Moms Say Geico Pig Commercial Promotes Bestiality


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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A 30 second commercial released by GEICO has Maxwell in a topless convertible with a woman by his side. The car has just broken down, and Maxwell uses his mobile GEICO application to locate a tow truck. The woman seems frustrated that the tow truck will arrive so quickly, as she asks, “Oh, so that means we won’t be stuck up here for hours, with nothing to do?” The pig brushes off her advances.


“It was just a pretty sleazy type of commercial because the girl [in the commercial] was really disappointed when she realized they wouldn’t be able to pass the time alone together,” said Cole.
I really have no response. I don't know what to say... I mean, seriously?
I think I have a very good sense of humor, and a lot of things that bother others don't bother me, but this commercial has irritated me ever since the first time I saw it. They portray a woman who seems frustrated and disappointed she can't make out with a pig. A. PIG.
This made me laugh. I am not sure if it is supposed to be funny but it cracked me up.
That was my first thought too. Nasty. Now if they had put a pretty girl pig in it, then it would have been funny/cute.
I've made out with a pig, married a pig, and had children with a pig. The GEICO pig is cuter.

Really? Does she really think that children are even thinking about that?
Promotes bestiality? As opposed to 30 years of Sesame Street?

Some people must be REALLY susceptible to advertising!
I'm much more concerned about the wisdom of allowing pigs to get driver's licenses.
I have to admit I must be clueless or not wired the way that woman is but I never thought beastiality. I thought the same thing as lizzybeth. I thought they were making fun of guys not animals.
One Million Moms is a fundraising (and email harvesting) arm of the hate group American Family Association. They are pitiful.
I wonder if they protested the Geico commercial where the woman clearly slept with a gecko?
If you're paying attention to Geico commercials, this same pig was in grade school last year (being driven home in a car pool and crying Wee Wee Wee). So there's all kinds of S.O. stuff going on in that universe, not to mention underage driving.

Obviously the one million moms need a new hobby.

This reminds me of the stupid "Tinky Winky is GAY!" horror of the late 90s. Tinky Winky, the purple Teletubby, carried a purse. Get it? he was PURPLE, and carried a PURSE, so it was obviously promoting that "gay agenda" to the children innocently watching the show??!!!

These are the same kind of people. Read too much into everything, see bogeymen everywhere.
Or the other imaginary bogeyman I remember from when my first kids we little - Sesame Street promotes socialism! In particular Elmo... Tho I don't remember why specifically :lol:
FRUIT NINJA! I just thought it was stupid/funny.
OMG, thanks everyone for making this thread hilarious! While I found the commercial distasteful, never in a million years would I have thought it promoted bestiality in any way.

The first thought that popped into my mind after reading the article was, well it looks like the children of 1 million moms will be asking important questions elsewhere if this is reflective of their mothers beliefs. A scary thought.

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