Meredith Kercher murdered-Amanda Knox appeals conviction #21

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On the bra clasp, it now seems the defense gave up on the contamination fantasies and claims it was planted by the coppers. Good luck with that one.

So what is left of the defense strategies? Not a whole lot.

How did all of those DNA profiles (besides Meredith's profile and Raffaele's putative profile) get on the clasp if not by contamination?
Just saw this tweet from @morsels:

madison paxton, best friend of #amandaknox just told me, "all private jet rumors are false." she's not happy w/ media spreading lies.
Just saw this tweet from @morsels:

madison paxton, best friend of #amandaknox just told me, "all private jet rumors are false." she's not happy w/ media spreading lies.
Good for Madison. She is a good and loyal friend, and I had a feeling all of this was rumor. Great find, Malkmus!!!

In the previous thread you wrote, "On Monday, the verdicts will be confirmed and if you are really honest then you have to admit that the 'fruit juice' theories never really made much sense to begin with." I am not sure who (if anyone) suggested fruit juice theories. The forensic police should have used a confirmatory blood test. Period. If you think that confirmatory tests are not necessary, please provide a citation from the relevant forensic literature.
I am sorry. I can't say 'fruit juice' anymore since AK's defense specifically excluded that (and rust). They say it was soap. I know you are into the scientific side of things. I am more into the judges side. They can reason what happened. Even without 100% scientific confirmation of every piece of evidence. If you say they can't conclude it was blood without a confirmatory test then that is fine, but it is your opinion and I am not so sure the judges will say the same. We will see.

How did all of those DNA profiles (besides Meredith's profile and Raffaele's putative profile) get on the clasp if not by contamination?
I have heard the rebuttals and they said '3 male profiles'. I know she had a boyfriend, and then there is RS, so that is already 2. Not a very strong argument for contamination IMO.
The call to Meredith's mother was in the cell phone memory but it never connected to a cell tower. The most reasonable explanation is that she attempted to call her mother right after parting company with Sophie. At that time, Meredith would have been walking down via Roscetto, a narrow medieval alley lined with stone buildings. Walking toward the camera in this . It was just a bad spot for cell phones.
Ok thanks. I wouldn't call my mother while walking the streets. I would take a bit more time for that. I think Meredith would to. Besides I think she came down the street from the parking area. If you cross the street from there you end up pretty much right at the gate. You can see the person on the CCTV taking 4 or 5 steps. Amanda in her confession claimed she came down from the basketball place. From that little street you end up crossing the street a bit further up. And then I think that person is wearing white clothing. Meredith wasn't. But I already said this wasn't even allowed as evidence so not all that important.
Ok thanks. I wouldn't call my mother while walking the streets. I would take a bit more time for that. I think Meredith would to. Besides I think she came down the street from the parking area. If you cross the street from there you end up pretty much right at the gate. You can see the person on the CCTV taking 4 or 5 steps. Amanda in her confession claimed she came down from the basketball place. From that little street you end up crossing the street a bit further up. And then I think that person is wearing white clothing. Meredith wasn't. But I already said this wasn't even allowed as evidence so not all that important.
I disagree: Many people use the cellphone when walking, and MK may have felt the solitude and quiet was the time to hear her mother's voice. And it was explained that the blue jacket would be inverted and appear whitish and luminous via cctv.

Thanks for this link, Steve!
What changed from the first trial?

"What happened this time,' says van Sant, "was the judge ordered that a scientific panel review the evidence. They discovered 54 major mistakes by the crime scene investigators, and they also -- which we reported three years ago -- they also determined that the DNA evidence wasn't DNA evidence at all. The piece of evidence that really damned Amanda was the notion that her DNA was on the handle of the knife and the victim's DNA was on the blade, but what was really on the blade was residue from - rye bread, and I kid you not.

"This entire case has been a farce, and it's now out there for the world to see."
I disagree: Many people use the cellphone when walking, and MK may have felt the solitude and quiet was the time to hear her mother's voice. And it was explained that the blue jacket would be inverted and appear whitish and luminous via cctv.

Yeah I agree about the cell phone. I almost always call people while I walk home. Not sure why! It isn't easy to hear them too well. I think it's a time management and boredom thing. Not that that matters much to the case!
Yeah I agree about the cell phone. I almost always call people while I walk home. Not sure why! It isn't easy to hear them too well. I think it's a time management and boredom thing. Not that that matters much to the case!
Me, too. And MK might well have wanted to connect with her Mom on a dark walk home. But why am I arguing for this? It kind of destroys the Hendry analysis.:waitasec:
I disagree: Many people use the cellphone when walking, and MK may have felt the solitude and quiet was the time to hear her mother's voice. And it was explained that the blue jacket would be inverted and appear whitish and luminous via cctv.
After the riots in the UK there were loads of CCTV images released. Also in dark. Still white was white, and dark was dark. <modsnip>
Me, too. And MK might well have wanted to connect with her Mom on a dark walk home. But why am I arguing for this? It kind of destroys the Hendry analysis.:waitasec:
It is one way or the other. If you accept the CCTV time is slow and think that it is Meredith then there is no way she could have called from the cottage, and the interruption is not an indication that Rudy was attacking her. Mr Hendry was wrong.

If you don't accept that the CCTV timer is slow then RS called the police after the 'police' arrived. So there is always 'something' with that argument.
Interview with RS's father on BBC which is nice to see for a change

"Raffaele Sollecito 'confident but scared', says father"

"As Raffaele Sollecito's appeal against his conviction for the murder of UK student Meredith Kercher draws to a close, his father Francesco tells BBC News he has been living day-to-day for four years."
Then why did Malkmus or Monzoo say this was their experience with cctv??:furious:

Smk I'm not somewhere I can verify this, but when I get a chance to look at the CCTV image again I'll see how it compares to the cams we use at my work. The reason I stated that was because the first time I saw it I was instantly reminded of the effect those cameras make. However, it's just my opinion and not something I would state as a fact.
Agree! Nothing would surprise me, including "guilty but sentenced to time served" - it's Italian logic (I'm of Italian extraction) - it's the notion of trying to please all sides, and the best solution to a dispute is when both sides are not completely happy with the solution ( okay, please play theme from the Godfather here..)


(Sorry my quirky sense of humour again:)

Funny you should bring this scenerio up. This is a link to an Italian lawyer on how they may in do something similar to "save face"
Smk I'm not somewhere I can verify this, but when I get a chance to look at the CCTV image again I'll see how it compares to the cams we use at my work. The reason I stated that was because the first time I saw it I was instantly reminded of the effect those cameras make. However, it's just my opinion and not something I would state as a fact.
Well, I trust you, Malkmus.:snooty:
It is one way or the other. If you accept the CCTV time is slow and think that it is Meredith then there is no way she could have called from the cottage, and the interruption is not an indication that Rudy was attacking her. Mr Hendry was wrong.

If you don't accept that the CCTV timer is slow then RS called the police after the 'police' arrived. So there is always 'something' with that argument.

Was the CCTV footage accepted by the court?

(Sorry my quirky sense of humour again:)

Funny you should bring this scenerio up. This is a link to an Italian lawyer on how they may in do something similar to "save face"

So the verdict will be guilty with time served and that means the Italian court system is saving face? I didn't click on the link ... is it about guilty with time served? ... like guilty with no time? ... something different? ... like overturn the verdict but admit no guilt? Guilty but free? Free and no guilt?
"On Saturday, one of Italy&#8217;s leading newspapers, La Repubblica, poured scorn on the massive media attention and what it called manipulation by Knox&#8217;s &#8220;million-dollar public-relations campaign,&#8221; and blasted the American networks for buying into it, chiding them over rumors that a private jet is waiting for Knox to sweep her away&#8212;most likely straight to a studio in New York. Knox&#8217;s parents have been advised by their lawyers not to give any news interviews at all until after the verdict, but there is surely plenty of archived material to fill the void.


It is lost on no one that the Knox family uses the media as messengers of their daughter&#8217;s innocence, and won&#8217;t talk to anyone who won&#8217;t toe the party line."
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