MN MN - Brandon Swanson, 19, Marshall, 14 May 2008

"If I remember correctly he went out at night and his car broke down in the middle of nowhere so he called his dad to come and find him. Eventually, during the call he yelled out, 'Oh *advertiser censored*!' and that was the last time anyone ever heard from him."
HLN / Via youtube.comLess

What happened:​

Swanson was a 19-year-old college student in Marshall, Minnesota last seen leaving a friend’s house on May 14, 2008. After apparently driving into a ditch, he called his parents to pick him up. However, even after talking to him several times on the way, they were never able to find him. His car was later found abandoned in a ditch with the car doors open and keys missing, roughly 25 miles from where he had said he was.
Thanks grandma! This case has been one of the most mysterious and baffling cases I’ve followed.

I was just reading the below article. Though it’s basically the same as most other ones I’ve read on the case, it includes something I don’t recall before.
It states Brandon said “oh no, not another fence” before he said “oh, s%@#!”. Did I just miss that before?!

'Following his second semester at Minnesota West Community and Technical College in Canby, Minn., Brandon Swanson gathered with his friends to celebrate. He was last seen in the early hours of May 14, 2008 before making the drive home to his home in Marshall, Minn.
Photo courtesy of The Search for Brandon Swanson.''

'Before disappearing in the early hours of May 14, 2008, Brandon Swanson of Marshall, Minn. attended gatherings in Lynd, Minn. and Canby, Minn. Prior to his disappearance, he called his parents to state he had veered off into the ditch. While attempting to locate him, the phone went silent. He has not been heard from since.
Photo courtesy of Google Maps.'

Lengthy article
By Trisha Taurinskas January 30, 2023
Rural roads of Minnesota remain last known location of 19-year-old Brandon Swanson
''Editor's note: This archival article was first published on Dec. 16, 2021. It was featured in a recent episode of the popular true crime podcast "My Favorite Murder," which aired Thursday. Forum News Service checked with law enforcement on Monday and was informed there remain no new updates in the Swanson missing persons case.Editor's note: This archival article was first published on Dec. 16, 2021. It was featured in a recent episode of the popular true crime podcast "My Favorite Murder," which aired Thursday. Forum News Service checked with law enforcement on Monday and was informed there remain no new updates in the Swanson missing persons case.''

''After initially attending a gathering in Lynd, located roughly seven miles southwest from his home, he made his way to his Canby destination, roughly 35 miles northwest of his home. While alcohol was being consumed at the gatherings, his friends indicated to law enforcement that he did not appear to be intoxicated when he left the party.

The drive from the gathering in Canby to Marshall is one he had made nearly every day during his commute to and from his college campus. Yet in the early hours of May 14, 2008, Brandon Swanson chose to drive on the back roads, rather than on the commonly traveled Minnesota State Highway 68.''

''While traveling along the 3900 block of Lyon Lincoln Road, Brandon Swanson veered off the road and became hung up in the ditch. Unable to move his vehicle, he reached out to his parents for help.

The couple remained on the phone with their son until they heard him yell a swear word, followed by silence. They called out to him and heard nothing. Calls back to his phone indicated the phone was still on, but Brandon Swanson did not answer.

“I can say that his phone was functioning into the next day. I mean, you could place a call and it would ring before turning over to voicemail,” Lyon County Sheriff Eric Wallen said. “That much I can say.”

“We were able to use the cellphone tower technology to have an idea of where his last communications or phone calls came from, so that put us on a cell tower up in that area,” Wallen said. “So then the search was focused there, and the car was located.”

No keys were found in or around the scene — and no obvious signs of foul play were present.''

“In at least a couple of circumstances, that (problem) is still in existence,” Anderson said. “They will not allow us on their property. We don’t dispute the reason why. We try and work out a method that would make it acceptable, and we’ve not been able to come up with a working compromise.”

That’s a troublesome issue for those leading the search party. While sympathetic to the concerns of cattle farmers, Anderson acknowledges it still leaves holes in a search that has received the dedication of many.

Brandon Swanson Search Area

Emergency Support Services, an organization out of Minneapolis that specializes in search and rescue efforts, has identified a 140-square mile radius of interest in the search for Brandon Swanson. The organization is still seeking permission from some landowners to access all the land in this area.
Photo courtesy of The Search for Brandon Swanson.
Yellow Medicine County Sheriff Bill Flaten has worked closely with Emergency Support Services throughout the years, particularly when it comes to seeking landowner permission. He said most landowners are more than willing to make it work, as they're dedicated to their community and the Swanson family. In situations where landowners have declined, Flaten said probable cause has not existed for law enforcement to step in.

"They know their property, and they search it and look around''
This backroad road is pretty close Taunton and it does intersect the road where his car was found. I do recall he came across a gravel road after walking for some time and I know it's a stretch but this seems to be a gravel road with what appears to be a dead end into a series of creeks. He know he said he was going to follow some lights and I know again, that is is a stretch but it could be slightly possible that he saw lights of what appears to be a home in the distance from that gravel path. Does anyone know that precise location of where his car was found?
Screenshot (11).png

Edit: Unfortunately I could not upload the screenshots of the gravel road. So I posted the coornidates.
This backroad road is pretty close Taunton and it does intersect the road where his car was found. I do recall he came across a gravel road after walking for some time and I know it's a stretch but this seems to be a gravel road with what appears to be a dead end into a series of creeks. He know he said he was going to follow some lights and I know again, that is is a stretch but it could be slightly possible that he saw lights of what appears to be a home in the distance from that gravel path. Does anyone know that precise location of where his car was found?
View attachment 411717

Edit: Unfortunately I could not upload the screenshots of the gravel road. So I posted the coornidates.
Brandon's car was found at 44°37'13.02"N 96° 5'34.37"W
I've read through most of the thread, but can't figure out why the search area is where it is, when his car was found south east of the search area and the dog(s) tracked him south east of the search area. Did his phone ping in the search area?
I've read through most of the thread, but can't figure out why the search area is where it is, when his car was found south east of the search area and the dog(s) tracked him south east of the search area. Did his phone ping in the search area?
There have been multiple search areas. The first search area initially focused on the area in and around the North Branch of the Yellow Medicine River. This is where the search dogs led investigators in the days after his disappearance. It can be seen on the map in this story:

After the initial search area was searched very extensively and they were confident he wasn't there, they kept looking further out with HRD (cadaver) dog teams. The teams started finding areas of interest in the Mud Creek drainage area, to the NW of the initial search area.

Eventually, the dogs pointed them to farm fields north of Porter.

"So we’ve got huge amounts of scent in here,” said Hasse as he points at a map. “More than I’ve ever seen in any other search. So we are really confident that he’s somewhere in this watershed. We just can’t get that final point."

By posting this I mean absolutely no disrespect to the family. I read on Facebook that they are not a fan of people speculating, especially when they’re not from the area. However, they said they don’t want people to stop talking about Brandon. That is definitely understandable. All of the information I am using comes from factual sources.

Here is a map I created based on what I interpreted from sources like the case study done by Jeff Hasse and The Search for Brandon Blog. The features on the map are a little bit blurry because it is a screenshot from Google Earth. If you’re interested in looking more closely at the landmarks, you should refer to actual Google Earth and follow along with the map I made.

Links to these sources:
User:Jeff Hasse/Missing Person Case Study -- Brandon Swanson - Wikiversity

The Search for Brandon Swanson

Of course we don’t know exactly what happened to Brandon. But we do know that out of the 1,900 canine searches that took place over the years, the scent of human remains have been detected. So we know 100% that HR are in the area. We don’t know for sure that they are Brandon’s, but by using Occam’s Razor we can safetly assume that they are.

We also know that scent dogs tracked where Brandon walked the night he went missing while he was on the phone with his father. They tracked his scent all the way to an abandoned farm.

According to my sources, in October of 2010, HRD dogs gave alerts that a scent was found in Mud Creek. The creek was dammed up and searched. No human remains were found. It is believed that Mud Creek is a scent pool.

We all know about how several dogs picked up and used their highest alert signals on a farming cultivator on the side of a field.

If those are his remains that the HRD dogs have been picking up on, he is probably in those fields in between The Yellow Medicine River and Mud Creek.
re: Mud Creek

FYI - I noticed that Mud Creek appears to end at a spot in the top left corner of your map, and I saw that on some Google Map views too. I believe it actually continues for several miles. It's not much of a stream at this point. The fields the search leader was focusing on due to the strongest scents hits were described as being NW of Porter near the main highway.
I have seen it speculated that he may have succumbed to the elements and I have read that people who suffer from hypothermia will often remove their clothes. If that is the case with Brandon, then it is possible his clothing could have been scattered by animals. But I understand they have not found any of his clothes.
Like many here, this case kept me up at night and I've read through everything I reckon. The members who have kept posting on this have been amazing throughout the years and its a real shame some of them seem to have gone inactive. I have some thoughts I wanted to share, but first I attached a very, very rough and ready map of what I interpret as where the car was found (red star), Brandon's path while on his phone to his dad (yellow) where he left to cut across fields but then was tracked up the road until the dog became unable to indicate anymore, blue are the waterways (top is mud creek, the one bordering Brandon's path is the Yellow Medicine).
I have also indicated in the purple circle something that concerns me. This is the Wergeland cemetery. It's smack bang right in the middle of where the cadaver dogs keep hitting on scents. I'm not in any way knowledgeable about SAR dogs so I'm happy to be corrected. When the lead searcher tells us that the scents in mud creek are being washed into the water, suggesting Brandon's remains are somewhere in the fields around...what if the scents are merely being washed down from this cemetery? It's probably a stupid suggestion but it did come into my mind.

Regarding his dad saying he heard what sounded like a foot slipping before Brandon said oh ! I'm extremely doubtful he would be able to distinguish the sound of a foot slipping on a 2008 cellphone being used outside. I would guess that he only identified this as the particular sound after he thought Brandon had fallen in the water. I believe this was subconscious, just his mind making an explanation to fit a plausible scenario.
I do very much believe that he heard a noise on the line right before Brandon swore, but I'm unsure as to what that was? I've been trying to think what might sound like a foot slipping but even I can't really envisage what that sounds like; I think it would depend on the terrain? Now if he heard his foot slipping on a gravel road, that i could understand. But not on a river bank with soft mud and grass. Any ideas guys?

Now the phone itself. I don't believe it was dropped in water. Not only would it cease to function but usually it makes a terrible screaming sound when water enters the microphone before shutting off and that would have been noted! But I can certainly believe Brandon dropped the phone, probably while climbing over a fence. It was probably still on and transmitting his parents calling his name until they hung up. So why didn't he pick it up again? This is important; we have to appreciate how dark it was out there. I mean literally pitch black, no light sources, no moon and vegetation appears very black in the dark. Add to this the fact that Brandon is blind in 1 eye with terrible vision in the other and if he dropped that phone there ain't no way he can find it again. Especially if the phone was black and it fell face down.
It is my theory that he dropped his phone and his said oh as he dropped it, which his father heard.
My 2 problems with this theory: 1) why didn't he shout "dad I dropped the phone" and 2) why the hell hasn't the phone been found?

Glasses- I have read that his glasses were found in the car. However, on a most recent article posted a while back the sheriff listed his glasses along with his thick silver chain and mobile as items that were never found. So which is it?
Either way, I'm convinced they'd have been of much use to him in the darkness.

This does bring me onto the fact that not one thing has ever been found. Nothing, not one shred of clothing or ANYTHING. There have been more searches conducted for Brandon than any other person. Serious professionals, volunteers, farmers checking their land, SAR, dogs, horses, just seems insane to me that he hasn't been found! Not one hit my a metal detector. It seems so likely this was an accident....but it feels so much like his body was hidden!

ViCAP- As soon as read he was in ViCAP my hinky sense was tingling! That is very specific. It's not just the FBI missing person's cases, it is specifically the ViCAP missing person's. There are 35 pages of burecracy a detective must fill in to even begin the process and then there are very specific requirements; ie- it must be suspected that this is the result of a serial offender. Brandon's entry is also very specifically targeted at homicides, sex crimes, violent crime investigators. The whole point of ViCAP is for investigators to look at patterns suggestive of serial offenders. It seems significant that the only thing they noted was that his doors were left open. Suggesting....? I don't know!
I honestly just cannot but help to believe that LE do know more about this case. I think they know he is out there, hence the searches continuing, but perhaps they believe he was in fact a victim of crime. But it is so weird that he was on the phone apparently not inimminent danger. It does make me wonder if he stumbled onto another crime in progress.

I always find the theories of locals interesting as often they have the real story. There seems to be a consensus from the local rumour mill that Brandon had a drug debt which led to his death. Multiple causes and scenarios have been suggested but they all cite the reason as drugs.

I'm not going to speculate on how and why Brandon ended up where he did and didn't realise it, because I think the important fact is that he was there. But I will say it seems highly likely he drive the back roads to avoid police and my god...they look so confusing I have no surprise at all that he got lost! I mean these were essentially just farm tracks with no signage in a flat landscape with no features to get your bearings! And even if there were signs the roads have terrible naming conventions where the numbers make no sense lol

Finally I just wanted to point out a couple of things because I come from a farming background and area with similar agriculture to Minnesota (albeit in England haha)
Cultivator which the dogs hit on- you can only use a Cultivator when the crops are still small, or not grown at all. It is not for harvesting but for tilling the soil. There's absolutely no way that a farmer wouldn't see a dead body AND if he did miss it then he woukd deffo see the hideous mess that soukd result! (Even with a massive combine you'd see all the gore all over your machine and crop!). It is all but impossible that his body was destroyed in this way.
However, if his body was already skeletonised then its possible the bones, clothes etc would be tilled back into the soil and go unnoticed because they'd make no mess, It'd be just like some branches. If this is the case then this field will have been tilled many, many times over the years and by now Brandon's remains would be both scattered widely, disarticulated and buried. To me this would explain the scent found on a Cultivator. I notice the lead SAR had said his body could have skeletonised within a week so it's possible.
If it were me I would forget the dogs and go out with a metal detector and detect in every field. Find the glasses, necklace or phone and you've found him. I think the necklace should be easy to find and probably remained mostly in tact.

Finally a thought on cows. Some people have mentioned wild animals being responsible. I think its more likely cattle. We know there was cattle in the area. Growing up around cows I can remember 4 incidents of cows trampling people to death. If you spook a herd of cows (for instance if you blindly stumble into them in the dead of night) they can charge, gore you and trample you to death. You will die. Cows like to wallow and congregate in the soft mud around rivers and drainage ditches. There is a remote possibility that Brandon was trampled by a herd of cattle and his body was pushed down into soft mud. Over the years the cows and water could have deposit more earth over his body and literally buried him.
Again, my problem with this is that a cadaver dog would find this very easily and just indicate over the place. They haven't.

OK that's just a few observations I made. I have more but this is long enough for now. I hope and pray that this is the year he'll be found.


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I thought it might be interesting to see a comparison of where Brandon WAS versus where he THOUGHT he was. I angled the roads so they are showing from Brandon's perspective (facing south) and both images are using the same scale and it is quite revealing. The layout of the land is very similar right down to roads and rivers and the locations of the towns, I can now totally understand why he was so turned around.
The first image is where Brandon ACTUALLY WAS and I have highlighted his known route in Yellow. The second image is where he THOUGHT he was and based on the speculation of the Jeff Hasse where he thought he was headed. I have marked in yellow an approximation of the possible theorised route he thought he was that corresponds to the route he was actually on as shown in the first image. Based off my own idea.


I thik this makes it easy to see how he mistook Taunton for Marshall and Porter for Lynd. The roads throught the fields are all just the same square shape and even Highway 68 is in the same place as Highway 23 from his perspective. There is even a farmhouse at the same approximate location as the abandoned one he found. I suspect that when he entered that farm he expected it to be the one he knew around Lynd that would lead him down a track towards Lynd. Instead he found the foundations of an abandoned farm. This must have been confusing, but still I think he believed he was just outside Lynd. When he came across the Yellow Medicine River he probably thought this was the Redwood River which runs in the same general direction along the highway. By cutting cross country and following the course of the Redwood River he would have known he would have ended up in Lynd. Only he was following the wrong river and was still some distance away from Porter.
He was hopelessly lost and after losing his phone must have been even more so. He was supposedly following the lights of Porter, believing them to be I can't help but wonder why he seems to have inexplicably changed diretion to the North. I can only think that there was something that blocked the light source.

One other thought that just occurred to me. Brandon and his father's phonecall ended at 3.10am. It was still dark and moonless. I checked the records (link below) and on that day the sun rose at 5.54am. I think it's safe to say that whatever had befell Brandon had already happened by this point (within those 2 and three quarter hours) because presumably once the sun had risen he would have realised where he was and made his way to a highway or farmhouse.
I also thought it would be interesting and useful to show some google earth images of the main locations in Brandon's travels. I personally find visualisations very useful to get an idea of where things were happening. Obviously these are more modern images, but you still get an idea.

This is the minimum maintenance road (farm track) that Brandon drove down and got his car stuck while turning. The track is barely visisble today because it is so grown over.

He then walked south for half a mile down the Lyon-Lincoln County Road. Remember it is picth black.

At this intersection he decided to turn west into 390th Street. This made sense in his mind as he thought he was headed to Lynd. Frustratingly the Highway was just three quarters of a mile in a straight line south.

he walked 1 mile down 390th Street. The lights of Porter, which he thought was Lynd, would have been visible to his far right from his point of view which may explain why he changed course eventually heading North, since his last sighting indicated it was this way.

But I am not convinced he could see the lights from this point as they would have been blocked by the tree line you see in the below image (Blue pin is Brandon then trees between him and Porter). I think that he could see the light of Porter from his car, but once he started walking he lost them which is why his direction seems so off.

On reaching the end of the road Brandon turns North towards County Road 16 and presumably the direction he last saw the lights. Frustratingly at this point the Highway is 1,300 feet to his left....but he turns right! Walking along this road he passes over several brigdes, perhaps explaining why he hears water. One can be seen towards the top if the image.

After half a mile he turns into the driveway of an abandoned farm. He possibly thought this was a similarly located farm near Lynd that would lead him to the town.

On reaching the foundations of the abandoned farm Brandon was faced with field and woods and chose to cut across country, following the course of the Yellow Medicine River:

I am not sure at what point he entered the water and left it again but it seems he left the course of the river, followed this drainage ditch and joined another gravel road (160th Avenue) from where the scent dog was no longer able to follow as it had reached it's limit of trailing for that time.

From here it is unknown on the exact route he took. But cadaver dogs have consistently indicated in areas North-West of this point in the fields around the Mud Creek which suggests that he continued in a North-Westerly route and something happened to him in the below area:

I am certain that alot of these fields have already been cleared by SAR, but since we have never been told which ones we can't specifically rule any out. Hopefully by now most of the farmers have allowed their properties to be searched as well.
I also thought it would be interesting and useful to show some google earth images of the main locations in Brandon's travels. I personally find visualisations very useful to get an idea of where things were happening. Obviously these are more modern images, but you still get an idea.
View attachment 471605

I am certain that alot of these fields have already been cleared by SAR, but since we have never been told which ones we can't specifically rule any out. Hopefully by now most of the farmers have allowed their properties to be searched as well.
FANTASTIC effort. Thank you. I understand more now. I don't get why he'd walk and walk and walk... staying put is always the smartest idea... he could've slept in his car til daylight and then figured out his location. OR called 911 and say my car is wrecked and idk where i am, but to my understanding he was drinking a little so maybe scared to do that
FANTASTIC effort. Thank you. I understand more now. I don't get why he'd walk and walk and walk... staying put is always the smartest idea... he could've slept in his car til daylight and then figured out his location. OR called 911 and say my car is wrecked and idk where i am, but to my understanding he was drinking a little so maybe scared to do that
Thank you. Glad it helped. I wondered that too, I thought maybe the car wasn't stable as it was hanging off a ditch? I also wondered why he never knocked on a farmhouse door to ask for help but then I suppose some farmer might have been pretty angry being woken up at that time in the morning.

I must say, since he was trying to avoid LE, had previous for a DUI and called his parents last after trying his friends I am rather thinking that he was a lot more drunk (or high) tha has been suggested by his friends. This may have impaired his decision making alot.
I also thought it would be interesting and useful to show some google earth images of the main locations in Brandon's travels. I personally find visualisations very useful to get an idea of where things were happening. Obviously these are more modern images, but you still get an idea.

This is the minimum maintenance road (farm track) that Brandon drove down and got his car stuck while turning. The track is barely visisble today because it is so grown over.
View attachment 471580

He then walked south for half a mile down the Lyon-Lincoln County Road. Remember it is picth black.
View attachment 471589

At this intersection he decided to turn west into 390th Street. This made sense in his mind as he thought he was headed to Lynd. Frustratingly the Highway was just three quarters of a mile in a straight line south.
View attachment 471590

he walked 1 mile down 390th Street. The lights of Porter, which he thought was Lynd, would have been visible to his far right from his point of view which may explain why he changed course eventually heading North, since his last sighting indicated it was this way.
View attachment 471591

But I am not convinced he could see the lights from this point as they would have been blocked by the tree line you see in the below image (Blue pin is Brandon then trees between him and Porter). I think that he could see the light of Porter from his car, but once he started walking he lost them which is why his direction seems so off.
View attachment 471592

On reaching the end of the road Brandon turns North towards County Road 16 and presumably the direction he last saw the lights. Frustratingly at this point the Highway is 1,300 feet to his left....but he turns right! Walking along this road he passes over several brigdes, perhaps explaining why he hears water. One can be seen towards the top if the image.
View attachment 471593

After half a mile he turns into the driveway of an abandoned farm. He possibly thought this was a similarly located farm near Lynd that would lead him to the town.
View attachment 471595

On reaching the foundations of the abandoned farm Brandon was faced with field and woods and chose to cut across country, following the course of the Yellow Medicine River:
View attachment 471596

I am not sure at what point he entered the water and left it again but it seems he left the course of the river, followed this drainage ditch and joined another gravel road (160th Avenue) from where the scent dog was no longer able to follow as it had reached it's limit of trailing for that time.
View attachment 471599

From here it is unknown on the exact route he took. But cadaver dogs have consistently indicated in areas North-West of this point in the fields around the Mud Creek which suggests that he continued in a North-Westerly route and something happened to him in the below area:
View attachment 471605

I am certain that alot of these fields have already been cleared by SAR, but since we have never been told which ones we can't specifically rule any out. Hopefully by now most of the farmers have allowed their properties to be searched as well.
Thank you for taking time to do this and sharing it here.The visuals are very helpful.
As you, I also thought it significant that the FBI has Brandon listed in VICAP. I’ve often wondered if he was followed by someone from the party, or someone he had met that night.
Thank you for taking time to do this and sharing it here.The visuals are very helpful.
As you, I also thought it significant that the FBI has Brandon listed in VICAP. I’ve often wondered if he was followed by someone from the party, or someone he had met that night.
Thank you, I'm really glad you found it helpful. I have to visualise like this in these cases, it helps me get in the person's head space-but actually I'm struggling to work out what Brandon was thinking here. I did even consider that maybe Brandon made it back to his car and was taken from there by someone.

I really do think ViCAP is important. I have read on another certain forum how someone was totally dismissive of it, they claimed to be LE and that they've entered cases into ViCAP often, but I don't believe them. Because ViCAP is not a database of missing and unidentified; it's specifically designed for special agents to spot patterns suggestive of a serial offender. And there are very few cases that actually get accepted. I don't think they just entered it to cover their backs, I think they had specific info that suggested he might be a victim of a serial offender; whether that is violent, sex or drug related I'm not sure but it might be significant that local rumour suggests drugs?
At the end of the day the FBI aren't interested in boys who fell in rivers are they? That should tell us everything we need to know I think.

There is one other thing I meant to mention in last night's post and forgot. In a couple of recent articles the sheriff has noted how they still get plenty of tips, sometimes the tips are repeats of previous tips, but they never lead anywhere.
WAIT...HOLD IN A MINUTE...people aren't giving tips about bones found in a field are! because no one is randomly trespassing in fields and finding bones where SAR failed. So what tips are people giving? It must be about potential suspects or what happened. It even sounds like people are repeatedly calling again and again with the same information! Come on sheriff...I feel the answer is under your *advertiser censored* nose!
Thank you, I'm really glad you found it helpful. I have to visualise like this in these cases, it helps me get in the person's head space-but actually I'm struggling to work out what Brandon was thinking here. I did even consider that maybe Brandon made it back to his car and was taken from there by someone.

I really do think ViCAP is important. I have read on another certain forum how someone was totally dismissive of it, they claimed to be LE and that they've entered cases into ViCAP often, but I don't believe them. Because ViCAP is not a database of missing and unidentified; it's specifically designed for special agents to spot patterns suggestive of a serial offender. And there are very few cases that actually get accepted. I don't think they just entered it to cover their backs, I think they had specific info that suggested he might be a victim of a serial offender; whether that is violent, sex or drug related I'm not sure but it might be significant that local rumour suggests drugs?
At the end of the day the FBI aren't interested in boys who fell in rivers are they? That should tell us everything we need to know I think.

There is one other thing I meant to mention in last night's post and forgot. In a couple of recent articles the sheriff has noted how they still get plenty of tips, sometimes the tips are repeats of previous tips, but they never lead anywhere.
WAIT...HOLD IN A MINUTE...people aren't giving tips about bones found in a field are! because no one is randomly trespassing in fields and finding bones where SAR failed. So what tips are people giving? It must be about potential suspects or what happened. It even sounds like people are repeatedly calling again and again with the same information! Come on sheriff...I feel the answer is under your *advertiser censored* nose!
Tips such as that someone who was told he was buried in someone’s basement? I sure wish I had more information about that one.. as in, whose basement! Not that I even know whether to believe it or not, but who knows. But as you say, there does seem to be the implication of potential criminal activity involved.
Thank you, I'm really glad you found it helpful. I have to visualise like this in these cases, it helps me get in the person's head space-but actually I'm struggling to work out what Brandon was thinking here. I did even consider that maybe Brandon made it back to his car and was taken from there by someone.

I really do think ViCAP is important. I have read on another certain forum how someone was totally dismissive of it, they claimed to be LE and that they've entered cases into ViCAP often, but I don't believe them. Because ViCAP is not a database of missing and unidentified; it's specifically designed for special agents to spot patterns suggestive of a serial offender. And there are very few cases that actually get accepted. I don't think they just entered it to cover their backs, I think they had specific info that suggested he might be a victim of a serial offender; whether that is violent, sex or drug related I'm not sure but it might be significant that local rumour suggests drugs?
At the end of the day the FBI aren't interested in boys who fell in rivers are they? That should tell us everything we need to know I think.

There is one other thing I meant to mention in last night's post and forgot. In a couple of recent articles the sheriff has noted how they still get plenty of tips, sometimes the tips are repeats of previous tips, but they never lead anywhere.
WAIT...HOLD IN A MINUTE...people aren't giving tips about bones found in a field are! because no one is randomly trespassing in fields and finding bones where SAR failed. So what tips are people giving? It must be about potential suspects or what happened. It even sounds like people are repeatedly calling again and again with the same information! Come on sheriff...I feel the answer is under your *advertiser censored* nose!
great effort man thanks for laying it all out visually. a few jumbled thoughts of mine that ive read on this case before that sometimes get missed...he may have gone in the river but his scent was tracked out of the river as well...not only that but supposedly the scent ended at a gravel road...this detail can be difficult to find sometimes because it might be insignificant but the road or roads were resurfaced that very next day or day of cant remember. like re graded. last thing supposedly israel keyes a prolific serial killer was in the region at the time and had travelled between eastern north dakota and the twin cities ? i believe. i saw someone mention he was known to have used route 3 frequently. i feel that his involvement is such a longshot but with the vicap classification god only knows? im kind of inclined to think either he dealt with after being caught trespassing or perhaps come upon by someone on the roadway possibly hit by a vehicle? its hard to say though...i just personally dont think its as simple as, he fell in the river.

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