MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #6

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That and the story says the friend texted BOTH RB and MM and accused them of the killing. That part is new IMO.

The story cites "court documents" but I think the "friend" is changing is story as he goes along. Lots of inconsistencies, those are just a couple.

I'd like to know what prompted RB to make the admission to MM's friend about Bella. Where were they, what were they talking about, etc. Do we know?
Folks have mentioned camera footage from businesses (when the body was driven to the ocean) or apartment camera footage etc...

At this point video is pretty much a lost cause. Typically only 30-60 days worth of video is stored on camera systems and then it is recorded over (saving months worth of video gets really expensive for businesses with multiple cameras).

RB probably had an EBT card, if Bella died at the end of May the purchases may have changed. Plus video of RB out and about shopping or whatever on her own when she was being "held hostage" could be useful.

My friend has a business and for a few years his system has used discs that he saves
I'd like to know what prompted RB to make the admission to MM's friend about Bella. Where were they, what were they talking about, etc. Do we know?

From what I recall, RB was supposedly "clean" for a couple of days and the friend said maybe now you can get Bella back...and that's when she apparently told him that Bella was not coming back, she was dead.
The unidentified friend said he had been told child protective services had taken Bella from the couple and, when Bond stopped using drugs, he reportedly congratulated her and said she would likely be able to get her daughter back. Bond allegedly replied, “I’ll never see my daughter again. Michael McCarthy killed her and I’m an accessory after the fact because I helped get rid of the body

That friend, who was not identified but who used to live with the pair and baby Bella at their Dorchester home, told police that he was walking with Bond last Wednesday when she told him that "she was glad she was able to stop using drugs." The friend answered, "That's great. You'll be able to get Bella back," according to Deakin. The friend, like most who knew Bella, had heard that the Department of Children & Families had taken her into custody earlier this summer. (This turned out to be false: Bella was not in DCF care in 2015, though she had been previously in 2012 and 2013, the agency said in a statement to PEOPLE.)

At that point, according to the friend's statement, Bond burst into tears. "Ms. Bond broke down crying and said, 'I'll never see my daughter again,'
" Deakin told the court. When the friend asked what she meant, "she responded, 'Michael McCarthy killed her and I'm an accessory after the fact because I helped get rid of her body,' " Deakin alleged.

That's just a few of the versions.
I'd like to know what prompted RB to make the admission to MM's friend about Bella. Where were they, what were they talking about, etc. Do we know?

Guessing MM being in the hospital so one party was losing control over the other?

Ummm...after typing that....I suspect MM did know. IF the hospital stay was the trigger....he knew which is why RB panicked.
She was in public housing and the fridge was standard-issue. There was a picture of the appliance on the street when LE removed it from the apartment. I don't think it had a jumbo crisper that would hide a toddler.

I could almost believe he never opened the fridge (for months?!) except I think MM was involved with the crime from beginning to end, or at the very least, knew about it.

If it can be established that MM was a beer drinker, then I will not give any more thought to the idea he never opened the fridge.

Disgusting as it is... some people have no issue drinking beer WARM. :puke:
That and the story says the friend texted BOTH RB and MM and accused them of the killing. That part is new IMO.

The story cites "court documents" but I think the "friend" is changing is story as he goes along. Lots of inconsistencies, those are just a couple.

Changing stories or bad reporting? Hope it's the latter as he will most likely be a witness at trial.
Disgusting as it is... some people have no issue drinking beer WARM. :puke:

What?! The depravity of this crowd continues to astound me.

(Sorry...just have to find humor in these horrible situations sometimes. Cheers.)
Changing stories or bad reporting? Hope it's the latter as he will most likely be a witness at trial.

It seems to me that MassLive is not the source of what they print. They seem to compile other published stories and rework them together. In this case, more than others, it seems that every outlet has a different version and sequence. That shows in the MassLive article. I doubt the reporter ever goes outside the building except to get lunch.

From what I recall, RB was supposedly "clean" for a couple of days and the friend said maybe now you can get Bella back...and that's when she apparently told him that Bella was not coming back, she was dead.

Yes, I remember that now. Thanks for the reminder.
I think this is entirely possible, but....the "crash pad" was for an extended time. I don't think he had anywhere else to go, and am assuming he was at RB's place more often then he wasn't.

He had the relative's plumbing store. The media was all over that, wonder when and how often he stayed there? Plus he had a car.

I get the feeling he was not living with RB full time. The "friend" may imply that because well...he was MM's friend so when he stayed it was on account of MM's presence.

But the neighbors never mentioned it.
I think someone else saw the garbage bag in the fridge besides MM. I'm thinking the lifelong friend whom RB confessed too could have seen something in the fridge at some point. Maybe he didn't necessarily open the refrigerator, but RB opened. HOWEVER, I have no doubt there would have been an odor emanating from the refrigerator. I guess she could have turned the refrigerator setting down as low as it would go and maybe partially froze the body, I still think there would have been an odor if they kept Bella's body in the fridge a month. I'm still thinking someone could have come into the apartment during those 3 to 4 weeks and say "I just went into Rachelle Bond's apartment today and it smells like a dead body has been in there."

It doesn't look good that MM was allowed to spank Bella. RB should have never allowed MM to lay one hand on the child. It does make it look like she was looking for a man to step to help her control and punish Bella.

I don't see how RB couldn't have known Bella had been found when she borrowed the wifi password from the neighbor. I think Bella's face was on everyone's home page at some point. I think she was following the story on the computer and television. Computer searches will be interesting for them as she was already calling herself an accessory after the fact. They probably went on another huge heroin binge after Baby Bella's body was discovered at Deer Island. It will all come out in the wash.
Disgusting as it is... some people have no issue drinking beer WARM. :puke:

Better warm than stored in the fridge next to the body of a baby you killed. MOO!

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I think someone else saw the garbage bag in the fridge besides MM. I'm thinking the lifelong friend whom RB confessed too could have seen something in the fridge at some point. Maybe he didn't necessarily open the refrigerator, but RB opened. HOWEVER, I have no doubt there would have been an odor emanating from the refrigerator. I guess she could have turned the refrigerator setting down as low as it would go and maybe partially froze the body, I still think there would have been an odor if they kept Bella's body in the fridge a month. I'm still thinking someone could have come into the apartment during those 3 to 4 weeks and say "I just went into Rachelle Bond's apartment today and it smells like a dead body has been in there."

It doesn't look good that MM was allowed to spank Bella. RB should have never allowed MM to lay one hand on the child. It does make it look like she was looking for a man to step to help her control and punish Bella.

I don't see how RB couldn't have known Bella had been found when she borrowed the wifi password from the neighbor. I think Bella's face was on everyone's home page at some point. I think she was following the story on the computer and television. Computer searches will be interesting for them as she was already calling herself an accessory after the fact. They probably went on another huge heroin binge after Baby Bella's body was discovered at Deer Island. It will all come out in the wash.

Do we know when RB asked for the wifi password? Was that a one-time request, or something that happened frequently? I'm just wondering if she wanted to get online to check for coverage of Baby Doe.

I can't imagine they dumped the body and just assumed it would never be found. Even junkies would be on edge waiting to see if it was discovered, sort of looking over their shoulders.

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i myself am not clear on when MS texted MM with the "baby doe ring a bell" comment. it may have been before or after LE came to see him.

The stories say RB went to one of MMs friends, and told the friend that MM had killed Bella. At that point the "friend" texted MM and accused him, and MM replied the friend shouldn't believe what the "Cracked out *advertiser censored*" says.

So according to the text messages MM knew that RB was telling people long before the police arrived to question him.

The story below sounds noticeably different in various ways than the versions we read before. The friend "Met Bella on various occasions"? I thought he lived there for a while and supposedly moved out because they mistreated Bella, but he didn't bother reporting it.

Also the friend texted both RB and MM accusing them of killing Bella? And then told them to "Rot in Hell"?

Maybe others can read it and add input. Some of this sounds very new to me. Texting and accusing both RB and MM?
Thank you for the link. A couple of videos are there too. I did get creeped out for the advertisement regarding garbage bags and how strong they were and less likely to puncture than other bags. I couldn't find which video on the page was playing to pause it.

"“The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children played a big role in this,” Herman told the Herald. “It’s just kind of a relief. It’s a relief for us to start the process of prosecution. It was a relief for the team.”

God bless them all! Bella impacted many lives. Let her death be not in vain!

Hi my WS Friends. I can barely read this thread.

Especially once I saw sweet Bella's bd video. I can't stay away for too long though. I want justice for her.

Although that's little consolation for her death. I hope it shines a light on poor sweet BABIES and children who have no chance. I had to quote you, Bootsctr.

PLEASE don't let her death be in vain.

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