Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 7

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As it seems that GM is the family member who is handling the business end of the fund and the whole FindMadeleine enterprise, why do the McCanns still need the creche service? Can't KM handle the twins by herself? It makes me wonder whether they really wanted to be parents or just wanted to have kids so they could look successful.
I think these parents are very materialistic, they want the good things in life at the expense of their daughter.

Putting your children in daycare everyday is not being a parent, I feel sorry for those children, they are not being brought up by a loving family, but strangers. I bet they have never seen their first steps, their first words, they have no respect for their children and that is going to come and bite them on the bum. Wake up and get to know who your children are you selfish people.
The last page of the newest SOL report: Among the comments, there is criticism of the alleged censorship that this work was subject to in the forums of other British media.

If I lived in the UK, being a hard-working parent or even a single person, and I had been subjected to the strong-arm tactics of the fund-raising and the censorship of any negative reporting on the McCanns, I would be absolutely furious to finally learn what's been going on the past two months. I am sure there are many families who generously decided to do without so they could donate- putting off family vacations, not buying an item they'd been saving for or even eating less or using less electricity.

And then to discover that the press had been preventing full and open discussion about the circumstances surrounding Madeleine's disappearance and how the McCanns have been acting ever since. I do think the popularity train that GM has been riding on is slowing down and will shortly change course. Whether this bodes well for Madeleine is anyone's guess. But it is enough to make you lose faith in the rest of humanity.
The last page of the newest SOL report: Among the comments, there is criticism of the alleged censorship that this work was subject to in the forums of other British media.

If I lived in the UK, being a hard-working parent or even a single person, and I had been subjected to the strong-arm tactics of the fund-raising and the censorship of any negative reporting on the McCanns, I would be absolutely furious to finally learn what's been going on the past two months. I am sure there are many families who generously decided to do without so they could donate- putting off family vacations, not buying an item they'd been saving for or even eating less or using less electricity.

And then to discover that the press had been preventing full and open discussion about the circumstances surrounding Madeleine's disappearance and how the McCanns have been acting ever since. I do think the popularity train that GM has been riding on is slowing down and will shortly change course. Whether this bodes well for Madeleine is anyone's guess. But it is enough to make you lose faith in the rest of humanity.
I will never lose faith in humanity, there are good out there and even on this thread, there is true concern for Madelaine, wouldnt it be good to be able to post and read more in the thread called "News that makes you smile", that thread is moving really slowly and all the bad news threads are moving along so fast. It is sad that there seems more bad than good news.
<H2>Madeleine McCann's mother has returned to the UK for a brief visit - as a new campaign is launched to raise awareness about the missing four-year-old.


Kate flew out of Portugal with her brother and sister. They are joining Madeleine's father Gerry, who is already in Britain.
He has been meeting with child abduction experts to learn about criminal profiling techniques used in the hunt for his young daughter.
He visited the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) in London as part of a short trip to the UK.

I understand geographically that the countries in Europe are much like the states in the US, meaning that crossing borders is no big deal and it's all very close. So for argument's sake and to put this into a context I can relate to, I can't imagine parents in SC (for example) whose child has disappeared, traveling to Florida, Maryland, Arkansas, etc... meeting with Billy Graham (USA's kinda equivalent to the Pope) , and traveling non-stop all over the states, putting out boxes asking for money, etc....

What do parents here do? I imagine it's the same as other parents in Europe. We use the media to get the word out, we push to keep it in the media limelight, we push LE to bring in experts, tracking dogs, we take lie detector tests ourselves, we encourage our friends to tell anything they know, we physically search for the child ourselves. WHY WOULD THE MCCAIN'S NEED OVER A MILLION DOLLARS? Natalee Holloway's mom no doubt had huge costs in traveling to Aruba, staying there, etc.... I don't remember her pusing a fund-raising drive or going to see the Pope or the President or Billy Graham or whomever, SHE WENT TO ARUBA AND SEARCHED AND KEPT THE MEDIA FOCUSED ON NATALEE AND ARUBA.

The McCain's make no sense to me. Maybe they are a case of all book sense and no common sense.
I firmly believe that the McCanns know what happened to Madeleine and where she is. I think they are screwing with everyone trying to get as much money given to them as possible. I would love to tell them off!!! :banghead: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :banghead: They make me want to scream. Why can't some people see through them????
<H2>Madeleine McCann's mother has returned to the UK for a brief visit - as a new campaign is launched to raise awareness about the missing four-year-old.


Kate flew out of Portugal with her brother and sister. They are joining Madeleine's father Gerry, who is already in Britain.
He has been meeting with child abduction experts to learn about criminal profiling techniques used in the hunt for his young daughter.
He visited the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (Ceop) in London as part of a short trip to the UK.


Going back to Britain with plans to avoid extradition back to Portugal?

Are the Portuguese authorities closing in on the heavy-drinking child-abandoning luxury-vacationing McCanns???
Hi everyone.New to posting here but have been reading for months.Seems like I know most of you already :)

I have been reading about little Madeleine ,here mainly and at the Mirror uk forums.I have to say at the beginning I did feel sympathy for the parents in the fact their daughter was missing.Now that doesn't mean I also didn't feel angry at them for leaving those babies alone.It just blows my mind that two well educated people would do that.
After the first couple of days though I started seeing Gerry and Kate differently.Cold,standoffish among other things and there is something in this whole thing that is off.The "fund"is another thing that has me boggled.
I just want this little girl brought home.

Has there been anything else about the Nanny that has been reported?I would really like to hear something from her.Its just been kept very quite which I find very odd.

Oh be before I forget...its nice to be posting with you guys :)

Well englishleigh and pinkhammer - I agree with you both. Interesting thought that KM may be planning to avoid extradition...... but, do you think that P-LE would have detained her, rather than letting her leave, if P-LE were close to filing charges against her and GM?

After all the hype last week, it is very disappointing to get to Saturday with no answers, no arrests, etc.

And I want to say thanks to everyone who is translating and posting the Portugese news! I really appreciate seeing those articles. I have limited time, so ususally only do one google a day and read the English articles.

Also, I want to say I actually like the luggage tag idea. I think that is something we could incorporate here in the states.

I don't approve of the bracelets, mostly because they are selling them. I think about all the missing cases we have on this website alone and I can not name another case where the major focus has been on raising money versus finding the child/adult. If I think about the bracelets unemotionally, maybe they really are a good idea in general. Surely, all the families with missing children/adults could use funds to help support their search efforts and as always, anything to keep the missing person's face in the public eye has got to be a good thing.

Now - back to team mccann - where are the twins? The article did not have a picture so I'm unsure as to whether or not the twins went back to the UK with their mom?
:) Welcome Ceeaura! This is a nice place to be.

I don't believe the McCanns had a nanny per se. From the media reports, I believe it was Kate's mom that helped out with the children. I think that is why we have heard nothing from an actual "nanny."

Also, I think most of us on this forum, while being upset over the parent's actions, did have some sympathy and compassion for them. However, for myself, that has changed considerably. After watching them in the news, viewing the blog, etc. etc. I am now pretty convinced that they know exactly what happened to Madeleine and where she is and it is just a matter of time before they share that information with the rest of us. This is just my opinion, based on what I have read and observed. I do still try to keep an open mind and would be quite happy to be proven wrong.

:) Welcome Ceeaura! This is a nice place to be.

I don't believe the McCanns had a nanny per se. From the media reports, I believe it was Kate's mom that helped out with the children. I think that is why we have heard nothing from an actual "nanny."

Also, I think most of us on this forum, while being upset over the parent's actions, did have some sympathy and compassion for them. However, for myself, that has changed considerably. After watching them in the news, viewing the blog, etc. etc. I am now pretty convinced that they know exactly what happened to Madeleine and where she is and it is just a matter of time before they share that information with the rest of us. This is just my opinion, based on what I have read and observed. I do still try to keep an open mind and would be quite happy to be proven wrong.


Well I have to agree with you Salem.I believe they know eactly what happened or one in their party does.I am with you, I would be very happy to be proven wrong.

As to the nanny thing I could have sworn that I read a article where the grandmother mentioned there was a Nanny.Was she referring to herself in that manner.If so ,how odd.I will go on a search and see if I can't find that article.I have read so many things all over the place so I could be awhile lol

Thanks for the warm welcome!!:D
Found it...didn't take me as long as I thought it would.

Madeleine's grandmother, Eileen McCann, 67, added: "They weren't sure about the babysitter service, they just don't like leaving them with strangers.
"It wasn't something they did very often - they have a nanny at home whom they trust. "It's something we have all done at some point and you just don't expect anything like this to happen.

So which grandmother came to help Kate with the children.Eileen McCann or Susan Healy?So if it was Grandma Healy then that statement from Grandma Eileen is kinda of cold talking about the other grandmother as a "Nanny" :confused:
Going back to Britain with plans to avoid extradition back to Portugal?

Are the Portuguese authorities closing in on the heavy-drinking child-abandoning luxury-vacationing McCanns???

I heard somewhere- and it might even have been speculation in a forum- that KM is not free to take her children with her when she travels out of Portugal. So the twins are still in PDL. It is a little weird that after weeks of keeping a low profile she suddenly travels back to the UK.

Welcome ceeaura
I think it was actually GM's sister, Philomeana that discussed the "nanny" issue. She was describing how KM's mom came to help out with the kids and I think they called her Nana or Nanny or something similar. I don't remember exactly..... but this article seemed to generate a lot of confusion about a "nanny."

But you know, as I am typing this, it seems there was another article about the nanny have a family healt issue and that is why she didn't go to Portugal with the McCanns. Although - I think this was just rumor from posters on another site.

Anyone else out there remember any of this? BadKat didn't you say you just did a re-read of the early articles? Do you remember seeing anything about the nanny?
Ceeaura - I see your next post beat mine. I got locked up here somehow. You are quick!

Maybe there really is a nanny and the British media just refuse to talk about her? Or maybe she is getting some of that fund money to keep quiet? Why hasn't anything else been said about her? It seems that is the only article around....... And I do believe it was this article that caused all the confusion to begin with -- but I could be wrong......
I heard somewhere- and it might even have been speculation in a forum- that KM is not free to take her children with her when she travels out of Portugal. So the twins are still in PDL. It is a little weird that after weeks of keeping a low profile she suddenly travels back to the UK.

Welcome ceeaura

I agree - after all those statements about not going back without Madeleine, now, after what was some pretty intensive questioning of members of the group, she hops on a plane. AND it is even weirder, if you are right and the twins were left behind. Who would have stayed with them if her brother and sister went back with her? Is one of the grandmother's in Portugal, I wonder, or did they leave these babies with "friends."
Thanks for the welcome Calikid :)
Very confused here about "The Nanny" thats for sure Salem.I hope BadKat can help me become unconfused .....please :)
I firmly believe that the McCanns know what happened to Madeleine and where she is. I think they are screwing with everyone trying to get as much money given to them as possible. I would love to tell them off!!! :banghead: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :banghead: They make me want to scream. Why can't some people see through them????

P-LE needs to separate the McCanns and question them as if they're suspects in Madeleine's disappearance. They also should thoroughly search the landfill that received the garbage from the area around the resort and use cadaver dogs and specialized equipment to check out every nook and cranny within a 5-10 mile radius of PDL.
It seems very suspicious how nobody is discussing what kind of parent KM was before their vacation to Portugal. To hear the family speak, she was a "perfect" mother, but you don't hear any cute anecdotes about her or the children. All we know is that she needed help with the children even when she wasn't working. I don't know if that help was her mother or a nanny. But so far all we have are rumors of a McCann nanny.
I am in the UK at the moment, the newspapers are covering the story especially the friends being questioned along with Murat. The TV news however doesn't seem to be giving it too much coverage.

Like so many I follow all the stories hoping that little Maddy has been found alive & well. As for the Nanny I have seen nothing about her name, or any interviews with this person.

One thing I have thought of a lot, they checked on the children leaving the patio doors unlocked, any undesirable watching would have seen this. Maddy is seen in a lot of photos with her twin brother & sister, if a stranger entered, Maddy strikes me as a fiesty little girl I think she would have really screamed & played up at leaving the twins behind, also I wonder if she could have opened one of those sliding glass doors & wondered off looking for her parents, & sadly into the tracks of someone who saw a chance & abducted her.:(
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