GUILTY MI - Venus Stewart, 32, Colon, 28 April 2010 - #11

I am so sorry for Ricky's parents.. they are truly wonderful people and have done everything parents should do to raise their children. It breaks my heart that this has happened to them.

I am still hoping they aren't the people I know but it's too much of a coincidence for it to be anyone else.
Ricky Spencer on the stand.

From the Live feed at the link:

DaniCarlsonTV8: Just heard this morning from the Ohio trooper who pulled over Doug Stewart the week before he allegedly killed his wife Venus [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:00 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:01 DaniCarlsonTV8: Alleged accomplice Ricky Spencer said Stewart wanted to kill Venus that weke until he got pulled over in Ohio [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:01 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:01 DaniCarlsonTV8: Both sides discussing how much the jury can know about Stewart's alleged accomplice's deal with the prosecution [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:01 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:02 DaniCarlsonTV8: Judge agrees with defense...jury can know about Ricky Spencer's deal with the prosecution [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:02 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:05 DaniCarlsonTV8: Ricky Spencer, Stewart's alleged accomplice, takes the stand [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:05 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:06 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says met Doug Stewart on XBox live in December 2008 [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:06 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:08 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says he met Stewart "by luck" on XBox live [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:08 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:09 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says he and Stewart played XBox 6-10 hours a day on average [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:09 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:10 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says talked to Venus 3 times on XBox video chat...never met her in person [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:10 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:12 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says Stewart was his "best friend" and called them "brothers from another mother" [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:12 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:14 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencers says he has a learning disability, describes as "dyslexia" [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:14 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:16 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says he wanted to visit his friend in Italy for spring break but it didn't work he went to visit Stewart in VA instead [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:16 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:17 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer talks about first time he met Doug Stewart, at Stewart's VA home in April 2010 [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:17 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:25 DaniCarlsonTV8: Defense attorney objects that Spencer is telling a "narrative" without direct questions [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:25 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:27 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer: "[Doug Stewart] said he was gonna go kill his wife" [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:27 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:28 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says Stewart asked him to be his alibi when he killed his wife Venus [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:28 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:31 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer: Stewart told him he could sneak into an area without people realizing he was there...and "could take people out" [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:31 DaniCarlsonTV8

9:34 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says Stewart told him Venus was hitting their kids [via Twitter]
Monday February 28, 2011 9:34 DaniCarlsonTV8

Writer: WOOD TV8

Doug Stewart murder trial - 28 Feb 2011
Another request for a mistrial. Saying Mr. Spencer testified that DS was threatening the Jury.

DENIED by judge.

Jury back in.
9:38 DaniCarlsonTV8: Defense moves for a mistrial says Spencer testified Stewart "threatened the jury" [via Twitter]

Monday February 28, 2011 9:38 DaniCarlsonTV8
9:39 DaniCarlsonTV8: @samirosenjacken his parents told the court they never had any problems with him before this tragic incident [via Twitter]

Monday February 28, 2011 9:39 DaniCarlsonTV8
Good morning,

I'll be following too. How is the sound for you? Mine is really low... so low that I can't do anything else while listening.

I think today is going to be very interesting.
Spencer says:

2008 on Christmas Eve Venus asked Doug if she could have kids for the entire day of Christmas.
Doug says no, it's his turn to have the kids.

Doug told Spencer that Venus hit the kids. Left bruises. Doug saw bruises on the kids when he picked them up from Venus.

Judge says the statement that DS allegedly made to Spencer is not being offered as truth that Venus hit the kids. It's only offered as a conversation that DS and Spencer had.
Offered to explain the realationship of DS and Mr. Spencer.

Spencer says after that conversation, he watched T.V. shows and played X-box.
Had not done his homework.
Monday, He talked to DS about working on papers for homework. DS said they could work on that later.
On Tuesday, Spencer helped DS unload frozen foods to certain areas in VA for about 5-6 hours.

After that, they played video games and watched T.V.

DS was saying "If only someone could be my alibi". Spencer told DS he could not do it.
That was it for Tuesday.

On Wednesday, DS was at work late that day until about 6:00 or 7:00.
Told Spencer another story about Venus and kids.
Says when they were in VA, BS was not listening to Venus. Venus got really upset. Jumped at BS and started chokeing her. DS asked Venus what she was doing. BS was gasping for air.
DS said BS's throat was bothering her the whole day.
DS told Spencer that if was not there that day, BS could have died.
He asked Spencer again to be his alibi. Spencer again said he could not do it.

DS came home early from work. He went to mailbox. Got a letter. (objection - sustained)
His mail had something that made him upset. Did not show it to Spencer.
DS told Spencer he wanted to go to the post office and "fix the problem"
They went to the post office. DS was talking to a lady. Getting annoyed at the lady.

They left the post office, went back to the apartment.
There was a women waiting at the door and hands DS a stack of papers.


DS was curious about the papers. DS read the papers. Spencer did not.
DS was very upset over what child services said.
DS again asked Spencer again to be help him kill his wife.
Spencer agreed to be the alibi.
Good morning,

I'll be following too. How is the sound for you? Mine is really low... so low that I can't do anything else while listening.

I think today is going to be very interesting.

Good morning!
Sound is ok. Just don't know how long I can listen.

Will recap as long as I can.

Sound is off right now. Both sides are at the Judge's bench.

Hearing outside the presence of the Jury again.
Jury leaving.
9:50 DaniCarlsonTV8: Spencer says after Stewart asked him several times he finally agreed to be his alibi when Stewart killed Venus
Jury has left.

To Spencer:
Why did you decide to be DS's alibi.

Spencer: Because of what was said in the transcripts. (The stack of papers)

Spencer is Being told not to talk about that.

***Gotta go :(***
Reading from my phone. If anybody can update, it would be appreciated.
Spencer is currently going through photographs of the Shell gas station, testifying on the meetup with Doug to get his keys, credit card, cell, and clothing (later used to impersonate Doug).

Spencer testifies that Doug told him to go to a certain Wendy's and use the credit card to pay for his food.
Spencer testifies that Doug said he was going to Michigan to "take care of business" - says that he knew that Doug meant he was going to kill VS.
Spencer testifies that he went to the Wendy's like Doug requested. Ordered a double cheeseburger, fries, and a coke.

Subsequently, he went three blocks from Doug's apartment complex, found Doug's car, put Doug's clothes on, and drove Doug's car into the apartment parking garage.
I lost a lot, but right now they are going though pictures. Spencer explains and describes each photo. Pictures of truck, apartment in Virginia.

Met with Doug in parking lot. Doug gave him his credit card, his house key, car key, tracking phone, car clicker, cellphone, tracking for prepaid phone, shoes, socks, hoodie, hat with "us food services" on it and a piece of paper. He also gave him a scan device used in parking houses.

Wanted him to use a credit card so it would look like he was in Virginia.
Gave him two cellphone, he still had his own phone.

He left Maryland and left for Virginia. Doug left for Michigan to "take care of business". Knew what he meant.

Did you talk to him while driving to Virginia? Yes, through the tracking phone. Did not use their own registered phones.

To mislead police? Yes.

What time did you meet with Doug in Maryland? About 6 of clock. Left about 7:20 to go back.

3 hours ride from place in Maryland to place in Virginia.
He went to a Wendy's restaurant (pr. Doug's request) before he went to Doug's apartment.

At Wendy's he got a double cheeseburger, fries and a coke. Payed with blue credit card.

Changed clothes in his own car. Did you get into his car? Yes.
How where you able to drive it? I had the car clicker and car key, got into his car and drove it to Doug's apartment. Tannish station wagon.

Arrived parking garage by apartment at 10-11 o clock.

Goes through pictures again.
Spencer testifies that he was nervous, and had trouble backing the car into the parking space. When he got out of the car, he was on the phone with Doug. Doug was advising him where the cameras were located. He hid his face from the cameras so that it it would be hard to tell it wasn't Doug.
Do you know what the date this is on? Yes, the 15th.

Looks at picture of himself parking the car. Agrees its him.

Tells that he was nervous.

New picture. He tells he is walking there but trying to avoid the cameras. Used the clothes.

Why did you try to avoid the camera? I wanted to awoid my face coming there because if they saw my face people would be able to see it was me and not Doug Stewart.

Tracking phone, talks with Doug Stewart. Stewart tells him were all the cameras in the garage are.

Are you trying to avoid the camera? Yes, I am.

Says he can see from picture it's him because of walking style. Walk on tippytoes. Always been that way.
In court today Doug is wearing a long sleeve red shirt with a white sweater vest. Several times now he has looked down and rubbed his brow like maybe he has a headache or something. He looks dejected. This testimony is pretty damning.

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