Lisa Doe believes she was kidnapped - Can you help?, 1960s

I sent an email to asking if "Lisa" remembered other children in her home and specifics on why she thought she was abducted. They responded and said that LE is involved right now and that there are no adoption records but she cannot answer specific questions because of that.
Probably because they don't think we are a "credible" bunch of people. Sad, but true.

I was just reading through this thread, and saw your comment. I've become fairly well acquainted with the people at CYIM since I contacted them about Sheri Johnson, and I know that they do appreciate the assistance from amateur sleuths and victim's advocates at Websleuths and elsewhere. I know that Websleuths members don't have a credibility problem with them.

And they do take all tips seriously.
I was just reading through this thread, and saw your comment. I've become fairly well acquainted with the people at CYIM since I contacted them about Sheri Johnson, and I know that they do appreciate the assistance from amateur sleuths and victim's advocates at Websleuths and elsewhere. I know that Websleuths members don't have a credibility problem with them.

And they do take all tips seriously.

When I said that they might not think we are credible or whatever, I wasn't trying to be mean or ignorant. I know from past experience dealing with other cases, I have been blown off because I am not LE. (I have also been thanked and treated nicely by other LE on others) I WANT more people to take us seriously and I am grateful for the ones who do. I have been doing this possible match comparison thing long before I joined Websleuths, and put a lot of time and heart into some of these cases. (Just like about everyone here)... Bottom line... I love the people who take us seriously... I think some of us here do a better job than people that are in charge of some cases. Let's keep it up and give these UID's their names back. Let's help give families closure and answers..

I am glad the people in charge of trying to find out who Lisa Doe is, are taking all the tips seriously. Hopefully the find the answers she needs.
Has been a long time since any info on this thread. Anyone heard anything that has emailed on this before?
Ramona Price?


It would be more helpful if we had an approx year of birth and know whether or not she can remember siblings.
bumping again, looks like nothing new around the web, but thought I would bump in case anyone here knows any more.
Did we ever receive an answer on whether or not LE is investigating this claim and what their thoughts are?
This is an interesting case, but frustrating in that she is unwilling to put forth information that would be helpful.

This picture posted is probably a 4 year old child. So that would have been taken the year before she entered kindergarten, approximately. So take the year she graduated high school, and subtract 13 years and put a date on the photo.

The dress could be anywhere from the 50's through 1970s, (a poster said she had one in 1971). My sister wore that dress in 1960.

The memories she has indicate she was old enough to recognize and remember a tune - Down in the Valley - so she was at least 3 when she was kidnapped. So that narrows the window WAAAAYY down. The year span she has given, and the unwillingness to give better concrete detailed information makes this very suspicious, IMHO.

I wonder why she's not legally able to give more details? A guess would be someone has a harassment "Cease and Desist" order on her.

This case just rings - to me - not quite right.
I don't feel that way at all considering I am trying to match people on a daily basis, but I thought maybe since some of us are just normal people with no detective background (even though I would like to consider myself as one).. i think a lot of us here do a great job! I just know some of us have been blown off by LE in the past and it makes me mad!!!


I just stumbled across this post over a year later... and just wanted to let you know that it happens to me a lot as well, and I never mention WS in my first email, so I don't think it's anything against WS... but it makes me mad, too!

Not so much the fact that they don't answer me, but the fact that there might be someone out there who has important information, but is nervous to contact LE... I don't want to think about how many finally work up the nerve to do it, and get ignored.
I wonder if dna testing has been carried out in this case and has confirmed suspicions this lady held? If she obtained a sample surreptiously from her 'parents' which confirmed what she thought, but LE have not been able to obtain samples which would officially confirm the findings?

I can imagine this would result in a difficult situation re any public accusations, if that was the case.
I do not think this is a hoax. I know it makes a hinky meter go on red alert. The reason I think this is because she claims to have DNA on file as well as she claims that she was tested to see if she was Elizabeth Gill from Missouri and the DNA did not match.

I have been racking my brain to figure out why she can not release more information about herself. Perhaps the folks who raised her are violent or involved in some kind of mafia type stuff, or even perhaps they are well known people and this would be a scandal if if were true that they took her from someone. But the later does not make sense because the parents who raised her would not be well into their 70's or older. At that age it is unlikely that they are in any kind of politics or something that would damage their reputations at this point.

I do wonder though if she was adopted and her adoptive parents just refused to let her know she was adopted. And she just has that feeling that she does not belong. Whatever it is, her story must have been compelling enough for her to get her DNA entered into the system. There is a lot here we do not know.

But like everyone else here, something just does not add up and I can not quite put anything to it that would make total sense.

What would make her think this? Why is it so important for her to find out who she may be? Is there a situation were not aware of where she can not get a drivers license or job because of lack of credentials? But why at her current age would she start looking, if it were one or both of those situations, she should have started looking years and years ago.

IIRC there was a case where a baby was stollen and raised by a woman and the woman made every effort to keep the stollen girl from getting a drivers license etc and the girl had a feeling something was off and started looking for who she was. And in fact found out she was a stollen baby and was able to find out who she really was.

I am totally stumped. I wish there were more we knew to help put the pieces of the puzzle together.
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I didn't see this article posted here.

A picture that sort of emerges is that she might have been given away by a single mother. She might have been a difficult child the mother couldn't handle, or maybe a totally average child the mother wasn't prepared to raise/didn't want. The memories she has of her mother aren't warm and loving - it's a woman in another room singing loudly and beautifully.

It sounds to me like she was given away to a family who also really didn't want her but felt obligated to raise her after her mother couldn't, and they did their duty. You hear cases where children who are thrust upon families and raised out of a sense of duty don't get treated that well.

And that's what this sounds like to me. And meanwhile, the family has ordered - on threat of being sued - that she not slander them.

All conjecture.
I sent an email to the address listed on the various links ... not to the person who forwarded me the information originally, and recieved a prompt reply. It is as follows

Well alrighty then, strange that she is friends with EAG's sister and did not come to us at WS directly?


What about Elizabeth (Beth) Funchess? She disappeared from San Jose, CA in 1977 and her mother's body was found in a shallow grave. Beth was never found. Is this time frame off?
Thanks for the article, I had not seen that one. It gives a little more perspective, but really not much.

There really isnt much to go on here.

I do have to wonder the types of abuse that she suffered.
Was she raised with other children?
She fears the person who raised her / kept her captive could be doing this to other children. (What would make her think that?)

In the youtube video she showed a photo of herself at graduation. What kind of school did she attend, her attire was not what we typically see of graduation attire. Did she go to a private school? Or was that picture she said was graduation, her without her cap and gown, wearing the dress she wore under that formal graduation attire?
What about Elizabeth (Beth) Funchess? She disappeared from San Jose, CA in 1977 and her mother's body was found in a shallow grave. Beth was never found. Is this time frame off?

The timeline would be off, it was mentioned upthread that this woman claims she has documents from the mid 60's what those are I have not a clue. Could be school records or health records or something along those lines. I believe it has been narrowed down to her being born somewhere around 1960 and 3-5 years old when she was taken and went to live with the people who raised her.
I don't feel that way at all considering I am trying to match people on a daily basis, but I thought maybe since some of us are just normal people with no detective background (even though I would like to consider myself as one).. i think a lot of us here do a great job! I just know some of us have been blown off by LE in the past and it makes me mad!!!

Don't take it personally. Can you imagine the thousands of crackpots that crawl out of the woodwork to offer up their
"visions" on these type of cases? LE only has so many resources and hours in the day. They have to stay pragmatic and focused. I'm sure your approach is highly professional, and fact based. Just continue to politely present your findings in the most scientific manner possible.

This leads me to think maybe we can offer up a suggestion to Trish to invite a detective to a websleuths radio hour to talk about how to professionally package up our findings in a manner that they will be reviewed seriously? Might be worth it? Perhaps this is out of scope or has been done before.
Roses, I agree that there are crackpots in the world and they post things they "see", and when you read the post you think they were actually a witness to a crime rather than some kind of psychic fringe personality.

But here on Websleuths, I've been AMAZED at the heads-up thinking and dedication of people who put in hours and hours combing through clues and information, and how many cases have been solved right here. I would think any detective would welcome emails from people who have done the legwork for solving a missing persons case.
Here is what I look like today, my stats:


Age: (approx) 49
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'9

Birthmarks/ scars: scar on inside lower right leg

Health conditions: Asthma, Allergies, Tooth with no adult tooth underneath, high blood pressure, diabetes

Other: Freckles

Do you know anyone else who looks like this, or looked like this? I’m looking for my mother. Maybe there’s a sister or aunt who are also searching for a stolen child from the 60’s? I want to find my way home. You can help me do this? Please circulate this to every person you know in this world. I believe that the right person at the right time will see this and know who I am. They can tell me. I can find my way home.

If you are the person who knows me, please contact me through this blogger:

Can You Identify Me?
Attn: Rebel J. Morris

The above story you just read is not fictional. This person is not deceased. This person is alive and looking for her family. She contacted Can You Identify Me? to place her story in this unique setting. The information about this case has been verified with NCMEC and a private investigator handling the case. If you have any information pertaining to the true identity of this woman please contact Can You Identify Me? and I’ll pass it along. Thank You Child Child

underlined by me

Notice no mention of father in my "ubm". Maybe father abducted her?
Thanks for the article, I had not seen that one. It gives a little more perspective, but really not much.

There really isnt much to go on here.

I do have to wonder the types of abuse that she suffered.
Was she raised with other children?
She fears the person who raised her / kept her captive could be doing this to other children. (What would make her think that?)

In the youtube video she showed a photo of herself at graduation. What kind of school did she attend, her attire was not what we typically see of graduation attire. Did she go to a private school? Or was that picture she said was graduation, her without her cap and gown, wearing the dress she wore under that formal graduation attire?

I've wondered about that graduation photo too. And like you, I saw a part of a toddler in her first picture - the picture was at least two kids but has been cropped.

I don't know why I'm so intrigued by this, all the while thinking if she ever actually gets answers they're not going to be the answers that will bring her joy and comfort.

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