Muslim cabbies refuse the blind and drinkers

luvbeaches said:

It's discrimination....and just that simple. If these people have any religious problems with this, then they should look for a job that won't conflict with their beliefs.

I am really sick of all this stuff. I have a friend who is a catholic, but she works in a Jewish school. She doesn't force them to deal with her religious beliefs...because she chose to work in a Jewish school.

I am so sick of all this political correctness BS. If they think it's so bad, they can always go back to where they came from. My great-grandparents dropped to the ground and thanked the good Lord for getting them to this great country. The first thing they did was learn to speak English! Can you imagine? They were so proud to be Americans. And that's the problem these days.

I do realize that this article is concerning an issue in another country, but give it time, and it'll happen here.

I agree with every single thing you said. And it is happening here. Happens in Minneapolis all the time at the airport, at least the liquor thing. They will drive drunks but not bottles (go figure) or drinks. People are getting really mad about it too. Carrying sealed liquor is not illegal (very common while traveling), the city/state issues cabbie's licenses, the cabbies should not be able to discriminate like this while providing service to the public, and those who do should have their licenses revoked. Same goes for providing service to the blind. Now an exception might be if the cabbie was allergic to dogs or something, but that is totally different.


P.S. I don't know why when I posted this it didn't appear at the end of the thread but at #61. Never saw that happen before! :waitasec:
This man needs to get another job....... guide dogs are even allowed into restaurants down here..and as far as not picking up drunken passengers .....half the time that is why you need a taxi..I have a young daughter living and working in the heart of Melb and she has had a few bad experiences with Muslim taxi drivers...........once she was called a lazy little by the cab driver because she couldnt lift her luggage into the trunk of the taxi..he refused to help..she managed to get it in..then got verbally abused all the way to her destination....thats just one story......theres more
This is just the tip of the iceberg down here...Muslim people are given so many exceptions not known to the ordinary Australian....and I as a 4th generation Aussie am sick and tired watching them turn this country around to suit them.
windovervocalcords said:
The photo that you show is not the Dalai Lama. I do not know what Lama your photo depicts, nor have I ever heard of that monastery. Your photo says it is from 1920.

Here is a portrait of the thirteenth Dalai Lama who was the Dalai Lama in 1920, the date of your photograph link.
The date on that pic is 1930-1939.
dingo said:
.and I as a 4th generation Aussie am sick and tired watching them turn this country around to suit them.

This garbage is going on everywhere...sadly. English is becoming a second language in this country.
dingo said:
This man needs to get another job....... guide dogs are even allowed into restaurants down here..and as far as not picking up drunken passengers .....half the time that is why you need a taxi..I have a young daughter living and working in the heart of Melb and she has had a few bad experiences with Muslim taxi drivers...........once she was called a lazy little by the cab driver because she couldnt lift her luggage into the trunk of the taxi..he refused to help..she managed to get it in..then got verbally abused all the way to her destination....thats just one story......theres more
This is just the tip of the iceberg down here...Muslim people are given so many exceptions not known to the ordinary Australian....and I as a 4th generation Aussie am sick and tired watching them turn this country around to suit them.
Hey Dingo, my daughter went into the City last weekend with 2 friends, they shared a taxi home that was being driven by an Asian, my daughter was the last one to be dropped off. When he pulled up outside the house he asked my daughter if he could come into the house to use the toilet, my daughter told him that we have a large German Shephard and she doesn't let strangers in the house, but the taxi drived replied that the dog was no problem to him................. I have always heard they were scared of dogs?
eve said:
I agree with every single thing you said. And it is happening here. Happens in Minneapolis all the time at the airport, at least the liquor thing. They will drive drunks but not bottles (go figure) or drinks. People are getting really mad about it too. Carrying sealed liquor is not illegal (very common while traveling), the city/state issues cabbie's licenses, the cabbies should not be able to discriminate like this while providing service to the public, and those who do should have their licenses revoked. Same goes for providing service to the blind. Now an exception might be if the cabbie was allergic to dogs or something, but that is totally different.


P.S. I don't know why when I posted this it didn't appear at the end of the thread but at #61. Never saw that happen before! :waitasec:

Those cabbies should be fired. I keep thinking that someone is going to finally say enough is enough. I know I have had it up to my eyeballs with certain issues. Where's the watchdog groups when this happens? They only seem to be concerned about certain issues or particular groups of people.

That is weird...about the posting. I posted a response to another post (and quoted it) and it ended up above the earlier posts. I've not seen that happen before...either. It is hard to follow the new posts...well, for this OLD gal it is. :)
lizziedripping said:
Hey Dingo, my daughter went into the City last weekend with 2 friends, they shared a taxi home that was being driven by an Asian, my daughter was the last one to be dropped off. When he pulled up outside the house he asked my daughter if he could come into the house to use the toilet, my daughter told him that we have a large German Shephard and she doesn't let strangers in the house, but the taxi drived replied that the dog was no problem to him................. I have always heard they were scared of dogs?
Hi Lizzie....some Asian countries love dogs.......they consider them a deliacy:(
The point is BG's photo is dated 1920. She claims her photo is of the Dalai Lama. I show the photo of Thubten Gyatso who was Dalai Lama until 1933.

The Lama in her photo is not the 13th Dalai Lama. Here are some additional photos.,_13th_Dalai_Lama

She posted the photo to prove that Tibetans have housepets. I had a different experience which I related. BG says I did not make a social "gaffe".

I was there and had a different experience. I am no cultural expert on all Tibetans. I just muddle along and learn from experience.

I wanted to share the story because it was surprising to me and I never considered it something to plan for when I was entertaining these special guests.
windovervocalcords said:
The point is BG's photo is dated 1920. She claims her photo is of the Dalai Lama. I show the photo of Thubten Gyatso who was Dalai Lama until 1933.

The Lama in her photo is not the 13th Dalai Lama. Here are some additional photos.,_13th_Dalai_Lama

She posted the photo to prove that Tibetans have housepets. I had a different experience which I related. BG says I did not make a social "gaffe".

I was there and had a different experience. I am no cultural expert on all Tibetans. I just muddle along and learn from experience.

I wanted to share the story because it was surprising to me and I never considered it something to plan for when I was entertaining these special guests.
Sorry if I upset anyone, but I am so familiar with Tibetan dogs as I have one myself. My sweet little Shi Tzu. I have always understood that the Tibetans loved dogs and revered them. The small dogs were bred as companions (terriers and spaniels). There is also a large breed (Tibetan Mastiff).

Having developed several breeds from antiquity, it just didn't seem possible that Tibetans would have an aversion based on culture. The lamas kept them in their monasteries.

As to the Muslims and dogs, I did read that Mohammed instructed that if a dog drank from a bowl, it must be washed 7 times, the last with mud, or something like that. I can't find the link now.

What about all those who convert to Islam who had beloved pets before? They lose so much in life, don't they?
BarnGoddess said:
What about all those who convert to Islam who had beloved pets before? They lose so much in life, don't they?

Mohammad's disdain for canines comes not from the Qu'ran, but from the Haditha (I'm probably misnaming or misspelling the latter), which is a collection of traditions about the life of Mohammad.

I'm not sure all Muslims treat the latter with the same degree of reverence.
Becba said:
Here is an article addressing Muslims and dogs. There is a problem with cruelty to dogs.

Indeed. But let's remember that the Old Testament declaration that God gave Adam dominion over all other creatures had also led to a great deal of animal cruelty over the years. Probably not what the writer of Genesis intended.
dingo said:
Hi Lizzie....some Asian countries love dogs.......they consider them a deliacy:(

Well, I actually prefer dogs myself ................... they taste better!!! :eek: :eek:

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