Murdoch calls allegations against his paper 'deplorable'

Dedicated to the Murdochs and Brooks in light of their exacting testimonies and incredible powers of recall:
Also, the whole pie thing seemed staged. Much chatter on the interwebs about this.
Lengthy CNN opinion piece from this side of the pond:

Time for Murdoch to go

(CNN) -- Rupert Murdoch is facing a two-front war. On the eastern front, he has denied knowledge before a House of Commons committee of phone hacking or payments by News Corp. to Scotland Yard while bemoaning the employees who failed him. He will probably escape criminal prosecution in the United Kingdom, unless some senior employee yet turns on him.

But even if he survives, huddled in his bunker, the wreckage around him resembles postwar Berlin: A prime minister is in jeopardy, Scotland Yard has been discredited, and the British press faces an inquiry commission that may impose new restrictions on press conduct that would be clearly unconstitutional in the United States
But what about the western front? The FBI is investigating accusations that News Corp. employees hacked the phones of September 11 terror attack survivors. No one can predict what this investigation will produce, other than more denials from Murdoch. If, however, it happened once in the U.S., it probably happened repeatedly, because once the technology is used, it is too tempting not to use it again
the rest at link above
Select committee yesterday, before the pie
Guardian's Simon Hoggart on yesterdays farce

"This is the most humble day of my life," said Rupert Murdoch as he started to give his evidence. Maybe, we thought, the only humble day of his life. As has been said before, Murdoch is as full of contrition as a frog is full of toothpaste."
Babylon a fall down! The mighty Mail shall fall! (Sorry, channeling Rastafarian prophecy here this a.m.)

("Babylon a fall down" here)
Excellent satire from popb-tch newsletter, 21.07.11, issue 555:

>>Brooking the law <<
Doing it for Our Rebekah

Rarely does Popb-tch get on its soapbox
but recent events have stirred us up.

Inspired by the News of the World, we
demand the right for the public to know
if there are any ex-News International
execs living near us.

As the NotW once said on its cover
"Everyone in Britain has a sex offender
living within one mile of their home".
This is surely just as true of ex-
News of the World editors too.

And, like Mrs Brooks, we vow to name and
shame any politician who impedes our
crusade for tougher laws against
former red-top editors.

We need... Rebekah's Law!

Come on, join our campaign.

It's what she would have wanted.

more - and subscribe at - website here.

(thanks bh!!)
James Murdoch misled MPs, say former NoW editor and lawyer

James Murdoch has been accused of misleading the parliamentary select committee this week in relation to phone hacking, igniting yet another fire for the embattled News International boss to extinguish.

In a highly damaging broadside, two former News of the World senior executives claimed the evidence Murdoch gave to the committee on Tuesday in relation to an out-of-court settlement to Gordon Taylor, chief executive of the Professional Footballers Association, was "mistaken".

The statement came as something of a bombshell to the culture, sport and media select committee, which immediately announced it would be asking Murdoch to explain the contradiction.
much more at Guardian link above
Fracas at Select Committee hearing 20/07/11
With respect to the Milly Dowler case - despite the pain and anguish done to Milly's family, I've heard no one mention (much) how this may have interfered with the police investigation. Levi Bellfield went on to kill two other women after Milly. Did the phone hacking impact the investigation and enable Bellfield to go on to further murders??

Murdoch has lost any deal he had for the Olympics in London next year and I look forward to a large uptake in the sale of Humble Pie.
With respect to the Milly Dowler case - despite the pain and anguish done to Milly's family, I've heard no one mention (much) how this may have interfered with the police investigation. Levi Bellfield went on to kill two other women after Milly. Did the phone hacking impact the investigation and enable Bellfield to go on to further murders??

Murdoch has lost any deal he had for the Olympics in London next year and I look forward to a large uptake in the sale of Humble Pie.

They erased messages when her mailbox was full giving the parents and police hope she was still alive.
Christian publisher Zondervan owns the printing rights to the New Engish Bible, the most popular translation in English, and is part of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. empire. Geez blogger Will Braun comments below.

Christian author questions Murdoch's ties to Bible publisher amid ethics storm

"For those us of who care about the Christian scriptures, what are we to make of this mix of billionaire media tycoonery, allegations of phone hacking and bribery, and the Holy Word of God?&#8221; Braun wrote. &#8220;What are we to make of the fact that every time we buy a Zondervan product we contribute to Murdoch&#8217;s mogul-dom, which includes a personal fortune that Forbes pegged at $6.3 billion last year."

Braun makes no bones about his dislike for News Corp. "Perhaps I overstate the link between News of the World and Zondervan,&#8221; he wrote. &#8220;It&#8217;s just that I believe there should be absolutely no link at all. Bald greed has no place in Bible publishing."
much more at CNN link above
News of the World targeted phone of Sarah Payne's mother

Sara Payne, whose eight-year-old daughter Sarah was abducted and murdered in July 2000, has been told by Scotland Yard that they have found evidence to suggest she was targeted by the News of the World's investigator Glenn Mulcaire, who specialised in hacking voicemail.

Police had earlier told her correctly that her name was not among those recorded in Mulcaire's notes, but on Tuesday officers from Operation Weeting told her they had found her personal details among the investigator's notes. These had previously been thought to refer to a different target.

Friends of Sara Payne have told the Guardian that she is "absolutely devastated and deeply disappointed" at the disclosure.
(much more at Guardian link above)

Who did Right-Wing Rupert's crew target that time? The grieving mother of a murdered eight-year-old girl. (Wiki)
In re: the notion that NotW may have previously hacked Amy's cell, a pass-along joke:

"Rebekah Broooks says she is touched by some of the messages people have left on Amy Winehouse's phone."
A NotW victim from 40+ years ago responds to its sordid demise:

AVC: Was The News Of The World one of those papers?

MF: Yeah. It was News Of The World, it was all News Of The World, and a few other papers. I must say, when I read my New York Times this morning, and I read that News Of The World is going out of business, I got a bit of quiet satisfaction. Like, &#8220;Thank God, finally,&#8221; and for that reason. They were absolutely unscrupulous, tapping phones, and they did that with us.
the rest of the Marianne Faithfull interview here

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