Poland Mateusz Kawecki, 30 went missing in on the way to the hospital to meet his wife in labor, found 5 months later in family barn March 2018

I definitely think that part is suspicious maybe that’s where all the evidence of what happened to him was as well if he’d been moved to the barn location after the fact

but who would know that the barn belonged to his family and where it was? why would they choose to move his body there where it could be easily discovered?
Translated into English by Google, for what it's worth.

He was returning to Poland, he was to become a father. The family does not believe in suicide and points out the errors of the investigators

His face was sunken, all skin and bone. And I'm still looking, two loops. One earlier, the other further - says the man who found the hanged corpse of the missing Mateusz Kawecki from Hutków near Zamość. Investigators suspect suicide, but the family points to numerous irregularities in their actions. For example, evidence that previously escaped their attention is to be secured only now.

- I believe that someone murdered my brother and brought him here, that he did not do it himself - says Katarzyna Piotrkowicz, Mr. Mateusz's sister.

The missing Mateusz Kawecki was 30 years old. He has lived and worked in Hanover for 5 years. By the end of March, all trace of him had disappeared.

Monitoring not available

- My brother left home, Hannover, at 11:30 pm. He was headed for Szczecin. He was driving his navy blue BMW, model 525, quite old, from 98, on German license plates – Katarzyna Piotrkowicz, Mateusz's sister, told a few months ago in an interview with the reporter of "Intervention".

On March 28 this year, Mateusz Kawecki was going to Poland for Easter. He was to spend it with his fiancée and later accompany her to the birth of their daughter. However, it never arrived.

- There is monitoring at the border crossing, but it has not been made available to us, the police reportedly checked it. She told us that her brother was not in Poland - said Katarzyna Piotrkowicz.

- We called the police dozens of times, each of us. We asked you to secure the monitoring and to track the phone. Because this phone was active all the time - added Edyta Dąbska, cousin of the late Mr. Mateusz.

Body in parents' barn

A few days ago, there was a long-awaited breakthrough in the case of Mr. Mateusz's disappearance. Five months after his disappearance, the man's body was found. It was... in his parents' barn, right next to their house. It seemed that the mystery of the disappearance was solved once and for all.

“All I know is that I went out and found him. And that's all I know because I stunk. As if I had a feeling because I was dreaming. I felt that something was wrong here, because a cat or a dog wouldn't smell like that. Only the teeth shone. His face was sunken, nothing but skin and bone everywhere. And I'm still looking, two loops. One earlier, the other further - says the neighbor of the late Mr. Mateusz.

- There was a hangman's rope, there were corpses that proved that they had previously been hanging on this hangman's rope - explains Rafał Kawalec from the District Prosecutor's Office in Zamość.

It was hanging for so many months, it broke off and fell from this loop, and the head flew to the side - adds Mateusz's neighbor.

- We have been to this barn many times. The prosecutor claims that he was there, but we do not say so because we have not seen him - says the man's cousin Edyta Dąbska.

- It's all staged - adds sister Katarzyna Piotrkowicz.

The phone was not supposed to log in in Poland

The man's backpack and wallet were found with the body. It was missing a license plate and car keys. The car was not found. Witnesses say that Mateusz's phone was also with his body, although the prosecutor's office does not want to inform about it "for the sake of the investigation".

- Well, there was a phone call, the prosecutor found it - says the neighbor who found Mr. Mateusz's corpse.

Reporter of "Intervention": and the police say that the phone in Poland did not log in at all.

- Well, they said that he didn't log in at all.

- So what, he drove all over Poland and didn't log in even once?

- Somewhere, they looked weakly, they searched.

- There was still water, and there are cigarette butts at the bottom. It seems that they have not been examined since they were left behind, he says.

No DNA test results

- There was also a carton of orange juice, and Mateusz never drank orange juice. This is confirmed by everyone who knew him. Somehow I don't want to believe that he wanted to drink orange juice just before his death - indicates cousin Edyta Dąbska and adds: - Investigators openly told my aunt that they would have to sift this straw for two weeks to thoroughly examine everything. And they didn't. So they just said that if we wanted to, we could sift ourselves. My aunt may find the missing teeth on her own. Mateusz was found on September 12, and on September 14 his father found his leg. Plus, we still don't have the DNA results. We don't know for sure if it was Matthew.

We talk about the family's doubts regarding the reliability of the investigation with Rafał Kawalec from the District Prosecutor's Office in Zamość.

Kawalec: - Apparently, the investigators did not notice this (legs).

Reporter: - This is a professional inspection in your opinion?

- I think the inspection was done professionally.

- Shouldn't you wait for the DNA test results first and then release the body to the family? When will you be sure that this is Mateusz Kawecki?

- The family came forward with a request for the corpse, they were released to her.

- His clothes are also in a sack, next to the barn. There may be marks on them. Traces of a murderer... traces of a fight... and no one cares about those clothes right now. No one secured them...

- As a prosecutor, would you like to have this type of evidence in your warehouse, or would you rather hand it over?

- This is my subjective assessment, I do not want to express myself.

- Will you put some supervision over this procedure?

- I do not exclude such a possibility.

- Because you are a superior institution. You can keep an eye on this investigation...

- Yes. Yes.

"Then maybe your supervision would be useful here after all?"

- I do not exclude such a possibility.

- When will you decide on this?

- In the near future.

The investigation was taken over by the District Prosecutor's Office

Two hours after the conversation, the investigation into the death of Mr. Mateusz was fully taken over by the District Prosecutor's Office in Zamość. Policemen also showed up in Hutków. The prosecutor ordered them to secure evidence that had previously escaped the attention of investigators.

Matthew's funeral took place a week ago. His daughter was also there. She was born six days after she disappeared. And although she will never meet her father again, the man's relatives want her to know at least the truth about his death someday.

– I think that they will now stick to everything to make it quiet down as soon as possible, to cover all traces, so that everything points to what they want, i.e. paragraph 151 of the Penal Code - suicide - sums up Katarzyna Piotrkowicz, Mateusz's sister.
Dental care in Poland is now common in most areas and they have free dental care as well a private dental options which still aren’t costly like they are in the US
Yes and no.
There is free dental care - as well as healthcare in general, but it's hard to say how much access to that he had, working abroad.
And private dental options are pretty costly. Prices generally lower than in US, but so is the average monthly salary.
No way of o how it looked like for Mateusz, but judging by the description: so guy working abroad, in long-distance relationship, born in late 80's... usually that means, more likely than not rather poor or no dental care, LOTS of work, lots of struggle, lots of stress, unhealthy lifestyle and saving money on everything in order to earn and save as much as possible to get an appartement, start family, support already existing family, start a business... stuff like that.

IMO it'd be crucial to learn about condition of his teeth.
Cause it was either very bad, so bad, close to disastrous - and those loose teeth would fit the suicide scenario...
Or they weren't. And that would point out at the possibility of him being attacked, beaten up, prior to death...

Theories with the body being transported there sometime after his death sound ludacrous for me. Cause why? What motive anyone could have to risk being caught while doing something like this, leaving some tracks behind... suicide could be staged in more secluded location, more convenient for possible murderer.
Sounds like family has a hard time accepting the fact that he killed himself.

UNLESS they have reasons to believe that someone may did this to him.
By either someone close to him, who joined him at the barn for late night toalk, which somehow escalated into the murder and staged suicide (I wouldn't bet much on that, rather highly unlikely scenario).
Or someone who bullied or threatened him through social media, texts, phone calls as he was going back home.

But why was he going home, while he was expected to meet his fiancee and newborn child?
Did he had some financial struggle recently?
Got robbed, maybe cheated by the employer who hasn't payed as much as promised or on time?
Did he had a plan to come back to Poland and start family right after child will be born?
Was he accepted by the girls family?
Is this possible that they broke up then and he felt like his life is falling apart?
Is this possible that someone close to the baby mama convinced him behind her back that he should stay the hell away from her cause she doesn't really love him/child isn't his/she's cheating/she said this or that about him?
- cause things like that also happen sometimes and they could push people over the edge.

Not much is known about him, but that vague description sounds like he may be a person who lived under a lot of pressure, with lots of stress and birth of that child sounds like a big turning point.
If that got mixed with financial struggle, possibly even with his car getting stolen while he was oon his way back... not that unlikely that he could switch directions and head towards home, where he felt safe. No direct bus connections then but what about cabs? I haven't noticed any info about that - if the taxi drivers were questioned about anyone requesting to go to Hutków at the time. It's quite a distance, enough to remember, yet still not crazy expensive. Definitely much less than a hotel room.
If not a taxi, he could still walk home. 13 miles is walkable distance for people who walk to get places sometimes. Unless he wasn't known for doing that.
IF it's even true that he wasn't going home using trains and buses, not his car. That we will probably never know.
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Clear as day that there was no investigation.
No surveillance or phone logs were checked in a case where LE doesn't care enough to count to four and make sure that all limbs went into the body bag. It just IMO never happened. Possible evidence just left at the scene, not secured, not bothered.
No telling if that car even truly "disappeared", or if they just never looked for it.

That conversation with District Prosecutor representative got bit mixed up in translation (and wasn't so clearly displayed in original article either)

DP: Apparently, the investigators did not notice this (legs).
- This is a professional inspection in your opinion?
DP: I think the inspection was done professionally.
- Shouldn't you wait for the DNA test results first and then release the body to the family? When will you be sure that this is Mateusz Kawecki?
DP: The family requested release of the corpse, so they got it.
- His clothes are also in a sack, next to the barn. There may be marks on them. Traces of a murderer... traces of a fight... and no one cares about those clothes right now. No one secured them. As a prosecutor, would you like to have this type of evidence in your warehouse, or would you rather hand it over?
DP: This is my subjective assessment, I do not want to express myself.
- Will you put some supervision over this procedure?
DP: I do not exclude such a possibility.
- Because you are a superior institution. You can keep an eye on this investigation...
DP: Yes. Yes.
- Then maybe your supervision would be useful here after all?
DP: I do not exclude such a possibility.
- When will you decide on this?
DP: In the near future.
His companion at the hotel could be just a random person heading home for Easter holidays.
It's pretty common solution since single rooms are almost always either not available at all or cost same as room for two people.
Much more likely that it was someone known to Mateusz, coworker or acquaintance from Hannover, but could as well be a complete random who also found himself in a need of a room and few hours of sleep. It was right before Easter, so at the time where most modest and affordable motels, hostels and hotels would be close to full.
Yes and no.
There is free dental care - as well as healthcare in general, but it's hard to say how much access to that he had, working abroad.
And private dental options are pretty costly. Prices generally lower than in US, but so is the average monthly salary.
No way of o how it looked like for Mateusz, but judging by the description: so guy working abroad, in long-distance relationship, born in late 80's... usually that means, more likely than not rather poor or no dental care, LOTS of work, lots of sruggle, lots of stress, unhealthy lifestyle and saving money on everything in order to earn and save as much as possible to get an appartement, start family, support already existing family, start a business... stuff like that.

IMO it'd be crucial to learn about condition of his teeth.
Cause it was either very bad, so bad, close to disastrous - and those loose teeth would fit the suicide scenario...
Or they weren't. And that would point out at the possibility of him being attacked, beaten up, prior to death...

Theories with the body being transported there sometime after his death sound ludacrous for me. Cause why? What motive anyone could have to risk being caught while doing something like this, leaving some tracks behind... suicide could be staged in more secluded location, more convenient for possible murderer.
Sounds like family has a hard time accepting the fact that he killed himself.

UNLESS they have reasons to believe that someone may did this to him.
By either someone close to him, who joined him at the barn for late night toalk, which somehow escalated into the murder and staged suicide (I wouldn't bet much on that, rather highly unlikely scenario).
Or someone who bullied or threatened him through social media, texts, phone calls as he was going back home.

But why was he going home, while he was expected to meet his fiancee and newborn child?
Did he had some financial struggle recently?
Got robbed, maybe cheated by the employer who hasn't payed as much as promised or on time?
Did he had a plan to come back to Poland and start family right after child will be born?
Was he accepted by the girls family?
Is this possible that they broke up then and he felt like his life is falling apart?
Is this possible that someone close to the baby mama convinced him behind her back that he should stay the hell away from her cause she doesn't really love him/child isn't his/she's cheating/she said this or that about him?
- cause things like that also happen sometimes and they could push people over the edge.

Not much is known about him, but that vague description sounds like he may be a person who lived under a lot of pressure, with lots of stress and birth of that child sounds like a big turning point.
If that got mixed with financial struggle, possibly even with his car getting stolen while he was oon his way back... not that unlikely that he could switch directions and head towards home, where he felt safe. No direct bus connections then but what about cabs? I haven't noticed any info about that - if the taxi drivers were questioned about anyone requesting to go to Hutków at the time. It's quite a distance, enough to remember, yet still not crazy expensive. Definitely much less than a hotel room.
If not a taxi, he could still walk home. 13 miles is walkable distance for people who walk to get places sometimes. Unless he wasn't known for doing that.
IF it's even true that he wasn't going home using trains and buses, not his car. That we will probably never know.
The teeth could definitely go either way. I also find it odd that the police said there was never any surveillance of him entering Poland with his car and if you’re going to commit suicide why hide your car to never be found again? More questions than answers.
The teeth could definitely go either way. I also find it odd that the police said there was never any surveillance of him entering Poland with his car and if you’re going to commit suicide why hide your car to never be found again? More questions than answers.
First suggested timeline:

28th March 2018
11:30 PM
- Mateusz leaves Hannover in his car, about 7 hours long ride awaiting him (according to his sister)
29th March
10:30 AM
- Mateusz calls his dad and mentions terrible traffic in Szczecin that caused him to stuck near border (about 2,5 hours drive left)
He also sends text to his fiance and says that he will arrive in 2 hours. (according to fiancee and dad)
12:30 PM - Mateusz isn't there, fiance keeps calling but no response from Mateusz, so she tried to call Mateusz's sister, also no response (according to fiancee)
Same day, evening, Mateusz's mom tries to report him missing, LE refuse to take the report.

BUT, according to the German LE's findings;
at 10:30 AM on 29th Mateusz was STILL in Gemany, not even close to Szczecin (as he claimed/implied to be)
Apparently he got into the train in HAMBURG (not Hannover but HAMBURG, city that's 1,5 hours drive North from where he lived) and headed not towards Szczecin as planned but Słubice, where sometime ("nearly 24 hours after his last conntact with family") he entered Poland, on foot, and where later on that day he rented a room with someone so night 29th/30th I guess.
Then he took a train to Warszawa.
Then bus to Zamość, where he arrived sometime sometime around midnight.

So combining the TWO:
28th of March 2018 (Wednesday)
11:30 PM
- Mateusz leaves Hannover in his car, about 7 hours long ride awaiting him - his family and fiance believes that he's heading to Szczecin, to spend Easter with his fiance who's about to give birth (no labor yet, daughter was born few days later)
29th of March 2018 (Thursday)
10:30 AM
- Mateusz calls his dad and mentions terrible traffic in Szczecin that caused him to stuck near border (about 2,5 hours drive left)
He also sends text to his fiance and says that he will arrive in 2 hours. (according to fiancee and dad)
30th of March 2019 (Friday)
Sometime before 10 AM
he crossed Polish border in Słubice AFTER - according to the LE's findings he somehow got into Hamburg, and took train from Hamburg to Słubice.

So... if he left Hannover 11:30 on the 28th... till (let's say) 9 AM on the 30th... that's 0,5+24+9=33,5h
Doesn't appear like he slept during those 33ish hours, cause he rented a room (maybe to get some sleep while waiting for train?)
- Getting from Hannover to Hamburg (2 hours)
- Train (3,5-4 hours)
- Walking to the border, getting to the train and stuff like that (2 hours maybe)
That means we "know" what he was doing for 8 hours. But there is 33 hours "lost".

It's implied that he lied to his dad and fiance and that he wasn't stuck in traffic in Szczecin around 10:30 AM on the 29th.
But why it is implied?
He could lie. Or... be there. But with unknown reasons he could end up turning back, heading to Hamburg (which could take 5 or 7 hours) and changing his plans completely. Losing, dropping or giving away his car somehow. But even that leaves many unexplained hours, with no conntact.

According to LE's findings he walked into Poland on foot, in the morning hours of the 30th, Friday, Easter Friday, meaning that all trains buses and everything was packed with people.
Then rented a room in Słubice. For how long he stayed there? Cause later they say that he arrived in Zamość sometimes around midnight. But midnight between 29th and 30th or 30th and 31st? Unclear.

Słubice-Warszawa is at least 5 hours by train.
Warszawa-Zamość could be another 5 hours but that would require the absolute best connection just waiting to be used.
So he stayed at this hotel room for not more than 2-3 hours tops?
Or he got there and slept for many hours, exhausted after staying up for previous 33 hours?
Some 1 second long call was made from his phone to the uncle on 30th of March.

So when family was already freaking out and tried to report him missing over and over again. They're saying that they called police dozens of times trying to report him missing - German police, Polish police, constantly. They went to look for him, started distributing flyers, went to places where he could be, asked people about him. Long days, weeks with fear, frustration, frantic search.

Yet it sounds like (I understand Polish) they learned about this call only after they found a body and phone.
So the uncle didn't found it worth mentioning to anyone that well past the point when mother first tried to file missing person report MATEUSZ TRIED TO CALL HIM?!
Not then, not in the days after, not in the months after? WTH?!

Box of orange juice in his backpack doesn't matter. No matter how much he hated it, no matter that it obviously implies that he was travelling with someone who liked it, possibly touched or even drank from it, possibly took his car - cause it wasn't tested.

Bit suspicious that sister was unreachable at same time when Mateusz also stopped talking/texting family. Maybe she was just at work or something.
But what's uncle's motive to not mention that call to anyone and not make a HUGE DEAL about it, huh?

Also: it there was a call that lasted 1 second, there was 100% traceable connection to some phone towers. Also the exact time when it was made.
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First suggested timeline:

28th March 2018
11:30 PM
- Mateusz leaves Hannover in his car, about 7 hours long ride awaiting him (according to his sister)
29th March
10:30 AM
- Mateusz calls his dad and mentions terrible traffic in Szczecin that caused him to stuck near border (about 2,5 hours drive left)
He also sends text to his fiance and says that he will arrive in 2 hours. (according to fiancee and dad)
12:30 PM - Mateusz isn't there, fiance keeps calling but no response from Mateusz, so she tried to call Mateusz's sister, also no response (according to fiancee)
Same day, evening, Mateusz's mom tries to report him missing, LE refuse to take the report.

BUT, according to the German LE's findings;
at 10:30 AM on 29th Mateusz was STILL in Gemany, not even close to Szczecin (as he claimed/implied to be)
Apparently he got into the train in HAMBURG (not Hannover but HAMBURG, city that's 1,5 hours drive North from where he lived) and headed not towards Szczecin as planned but Słubice, where sometime ("nearly 24 hours after his last conntact with family") he entered Poland, on foot, and where later on that day he rented a room with someone so night 29th/30th I guess.
Then he took a train to Warszawa.
Then bus to Zamość, where he arrived sometime sometime around midnight.

So combining the TWO:
28th of March 2018 (Wednesday)
11:30 PM
- Mateusz leaves Hannover in his car, about 7 hours long ride awaiting him - his family and fiance believes that he's heading to Szczecin, to spend Easter with his fiance who's about to give birth (no labor yet, daughter was born few days later)
29th of March 2018 (Thursday)
10:30 AM
- Mateusz calls his dad and mentions terrible traffic in Szczecin that caused him to stuck near border (about 2,5 hours drive left)
He also sends text to his fiance and says that he will arrive in 2 hours. (according to fiancee and dad)
30th of March 2019 (Friday)
Sometime before 10 AM
he crossed Polish border in Słubice AFTER - according to the LE's findings he somehow got into Hamburg, and took train from Hamburg to Słubice.

So... if he left Hannover 11:30 on the 28th... till (let's say) 9 AM on the 30th... that's 0,5+24+9=33,5h
Doesn't appear like he slept during those 33ish hours, cause he rented a room (maybe to get some sleep while waiting for train?)
- Getting from Hannover to Hamburg (2 hours)
- Train (3,5-4 hours)
- Walking to the border, getting to the train and stuff like that (2 hours maybe)
That means we "know" what he was doing for 8 hours. But there is 33 hours "lost".

It's implied that he lied to his dad and fiance and that he wasn't stuck in traffic in Szczecin around 10:30 AM on the 29th.
But why it is implied?
He could lie. Or... be there. But with unknown reasons he could end up turning back, heading to Hamburg (which could take 5 or 7 hours) and changing his plans completely. Losing, dropping or giving away his car somehow. But even that leaves many unexplained hours, with no conntact.

According to LE's findings he walked into Poland on foot, in the morning hours of the 30th, Friday, Easter Friday, meaning that all trains buses and everything was packed with people.
Then rented a room in Słubice. For how long he stayed there? Cause later they say that he arrived in Zamość sometimes around midnight. But midnight between 29th and 30th or 30th and 31st? Unclear.

Słubice-Warszawa is at least 5 hours by train.
Warszawa-Zamość could be another 5 hours but that would require the absolute best connection just waiting to be used.
So he stayed at this hotel room for not more than 2-3 hours tops?
Or he got there and slept for many hours, exhausted after staying up for previous 33 hours?
Some 1 second long call was made from his phone to the uncle on 30th of March.

So when family was already freaking out and tried to report him missing over and over again. They're saying that they called police dozens of times trying to report him missing - German police, Polish police, constantly. They went to look for him, started distributing flyers, went to places where he could be, asked people about him. Long days, weeks with fear, frustration, frantic search.

Yet it sounds like (I understand Polish) they learned about this call only after they found a body and phone.
So the uncle didn't found it worth mentioning to anyone that well past the point when mother first tried to file missing person report MATEUSZ TRIED TO CALL HIM?!
Not then, not in the days after, not in the months after? WTH?!

Box of orange juice in his backpack doesn't matter. No matter how much he hated it, no matter that it obviously implies that he was travelling with someone who liked it, possibly touched or even drank from it, possibly took his car - cause it wasn't tested.

Bit suspicious that sister was unreachable at same time when Mateusz also stopped talking/texting family. Maybe she was just at work or something.
But what's uncle's motive to not mention that call to anyone and not make a HUGE DEAL about it, huh?

Also: it there was a call that lasted 1 second, there was 100% traceable connection to some phone towers. Also the exact time when it was made.
Thank you for the timeline that’s great. That is something to think about you’re right how odd that the uncle wouldn’t have said that a call came through from a missing family member they’re all panicking about. And that again the polish cops say his phone never connected to a polish tower. I also hadn’t considered the sister wasn’t available by phone at that time and hadn’t heard an explanation either way why that was. When and how did they know that Mateusz wasn’t alone at the hotel did the police get that information from staff at the hotel, cctv?
Thank you for the timeline that’s great. That is something to think about you’re right how odd that the uncle wouldn’t have said that a call came through from a missing family member they’re all panicking about. And that again the polish cops say his phone never connected to a polish tower. I also hadn’t considered the sister wasn’t available by phone at that time and hadn’t heard an explanation either way why that was. When and how did they know that Mateusz wasn’t alone at the hotel did the police get that information from staff at the hotel, cctv?
Train tickets, bus tickets, and other bills were found on his body. That's how they recreated his path.
No mention of the orange juice being on the bills (doesn't mean that it wasn't there).

I found even more info, but I'll be able to add longer post in few hours.
Train tickets, bus tickets, and other bills were found on his body. That's how they recreated his path.
No mention of the orange juice being on the bills (doesn't mean that it wasn't there).

I found even more info, but I'll be able to add longer post in few hours.
I get how they figured out where he went vs what he said I’m just not sure where the info about the other person he met up with during this time came from and if they knew more about the individual it doesn’t seem to have been made public.
I want to do another attempt at the timeline.

March 28th (Wednesday)
11:30 PM
- according to his sister that's when Mateusz left Hannover and started what should be 7-8 hours long ride.
March 29th (Thursday)
10:30 AM
- Mateusz calls his dad and mentions terrible traffic in Szczecin that caused him to stuck near border (about 2,5 hours drive left)
He also sends text to his fiance and says that he will arrive in 2 hours. (according to fiancee and dad)
Sometime around 1:00 PM fiance tries to call Mateusz, worried that he hasn't arrived yet but she can't reach him. Nobody can reach him. Fiance tries to call his sister with no luck.
On the evening Mateusz's mom tries to report him missing but cops refuse to file that.
Apparently on the 29th, with unknown reasons Mateusz was still (or back) in Germany.
Did he lied as LE assumed or if he with some reason turned back is unknown.
Bills, tickets and receipts found on him "say" that he was still in Germany on that day.
March 30th (Friday)
The car that he allegedly left in got lost or dropped somehow, sometime before he got into the train in Hamburg.
Train from Hamburg to the city near Polish border takes about 4 hours.
Mateusz allegedly crossed the border in Słubice sometime around (likely before) 10:00 AM
Then he allegedly rented a hotel room in Słubice.
His family is then crazy worried about him, they try to do whatever they can to locate him, they keep calling his phone, but he doesn't pick it up. They're trying to file missing person's report but LE keeps refusing to take it.
Mateusz or someone else does one second long attempt to call his uncle. Family assumes that it was by mistake but maybe it wasn't.
When Mateusz's body is finally found he, according to LE had train and bus tickets indicating that he went to Zamość and arrived there sometime around midnight.

And to the weird stuff I found:
- doesn't sound like the uncle mentioned that call to anyone,
- he hasn't took his travelling bag with him, went just with backpack (could that be a reason to turn back and try to get it?)
- usually he was driving in sneakers, while found he was wearing his working boots,
- he was found in his work uniform, family finds it odd as well,
- family knew he had black beanie with yellow stripe, black beanie found at the scene was full black,
- from the video released by "Interwencja" it looks and sounds like that barn is/was either somewhat shared between Mateusz's parents and aunt (and uncle?) within one farm, or that aunt lives just right next to them.

On the top of that I found even weirder stuff. No idea if I can even post it. Probably not. There was no sleughting on my part, it doesn't come from any closed facebook group, but some of those legitimate articles published by news websites and tv shows (one that covers missing people cases, another two focusing on outrageous neglect and wrongdoing of LE and legal instutitions in Poland) have comment sections still on.
So I will only say that if uncle not mentioning that Mateusz's phone tried to call him day after everyone else lost conntact with him sounds odd, then actions of his aunt were even weirder.
I get how they figured out where he went vs what he said I’m just not sure where the info about the other person he met up with during this time came from and if they knew more about the individual it doesn’t seem to have been made public.
Oh yea, me too. Seems impossible to figure that out six months later - unless Mateusz had a bill while the other person provided their name in hotel.
It'd be great to have some questions answered.

Was Mateusz's sister living with him?
If not, was he living alone?
If not alone, how many people lived with him? - were they random coworkers or friends/distant family members?
Was Mateusz the only person who used that car? Was he known for borrowing it to peoplle occasionally? Was someone doing it regularly?
Did anyone actually saw him leaving in the car?
What was he wearing where last seen?
When was the last day Mateusz was at work?
At what time he finished work?
Did it ever happened before that he suddenly stopped responding to family or fiancee's texts and calls?
Was he a person pretty open for change of plans or rather strictly executing what he previously set up for himself?
Was he known to send people "signals" instead of texts or calls as a way of communication?
Did anyone known to Mateusz lived in Hamburg?
Did he owned a smartphone or just regular, oldschool phone?
Anyone from Mateusz's family, friends or acquaintances that came to work in Hannover from the area where Mateusz grew up was known to go back home (to visit) using public transportation?
Anyone like that showed up there before Easter?
Was the uncle actively helping to search for Mateusz?
Did he have any clothes and personal belongings left at the fiancee's house?
Was that possible that Mateusz came back to his Hannover flat sometime in the afternoon but wasn't able to get inside and pick up his travelling bag?
yeah I'm going with the double life theory
someone made that car disappear
....and I think someone made him disappear too.

Why go to such lengths to hide a car?
It's very odd.

And his foot not being found in the upstairs room of the barn by police, the family finding it several days later.

What else was in the barn's upstairs room that the police couldn't see a foot in a shoe? I'm sure it wasn't covered in items, and if it was, the police still should have searched every item in there!
Very sad, it must have been horrible for his family. It does seem to have been poorly investigated, falling between German and Polish LE.

I could envisage the head being detached as explainable by hanging, but the teeth and the foot? I'm not sure.

What is CCTV coverage like in Poland? In the UK a journey by train and bus of that length would be sure to have some sightings. But then again if these weren't checked in a timely manner they could be lost/overwritten.

The person with Mateusz in the hotel would seem to be very key in all this, were there no CCTV or witness descriptions?
From what
Very sad, it must have been horrible for his family. It does seem to have been poorly investigated, falling between German and Polish LE.

I could envisage the head being detached as explainable by hanging, but the teeth and the foot? I'm not sure.

What is CCTV coverage like in Poland? In the UK a journey by train and bus of that length would be sure to have some sightings. But then again if these weren't checked in a timely manner they could be lost/overwritten.

The person with Mateusz in the hotel would seem to be very key in all this, were there no CCTV or witness descriptions?
From what I’ve seen, there is no information other than he was with another “individual” at the hotel I have no idea how it was verified, if it was followed up on, nothing. CCTV is common in large cities, should be fairly easy to trace someone through public transportation. Also there’s a lot of dash cams there and things like that, especially when this occurred it was way more common to have dash cams there than where I was living in the states. I’m guessing that the police work was sloppy when it came to canvassing the route he would have taken just like it was with investigating the scene where his body was found.
I wondered about that stuff too, when the family says they did go in the barn and use it but nobody had seen him all that time, maybe it’s possible he was transported there at a later time and things set up to appear to be a suicide I’m not sure but unless the timing is coincidence it does seem to coincide somehow to the imminent birth of his baby.

My first thought was murder made to look like suicide. If it was then it would seem that the choice of the location - at his parents place - was either an elaborate attempt to make it seem genuine suicide, or an indicator of a lot of hatred towards MK and/or his family.
Could he have been a drig user? That could explain teeth and possible strange, unusual behavior. Otherwise, is it possible the car stayed in germany, he sold it or otherwise?

Strange case, so sad for his family.
It'd be great to have some questions answered.

Was Mateusz's sister living with him?
If not, was he living alone?
If not alone, how many people lived with him? - were they random coworkers or friends/distant family members?
Was Mateusz the only person who used that car? Was he known for borrowing it to peoplle occasionally? Was someone doing it regularly?
Did anyone actually saw him leaving in the car?
What was he wearing where last seen?
When was the last day Mateusz was at work?
At what time he finished work?
Did it ever happened before that he suddenly stopped responding to family or fiancee's texts and calls?
Was he a person pretty open for change of plans or rather strictly executing what he previously set up for himself?
Was he known to send people "signals" instead of texts or calls as a way of communication?
Did anyone known to Mateusz lived in Hamburg?
Did he owned a smartphone or just regular, oldschool phone?
Anyone from Mateusz's family, friends or acquaintances that came to work in Hannover from the area where Mateusz grew up was known to go back home (to visit) using public transportation?
Anyone like that showed up there before Easter?
Was the uncle actively helping to search for Mateusz?
Did he have any clothes and personal belongings left at the fiancee's house?
Was that possible that Mateusz came back to his Hannover flat sometime in the afternoon but wasn't able to get inside and pick up his travelling bag?

Very confusing case. Boy, do I 'feel' for his family getting so little support and investigation.

However, he was working in Germany for 5 years.... that is a considerable lenghth of time. Where are some voices about Mateusz from Germany. We have ONLY heard from family, so far.

Hopefully, investigations will get more answers. But, omg, how much is lost.

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