Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #26

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That's certainly a bold statement from GA.

It'll be interesting to see where it's coming from and what evidence he puts forward to back up his claims.

Not having any emotional horse in this race, I'm open to all possibilities.
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That's certainly a bold statement from GA.

It'll be interesting to see where it's coming from and what evidence he puts forward to back up his claims.

Not having any emotional horse in this race, I'm open to all possibilities.

I've read a lot from GA and his "qualified" entourage, especially in the JC case with his 1:1 matching theory who might be responsible for the missing. Both girls have never been found.

But i never read of him saying that he is worried, that a small girl went missing.

Now i read of him saying that BKA and SY built up a conspiracy against portugese investigations.

I can fool myself! What an....

Just my 2 cents!
How crooked can a former policeman be? Hard to think, that GA just doesn't want the case to be solved to justify his twisted theories and another upcoming book?

"Amaral, who apparently still has good contacts with the Portuguese police, goes to court with the German investigators, according to BILD information.

They had appropriated the Maddie case with an "artifice" by constructing a German suspect and thus creating German jurisdiction. Amaral calls this procedure “almost fraudulent”: The Germans had launched their own criminal proceedings in order to be able to put aside the investigations that have been going on in Portugal for 14 years.


All investigations against Brückner are part of a large conspiracy, instigated by Scotland Yard, which are under pressure to succeed. The conclusions of the Portuguese investigators - that Maddie's parents were to blame for the disappearance of their daughter - were ignored, instead a kind of "syndicate" was formed, which submitted to the British authorities."

Neues Buch im Fall Maddie: Ex-Polizist schimpft auf deutsche Ermittler

What kind of a man is this guy? Disgusting!!!

It’s deplorable.
I know many have followed Amaral & have brought into the narrative he’s created. Sometimes people talk about how good a detective he was, how noble a man he was & how that he had a high amount of integrity.

Being a convicted criminal himself, writing a book to vilify a grieving family & inspiring a conspiracy movement were all early signs of what kind of an individual he is.
That’s amplified again now, because he’s gone off on another crusade & once again vilifying a grieving family, trying to inspire a conspiracy & interfering ( try to anyway!) with an active police investigation.

I think we’ve all seen people in distress acting irrationally & taking things way to far. I honestly think he should seek out a mental health professional, because when the news breaks, I expect that it’ll ruin him. I think we’re seeing projection on a public scale. We’ve all done in on a micro sale as children when we didn’t get our own way, IMO this is no different, just very public.

I like the BKA’s line when they invalidate his rhetoric ( professionally) & put him in his place. They keep it direct & tell it as it is, Gonzalo Amaral has no access to any of their files. That fact must infuriate him because it leaves him absolutely no opportunity to cut through their statements. He’s literally continually being put back on the naughty step & there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it.

He’s a shameless, deplorable, immoral & vile excuse
How crooked can a former policeman be? Hard to think, that GA just doesn't want the case to be solved to justify his twisted theories and another upcoming book?

"Amaral, who apparently still has good contacts with the Portuguese police, goes to court with the German investigators, according to BILD information.

They had appropriated the Maddie case with an "artifice" by constructing a German suspect and thus creating German jurisdiction. Amaral calls this procedure “almost fraudulent”: The Germans had launched their own criminal proceedings in order to be able to put aside the investigations that have been going on in Portugal for 14 years.


All investigations against Brückner are part of a large conspiracy, instigated by Scotland Yard, which are under pressure to succeed. The conclusions of the Portuguese investigators - that Maddie's parents were to blame for the disappearance of their daughter - were ignored, instead a kind of "syndicate" was formed, which submitted to the British authorities."

Neues Buch im Fall Maddie: Ex-Polizist schimpft auf deutsche Ermittler

What kind of a man is this guy? Disgusting!!!

It’s deplorable.
I know many have followed Amaral & have brought into the narrative he’s created. Sometimes people talk about how good a detective he was, how noble a man he was & how that he had a high amount of integrity.

Being a convicted criminal himself, writing a book to vilify a grieving family & inspiring a conspiracy movement were all early signs of what kind of an individual he is.
That’s amplified again now, because he’s gone off on another crusade & once again vilifying a grieving family, trying to inspire a conspiracy & interfering ( try to anyway!) with an active police investigation.

I think we’ve all seen people in distress acting irrationally & taking things way to far. I honestly think he should seek out a mental health professional, because when the news breaks, I expect that it’ll ruin him. I think we’re seeing projection on a public scale. We’ve all done in on a micro sale as children when we didn’t get our own way, IMO this is no different, just very public.

I like the BKA’s line when they invalidate his rhetoric ( professionally) & put him in his place. They keep it direct & tell it as it is, Gonzalo Amaral has no access to any of their files. That fact must infuriate him because it leaves him absolutely no opportunity to cut through their statements. He’s literally continually being put back on the naughty step & there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it.

He’s a shameless, deplorable, immoral & vile excuse
This is the translated index of GA’s book. Also, see Point 21.


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It’s deplorable.
I know many have followed Amaral & have brought into the narrative he’s created. Sometimes people talk about how good a detective he was, how noble a man he was & how that he had a high amount of integrity.

Being a convicted criminal himself, writing a book to vilify a grieving family & inspiring a conspiracy movement were all early signs of what kind of an individual he is.
That’s amplified again now, because he’s gone off on another crusade & once again vilifying a grieving family, trying to inspire a conspiracy & interfering ( try to anyway!) with an active police investigation.

I think we’ve all seen people in distress acting irrationally & taking things way to far. I honestly think he should seek out a mental health professional, because when the news breaks, I expect that it’ll ruin him. I think we’re seeing projection on a public scale. We’ve all done in on a micro sale as children when we didn’t get our own way, IMO this is no different, just very public.

I like the BKA’s line when they invalidate his rhetoric ( professionally) & put him in his place. They keep it direct & tell it as it is, Gonzalo Amaral has no access to any of their files. That fact must infuriate him because it leaves him absolutely no opportunity to cut through their statements. He’s literally continually being put back on the naughty step & there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it.

He’s a shameless, deplorable, immoral & vile excuse

I have nothing to add!;)
How crooked can a former policeman be? Hard to think, that GA just doesn't want the case to be solved to justify his twisted theories and another upcoming book?

"Amaral, who apparently still has good contacts with the Portuguese police, goes to court with the German investigators, according to BILD information.

They had appropriated the Maddie case with an "artifice" by constructing a German suspect and thus creating German jurisdiction. Amaral calls this procedure “almost fraudulent”: The Germans had launched their own criminal proceedings in order to be able to put aside the investigations that have been going on in Portugal for 14 years.


All investigations against Brückner are part of a large conspiracy, instigated by Scotland Yard, which are under pressure to succeed. The conclusions of the Portuguese investigators - that Maddie's parents were to blame for the disappearance of their daughter - were ignored, instead a kind of "syndicate" was formed, which submitted to the British authorities."

Neues Buch im Fall Maddie: Ex-Polizist schimpft auf deutsche Ermittler

What kind of a man is this guy? Disgusting!!!

Lowest of the low, simple as that
If he was ever bothered about MM, he would of done and still would try do anything to help, but no, chooses to think of numero uno once again.
And that's my opinion, and im happy to have my opinion, and every one to have theirs
Lowest of the low, simple as that
If he was ever bothered about MM, he would of done and still would try do anything to help, but no, chooses to think of numero uno once again.
And that's my opinion, and im happy to have my opinion, and every one to have theirs

This is the translated index of GA’s book. Also, see Point 21.

Point 21 does interest me.
Did PJ ID Totman early in the investigation? This has always bugged me, especially as it isn't in PJfiles even if they did. This has never been clarified AFAIK.
Must we accept that the pic of those pyjamas was taken 4 years later? Why keep them for so long, or was the pic taken much earlier?
I do understand that some folk hold onto their kids clothes and I'm not into conspiracies but................

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Ok, they broadcasted an interview on CM TV - "Investigação CM" in PT and finished just now. IMPORTANT POINTS :

GA gave interview to promote book and this is what is important/relevant for me :

- GA states that CB is in jail for the RAPE of the old woman but on the declaration of the JP files for that crime the woman was NOT raped. They show the process on TV. Aparently CB did enter the appartment to rob, etc but the woman was not raped according to medical exam made to the woman and was badly translated to German.

- GA talks about the theory that all already know but :

- They show on TV documets that are black and white like normal process files and have the braunschweig (sta) logo and aparently are indeed the running process against CB by HCW. They claim to have access to the files at least to some point.

- GA claims that Helge B was about to be in jail many tears and manage to have only one year and little more of jail in trade of something with police, it's stated that Helge called police saying CB killed/took MM and because his co-operation he get away from long sentence of jail.

- GA claims that important "evidence" that BKA talks about it's a WORD documents that they found on CB computer telling a story / or auto-biography in those files CB tells about killing/raping children and GA doesn't specificly say that but let us believe that the "secret evidence" is that, meaning CB might have written on a word document a "story" of him killing/abducting whatever MM, but GA claims that no-one knows if it's a story or fact. Aparently it's that if we are to believe GA.

- GA then tells about the chat back in 2013 and tells that in 2014 CB did had access to a little girl and took pictures of her in "sensual"/"sexual" poses. GA states that if CB wanted so badly to do stuff like described on the chat to a little girl he could have done that to the one on 2014 and instead just took pictures of her and later the mother was ID, etc.

Apart from that they only mentioned the "Monika" case where CB was suspect /the 24 years old girl that was killed and body appeared dismembered near a bridge but they say German LEA close the case, CB was suspect but was able to provide alibi that he was with 2 other guys on a bar/pub on the time of the dead of the girl.
So after listening the "Investigação CM" of today i trully believe that :

- Secret evidence that BKA/HCW talked about it's just a word document where CB describes himself doing stuff to MM (and possible other victims). Maybe the same document/s have comproved facts that they did know for sure CB did and because of that they are lead to believe that the part that mention MM is true as well ?

But i'm based this on the report of today CM TV investigation. I doesn't even know if what GA stated was true. Also he didn't directly stated that the word documents contained MM text, he simply implied that saying it was text written by CB stating stuff that he had done/wanted to do to his victims but could be true or not.

IF PEOPLE HAVE ACCESS TO PT TV check CM TV - "investigação CM" of today.
That's certainly a bold statement from GA.

It'll be interesting to see where it's coming from and what evidence he puts forward to back up his claims.

Not having any emotional horse in this race, I'm open to all possibilities.
- GA states that CB is in jail for the RAPE of the old woman but on the declaration of the JP files for that crime the woman was NOT raped. They show the process on TV. Aparently CB did enter the appartment to rob, etc but the woman was not raped according to medical exam made to the woman and was badly translated to German.

DM testified by video-link at the rape trial according to JC's book.
I don't believe GA's assertions on this at all.
She's now deceased, so GA knows she can no longer defend herself on this, not that she needed to!
- GA states that CB is in jail for the RAPE of the old woman but on the declaration of the JP files for that crime the woman was NOT raped. They show the process on TV. Aparently CB did enter the appartment to rob, etc but the woman was not raped according to medical exam made to the woman and was badly translated to German.

I don’t get this. If a medical exam concluded no rape then how could he be convicted… For rape? Or is he trying to say that’s not what he’s in prison for at all?
I don’t get this. If a medical exam concluded no rape then how could he be convicted… For rape? Or is he trying to say that’s not what he’s in prison for at all?

GA says on the CM-TV interview that someone eneter the house of the woman, beat her, tied her, etc to ROB the appartment but then when the medical exam was done in PT to the woman the doctor concluded that the woman was beaten but not raped. When German requested the files on the case to Portugal PJ send it to them and GA says that because the "no rape" part was written with doctor handwritting could not be very precieved and was not properly translated and CB ended up charged as a "RAPE" that would give more years in jail. Sort of that, you would need to see the interview. Maybe they will put on youtube or so because it's in PT if you check on the TV broadcast and it will not be possible to place subtitles, or so i think. I just saw it on TV.
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