MI - Bianca Jones, 2, Detroit, 2 Dec 2011 - #4 - *D. Lane guilty*

MY DS is 7. They are rare at this point, but even now, there is the occasional accident. (boys seem to me to have more of a problem in getting the nighttime potty situation under control.)

Alot of the bed wetting accidents with toddlers can be alleviated by a trip to the potty prior to bed and cutting off drinks several hours prior to bed time.

There is no "disciplining" a child who is a toddler into not wetting the bed. That has always and will always burn me hiney about this case.
BBM. He wouldn't be doing his job if he wasn't making that argument.

I realize that, Cubby, but I don't necessarily have to agree with it. I could never defend someone who I know is guilty of such a heinous crime. I have had an acute sense of justice and fairness since an early age and have always wanted people to tell the truth and accept the consequences of their actions.

OT: There are severe storms and reported damagining tornadoes in southeastern lower Michigan. I hope that WS moderator nursebeeme and her family are safe because they live near one of the storm centers.
MY DS is 7. They are rare at this point, but even now, there is the occasional accident. (boys seem to me to have more of a problem in getting the nighttime potty situation under control.)

Alot of the bed wetting accidents with toddlers can be alleviated by a trip to the potty prior to bed and cutting off drinks several hours prior to bed time.

There is no "disciplining" a child who is a toddler into not wetting the bed. That has always and will always burn me hiney about this case.

She was just barely 25 months old. And he expected her to stay dry all night? That is ridiculous. I think he just didn't want to pay for diapers. He had many kids and no real job, so he was going to use his trusty paddle, in order to save a few bucks on pull ups. :furious:
DL gave what he hoped to be the performance of his life time. Media appearances, LE man hours, volunteer man hours.. the list goes on and on...


he's a male version of a certain other "i can get away with anything if I lie enough, schmooze people enough and am good looking enough" individual. Don't think it will work in his case though.. something tells me that the "lowering the chair during the trial" trick won't have much effect on his big ole 6 foot manly frame.

I realize that, Cubby, but I don't necessarily have to agree with it. I could never defend someone who I know is guilty of such a heinous crime. I have had an acute sense of justice and fairness since an early age and have always wanted people to tell the truth and accept the consequences of their actions.

OT: There are severe storms and reported damagining tornadoes in southeastern lower Michigan. I hope that WS moderator nursebeeme and her family are safe because they live near one of the storm centers.

I understand, me too. Our justice system is what it is and DL has the right to a fair trial... I had to sit on my hands a bit.. but I was really thinking I didn't expect anything differently from DL or his atty. In fact it was exactly the reply I expected from DL's atty.

I too hope everyone in SE MI is safe. Damaging tornado's. They are only talking Blago being sent to prison here today. I haven't checked the weather news. Prayers they are all safe.
Three months is actually a very short time for charges to come in a case where the victim's body has not been found...I have been a bit surprised by some of the comments indicating that it seems to have taken forever. I am very impressed that LE was able to feel confident about their case in what really is a matter of 12 weeks or so. JMO

--the other day, when discussing the upcoming charges , kym worthy said:

“If you know anything about me at all, you know that we are very thorough and deliberate on every case, no matter how quick the charges are” she said. “Sometimes we can charge quickly, sometimes it takes more time, but we will have a decision for you on that very, very soon.”

--also interesting, when LE 1st prented the warrant to the prosecutor on dec.13th---WDIV defender, asked the opinion of a well known detroit attorney.

--david griem ( who is the attorney for bob bashara in the current jane murder case.)

http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/News ... index.html
Warrant request issued in Bianca Jones disappearance case

--defender marc santia--"Veteran attorney and Former Prosecutor, David Griem,says "there's no need to rush."

"He believes that it's a good idea for Prosecutor Kym Worthy to take considerable time to review the warrant carefully and have an air-tight case before an arrest, or charges are laid."

--griem--"We’ve become a generation of wanting instant everything, instant gratification, instant justice and, you know what, quicker is not always better.”

"And for Kym Worthy to take the time here to put together a fool proof case, just makes sense

--i'm satisfied that kymW HAS put together a 'fool proof' case, ( and that she's working on the same w/ the bashara charges..)
http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/Fath ... index.html
Father's bond set at $3M after prosecutor says evidence links him to Detroit girl's death

Court says it has evidence of D'Andre Lane's involvement in his daughter's death, even without body

--video @ link.

--Terry Johnson--d'andre's lawyer—“This is a public outcry, the public wanted something, the public has something now—well now, they have to “put up”, we’ve gotta see the evidence”.

Assistant Wayne County Prosecutor Goldfarb said in court they have evidence of “Lane’s involvement in the death of his daughter.” She did not give any detail but said there are boxes of evidence and "considerable, compelling evidence of Mr. Lane's involvement in his daughter's death."


Lane's defense attorney Terry Johnson entered a non-guilty plea and asked for time to review the case.

The magistrate responded “it is highly likely the infant is no longer living” and said he is “extremely skeptical about statements” made by Lane after the carjacking.

D’Andre Lane Jr., 17, went to court to support his father. He said his dad did use discipline while raising him, but it was not excessive.

"I'm tired of hearing people talking bad about my daddy when they don't know him" Lane Jr. said. "He disciplined us because we needed it. I don't think he would ever hurt one of us when we all he got."


--d’andre Jr.—“I used to be bad, you know what I’m sayin’, so he used to discipline me, but not to the point where I’d be hurtin’, you know what I’m sayin, not to the point where I couldn’t function properly.” ( says d’andre also spanked him, but didn’t use a stick.)

( he fails to tell us if he also was TWO YEARS OLD at the time..)
--it's possible that the source of d'andre beating bianca the night of dec. 1st lived there in the home as well.( and could very well be the owner of the 'carjacked' car, since we know it was released to the owner/friend of d'andre's ( and we then saw it parked there at the home.)


The source also said Lane's roommate told police that on the night before Bianca disappeared, she wet the bed and was reprimanded by her father, who the roommate said was strict about potty training.

http://www.freep.com/article/20111207/N ... CFRONTPAGE
--dec.6/2011 media interview w/ d'andre and his lawyer---


--( the clip when d'andre, his lawyer, and d;andre supporter-- nephew trevon's mom-- went to the house, and found the doors locked.)

--talking about the house, and how LE had previously "kicked in the door" ( his lawyer says that was for the benefit of "you guys", the media. )

Lawyer—15:30--"And his girlfriend that he lives with, and his room mate, can’t even live there. This man has clothes there and other belongings that he can’t even access b/c he’s afraid for his own safety to go over there."
Ya right---'potty training.' I like how his friend calls it 'potty training.' Beating a two yr old with a paddle for wetting her bed at night is not 'training'---it is abuse.

he's a male version of a certain other "i can get away with anything if I lie enough, schmooze people enough and am good looking enough" individual. Don't think it will work in his case though.. something tells me that the "lowering the chair during the trial" trick won't have much effect on his big ole 6 foot manly frame.


"lowering the chair during the trial" trick :floorlaugh:

I love this post! I was way too tired to reply logically last night. I gotta say at least that other person had a much better story than DL's, as ridiculous as that other persons story was.
OT: There are severe storms and reported damagining tornadoes in southeastern lower Michigan. I hope that WS moderator nursebeeme and her family are safe because they live near one of the storm centers.

Respectfully snipped. Heard on the radio this am there were no serious injuries in last nights storms/tornadoes in SE MI. Thank God!
Good Morning WS's!

Just checking in and catching up on all the posts I missed from yesterday evening. Thanks for keeping the thread updated so I dont have to peruse the internet all morning looking for the latest :)
Just posting my questions and answers based on recent news. (In case any one else had the same.)

CHILD ABUSE [MCL 750.136b; MSA 28.331(2)] conduct toward an unemancipated child under 18 years of age by the parent, guardian or other person who cares for, has custody of or authority over the child. There are four degrees of child abuse:
  • First Degree (felony --- up to 15 years in prison) occurs when the defendant knowingly or intentionally causes serious physical harm (i.e., substantial physical disfigurement or impairment of a body organ or limb) or serious mental harm to a child.
    Second Degree (felony --- up to 4 years in prison) occurs when the defendant willfully abandons the child, fails to provide food, clothing or shelter necessary for the child's welfare, or commits a reckless act which results in serious physical/mental harm.
    Third Degree (high court misdemeanor --- up to 2 years in prison) occurs when the defendant knowingly or intentionally causes some physical harm to the child.
    Fourth Degree (misdemeanor --- up to 1 year in jail) occurs when the defendant abandons the child, or willfully fails to provide food, clothing or shelter necessary for the child's welfare, or commits a reckless act, which results in some physical harm to the child.
NOTE: A defendant may raise a defense that his/her forceful actions were reasonable "parental discipline".



Sorry for the multiple links. Trying to find one that WS doesn't automatically update to a smiley.

[FONT=Arial,Times]MURDER[/FONT] In Michigan, all murder is either in the first or second degree.
First degree murder: (felony --- mandatory life; no parole) --- "felony murder" (murder committed in the course of another felony), murdering a peace officer in the line of duty, or "premeditated murder". Murder cannot occur accidentally, the defendant must have intended to kill. Premeditation means that the defendant had time to consider the pros and cons of the killing beforehand.
Second degree murder: (felony --- life or any term of years) --- causing death + intending to kill or do great bodily harm or knowingly creating a very high risk of death or great bodily harm knowing that death or such harm would be the likely result of his/her actions.
Open Murder: --- Michigan law does not require a prosecutor to choose between First Degree or Second Degree Murder when issuing a complaint, or even at trial. A prosecutor may charge "Open Murder", which is a combination of First and Second Degree Murder, and the jury may determine the appropriate degree based on the proofs.

D. Habitual Offender Sentencing
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The nine sentencing grids in MCL 777.61 to 777.69 represent the proper sentence ranges for offenders not being sentenced as habitual offenders. No separate grids reflecting the recommended sentence ranges for habitual offenders exist in the statutory provisions governing felony sentencing. However, statutory authority exists for determining the upper limit of a habitual offender’s recommended minimum sentence by adding a specific percentage of the range calculated for first-time offenders to the upper limit in the cells of the existing sentencing grids. MCL 777.21(3)(a)-(c). The sentencing grids published in this manual are comprehensive grids and include the minimum sentence ranges recommended under the guidelines for all offenders – both first-time and habitual. [/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]The appropriate sentence ranges for habitual offenders are calculated as follows: [/FONT]
[/FONT]Second Habitual Offender (HO2) [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]– increase the upper limit of the appropriate cell by 25%. [/FONT]
[/FONT]Third Habitual Offender (HO3) [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]– increase the upper limit of the appropriate cell by 50%. [/FONT]
[/FONT]Fourth Habitual Offender (HO4) [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]– increase the upper limit of the appropriate cell by 100%.[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]http://courts.michigan.gov/mji/resources/sentencing-guidelines/2011/2011_instructions.pdf[/FONT]
My understanding of the Fourth Habitual Offender status is it doubles the maximum sentence. IOW if the maximum sentence without a habitual offender status is 25 years, the Fourth Habitual Offender status would increase the maximum sentence to 50 years.
I'm curious as to how the Fourth Habitual Offender status works. Who decides this? Is this an automatic based on previous convictions? Or is this something the jury decides like the other charges?

Yes, I am one who neurotically needs to know. ;)

This is looking pretty serious for D'Andre.
I hope we can now find her and bring her home for a proper goodbye. I hate to think of her cold and alone somewhere. If he has an ounce of compassion he will tell them where her little body is. :rose:
http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/Fath ... index.html
Father's bond set at $3M after prosecutor says evidence links him to Detroit girl's death

Court says it has evidence of D'Andre Lane's involvement in his daughter's death, even without body

--video @ link.

Is it just me or does it look like DL is sporting braids in his hair again like the earlier mug shot we saw?


As an aside. DL is 32 with a 17 yr old son. Do the math. Started at 14/15 and didn't stop. Doesn't have a pot to p*ss in, is accused of 1st degree murder of one of his children, talks a lot of :censored: on his FB page, none which is backed up by action..... How on earth did these woman pick such a winner?

My heart breaks for his six (known) living children. They didn't deserve this. I pray they have a lot of support and some positive adults as role models who can demonstrate actions, not words, make a man and a father.

D'Andre's going to get what he reaped. I haven't felt as confident in a conviction more than this one in a long long time. I'm actually between 93-98% certain he will be convicted.

Justice is coming Bianca!

(still catching up on the thread, busy busy this am.)
Respectfully snipped. Heard on the radio this am there were no serious injuries in last nights storms/tornadoes in SE MI. Thank God!

We had pea-sized hail, heavy rain, and high winds for about 20 minutes before the storm moved off to the east. I am saddened for the folks in Dexter where the tornado touched down and caused significant damage. Thankfully, there were no reported casualties. Foggy and drizzly this morning but very calm after the storm.
I hope we can now find her and bring her home for a proper goodbye. I hate to think of her cold and alone somewhere. If he has an ounce of compassion he will tell them where her little body is. :rose:

If he had an ounce of compassion he probably wouldn't have beaten a defenseless two-year-old to death but maybe he can pretend in the hopes of getting a more lenient sentence. :maddening:

Quoting lauriej:

d’andre Jr.—“I used to be bad, you know what I’m sayin’, so he used to discipline me, but not to the point where I’d be hurtin’, you know what I’m sayin, not to the point where I couldn’t function properly.” ( says d’andre also spanked him, but didn’t use a stick.)

DL admitted that she would be bruised if they found her so Bianca was hurting.

A two-year-old wetting the bed isn't being bad, she's just being a two-year-old.
The teen says "I have opposition defiance disorder" -- I wonder how he came across that diagnosis. Hmmmm...

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