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That's interesting! LE doesn't want to talk about the brother? He's been awfully quiet. I found it suspicious that he never came forward to say he was the unidentified man in the store video.

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I recall the first day the video was released. Remember some of us thought the brother would give an interview or something. I find his silence a bit hinky.

That would wake my youngest up though. Depending on where he is at in his sleep cycle, just walking in his room could wake him up. Way too risky because once he's up and sees me, he's not going back to sleep until I rock him in the chair which could be 15 minutes - 2+ hours. My older 2, once they reached about age 2, if I check on them and they wake up, they will go back to sleep but not the little guy. But, I have the video monitor for the baby. If I'm worried about him, I just watch him on the monitor.

So bringing the focus back to DB's mothering style. Baby Lisa slept in a room by herself. Apparently, the baby was coming down with something.
She admitted that once she put her to bed that was it. Wow -- did she ever check on her baby even once!!
I guess my point is, that I think most of the public had their mind made up before they even knew of everything you stated. This is just based on my brief survey of MBA students in a Finance class... maybe they're just more jaded. lol :crazy: Seriously though, a number of people believed that one of the parents did something to the baby as soon as the amber alert was issued. How sad is that??? :( It makes me think if one of my kids disappears out of their bed in the middle of the night, I'm hiring an attorney on my way to the police station. It shouldn't be like that but I guess it is. :(

You know, I feel like I am taking little mental notes JIC-
hold up a picture, speak only to my child and/or abductor
don't give details
never admit was LE tells you in interrogation
get new carpet so that head injury spot won't get hit by a cadaver dog
don't cut my hair, but also don't wear the same outfit every day
hire attorney quietly, no big names, but good at advising big cases
oh, wait, don't hire an attorney at all- just wing it. but don't talk.
don't cry too much, it looks fake
don't be too stoic, it looks cruel
don't make any mistakes the night before/acquire hindsight
do post fliers
don't talk about myself
hell, unless you're saying baby's name/doings- just don't talk
don't give interviews.
don't go stop talking to local media (you know, if you could give interviews)
don't drink boxed win :crazy:

ok, so in case it isn't obvious- I'm being tongue-in-cheek. I will be the first to admit that I can't relate to DB on a personal level, and that she has made choices that make me question (judge?) her as a mother. I'm just not going to judge her as a murderer without more science. It's unethical IMO. And yes, this is life and not court... but IMO it isn't the beautiful and free land it is supposed to be unless the foundations of our system are respected universally, at least as a collective.

And I do fear the entire point of the Amber Alert system is in jeopardy. Remember that little boy from Canada? All I ever heard on facebook from my northern friends was how it was "fishy", even after he was found- it was some elaborate ploy by the parents. IOW- many people in his area weren't looking for him. They were contemplating how & what hypothesis of parental guilt it will prove to be. Of course this is just one small population sample, so maybe that isn't the universal experience.

It is sad, and I hate the (sorry excuse for) parents who have made it so...
Sometimes you gotta think outside the cat nip!!!!

Not so sure I believe these eyewitnesses and why didn't they call LE?? That's where I get stuck. imo

I don't think all these people just made things up. This is a missing kid case. There is a baby missing. Different people who do not know each other are all just lying? I don't buy that. And they didn't call LE because most people don't when they see something strange. With all the publicity, what they saw may have begun to nag at them until they felt they should report it.

It has happened in other cases, where later eyewitness testimony helps crack a case.

However, they may be mistaken about what they think they saw. The mind is a mysterious thing. We we're talking about that on the mystery man thread.
I guess my point is, that I think most of the public had their mind made up before they even knew of everything you stated. This is just based on my brief survey of MBA students in a Finance class... maybe they're just more jaded. lol :crazy: Seriously though, a number of people believed that one of the parents did something to the baby as soon as the amber alert was issued. How sad is that??? :( It makes me think if one of my kids disappears out of their bed in the middle of the night, I'm hiring an attorney on my way to the police station. It shouldn't be like that but I guess it is. :(

How sad is that? It's not unfounded and statistically it's a very real possibility.

What I find sad is the mom appearing on national tv and admitting she was freakin drunk and may have passed out. THAT is sad.

I personally can't believe she hasn't been arrested for neglect.

A drunk mom who was supposed to be watching 3 children?!? She gets drunk-again by her own admission-and says she even could have, maybe, possibly, passed out.

She imo is not fit to be a mother.

IMO, No alcoholics should retain custody of their children.

(DB-This woman didn't only over drink just one night...nope.)

Although an abduction is within the realm of possibility, the cell phones trip me up. If someone-neighbor, acquaintance, etc wanted to snatch Lisa I think that is what they would have done. Gone in, picked Lisa up and left. Turning lights on (if that happened-DB claims in one interview that she wasn't good about turning lights off-otoh, JI says the lit house was odd), stopping for phones..that part just doesn't make sense. I believe someone can sleep through all kinds of things. I can't believe a baby snatcher would do any more than scoop Lisa up and take off. Which brings me to people reporting a man with a practically naked baby in various locations. DB reported she was clothed the last time she saw her. No kidnapper would stop and disrobe the baby before taking her out of the home. :cow:
Checking every 30 minutes does not mean waking a child under the weather up. I would always feel their cheeks/forehead and make sure that everything else was okay, i.e. no laboured breathing, room temp., blankets, maybe get them to sip some water, but that's just me. When a child is sick, isn't the whole house up anyway? From my experience yes it is!! I could never sleep if my baby or child was ill, I would be too worried about them, but everyone is different.

You know, everyone is different. My babies slept with me in my arms, so I was always right there and super tuned to their needs. I could say "every good mother would not leave their baby's side when they are ill" but I wouldn't, because good mothers come in some many forms.

I think too that "cough" is turning into some huge illness. All that was ever said was that she had a cough. Usually a lingering cough follows an illness, and you've already left the "stage of concern". Not all, but many kids hold onto coughs following a virus.
You know, I feel like I am taking little mental notes JIC-
hold up a picture, speak only to my child and/or abductor
don't give details
never admit was LE tells you in interrogation
get new carpet so that head injury spot won't get hit by a cadaver dog
don't cut my hair, but also don't wear the same outfit every day
hire attorney quietly, no big names, but good at advising big cases
oh, wait, don't hire an attorney at all- just wing it. but don't talk.
don't cry too much, it looks fake
don't be too stoic, it looks cruel
don't make any mistakes the night before/acquire hindsight
do post fliers
don't talk about myself
hell, unless you're saying baby's name/doings- just don't talk
don't give interviews.
don't go stop talking to local media (you know, if you could give interviews)
don't drink boxed win :crazy:

ok, so in case it isn't obvious- I'm being tongue-in-cheek. I will be the first to admit that I can't relate to DB on a personal level, and that she has made choices that make me question (judge?) her as a mother. I'm just not going to judge her as a murderer without more science. It's unethical IMO. And yes, this is life and not court... but IMO it isn't the beautiful and free land it is supposed to be unless the foundations of our system are respected universally, at least as a collective.

And I do fear the entire point of the Amber Alert system is in jeopardy. Remember that little boy from Canada? All I ever heard on facebook from my northern friends was how it was "fishy", even after he was found- it was some elaborate ploy by the parents. IOW- many people in his area weren't looking for him. They were contemplating how & what hypothesis of parental guilt it will prove to be. Of course this is just one small population sample, so maybe that isn't the universal experience.

It is sad, and I hate the (sorry excuse for) parents who have made it so...

Point taken with that list! But it made me think of something. Anyone remember Silence of the Lambs, when the profiler urged the parents to humanize their daughter? (The one who was being held in the killer's little funhouse of horrors in his basement?) I know it's a movie but it made sense to me and I never forgot it. If my kid went missing (and if I was coherent enough to speak), I would be holding press conference every day talking directly to the abductor about my child, who she was, what her personality is like, her likes and dislikes, cute things she did with me or her dad or her siblings, how she loved me to rock her to sleep and what her face would look like as she got excited, or mad, or content, etc.

I see too many parents, some who really aren't guilty, who give no info about their kid, or virtually none. I would want the person to know my kid isn't an object and how much she means to the family, etc.

But count me in as one who has thought it weird that this family hasn't spoken directly to the abductor and pleaded for the return of their child, really. I've been on and off the fence so much it's making me dizzy, leaning more towards guilt right now due to reports about the cadaver dog hit and the drastic change in timeline, mostly, (plus stats on infant abduction), but willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. So, perhaps they aren't being well advised ( or are), or are on the defensive now instead of offensive, or don't know what to do... Not sure.
Point taken with that list! But it made me think of something. Anyone remember Silence of the Lambs, when the profiler urged the parents to humanize their daughter? (The one who was being held in the killer's little funhouse of horrors in his basement?) I know it's a movie but it made sense to me and I never forgot it. If my kid went missing (and if I was coherent enough to speak), I would be holding press conference every day talking directly to the abductor about my child, who she was, what her personality is like, her likes and dislikes, cute things she did with me or her dad or her siblings, how she loved me to rock her to sleep and what her face would look like as she got excited, or mad, or content, etc.

I see too many parents, some who really aren't guilty, who give no info about their kid, or virtually none. I would want the person to know my kid isn't an object and how much she means to the family, etc.

But count me in as one who has thought it weird that this family hasn't spoken directly to the abductor and pleaded for the return of their child, really. I've been on and off the fence so much it's making me dizzy, leaning more towards guilt right now due to reports about the cadaver dog hit and the drastic change in timeline, mostly, (plus stats on infant abduction), but willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. So, perhaps they aren't being well advised ( or are), or are on the defensive now instead of offensive, or don't know what to do... Not sure.

You are right. That movie used the services of FBI profiler Robert Ressler, who created the Behavioral Sciences Unit in the FBI and is considered the best. He was consulted on for how to accurately portray the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit in the movie and the profiling done in it, etc.
You are right. That movie used the services of FBI profiler Robert Ressler, who created the Behavioral Sciences Unit in the FBI and is considered the best. He was consulted on for how to accurately portray the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit in the movie and the profiling done in it, etc.

We've seen very little of this in Lisa's disappearance. The parents did ask a few times the supposed kidnapper to drop her off somewhere in the beginning, but how long has it been since they did that?
We've seen very little of this in Lisa's disappearance. The parents did ask a few times the supposed kidnapper to drop her off somewhere in the beginning, but how long has it been since they did that?

october 6?
How sad is that? It's not unfounded and statistically it's a very real possibility.

What I find sad is the mom appearing on national tv and admitting she was freakin drunk and may have passed out. THAT is sad.

I can't believe she hasn't been arrested for neglect. |

A drunk mom who was supposed to be watching 3 children. She gets drunk-again by her own admission-and says she even could have maybe possibly passed out.

She's imo not fit to be a mother. Alcoholics shouldn't retain custody of their children. (This woman hasn't only over drank just one night...nope.)


I don't disagree- I was raised by people unfit to have kids (bio and foster). Because of my ethnicity, I couldn't be adopted out so the state just kept throwing me around at random.

Which is another issue... but I won't even get into the ethics of flooding an already struggling and under-supported foster care system. I also won't get into the ethics of creating a universal diagnostic criteria for alcoholism that warrants removal of children.

I'll just say that as someone who grew up in the foster system and is now a foster parent myself- you would be surprised at how awful a parent can be and still get more chances.

Getting drunk at home with your kids is small potatoes, sad to say.
Thanks for the link. :tyou: (is it just me that has messed up graphics with that video?)
I'm pages and pages behind here, so apologies if this as already been said, but this interview...... OMG!!!

I've never seen someone so flippant, passive aggressive and sarcastic like this....oh, actually maybe I have, in a recent high-profile case.

And the similarities in vocab and choice of words was jaw-dropping for me. I thought I was having flashbacks for a minute there. :flashback:

Q: Do you believe she's alive?
DB: Yes aboslutely
Q: "What did you say to them when they told you that"?

DB: "That's not possible". <scoff> "I have absolutely no idea where my daughter is. If I knew she'd be with me"

Does that phrase sound eerily familiar to anybody else? :eek:hoh:

Can someone help me decipher what she says after "That's what 911 is for"? @ 1:44 mark

Also the date on that page is 17th Oct. Is that when the interview was done?


BBM left off "narcissistic." At least that's what jumped out at me the first time I saw that video (and the others with national media), and all those traits do sometimes go hand in hand.

If I was ever on the fence, I plopped off face first as soon as she sat down and spilled to the media.

And yet, can't or won't talk to the local media that could likely help them most if Lisa was abducted and still alive in the local area. Too busy grieving I guess to take a few minutes to use that resource.

BBM left off "narcissistic." At least that's what jumped out at me the first time I saw that video (and the others with national media), and all those traits do sometimes go hand in hand.

If I was ever on the fence, I plopped off face first as soon as she sat down and spilled to the media.

And yet, can't or won't talk to the local media that could likely help them most if Lisa was abducted and still alive in the local area. Too busy grieving I guess to take a few minutes to use that resource.


well said. :seeya:


Too busy to talk to local media but has time to get her hair cut and colored.

I think she knows her baby is deceased, thus the word grieving and the avoiding local media.

Didnt read everything so maybe this has already been mentioned but why wouldn't the police take the wine box to check to see if she had been drugged? I totally think the parents are very suspicious but woiuld think to ensure a thorough investigation they would have done so.
I want to go to our other Lisa, an exclusive interview with a woman who is in Kansas City in the same neighborhood as the home of this missing toddler.

Lisa, you claim you saw a man with the baby that night. Are you sure it was a man?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is correct. You have no doubts that it was a man? How can you be so sure?

LISA: Yes. Correct. Based on the lighting. When it reflected off of the gentleman`s head, there was no long hair. To us it appeared as if the gentleman had a bald head.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And now when you say -- I`m trying to glean some kind of clue from your incredible eyewitness of this man. And you`ve told the story and yet it leaves us sort of perplexed with the mystery of who is this person.

Can you describe him in more detail? Could you say, anything about his age, his height, his possible ethnicity, anything, and I usually don`t like to focus on that but I`m only focusing on trying to paint a portrait of this man.

And by the way, have cops taken your information so that they can create a sketch? Do you have any word that cops are making a sketch of this man, perhaps?

LISA: The cops did offer to make a sketch for us. However, we didn`t have clear facial features to give them. We were able to describe the man, he was very slender. He was a tall gentleman. He was probably six-foot tall, maybe 5`8" to six-feet tall. So he was a really tall gentleman and he was very, very slender. He was wearing a white T-shirt and some sweat pants.

Geez Louise, take one little ride in an ambulance, get a few x-rays, ekg, and a cat scan, and come back to find 20 pages of posts! Now I know how the night shift feels when they come in here at night. LOL. (btw, I'm fine...fainting episode, just need to follow up with my Hematologist/Oncologist.)

So anyway, do I need to read 20 pages to find out anything interesting, or does someone want to fill me in on just the highlights? (Pretty please?)
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