Merry Christmas to All of You and All Involved In This Case

Wishing all a very Merry Christmas! :)
To all my fellow sleuthers.
From my house to your house

To Tricia & Staff
I've been caught up in work and holiday activities, so haven't been around much the past week. Came here to check in after the festivities tonight and was so pleased to find this thread. I hoped there would be one.

To Tricia, thank you for your gracious hospitality. To all of the mods, thank you for your patience and assistance, and for all the work you do to keep us respectable. Merry Christmas.

To my fellow websleuthers, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I pray you and your families will celebrate today with Peace and Love.

For all those facing loss and sorrow at this time, including the Anthony's, I pray the Lord will show mercy and grant you comfort, if only for a moment or two.

And for darling little Caylee, rest in peace, sweetheart.
Merry Christmas everyone and may all of you have a wonderful, loving and prosperous new year!
It's a cold Christmas morning!

Merry Christmas to all fellow WS'ers, to Tricia, and our great mods! May all of you have a very blessed day!

Now off to cook!
Merry Christmas to all! Love and Peace!
:rose: :rose:[/SIZE] Merry Christmas to all of my new found friends here at Websleuths. May we all find peace an happiness today. Thank all of you here for your kindness, patience and crazy sense of humor. You have made me laugh many times.

Blessed be our Little Angel Caylee. She has brought us together in her very special way.

Merry Christmas Tricia and to all the moderators who have oodles of patience. May each of you have a Joyous Day. :santa:

Just started wrapping (I procrastinate) but couldn't resist peeking at the board. Love this site :rose: :rose:
My First Christmas in Heaven

I see the countless trees around the world below.
With tiny lights, like heavens stars, reflecting in the snow.
The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away that tear.
For I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear.
But the sounds of music can’t compare to the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you the joy their voices bring.
For it is beyond description to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you love me, I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not that far away, we really aren’t apart.
So be happy for me loved ones, you know I hold you dear.
And be glad I’m spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

I send you each a special gift from my heavenly home above.
I send you each a memory of my undying love.
After all, love is the gift more precious than pure gold.
It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other as my father said to do.
For I can’t count the blessings he has for each of you.
So have a Merry Christmas, and wipe away that tear.
Remember I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

Author Unknown

Merry Christmas!

Beautiful and very touching....wiping away the tears.
Merry Christmas to all...especially our Angel, Caylee Marie!
I can't imagine what the A's must be feeling today. I know I had a very hard time last night and tears this morning as it was the first X-mas morning that I had no children at home, both are now officially grown up and living on their own. Thankfully, mine were here last night and will be here this morning. Saying a prayer for the A's and hope they find some sense of peace in their hearts. Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Kwanzaa (and any other way you choose to celebrate at this time of year) to all the people who have touched my life on this site, in their (and my) undying fight for justice for our little angel, Caylee Marie Anthony. We may not agree on all the points in this case, but, it ALWAYS comes back to the most important person on this thread....Caylee.

ETA : And, may the Anthony's find peace, because they finally know that Caylee is in the arms of the Lord on this Christmas Day.
Happy Holidays
To all

Michele L.
To my new friends at Websleuths,

Have a safe and happy holiday. You are all in my thoughts and prayers, peace and much love.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you and Thank you for all you have shared ........your time, your heart, your wisdom, your talents.....not to mention your good humor :)
I , also , would like to send a special thanks and a big HUG to Tricia and our moderators......I am so thankful I found this "family" of Sleuthers!:blowkiss:

Thanks for starting this thread!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone.

May the Holidays and the coming year be filled with love, laughter, joy!

Hope Santa was good to all of you!
Merry Christmas to everyone! May the sights, sounds and beauty of the day be a help to those mourning Caylee and for all of us who have lost someone.
I know that Caylee sits with my dad today and they want us to be happy, love our own families and let go of the anger, at least or today.
I hope Santa stopped for everyone last night.
Enjoy today, folks, take lots of pictures. Caylee is fine today, she is safe and warm and loved. Let's make sure that the same is true for our families.

It may be a sad day for Caylee, but really it isn't. She is with the ONE who was born on this day to give us hope of redemption. We should celebrate her passing to that world.

As much as we love to keep our loved ones, our selfishness is what keeps us from seeing the "big picture" of the love of Jesus.

May everyone have a wonderful holiday with family and/or friends. Be grateful we have this day.


Amen, Turbo, Amen. Thanks for giving us a more peaceful picture of this sweet Angel.

Merry Christmas Websleuthers! Hope this post finds you all safe, warm, and with the ones you love. :blowkiss:

It may be a sad day for Caylee, but really it isn't. She is with the ONE who was born on this day to give us hope of redemption. We should celebrate her passing to that world.

As much as we love to keep our loved ones, our selfishness is what keeps us from seeing the "big picture" of the love of Jesus.

May everyone have a wonderful holiday with family and/or friends. Be grateful we have this day.

So well said...thank you, Turbo, and Merry Christmas to All! :) and special Happy Birthday to Baby Jesus...
May peace be with all of you here at WS during this glorious holiday season. Sending special thoughts and prayers to our little Caylee...

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