GUILTY NC - Kathy Taft, 62, Raleigh, 6 March 2010 - #6

Is anybody else having computer issues today? I just now managed to pull up wral & websleuths.

Nope, things seem okay for me today--just a bit annoyed with WRAL because I am receiving double "do you want to keep watching" alerts. Sometimes I only receive and audible for one of the two alerts--there isn't a link--and it times out. Not a big deal, just an annoyance. My Mac (or maybe it's Safari) doesn't like the NBC feed and the ABC feed isn't loud enough without earbuds. I have been "clocking" a bit off and on over the past few days--pretty typical fair for my trial streaming experience so far with WRAL, though. The BC trial was the worst for me, streaming wise.
Yes, I had to double click to keep watching yesterday and today. Annoying. I normally just listen and find it so annoying to keep going back to renew the feed.

I agree that there is really no need to attack the victim's sister. It doesn't matter what she did, because it did not cause the def. to do what he did. I would think that attacking her would cause a jury to get angry at you. I guess they know what they are doing. But, why would it matter if the sister has a drinking problem? Why is that relevant?
Yes, I had to double click to keep watching yesterday and today. Annoying. I normally just listen and find it so annoying to keep going back to renew the feed.

I agree that there is really no need to attack the victim's sister. It doesn't matter what she did, because it did not cause the def. to do what he did. I would think that attacking her would cause a jury to get angry at you. I guess they know what they are doing. But, why would it matter if the sister has a drinking problem? Why is that relevant?

My thoughts too....this is so painful for the family and I don't see any revelance to the sisters problem and what this SOB did...:maddening:
OMG, I could hardly breathe while reading your senario. :( Now I think I'm going to be scared too.

OMGoodness, GL, I'm so sorry--I actually left out the details of the event because I worried I might further frighten Boodles! That dawned on me as I was writing--what a great help I was being..not! I think it is very important to be observant and vigilant, neighbors are generally happy to be an extra set of eyes if asked (and often when not asked, ha!), and don't be easy prey. When I walk in my neighborhood (with awareness there is at least one creepy person nearby), I walk with authority, I show that I carry mace, and I always have my dog. I'm pretty tall, too. I've read perps don't like tall girls cuz we're harder to control.
Diane Savage is hugely annoying me. I dislike her implications: "was the door locked?", pointing out that there was ADT security system which apparently was not used, asking whether Dina was drunk, was the car running, whether the agent received 100% scores on her qualifying exams, etc.

Because none of that matters. Nothing changes the fact that JW went into that house, raped and murdered KT. There is no excuse. No one caused this except the defendant.
Diane Savage is hugely annoying me. I dislike her implications: "was the door locked?", pointing out that there was ADT security system which apparently was not used, asking whether Dina was drunk, was the car running, whether the agent received 100% scores on her qualifying exams, etc.

Because none of that matters. Nothing changes the fact that JW went into that house, raped and murdered KT. There is no excuse. No one caused this except the defendant.

omg so was the DT actually blaming Dina for her sister's rape and murder? WOW. Low.
Cross of Smithey by Savage -- she asked Smithey about her conversations with DH & asking if she appeared drunk - objection sustained.

IMO, they don't need to bang on DH too much more -- she may or may not have been the world's greatest caregiver to KT -- we don't know that one way or the other, IMO -- but this could really backfire. Just think about what that woman had to deal with on Saturday morning. It was her sister.

Further, we found yesterday from the plastic surgeon -- what a nice, nice man; he stayed with poor DH at the hospital for hours -- anyway, he said the face/neck surgery was a "tune up" (totally my words there since I don't know what he called it) for face & neck lifts he had done previously on Kathy; and the breast implants were replacements for previous ones that were leaking. He stated that these procedures should not have been as painful as a "virgin" lift (his word) -- so KT may have been a little less incapacitated that we had initially thought. She was able to eat ice cream & she was able to turn out the light in the bedroom and tell DH that she was going to sleep, according to DH (from statements that were mentioned). Who knoze if this had any bearing on the event (!) with the murderer/rapist.

I agree about going after the sister. If she (Def attorney) continually covers that same ground, it could turn off jurors. I think they got it the first time, if not the second, but surely the third. I'm not sure where they are going. She should have run him off? She is partially to blame? What?
I, too, was touched by the plastic surgeon. I was especially touched that it appeared he was somewhat desperate for the neurosurgeon to help KT, even though the neurosurgeon felt she was past the point of medical intervention.
omg so was the DT actually blaming Dina for her sister's rape and murder? WOW. Low.

No seattle, not exactly. But I'm interpreting these things as implications, which seems pretty low and dirty. Maybe they're not, but I can't think of any other reason to highlight these things on cross examination since in the opening statement the defense said he raped and killed her.
Since the DT already admitted to his guilt, I find this monotonous testimony, especially the cross, to be offensive. Were I a juror, I'd be turned off by things like the obsession with this witness credentials. They've admitted their client raped and beat KT. Why should her sister's drinking, her sisters car, or any other of this testimony be exceptionally relavant? Of course it must be entered into evidence, but the longer this sort of testimony goes on, the more aggravated I'd be as a juror IMO.
Diane Savage is hugely annoying me. I dislike her implications: "was the door locked?", pointing out that there was ADT security system which apparently was not used, asking whether Dina was drunk, was the car running, whether the agent received 100% scores on her qualifying exams, etc.

Because none of that matters. Nothing changes the fact that JW went into that house, raped and murdered KT. There is no excuse. No one caused this except the defendant.

The only thing I can think of is that she has to make some kind of inquiry of the witnesses. If not, she could be accused to providing inadequate assistance of counsel and get a new trial. That would not be good.
OMGoodness, GL, I'm so sorry--I actually left out the details of the event because I worried I might further frighten Boodles! That dawned on me as I was writing--what a great help I was being..not! I think it is very important to be observant and vigilant, neighbors are generally happy to be an extra set of eyes if asked (and often when not asked, ha!), and don't be easy prey. When I walk in my neighborhood (with awareness there is at least one creepy person nearby), I walk with authority, I show that I carry mace, and I always have my dog. I'm pretty tall, too. I've read perps don't like tall girls cuz we're harder to control.

No problem, we here follow crime. It's just cases like this, completely random, rather than those like jason young and brad cooper, show us just how easy we all could become a victim. That's why I feel safer having a weapon and knowing how to use it. We live in a very rural area. Who know's how long it might take for a sheriff to respond to us were we to call for help. I've read of a number of cases where elderly people have break-ins in the middle of the night in rural areas, and have saved themselves by having their weapon handy. Before my husband retired, one of his fellow employee's had just that situation happen to his elderly aunt & uncle. Luckily his elderly uncle had his shotgun next to his bed, and was able to shoot the intruder, saving himself and his wife.
No seattle, not exactly. But I'm interpreting these things as implications, which seems pretty low and dirty. Maybe they're not, but I can't think of any other reason to highlight these things on cross examination since in the opening statement the defense said he raped and killed her.

I couldn't agree with you more. :rocker: --I am just waking up :p
G'morning peoples :coffeews: just walking in... my feed not working :(

Hi, you with the overpriced coffee (I've got some in my c-maker right now!) and the under-dressed peeps -- It's lunchbreak now on the east coast, but try this link at 2:00pm EDT --

or this one --

Good luck, and glad you're with us! Hope you can get it....
Anywhere else besides WRAL for live feed?

Try this one -- but I've heard from some peeps on here that the audio is not very loud.

Again, wait till 2:00pm EDT.

And we were on break about the time of your comment -- it could have been that....

We are at their mercy, aren't we??
Have a nice lunch!!

:floorlaugh: I'm sure you meant that in all seriousness, but it just struck me as funny -- I really needed to chuckle. So thanks, NCB!!:lol:

We are all so offended at how the DT is handling their defense -- and yes, all their guns are empty - they've got nothing, nothing, nothing that will help this man, IMO. And all along, they've also been laying the groundwork for their destruction of DH. Can you just imagine a cross by Savage of that woman? DH may have a drinking problem, and it may be that she could have been a better caregiver -- IDK -- if only she'd seen him come in, dialed 911 immediately, had one of JG's guns loaded and shot him dead on the doorstep, this wouldn't have happened -- right? I guess that's what should have happened. So now she is yet another enabler for this poor, pitiful JW. Simply everybody has let this man down.

And I don't get their line of pointing out how nothing was taken at 2710 -- if he didn't go in there to steal stuff then WTH did he go in to do? Just what he did, perhaps. It's early, maybe we'll find out, but it's beyond me at this time...

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.... now I have to leave @$%% :angry: and won't be back until 2 PST.

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