Misty's lawyer quits

I'm totally confused about what Misty said on tv recently. She said that she just had a strong feeling that it was someone on the other side of the family that knows where Haleigh is or has Haleigh. I thought she meant someone in Crystal's family. Misty is still married to Ron as of now and would consider herself a part of his family as she would consider herself a part of her own bio family. The other side of the family to me is Crystal, her boyfriend and her family. That is the way it sounded to me anyway. As of today, Misty is still refusing to sign the divorce papers so I believe she still feels a part of Ron's family. Ron stated on Nancy Grace that Misty doesn't want the divorce but finally agreed to it.

I almost didn't recognize Misty on that recent TV show! She was all made up and it looked like her hair is brown now. She looked much older. Kind of took me by surprise.

I think she purposely kept it vague. Personally, though, when I was married, I know I used the phrase "the other side of the family" in reference to my husbands side. Who knows, though.
Exactly, and since she is not in Putnam Co. they need a warrant, which would kick in her rights to have an attorney. The point is, they cannot force her to talk... with or without one.... so why are people suggesting that they go haul her in and question her? And I really don't see her volunteering to go and answer questions at this point.

Well, since she's been hiding behind the "my lawyer won't let me" thing, this would be the perfect opportunity for LE to either A) Go down hard on her to come in because she has no excuse or B) Be sneaky and find someone in LE she might just speak to -- maybe someone who can go in with kid gloves acting like they are completely on her side
Exactly, and since she is not in Putnam Co. they need a warrant, which would kick in her rights to have an attorney. The point is, they cannot force her to talk... with or without one.... so why are people suggesting that they go haul her in and question her? And I really don't see her volunteering to go and answer questions at this point.

I don't think they need a warrant to talk to her as long as she agrees.
I think what people are saying is that now she doesn't have an attorney
it would be a good time to try and get her to talk.
I could see it go both ways... I mean... she hasn't done what her attorney
suggested she do.. she is doing what she wants to do.
IMO ... she thinks she can clear herself on her own and I wouldn't be
surprised if she does more talking... thinking it's going to help her.
She is rather obviously an uncontrollable client. Among other things Lawyers are taught when it is best to simply walk away from a client who shows no signs of actually wanting the advice and knowlege they have hired you for.
(bolding mine)

And that leads me to question just who was paying him in the first place and maybe no one is now ~ another reason for him to quit, imo. MOO
"What 17 year old goes to bed at 10:00?" That was the first "hinky" statement for me.Looking at her present and past history, I just don't see her as someone who would be in bed at 10:00. DO YOU???
If we believe anything about her "three day drug binge" the previous weekend, it is possible she could be exhausted that night and be in bed at 10pm. Maybe. :) MOO
"What 17 year old goes to bed at 10:00?" That was the first "hinky" statement for me.Looking at her present and past history, I just don't see her as someone who would be in bed at 10:00. DO YOU???

Only after dutifully washing and folding all the laundry, and cleaning for hours... :floorlaugh: No I totally agree w you. Even if Misty possibly went to bed as claimed that night (which I don't believe in a million years), it would've more likely been because she reportedly had been gone partying for three days... but wait, didn't she say she was in bed, sleeping that off earlier that day while Haleigh was at school? Oh yea, and GGMS did all that laundry too that's right. :waitasec:

I think if she had been partying along with the kids that night someone would have talked by now. Usually it is pretty hard to keep even a few people quiet when something has happened. Someone usually talks and the truth comes out. The more people the more chance of someone talking. No one has said a word...of truth anyway.

I think that Misty had someone over while Ron was gone and she doesn't want to admit it. Maybe she had more then one person over and they did some dope while there. Someone could have taken Haleigh while the others were doping it up and later Misty discovered that Haleigh was gone but doesn't know who took her. She would know who had been at the house though and have an idea that one of the people took Haleigh. Could be afraid that she will be arrested if she admits what went on that night. She would also have to face Ron. Might feel that everyone would blame her for Haleigh going missing because she was doping it up when someone took Haleigh and Haleigh was her responsibility.

I think RJ might have been telling the truth about a guy in black whose shoes squeaked came in and took his Sissy and that he saw Misty on the couch with a guy. The whole thing makes sense to me. I don't think that she took the kids anywhere that night but I do believe she had company.
Continuing to try to figure out why Misty is lying or not telling the whole truth will only serve to obfuscate the point: Misty lies because it serves Misty's purpose to lie. There is a child missing, and the people Haleigh should have been able to depend upon most, are the ones lying.
Yes, but before they question her, they have to ask her if she wants a lawyer. Do you think she is going to answer questions without one? Not hardly! And as long as she stays in Orlando, they're not going to go and bring her back in for questioning without some kind of warrant. Otherwise she would refuse.

This is not techinically true.

They do not have to ask her if she wants an attorney until they arrest her. That is your miranda rights. If they just ask you to talk to them and you agree that is all on you. You are not under arrest, you are free to say no, free to leave, so they have no obligation to inform you of your miranda rights. It is a common technique to phrase things in an authorative way "we need to ask you some questions", "we need you to come in and talk to us". You are fully entitled to tell them to bite you with or without an attorney, but if they are not arresting you they have no obligation to tell you they would like to talk to you, it would be helpful to them if you came in, but you are of course legally entitled to decline their invitation.
nope...Misty or Ron do not appear to be ones for routine...

Yup - my son (12) would stay up all night if I let him. Misty doesn't seem the type to go to bed early or have any routine. However, if she was on a 3 day bender, she may have gone to bed at 10:00. Ron seems the type to come home from the night shift, drink, and probably doesn't go to bed until daylight. Don't forget, he probably wants a little something-something too with his 17 year old babysitter.

I never believed her story from the get go.

She flat out lied to the reporter doing the airport video. Did he not ask her if she was going to NY for an interview? She said "No". She's good at it. She lied to her attorney which is equivalent to biting your own nose to spite your own face. What attorney is going to take her on now knowing she does what she wants to anyway, will probably make a fool of them in doing so and especially if she has no money!

Hi I'm a newbie here so bare with me, did she pay for the first attorney or was he a PD?
Hi I'm a newbie here so bare with me, did she pay for the first attorney or was he a PD?

We have no idea how Misty was paying for her attorney....at least there has been no public information released as far as I know as to how she was funding it. She has no job. She has no income that we know of. Ronald has been out of work since Feb 10. They live(d) with his grandmother. We do know Ronald received a sum of approx. $12K from the back child support, and receives the monthly amount (we'd know if it was even 12 seconds late, so I'll assume it's there on time).

......... so........no clue.
We have no idea how Misty was paying for her attorney....at least there has been no public information released as far as I know as to how she was funding it. She has no job. She has no income that we know of. Ronald has been out of work since Feb 10. They live(d) with his grandmother. We do know Ronald received a sum of approx. $12K from the back child support, and receives the monthly amount (we'd know if it was even 12 seconds late, so I'll assume it's there on time).

......... so........no clue.

Well I guess now she'll have to go with a PD. I don't even know why they got married.
She won't get one of those until she has been arrested and charged with a crime. Why she needs one before that I have no idea.

I was thinking about the divorce for now. Of course she has nothing so they could do a simple divorce and she wouldn't really need an attorney. I just wish Haleigh would come home.
Last I heard, Mr. Fields had received an EMAIL!!!! of the divorce papers from Ronald's lawyer but hadn't yet had a chance to review them (per the time of the interview with the reporter). Wonder if he got those printed off for ol' married adult Misty to sign before he dumped her on her grown-up married butt.
Well, at least somebody in this mixed up mess is smart enough to quit. These people never end the stupidity and just don't seem to get it. !!!!
Well didn't she have an attorney for the criminal case, for the polygraph ect?

Actually no, her attorney expressly dd not want her to take any polygraph tests. She went and took those all on her own and didn't tell him until after the fact. He seemed quite put off by that. When she then followed it up by flying to New York to do that interview against his best advise, pleas and wishes, is when he quit.

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