Marc Klaas Joins Websleuths Radio Tonight

SOTS...great voice!!
Wealth of information...understatement...she's the "go to gal" if you're having trouble remembering stuff.
Marc: Casey Anthony pure evil.

I concur.

ETA: he feels for George and Cindy...not a good outcome any way you look at it.
Mark Kaas, besides monetary funds how else can people help with Kaas Kids? People like me that lives on the South East coast.
Question for Mark if possible or to Tricia: Does anyone think the DT will put ICA on the stand?
Question to AZLawyer: Do you think that Jose Baez KNEW he would get called on the carpet for his shennanigans and did he just NOT CARE, or was he just inexperienced enough as a lawyer to think no one would notice?
Question for anyone on the panel : Do we know if Dr. G has responded publically to Dr. Spitz's attack of her autopsy as "shoddy"?
Dr Spitz will not fare well in a comparison to Dr G. IMO. The look on her face spoke volumes when asked about cutting open the skull of that poor baby. Dr Spitz called it "shoddy" work that she didn't.
No I don't Tricia, once the Judge gives them the instructions, they will come to a verdict Guility.
I'm hanging on by my fingernails to the faith the jury will understand about the duct tape, chloroform off the charts and the computer search for it, and THIRTY ONE DAYS. 1st degree.
Disagree regarding a hung jury........

There are two ways this jury can reach a murder one conviction;not just premeditation!
Once the body is released to the family can hire anyone they want to do a 2nd autopsy.

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