Misty gets 25 years - Are you happy with the St. John's verdict? ***POLL***

Are you satisfied with the St. John's verdict?

  • Yes, justice was served.

    Votes: 75 25.8%
  • No, she should have gotten a longer sentence because of the drug charges

    Votes: 6 2.1%
  • No, she should have gotten a longer sentence because Haleigh is still missing

    Votes: 7 2.4%
  • No, I think she should have had a lighter sentence because of her upbringing

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 30 10.3%
  • No, MC should have received the same or lesser sentence than RC.

    Votes: 128 44.0%
  • other, I believe that Misty will get her judgement when it is due

    Votes: 15 5.2%
  • No. She should have gotten YO given CR testimonies

    Votes: 8 2.7%

  • Total voters
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Misty was underage to be charged with Child endangerment per the law when Haleigh went missing, that's still hard to say.. She was considered a child (under 18) when Haleigh went missing. I'm sure what LE knew about her and all the others would po them, it would me.

I typed in LWOP at google, "life without parole". Everything came up youth lwop. A youth tried as an adult can get the youth offenders lwop in Florida from what I read. But please tell me what I read is wrong. I'm easy.

She's facing 50 plus I would guess unless they don't offer something else. Just digging and i am way far from an expert. Don't credit me either lol.

A youth offender charged with murder at least gets a parole review ever so often and eligible for parole. I'd go for that and fess up. Chances are she could be out in way less time. Not a lot but whatever her 175 years vs. this, I just hope there's an answer for Haleigh.

I learned this from Caylee. May she rest in peace, she taught me something. Bless her again. Just tragic for a child. Hearts for Caylee.
I posted something similar in another thread, Dr. Know?. With the drug laws in Florida, Misty would probably serve less time for a murder charge, especially if the charge was manslaughter. And all the mitigating circumstances that don't apply in the drug case could work for her if charged with Haleigh's death.
My apoligies if I offended you Bessie. No intentions what ever. I just read laws and visit dockets, and current bookings. The law helps me understand all of their behaviors more. Why they say what the say, and act like they do.

Bessie your are smart. I love reading your posts always. xoxooxox
My apoligies if I offended you Bessie. No intentions what ever. I just read laws and visit dockets, and current bookings. The law helps me understand all of their behaviors more. Why they say what the say, and act like they do.

Bessie your are smart. I love reading your post always. xoxooxox
The feeling is entirely mutual, Dr. Know?. No offense taken, not at all. ;)

ETA: If I sound testy tonight, I apologize to all. I got home from work around 6:30 and heard the news, but I waited about four hours before I logged in here because, honestly, I was pretty emotional. Angry with Misty, sad for Misty, sad for Haleigh. So many feelings, and it's tough to sort them out.
Justice served. A clear cut crime with a clearly mandated sentence. I don't consider it justice for Haleigh in any way, however, and I wish it wouldn't have happened. There would have been no drug sting had Misty chosen to tell the truth. But instead, for almost a year, she thumbed her nose at the law, and she thumbed her nose at Haleigh until finally, all that nose thumbing came back to bite her. Since her arrest, she's had nine months to come clean and avoid today's outcome. Yet, she remained silent. It's a very sad, tragic situation, but unjust? No.

What is unjust and even more tragic is a little girl without a voice whose life was snuffed out and her body left to lie God knows where because those responsible are worried only about saving their own hides. So when we're shedding tears for Misty, let's save a few for Haleigh.

Thank you Bessie. She needs to talk NOW
I posted something similar in another thread, Dr. Know?. With the drug laws in Florida, Misty would probably serve less time for a murder charge, especially if the charge was manslaughter. And all the mitigating circumstances that don't apply in the drug case could work for her if charged with Haleigh's death.

Manslaughter vs. murder one or two... Thanks xoxoxox
Oh manslaughter one or two or whatever. That's what I'm saying could happen. Just a layperson with obviously no training. Thx Bessie again.

People things are happening somedays, those are the days to remember always.
Bessie do you know about the youthful offender LWOP charge? Murder or homicide is not included in new laws for anyone but a youth with a murder charge?
Oh manslaughter one or two or whatever. That's what I'm saying could happen. Just a layperson with obviously no training. Thx Bessie again.

People things are happening somedays, those are the days to remember always.
Because Haleigh was a child, the charge would probably be first degree manslaughter. That's if her death was an unintended result of a negligent act, which seems the most likely case. That's just my best guess since we don't know the circumstances, and homicide charges are complex.

Don't know much about the youthful offender LWOP, but I'm off to do some reading now.
thanks for the last one...couldnt have voted if not because she unluckly like rc and tc didnt have anyone to turn over on..imo i dont think shes a drug dealer plan and simple,she wasnt a dealer.imo

My opinion differs from yours. I think Misty was out to sell and few and take a few.. Make a few bucks and get a few freebie pills. I would call her a Drug Dealer Trainee. Like a Trainee on any new job. She was so young and nieve, that it was real easy for LE to pull her into their sting.

IMO if she had not been busted, she was well on her way to an occupation... RC, on the other hand, was seasoned, experienced and eager to make every sale. I think Misty was eager to make the sales too, but I wouldn't call her a drug dealer yet.

She was having fun, easily fooled, and would have continued to reach for more experience until she reached the title of full fledged 'Drug Dealer'.

After all, going to the local Gas Station, Thrifty Nichel, or Fast Food establishment to seek employment really wasn't in her upbringing.

I do agree with most, she was on the fast path to the only thing she knew...DRUGS....plain and simple.
Seems to me RC and family made good on their plans. My only hope is RC gets to really enjoy his incarceration time.

I also hope the feds, in one form or another, take a LONG, HARD look at Putnam County, and take some action - too much goes on down there.

My opinion only
Misty Croslin sentenced to 25 years in drug case, ordered to pay $500,000 fine
Croslin, 18, was last person known to have seen 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings alive

The former stepmother of missing Putnam County girl Haleigh Cummings was sentenced to 25 years in prison Friday for drug trafficking.

Misty Croslin, 18, offered a tearful apology for selling oxycodone pills to an undercover detective. She blamed her actions on her upbringing.

"It is wrong to drug deal, but when you grow up poor, that is what you do," she testified, WTLV-Channel 12 in Jacksonville reported.

A judge also sentenced Croslin to five years of drug-offender probation and a $500,000 fine.


Justice was served!

His Honor sentenced her to the minimum mandatory negating YO status...WHY?

MC still has 7 other charged that call for a 30 year minimum, I'd say this girl is going away for a very long time...I just hope she makes good use of her time incarcerated, gets herself an education and do right for herself.

While I get she lived what she's learned throughout her life, it's not an excuse that a judge would like to hear..IMO

Croslin's mother, Lisa Croslin, testified Friday that she was a "terrible mother" who abused drugs while raising her, WTLV reported. Misty Croslin flunked the seventh grade and dropped out of school.

Misty Croslin told the judge she grew up mainly at a campground, was raped several times when she was between 7 and 14 and had to care for her grandmother, an amputee, the station reported.

While it might garner sympathy, she had choices each time she went to sell drugs to the OC...she even thought it to be a setup at one time, always go with what your gut tells you...I believe she felt important while wheeling and dealing. She has the most charges out of all of that crew. She seemed to have fit in very well...JMHO

Her parents are truly to blame, IMO, RC shouldn't have had an underage girl as his livein babysitter but ultimately, MC is responsible for her own behaviors/actions, she knows right from wrong. I just hope something good comes from this and she does grow to be a productive member of society. I do believe in second chances...JMHO

Still doesn't bring HaLeigh home!

Where is HaLeigh!

I don't understand these astronomical fines...how will she ever pay back half a million dollars???
Misty Croslin sentenced to 25 years in drug case, ordered to pay $500,000 fine
Croslin, 18, was last person known to have seen 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings alive

The former stepmother of missing Putnam County girl Haleigh Cummings was sentenced to 25 years in prison Friday for drug trafficking.

Misty Croslin, 18, offered a tearful apology for selling oxycodone pills to an undercover detective. She blamed her actions on her upbringing.

"It is wrong to drug deal, but when you grow up poor, that is what you do," she testified, WTLV-Channel 12 in Jacksonville reported.

A judge also sentenced Croslin to five years of drug-offender probation and a $500,000 fine.


Justice was served!

His Honor sentenced her to the minimum mandatory negating YO status...WHY?

MC still has 7 other charged that call for a 30 year minimum, I'd say this girl is going away for a very long time...I just hope she makes good use of her time incarcerated, gets herself an education and do right for herself.

While I get she lived what she's learned throughout her life, it's not an excuse that a judge would like to hear..IMO

While it might garner sympathy, she had choices each time she went to sell drugs to the OC...she even thought it to be a setup at one time, always go with what your gut tells you...I believe she felt important while wheeling and dealing. She has the most charges out of all of that crew. She seemed to have fit in very well...JMHO

Her parents are truly to blame, IMO, RC shouldn't have had an underage girl as his livein babysitter but ultimately, MC is responsible for her own behaviors/actions, she knows right from wrong. I just hope something good comes from this and she does grow to be a productive member of society. I do believe in second chances...JMHO

Still doesn't bring HaLeigh home!

Where is HaLeigh!

I don't understand these astronomical fines...how will she ever pay back half a million dollars???

BBM. Maybe at some time in the future, she can sell the TRUE story?
trident said:
Maybe at some time in the future, she can sell the TRUE story?

Not with the Son of Sam laws, Trident...I do believe Florida has their own version and anyone convicted of a crime, cannot benefit. JMHO


Just rethought that, Trident...she's not convicted of anything HaLeigh, so she just might be able to do so...I take back the SOS reference....JMHO
Misty will never be forced to pay the fines. She will be -- or has been, I'm pretty sure -- declared indigent. Penniless. A future lien will be placed against any assets she might own down the road (or up the river?).
This is cruel and unjust IMO, she has been sentenced for a crime they haven't been able to bring into a court of law for lack of evidence. A frightening precedent IMO.

This is hardly the first time LE has taken someone down for crime B because they could not get the more serious crime A to stick. For all the crimes Al Capone committed he went to jail for tax evasion. This is not a precedent by any stretch. It may be frustrating, but they do it all the time.
I was surprised at Misty getting 25 years and it was the first time I ever had an ounce of sympathy for her...ever.

But if in those 25 years... plus what she receives for the other charges she faces, just maybe, maybe we will learn what happened to Haleigh. That's all I want to know...where's Haleigh....
I am never happy to see a young person go to prison. I don't know enough about the law to say that it was fair or not fair. I'm just sad to see a young life wasted over something like that.
I don't think she should have got more time than Ronald did, but life isn't fair, and neither is the justice system there.
Very honestly, I think this Judge erred when she even uttered Haleigh's name in the court proceedings yesterday. That really infuriated me. Believe me, I am not saying that Misty should not pay for her drug dealing, but the Judge should have been more professional than that, IMO. This Judge knew she was dealing with a very uneducated young person and also asked what I consider to have been a very unprofessional question of, "But you like the money?" (may not be exact words) Things are certainly different here in Louisiana because I have escorted both Parish and Federal inmates to court and the Judges are all business and just get on with it. I have never seen or heard the Judge here ask a question like this Judge did or make a statement totally unrelated to the case before him while referring to someone in the gallery. I know each state is different, but I was just so struck by the differences in the way this Judge was.

I think the 25 year sentence was 'overkill' for lack of a better word in view of Ronald's sentence. I am angry that Misty has to serve 10 (and eventually more) years more than Ronald Cummings. Now if Ronald had gotten 25 years as well as Misty, I would be fine with both sentences but that is not what happened. IMO, this is inequitable justice.

This is all just my opinion and what I felt yesterday and still feel today. I really hope that Misty is thinking long and hard about protecting anyone at all in regard to Haleigh's disappearance. I do hope that Misty is so 'broken' at the prospect of the 25 years that she finally tells the truth. IMO, she has to be torn completely down in order to begin a climb up. She has to realize that it is now an 'every man for himself' in this mess.

I hope when Misty gets to prison some wise old inmate tells Misty that covering for anyone while suffering herself is not the way to go. Ever heard of a criminal saying that if she/he goes down, they are not going down alone? I hope that is what happens here. Once Misty has cried all of her 'feeling sorry for herself' tears, I hope she gets good and mad and tells just who and what is responsible for Haleigh's disappearance.

No, I am not happy with the sentence at all. IF Ronald had gotten the same exact sentence, I would feel differently.

If my post doesn't make sense, it is because all of this has made me :crazy:!

To put a teenager in prison for 25 years for a non-violent crime is unthinkable. Will the wealthy doctors in Florida's pill mills face 25 years? for each charge? They have created the addicts that create the demand for narcotic pain pills. They can afford real attorneys and pay fines. A girl with a sixth grade education, the product of poverty and drug addiction is a much easier target. Florida should be ashamed of the handling of this case. We are still no closer to knowing what happened to an innocent child.
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