strap. But then how/why did the camera keep moving around?

There are two straps. One that can be used around the neck and one that can be used around the wrist. I can't remember where but I saw a pic of the camera and it did have a wrist strap attached to it. The one that everyone is saying was in the camera bag is most likely that one that is used around the neck.

After my son died, my own mother refused to go to the funeral with me. I couldn't believe it. I would never let one of my children bury their child without my arm around their shoulder. She said, "I don't like funerals." My aunt said the same thing. I am Latina and I told both of them I never wanted to hear them say they were family oriented again in my presence.

I am hoping that our willingness to walk this terrible walk with Travis' family makes a difference. They have hundreds of arms around them as they endure this great suffering.

I commend each one of you for being willing to get involved, for caring about justice for Travis.

So very sorry anagrammy. I lost my 22 year old son 9 years ago. Hugs and angel kisses to you!
I am so tired of her poor me routine. Lets figure out how many people have a tough upbringing and don't slit people's throats...

I gotta tell you. If she had just shot him, Maybe, MAYBE get away with self defense. But when you stab someone over and over.. In the BACK and then slit his throat dissecting his carotid artery and air way.. That is not self defense. That is brutal, ugly, raging Homicide.
Quick Question: Didn't someone say there was something tonight on tv at 9 eastern to watch re the trial tonight? TIA

Anderson on CNN. Or maybe that is 10 PM eastern. I'm sorry. I'm eastern time too. Whenever Anderson comes on. Likely 10 PM.
Quick thought or one crime scene photo it shows Travis's house shoes in the bedroom near the closet. Just kinda there like someone just walked out of them.
Wouldn't you wear them into the bathroom to put on after you got out of the shower? His bathrobe was hanging right by the shower why not his slippers? They would help from slipping on wet tile. I don't see Travis just leaving then there.
Okay, I'm going to admit that for the life of me I cannot see that there is Travis's foot in the dragging picture.

I see a blood stain/pool that looks like the outline of a foot. It is coming out right below TA's shoulder.

The scale looks too far off to be his foot, it's the size of Jodi's big toe.

I'd love to see the recreation picture because I'm just not getting what others are seeing.

SusieD, that drove me crazy all day yesterday. I could not see it. But, to the right, picture it as it is at the far far end of the tunnel. It's perspective. The foot is not easily seen, but remember, the angle is looking all the way down his body. the foot is laying over to the right.
I thought the same thing, when I saw that 48 Hours interview. She really looked like a young girl then. Guess jail will do that to you!

....and a guilty conscious/heart......:sigh:
I'm re-watching now and still kind of interested at Jodi's use of the hair-cape. While the times she was crying in court were the most self-serving (especially with Juan, being caught in her lies) her "masking" is a missed opportunity to manipulate for juror sympathy by showing her whole face. Don't get me wrong, it can swing the other way if it's too obvious, but throughout this whole trial Jodi has avoided many opportunities to show vulnerability (many prompted by Nurmi).

Oh she's manipulative alright, with the stories, tall tales, and the soft spoken, inward facing, sloped shoulders little girl act when it's about Travis, but when it's about her it seems she always wants to be in control of her image, defiant, and never willing to appear personally vulnerable even to her detriment. Always the Jodi Show.
I am not hatin' on the guy. I posted what was aired on HLN to try to help- sorry. Next time I will just not try.
Update: All the videos have been removed. FYI: just because a poster uploads something does not mean they are saying it is true or false. Objecting to the content is fair, to the poster is not, IMHO.

ANJ, I heard it too when it was aired on HLN, even saw his lips move in conjunction to what was said. I didn't see either in the clip posted here in the forum, nor did I hear anything even with headphones. I am thinking the network has something to do with this. It's happened before, not necessarily with HLN though, it was with another major network covering the Trayvon Martin case.
Absolutely possible and it's also possible that she altered the date / time on Travis' camera. Was it really 5:30 PM when the shower pics were taken ? The timestamps on the pics are only as good as the date/time on the camera.

I don't actually believe that she altered any time or date stamp. I think she may have loaded the "dirty" pics of them onto his camera at 1:30. I think she took the shower pics at 5:22 on. If she loaded pics onto the camera, what time stamp would they have? Does anyone know? Any photographers out there?

Back to our crude layout drawing. We can easily debunk her versions of how the attack happened.

In scenario #1 She is lifted up and body see her here with her camera in the direction she'd be laying on hard tile after the body slam, and this is where she would remain for...maybe 4 days as her back would be out and she would have a concussion thereby making it impossible to get up. Travis would simply go to Cancun and wish her well.

In scenario #2 assuming by some miracle she got body slammed...and holy jesus, she rolled to her left as she said, got up (as he stands there and watches her roll and get up) and she takes off running past him as he stands there for some reason watches her go by and takes a step out, and poof, he is practically giving her a flat tire he is so close to her little running feet and bam.. he is behind her in the closet and she does what? Flies up and gets a gun, and he politely stands there while she gets the gun and then she runs by him, gets in the bathroom and then he comes at her. Ok, I can't type anymore, I'm laughing too hard.


In depiction number one, if Travis body slammed her then her head would most likely have been towards the sink and closet area and her feet would be pointing towards the shower area.

In depiction number two the gun was located on the top shelf closest to the bathroom door not to the bedroom door as you show it.
I believe he is still alive in that photo. His head could not be in that position unless she was dragging him by the hair, I tried with dead weight DH and it doesn't work. If she is dragging him by the hair (dead weight and 180 lbs) there would be hair everywhere that forensics never recovered. He is still alive in the first one, then she grabs the towel she bleached to drag him to the shower in the second.


In the first dragging photo his arm is bent at the elbow (as it looks to me) which it wouldn't be if he was dead or completely unconscious, it would be flat on the floor.

Okay, I'm going to admit that for the life of me I cannot see that there is Travis's foot in the dragging picture.

I see a blood stain/pool that looks like the outline of a foot. It is coming out right below TA's shoulder.

The scale looks too far off to be his foot, it's the size of Jodi's big toe.

I'd love to see the recreation picture because I'm just not getting what others are seeing.

That's perspective for you. :) At that angle, the foot will appear that small on someone that height. Someone posted a reenactment using her SO and his foot was about the same size relative to his head/body as Travis' is... The blurriness and back-lighting add to the foot 'appearing' even smaller... it looks pretty normal in size, though... HTH


ETA: This:
I thought the same as you & Ada, but those who have been in the courtroom, and have seen her in person, seem to think she is not the brightest bulb in the pack. I'm inclined to believe that the mom just can't understand how her actions are perceived, either in court or elsewhere. It's hard to figure how someone could be so stupid as to try and sell forged letters. If the court could figure it out, so could the National Enquirer (although obviously their ethics aren't real high :floorlaugh: ),

I know the State has their hands full with Jodi Arias but her co-conspirators should be prosecuted...if there are any. I am talking about MM, DB and her mother. Only LE knows the facts. But wouldn't that be illegal to try to sell forged letters during a DP murder trial? And the possibility that MM would either help write them or smuggle them somehow? I don't know. Cindy Anthony got away with perjury. Maybe mothers get away with those things.

Is it any wonder their kids grow up to be insane?
I don't actually believe that she altered any time or date stamp. I think she may have loaded the "dirty" pics of them onto his camera at 1:30. I think she took the shower pics at 5:22 on. If she loaded pics onto the camera, what time stamp would they have? Does anyone know? Any photographers out there?


the time stamp doesnt reset just because you upload other photos . ever.
IMO, that would be relatively easy to establish with an orthopedic hand specialist. It certainly appears she has a tendon injury, such as an untreated laceration, and not sequelae from any kind of fracture.

And with the finger injury coming from the murder, there wouldn't be much left to claim physical abuse.

I think the finger was an important lie. Perhaps JM is saving it for rebuttal case?

But maybe that is just a venture into the weeds, because I'm fairly certain that the Defense DV expert will focus on psychoemotional abuse, and not physical abuse in Jodi's case.

What seems really pertinent to me, as I reflect on the crossX, is that IMO Jodi did not establish that she experienced "I'm afraid of severe bodily harm or imminent death". There wasn't a single other incident she offered up as a priming experience where TA abused her such that she could reasonably be in fear of great bodily harm or death in her dropped camera story.

I expected Nurmi to elicit a lot of "I didn't want to have to kill him" comments from Jodi on direct, along with comments about comments to show remorse and conflict over killing him. And it never happened! I was stunned over that. "I had no choice, I was backed into a corner" etc. "I couldn't calm him down this time" etc. this was the worst justification for self defense I've ever heard! Complete failure of imagination on the defense part.

But for the sake of justice, I rejoice that the DT left such huge holes and doubt about self defense. And I really hope the jury noticed.

I'm sure Nurmi saw her testimony going quite differently than what she testified to. Jodi does her own thing in her own way. Jodi knows best. DT has no control over her whatsoever. jmo
I thought the shower door had been closed in all the pictures until the last one of him sitting in the shower, the one where there's no head in the picture.

Looking back at them, however, it does not look like the shower door was closed in any of the pictures. The full face picture looks like the shower door could be closed, but I think the water that is seen is just water that is flowing from the shower head that happens to be captured on film.

Any thoughts on this?

To me the water looks like it's running down the glass door. On the others of Travis it looks almost like the lens got sprinkled.
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