MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #6

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Did RB even have a car? Did MM have a car (maybe his mothers)? This would probably answer questions if MM was involved.

If RB didn't have a car, she wouldn't have taken the body on a train or by foot.

RB claims that MM used his car to transport the body. RB knows how to drive, and if you are living with a heroin addict that has a car it is safe to assume you could use it whenever you wanted too.

Also...MM looks just as goofy/spaced out in his DL photo as he did in court, I guess he always looks that way.

While high, McCarthy moved Bella’s body to a duffel bag and put it in his car. He weighted down the bag and threw it into the water at the seaport, the district attorney’s office said.
YOU ARE PROBABLY RIGHT HOWEVER, WHY WOULDNT THE MOTHER JUST SAY THAT? Is it because the mother sat on her and not MM? i mean why say he was punching her in the stomach? MOO

Anything I write is just my opinion.

Because they were both so messed up on heroin at the time they don't know exactly how it happened.

I wish we knew what the evidence is to charge only MM with murder and NOT just on RB's word. I don't doubt for a second that RB is very much involved, if not more so than MM. I could even see MM believing that Bella was taken away if not for the fridge. There's no way the child could be in the fridge and he not know. If she were an infant, I'd say it's possible. But no way.
I wish we knew what the evidence is to charge only MM with murder and NOT just on RB's word.

But we don't know that she was in a fridge. :)

This is a very high profile case, lots of pressure on LE/DA etc...

If they didn't have any real evidence I could absolutely see them thinking "Okay let's lock both junkies up, give them some time, let them sweat it out and one of them is going to spill the whole story".
If they can't prove anything then just RB should be punished for this IMO.

RB knew the child wasn't with CPS, RB was the one that brought up the whole "Bella was murdered" story. RB was most definitely responsible for covering up the girl's death. Those are the things that we know are facts.

At this point there is a fair amount of doubt that MM had anything to do with it, not one known fact proves his involvement.

I kind of agree if all they have on him is RB's word and if the investigation reveals that RB is lying, only problem with that would be her lawyer would use the SODDI defense for the murder charge and point the finger at MM, which could raise reasonable doubt depending on what evidence they have. I think RB should be in jail for the rest of her life, even if it was MM, her actions are inexcusable. Hopefully cell phone records, security footage, etc can help sort out the truth. If MM is telling the truth that he was told by RB that Bella was with DFS and this matches up with when other witnesses stopped seeing Bella or hearing her in the apartment then i would want a solid answer about the refrigerator or freezer before deciding whether or not I believed MM. I'm sure his lawyer is busy trying to figure out ways to refute this.

Are we even sure Bella was in the refrigerator for a month? Could RB have had a large cooler she got rid of or something and the refrigerator story was told to further tie MM into everything. I'm not trying to be a conspiracy theorist but I'm trying to figure out if there's anyway MM could be telling the truth, bc the refrigerator is a major red flag. If he was living there then how could he not have known, which would mean the CPS story he told was a lie. Ugh. I normally never think someone charged could be innocent with the cases I have followed on here. In regards to MM I don't know what to think.
Folks have mentioned camera footage from businesses (when the body was driven to the ocean) or apartment camera footage etc...

At this point video is pretty much a lost cause. Typically only 30-60 days worth of video is stored on camera systems and then it is recorded over (saving months worth of video gets really expensive for businesses with multiple cameras).

RB probably had an EBT card, if Bella died at the end of May the purchases may have changed. Plus video of RB out and about shopping or whatever on her own when she was being "held hostage" could be useful.
I wish we knew what the evidence is to charge only MM with murder and NOT just on RB's word. I don't doubt for a second that RB is very much involved, if not more so than MM. I could even see MM believing that Bella was taken away if not for the fridge. There's no way the child could be in the fridge and he not know. If she were an infant, I'd say it's possible. But no way.

BBM, I'd typically agree with this, but MM is male (no offense to men) but in my experience they are pretty oblivious. If Bella was in a crisper drawer (sorry graphic) that was the entire width of the fridge, then I'd say it's quite possible that Bella was in the fridge w/o MM realizing it. Then add in the fact that MM was on drugs? I'm not trying to give him or anyone a pass on Bella's death but his story is not that far fetched.

Do we have DNA confirmation yet that Baby Doe is Bella?
normal thinking ppl trade off babysitting.... i dont think addicts are much into planning unfortunately :(

Bella was beginning to become her own person, no longer that "cute" accessory that goes down for "naps" or plays quietly. This is one of the danger times for toddlers living/existing in this type of environment and yeah, using ANY type of "sleepy-time" stuff is VERY popular with addicts. The other manner of "dealing with youngsters" is to trade off baby sitting coverage between cooperative ladies, either those within the same profession or neighbors et al.

Beginning to sound like a page from the famous Fla. case!
i am not sure MM knew that RB gave him up. i THINK... (i could be wrong) he went into the hospital and that is when RB reached out to JA after texting MS. MS and LS went to the LE, who then went looking for RB at JA's mom's house. she wasnt there, so they then went to see MM. maybe MM didnt know RB threw him under the bus. they were questioning him so they prob didnt lay all the cards on the table.

I believe MMs statements to the police imply he really DID think Bella was with CPS.

Bella had been gone for months. MM knew RB was telling people that MM killed the child. He surely knew the police had the body and were conducting a HUGE search for those responsible.

Yet when the police came to question him he said nice things about RB! He said she is a "Good mother" and that the child is "Well care for" !!!!

Obviously MM was sharp witted at that time so why did he say that? RB had turned him in. Wouldn't it make more sense to stick with the CPS story while subtly casting doubt on RB?

He said those nice things because he really believed Bella was with CPS.

Maybe folks will think that was just a "clever ploy" on his part to make himself seem innocent, if that is true then it was the ONLY clever thing in this entire story. If MM were that clever, if he had days/weeks to think about how to dispose of Bella's body he would have come up with a much better plan and the body would never have washed up on the beach.
BBM, I'd typically agree with this, but MM is male (no offense to men) but in my experience they are pretty oblivious. If Bella was in a crisper drawer (sorry graphic) that was the entire width of the fridge, then I'd say it's quite possible that Bella was in the fridge w/o MM realizing it. Then add in the fact that MM was on drugs? I'm not trying to give him or anyone a pass on Bella's death but his story is not that far fetched.

Do we have DNA confirmation yet that Baby Doe is Bella?

She was in public housing and the fridge was standard-issue. There was a picture of the appliance on the street when LE removed it from the apartment. I don't think it had a jumbo crisper that would hide a toddler.

I could almost believe he never opened the fridge (for months?!) except I think MM was involved with the crime from beginning to end, or at the very least, knew about it.

If it can be established that MM was a beer drinker, then I will not give any more thought to the idea he never opened the fridge.

huh? shes talking about her arms.

Do we know for sure that this was RB's apt, or could it have been the godmothers house?

Look at that little sweetie in her pink bathrobe on her little pink Hello Kitty chair...breaks my heart every time I see these photos knowing how she was found.
im going to point out that he supposedly came and went from her apt (i think it was a crash pad) when you "stay" w someone as opposed to really live there, opening their fridge is rude and bad form. and junkies dont usually grocery shop, cook or even eat much. i bet they ate take out whenever they ate. its possible he thought there was nothing in the fridge anyways.

it willl come out in the wash.

I think MM took the safest route - play Mickey the Dunce and tell the original story RB TOLD him to tell. I think he knew what happened to Bella. I think he knew what was in the bag in the fridge but he stuck to the story even though he knew from the friend she was blaming him for murder.

im going to point out that he supposedly came and went from her apt (i think it was a crash pad) when you "stay" w someone as opposed to really live there, opening their fridge is rude and bad form. and junkies dont usually grocery shop, cook or even eat much. i bet they ate take out whenever they ate. its possible he thought there was nothing in the fridge anyways.

it willl come out in the wash.

I think this is entirely possible, but....the "crash pad" was for an extended time. I don't think he had anywhere else to go, and am assuming he was at RB's place more often then he wasn't.

I do agree it's possible he never opened the fridge, I just don't believe that is how it happened. He was there for months, even if it was only a crash pad. I don't think he considered himself a guest who had to behave politely.

JMO....hope LE can somehow figure this out.
this is also possible. and he was heavier than your average long term junkie, so im betting he was a beer drinker, or something.

I think this is entirely possible, but....the "crash pad" was for an extended time. I don't think he had anywhere else to go, and am assuming he was at RB's place more often then he wasn't.

I do agree it's possible he never opened the fridge, I just don't believe that is how it happened. He was there for months, even if it was only a crash pad. I don't think he considered himself a guest who had to behave politely.

JMO....hope LE can somehow figure this out.
i am not sure MM knew that RB gave him up. i THINK... (i could be wrong) he went into the hospital and that is when RB reached out to JA after texting MS. MS and LS went to the LE, who then went looking for RB at JA's mom's house. she wasnt there, so they then went to see MM. maybe MM didnt know RB threw him under the bus. they were questioning him so they prob didnt lay all the cards on the table.

The stories say RB went to one of MMs friends, and told the friend that MM had killed Bella. At that point the "friend" texted MM and accused him, and MM replied the friend shouldn't believe what the "Cracked out *advertiser censored*" says.

So according to the text messages MM knew that RB was telling people long before the police arrived to question him.

The story below sounds noticeably different in various ways than the versions we read before. The friend "Met Bella on various occasions"? I thought he lived there for a while and supposedly moved out because they mistreated Bella, but he didn't bother reporting it.

Also the friend texted both RB and MM accusing them of killing Bella? And then told them to "Rot in Hell"?

Maybe others can read it and add input. Some of this sounds very new to me. Texting and accusing both RB and MM?

Michael Sprinsky had seen the Baby Doe composite on Sept. 16, and sent a text message to Rachelle Bond and McCarthy, accusing them of killing Bella and adding that he “wished they rot in hell,” according to court documents.

McCarthy responded by calling Rachelle a “cracked out hooker.”


Sprinsky told the trooper that he had met Bella on &#8220;several occasions&#8221; at the Maxwell Street apartment in Dorchester, where Rachelle Bond was staying, but he had not seen the child in three months. Rachelle Bond had told him she was staying &#8220;with family,&#8221; before admitting in a text message to Sprinsky that she was dead and &#8220;that is the truth on my daughter&#8217;s gone soul.&#8221;
The stories say RB went to one of MMs friends, and told the friend that MM had killed Bella. At that point the "friend" texted MM and accused him, and MM replied the friend shouldn't believe what the "Cracked out *advertiser censored*" says.

So according to the text messages MM knew that RB was telling people long before the police arrived to question him.

The story below sounds noticeably different in various ways than the versions we read before. The friend "Met Bella on various occasions"? I thought he lived there for a while and supposedly moved out because they mistreated Bella, but he didn't bother reporting it.

Also the friend texted both RB and MM accusing them of killing Bella? And then told them to "Rot in Hell"?

Maybe others can read it and add input. Some of this sounds very new to me. Texting and accusing both RB and MM?

This is a completely different version than we read before.
The stories say RB went to one of MMs friends, and told the friend that MM had killed Bella. At that point the "friend" texted MM and accused him, and MM replied the friend shouldn't believe what the "Cracked out *advertiser censored*" says.

So according to the text messages MM knew that RB was telling people long before the police arrived to question him.

The story below sounds noticeably different in various ways than the versions we read before. The friend "Met Bella on various occasions"? I thought he lived there for a while and supposedly moved out because they mistreated Bella, but he didn't bother reporting it.

Also the friend texted both RB and MM accusing them of killing Bella? And then told them to "Rot in Hell"?

Maybe others can read it and add input. Some of this sounds very new to me. Texting and accusing both RB and MM?

Hmm....I know that "rot in hell" is a common-enough phrase, but isn't that what the godmother shouted at RB in the courtroom? Is it a wild leap to think that the godmother and the friend have spent considerable amount of time together and use the same phrases? Not sure it matters, but perhaps the godmother knew about RB's admission as well.

Hmm....I know that "rot in hell" is a common-enough phrase, but isn't that what the godmother shouted at RB in the courtroom?

That and the story says the friend texted BOTH RB and MM and accused them of the killing. That part is new IMO.

The story cites "court documents" but I think the "friend" is changing is story as he goes along. Lots of inconsistencies, those are just a couple.
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