Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 4

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Money wise they are doing okay per Find Madeleline site...

Donations of £721,748.84 have been received to the fund to date.​

I think that is a small ratio compared to the number of 'hits' on the site - which they no longer advertise, but I'm sure it was at least 150million last time I saw. A part of that money is 'large donations'. I think that reflects how most people view the fund. Just my thoughts.
Morning Everyone,
I found this link and thought I would post it here. It is so you can light a candle for Madeleine. Very nice.

Thank you Salem, that brought me some comfort :blowkiss:
MoonGoddess, well-written post that echoed my thoughts exactly. With all due respect to Portugal LE, I am tired of the way they do things and their constant double-speak. There is so much we don't know, and I want someone to tell us- who, other than her parents, saw Madeleine last and when, and what do the McCanns' travel companions have to say about the night she disappeared?

I'm wondering, do you think it's possible that the McCanns bought the condo/apartment?
[I'm wondering, do you think it's possible that the McCanns bought the condo/apartment?[/quote]

I think if they had bought it they would stay in it. I think it was reported someone else bought it but will have to look for the article.
I found the answer to my earlier question about when the flat when on sale...

"The two-bedroom apartment the family rented in Praia da Luz went on the market for £75,000 last week.
A British couple offered the asking price within days and they have already completed the deal, according to Portuguese newspapers."

From this article:,,91210-1271185,00.html

I think it's wierd that the resort decided LAST WEEK to sell THAT particular apartment.
Madeleine's father robbed

Madeleine McCann's father was left distraught after a thief stole his wallet that contained precious photographs of his missing daughter.

The pickpocket struck as Gerry McCann withdrew cash from an ATM, just an hour after he arrived in London for a brief visit to organise the campaign to help find the four-year-old.
The wallet contained his three favourite pictures of Madeleine with her twin brother and sister, which his family say have never been publicly released and which he has no copies of.
Madeleine's father robbed

Madeleine McCann's father was left distraught after a thief stole his wallet that contained precious photographs of his missing daughter.

The pickpocket struck as Gerry McCann withdrew cash from an ATM, just an hour after he arrived in London for a brief visit to organise the campaign to help find the four-year-old.
The wallet contained his three favourite pictures of Madeleine with her twin brother and sister, which his family say have never been publicly released and which he has no copies of.

I am almost ashamed to say, because I still feel sorry for the McCanns, but this story seems like a PR stunt. You know, "Look at me, I am a compassionate doctor and a good samaritan. Poor me, pity me, people are kicking me when I am down, feel sorry for me." This line from says it all: "The father of Madeleine McCann had his wallet stolen on a return trip to the UK - after acting as a good Samaritan on the flight over."

I think somebody in the McCanns camp has read all the negative comments directed toward the parents and has advised them that they need to garner some sympathy. Especially if they want to keep front and center in the news. It is just a matter of time before people get "compassion burnout" and resign themselves to believeing that Maddie is gone forever or (god forbid) completely, irreversibly damaged.

Oh, and there are "no copies" of the photos?? How is that possible? If they were taken with a digital camera they should be on a hard drive or memory card somewhere. If they were developed in the old fashioned way then there should be negatives somewhere. I think that was thrown in there for more sympathy.
I am with you here MoonGoddess, I am not convinced there has been an abduction either. I truly hope I am wrong and that Madeline is found safe and well.

I also think the daily blog stinks, I see it as preparation for an imminent book written by the McCanns, irrespective of whether Madeline is found or not. $$$$$$$

I agree lizziedripping, I can see the book coming too. I won't buy it. Shoot, I could practically write it!
Well, I see Gerry has gained 10 years according to this article.

I think one of us should apply for this job--:cool: :cool:
They NEED our help!!!!!!!

Not only abduction--but now all reference is to Children Exploited Organization, such as holiday phot snaps from Irish tourists-to be sent to that organization. They tend to work with the worst of the worst, most horrific cases. Maybe it is just because they have the talent and capability to do the screening.:(

I read an article somewhere that most (or a whole lot) of their donations have come from Ireland. I hope it is because of the expertise you mention petra but....
I am almost ashamed to say, because I still feel sorry for the McCanns, but this story seems like a PR stunt. You know, "Look at me, I am a compassionate doctor and a good samaritan. Poor me, pity me, people are kicking me when I am down, feel sorry for me." This line from says it all: "The father of Madeleine McCann had his wallet stolen on a return trip to the UK - after acting as a good Samaritan on the flight over."

I think somebody in the McCanns camp has read all the negative comments directed toward the parents and has advised them that they need to garner some sympathy. Especially if they want to keep front and center in the news. It is just a matter of time before people get "compassion burnout" and resign themselves to believeing that Maddie is gone forever or (god forbid) completely, irreversibly damaged.

Oh, and there are "no copies" of the photos?? How is that possible? If they were taken with a digital camera they should be on a hard drive or memory card somewhere. If they were developed in the old fashioned way then there should be negatives somewhere. I think that was thrown in there for more sympathy.

Great points and I agree with you. Sound like PR BS to me too.
Great points and I agree with you. Sound like PR BS to me too.

I agree also.
Especially, under the medical oath, doctors vow to help any person in need anyplace. So it could be construed as negligence if he didn't.
I am almost ashamed to say, because I still feel sorry for the McCanns, but this story seems like a PR stunt. You know, "Look at me, I am a compassionate doctor and a good samaritan. Poor me, pity me, people are kicking me when I am down, feel sorry for me." This line from says it all: "The father of Madeleine McCann had his wallet stolen on a return trip to the UK - after acting as a good Samaritan on the flight over."

I think somebody in the McCanns camp has read all the negative comments directed toward the parents and has advised them that they need to garner some sympathy. Especially if they want to keep front and center in the news. It is just a matter of time before people get "compassion burnout" and resign themselves to believeing that Maddie is gone forever or (god forbid) completely, irreversibly damaged.

Oh, and there are "no copies" of the photos?? How is that possible? If they were taken with a digital camera they should be on a hard drive or memory card somewhere. If they were developed in the old fashioned way then there should be negatives somewhere. I think that was thrown in there for more sympathy.

Funny enough I wrote on another Forum exactly this....and then the McCann camp saying he cant get this day and age?....agree, a publicity stunt methinks......and others thinking it too....I'd like to know when the information was put out that they cannot get copies? that has been discussed on the other forum this afternoon.

I am so fed up with this farce and lack of info....I have emailed Paulo Reis to ask "do you know that last time that anyone apart from the McCanns last saw Madeleine alive?"

....bit drastic I know but I feel strongly that the truth be discovered for Madeleines sake, all avenues should be explored so that Please God this innocent childs soul can rest in peace.......
I read an article somewhere that most (or a whole lot) of their donations have come from Ireland. I hope it is because of the expertise you mention petra but....

I guess I left out have mythought process--LØL- trying to squeeze posting in with multi-tasking. ;)

First, it was--the *they took her*, then possible*no abduction*-checking around in the room with 20 people, searching in area that night, reports from PJ about signs of *no break in*, .....and now family on Irish TV asking for help sending holiday snaps to child exploitation unit. Large leap.

I know it is good to keep in front of media and explore all possibilities--but I just don't sense the we miss her, love her, must find her type of desperation when appealing to the public for help.

Ok, I am passing judgement--promised myself I wouldn't.......:slap: --me

Prayers for Madeleine and hoping she is found soon!
Funny enough I wrote on another Forum exactly this....and then the McCann camp saying he cant get this day and age?....agree, a publicity stunt methinks......and others thinking it too....I'd like to know when the information was put out that they cannot get copies? that has been discussed on the other forum this afternoon.

I am so fed up with this farce and lack of info....I have emailed Paulo Reis to ask "do you know that last time that anyone apart from the McCanns last saw Madeleine alive?"

....bit drastic I know but I feel strongly that the truth be discovered for Madeleines sake, all avenues should be explored so that Please God this innocent childs soul can rest in peace.......

:) once again MG...we are posting at the same time!!

Yet, you say it so much better.
I only wish they would include all the missing in their pr events--now that *they know how widespread a problem this is*---and are*at best NOT naive* any more.

The McCanns can help bring awareness to so many---and maybe maybe do good deeds in kind.
Great points and I agree with you. Sound like PR BS to me too.

I'm not sure if it has been posted here, but last week in 'Hello' magazine:-

"HELLO! the place for celebrity news......"

Issue no. 974 19.06.2007

MADELEINE McCANN The missing girl’s aunt talks exclusively about her beloved niece........

In a 'celebrity' magazine?........what can they hope to achieve by that? apart from boosting the coffers of the 'fund'........I despair.
:) once again MG...we are posting at the same time!!

Yet, you say it so much better.
I only wish they would include all the missing in their pr events--now that *they know how widespread a problem this is*---and are*at best NOT naive* any more.

The McCanns can help bring awareness to so many---and maybe maybe do good deeds in kind.

trouble is Petra, I dont think they would be the best role models for this type of 'cause', how many other 'missing children' have disappeared whilst their parents left them to the peril of this world whilst they were 'dining out' .... if they were busy guiding people as to the dangers of leaving children exposed...and the precautions to take to ensure you're children were protected - that would be helpful, instead of playing the victim and likening what happened to "like eating out in the back garden"...

I think I'm letting my anger get the better of me this to have a cup of tea and calm down:doh:
Petra this is a good point about their not saying how much they miss her in interviews. I can only think of one interview... the first one.. where Mrs. McCann was pleading for her return. Has she since? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
In early interviews- say the first 10 days- the parents, especially Kate, looked like they were ready to fall apart. She was losing weight and you could tell she was barely hanging on. After that she started to look better, so maybe someone finally convinced her to take better care of herself, etc. I am not going to go so far as to say their appearance now looks as if they don't care; maybe they know more than we do and have high hopes of her return. Or...
In early interviews- say the first 10 days- the parents, especially Kate, looked like they were ready to fall apart. She was losing weight and you could tell she was barely hanging on. After that she started to look better, so maybe someone finally convinced her to take better care of herself, etc. I am not going to go so far as to say their appearance now looks as if they don't care; maybe they know more than we do and have high hopes of her return. Or...

maybe if they have played more of a part in this whole sad, sorry state of affairs were feeling more confident that the 'abduction' theory was working....
Okay here is my list of what makes no sense to me about Maddies dissapearance:

1. It has been called an abduction from the get go
2. The parents left 3 children ages 3 and under alone with the back door
3. where is the official account of that night and the parents activites, both prior to her dissapearnce and after finding her missing
4. the parents traveling and odd demeaner in photos and with press
5. The murat suspect / not suspect
6. man seen carring child in towel in resort with pools thougth to be suspicious and this information not released for weeks
7. The egg head suspect sketch.
8. LE angry that the parents distrubed evidnce by searching for Maddie when the found her missing?

I could go on but the bottom line is three things could be going on here . The first being LE is keeping a tight seal on everything so the little
information we do get seems sensless and odd or LE is incompetent. The last possiblity is the parents are involved. Whatever is going on none of it seems to be in the best intrest of finding Maddie. This is sad.

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