GUILTY MI - Carnel Chamberlain, 4, Mount Pleasant, 21 June 2012 #1

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I've been checking Kevin's FB page too. I am so happy he is the family spokesperson. He seems pretty amazing and a great voice for Carnel.
I'm glad he has finally been named in MSM so we can discuss him by name here.

From the same Morning Sun link:

"I think the first couple days we were concerned and didn't understand the process, and also questioned how the Amber Alert system works," said Kevin. "I have a much better understanding of that now and why one hasn't been issued. Personally I've done some research, spoken to (Tribal Fire Chief) Fred Cantu and (Saginaw Chippewa Tribe Public Relations Manager) Frank Cloutier, and have a better understanding of the wealth of help, all the multiple agencies and the extent of help."

So glad he finally understands why an Amber alert was not issued in this case, and why this case does not qualify as meeting the Amber Alert criteria.
I may have missed it, do we know what time a neighbor saw him? Wondering how long the BF, if guilty, had to take him someplace, before Mom came home?
Interesting article, thank you for posting it kseal'.

As family spokesperson, Kevin will participate via telephone in a segment with legal commentator Nancy Grace for her current affairs program, which is scheduled to air at 8 p.m. Thursday. "I told Jaimee just be honest, you have nothing to hide," said Kevin. Appearing on the show "certainly can't hurt. Any way we can get more coverage to help find this child, we certainly won't deny it. Floodgates could open in terms of help and support."

I hope NG isn't off on a tangent. She's so Jerry Springerish these days I hope she focuses on the facts of the disappearance and not the faults of the mother which happened years ago.

If the Chamberlain family is reading here. Be prepared to have documentation to fact check and correct what are always numerous errors in reported facts on NG. IOW, an I'd like to correct that statement, here are the facts kind of thing. NG and her reporters are notorius for airing days old information which has already been proven incorrect or not relative to the case.

Got me thinking, I'm wondering if and when AB's attorney will speak on his behalf. Maybe AB and his attorney will appear on NG?

Bbm above, are you saying that I'll need to correct the links I've attached? I the article about ng that they tried to contact ab but didn't get a respnse.
Kevin Chamberlain speaks on behalf of missing child Carnel Chamberlains family 06/27/2012 8:44 PM

Kevin Chamberlain as the family spokeperson. Chamberlain is the cousin of Carnel's mother, Jaimee Chamberlain, a former Saginaw Chippewa Tribal chief, and a well-known musician.

Kevin describes Carnel as a very intelligent child. "He's on the quiet side, not the bouncing-off-the-walls kid. He keeps to himself and is not a wanderer. He's not the kind of kid that was easily pulled away by external stimuli."

"He has a good sense of humor; really a great little kid," said Kevin.

Kevin Chamberlain describes Carnel's relationship with his 21-year-old mother Jaimee as "youthful in nature, a lot of fun, not stuffy and quiet."

"They have a lot of things going on, they do a lot of things," said Kevin.

Jaimee Chamberlain worked a 3:30 to 9:30 p.m. shift at Isabella's restaurant at the Soaring Eagle Casino, and learned from her boyfriend Anthony M. Bennett that her son was missing upon returning to her Tomah Road home.

Jaimee Chamberlain and 20-year-old Bennett had been in a relationship the past seven months, and were living together with 4-year-old Carnel.

Imo, this a wonderful alot of information we've been talking about. More at link

Kevin did a fantastic job in speaking for the family, huge kudos to him. He acknowledged what is being said in the media regarding Jaimee's past, then moved on to say her family is supporting her 100%. I'm glad she has him to rely on, he will be a solid rock of support.

I was hoping someone in Bennett's family would encourage him to step forward and tell the truth. Doesn't sound like that is going to happen.

My feeling that something accidental happened to Carnel has changed. I think Bennett is going to ride this out. Seems to be pretty common nowdays. Just zip it and if they don't find a body, what have you got to lose by remaining silent, you're out on streets and not sitting in jail. I know he deserves good legal representation. But in a case like this where he won't talk, won't take a poly, won't help LE investigate the disappearance. It seems clear he's culpable or he would help find this four year old child. Couldn't his Attorney encourage him to tell the truth and strike a plea deal? I would never make a good criminal defense lawyer!
Bbm above, are you saying that I'll need to correct the links I've attached?

No, not at all kseal07. I'm just saying Nancy Grace's info is always days old and often inaccurate. Even when other MSM has already updated/corrected their facts, NG and her producers don't seem to be on par with making sure the information they air is current and accurate.

I'm not a Nancy Grace fan. I don't think national media will help find Carnel. I don't believe AB crossed state lines with him. I'm not even sure he crossed county lines with him. I'm hoping the pressure of the story on national MSM will help AB crack.

I'm all about how to get the person with answers to share them. That is where I am currently at with this case. If NG airing Carnel's case helps get AB to disclose where he put Carnel, all the better.
I'm not a ng fan either, I haven't watched in a few years because of all the drama.
I'm hoping AB's friends, if he has any, put some pressure on him. This is a 4 YEAR old we are talking about here. Not some beef between two 20 year old men. This is a tiny little 4 year old Anthony is tossing under the bus here, so to speak.

I really hope AB's friends and acquaintances put some pressure on him to cooperate.

ETA: His family should be putting pressure on him to cooperate and tell the truth regarding EXACTLY what happened too.
No, not at all kseal07. I'm just saying Nancy Grace's info is always days old and often inaccurate. Even when other MSM has already updated/corrected their facts, NG and her producers don't seem to be on par with making sure the information they air is current and accurate.

I'm not a Nancy Grace fan. I don't think national media will help find Carnel. I don't believe AB crossed state lines with him. I'm not even sure he crossed county lines with him. I'm hoping the pressure of the story on national MSM will help AB crack.

I'm all about how to get the person with answers to share them. That is where I am currently at with this case. If NG airing Carnel's case helps get AB to disclose where he put Carnel, all the better.

I can certainly agree with the part I bolded. I just hope she doesn't tear into the mom like she does with others. It's really sad that there is not a better venue for families with missing kids to go on t.v. and talk about their missing child. It makes what they're going through so much harder to suffer through NG's interrogation. Aside from getting to hear from family, I don't think appearing on there has ever helped a case, find a child or bring anybody to justice. JMO, of course.
I can certainly agree with the part I bolded. I just hope she doesn't tear into the mom like she does with others. It's really sad that there is not a better venue for families with missing kids to go on t.v. and talk about their missing child. It makes what they're going through so much harder to suffer through NG's interrogation. Aside from getting to hear from family, I don't think appearing on there has ever helped a case, find a child or bring anybody to justice. JMO, of course.

Thank you TxLady for putting into words what I was unable due to spaciness from nicotine withdrawal. Day 2.

I swore I'd never ever watch NG again after the way she treated Banika Jones, Bianca Jones mother. I'm not going to watch the show airing Carnel's case. I think I can get anything Kevin Chamberlain is able to share via MSM or the FB page he set up for Carnel.

Now, if NG is able to get Anthony Bennet on the show, then I'll watch, but not unless she gets AB on the show.
Cubby, good luck with the cold turkey approach. My dh smoked for 37 yrs and quit cold turkey almost a year ago. I admire him so much for that. Alots of gum and hard candy helped him.
I may have missed it, do we know what time a neighbor saw him? Wondering how long the BF, if guilty, had to take him someplace, before Mom came home?

That's unknown at this point, cluciano'. We don't know what time the neighbors allegedly saw Carnel other than what was stated, the afternoon. Not sure if that was before or after mom left for work.
OT but way to go Cubby! Hang in there, you're in the thick of it physically. You can do it!
I think its ok to post carnels fb that kc has ready. I asked yesterday or so if it could be added and I was told it was ok.
I still have internet access yay...but I read thru many pages so sorry for no quotes, but to Jan -- the "chippewa" stuff in Midland is more a reference to the Chippewa river, and not the sag chip tribe.

And LisaB - thank you for sharing your story!

I know i am too close to this - and if hes not found by friday, ill be back out to search it looks like
all I know is, this online sleuthing is one thing, but to physically search is another - its drained me this whole week with no closure
the only good thing thats come out of this is i now know someone from Midland search and rescue, and i am going to try to go thru the training

People on the reservation have been really working hard," Chamberlain said. "A lot of young adults joined in the search and the tribe gave people administrative leave to search."

The water park, casino and tribe provided needed supplies for the search and united with the rest of the community, she said.

"It was incredible to see that night Carnel came up missing and people on porches all over the reservation joined in searching. They drove up roads calling for him," Chamberlain said.

"It's like nobody slept on the reservation that night.

IMO it was amazing
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