GUILTY NC - PFC Kelli Bordeaux, 23, Fayetteville, 14 April 2012 - #5

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So the Death Gratuity is for those KIA?

I am no expert on it, but I believe it is a line of duty type determination. Whether it be killed in combat, or killed while in the line of duty.
I'm hoping they do a complete sweep of places around Fort Bragg.

Just adding, the reason I say this, is I still doubt that Kelli went to the bar alone with Nick. If there were others with her, in the 20 bar attendies one of them could have left the bar after Kelli and Nick and grabbed Kelli on her walk home, as far as we know.
Just adding, the reason I say this, is I still doubt that Kelli went to the bar alone with Nick. If there were others with her, in the 20 bar attendies one of them could have left the bar after Kelli and Nick and grabbed Kelli on her walk home, as far as we know.

Anything is possible! :please:
I need to go rewatch that interview... but I swear the reporter asked how did he meet kelli or when did he meet Kelli (and they are talking all about that) and he says he met her when she was in the bar with a male friend playing pool... and that is how he met "them"

that is odd to me (sorry I am just trying to werk out how I would say it if someone asked me the same question...and I for sure would not say them.. it is almost like he was trying to put the onus on the "male")

then he tries to put the onus on Kelli herself by saying (that she said according to him) that "it was complicated" when he asked her if she were single")

then in the same interview he tries to put the onus on Mike when he says in the interview that he didn't know Kelli was married and didn't find this out until talking with police.

imhoo there was a lot of "shifting of the blame" going on in that interview... and now that we know Kelli's husband was just in florida to buy a car and go for a visit (article I just linked) and that the text messages right before she goes missing are to the guy that Nick met two weeks ago with Kelli in the bar..

well let's just say my hinky meter is a little off the hinge ;-)

Yes, I think you are on to something Nurse. I was noticing the wording he was using too. Including how he mentioned she was texting all night the night she left. I think he was trying to put ideas in the public's heads about other possible suspects to get the focus off of him being the guilty one. Also I notice his mannerisms change in the interview where they ask if he killed Kelli. That is the first interview that I believe he looks like he is lying. The others are a little harder to tell.
While anything is technically possible, what is probable is what LE and KB's family currently believe...and that is KB never was taken home or to her apt complex and never made it safely to her intended destination. And the chain of events stays solidly with NH because there is no proof that KB ever got out of that car alive or anywhere near her apt.

It's easy to overthink these things because it's seems inconceivable that someone could just vanish. I don't think this crime is all that complicated. It appears to involve one perp, who is now incarcerated, and no evidence of anyone else involved. The rest is finding KB's body and then LE getting enough evidence so the DA can prosecute the case.
Thank you thank you thank you!
the cast of characters grows!

I have a hard time understanding why all these ppl were texting her ?
sure we all have fiends i have old school friends we talk on FB and my hubby knows but my hubby would not be happy if they were texting me.
Just my 2 cents!

texting seems to be the new "voice box" :moo:
While anything is technically possible, what is probable is what LE and KB's family currently believe...and that is KB never was taken home or to her apt complex and never made it safely to her intended destination. And the chain of events stays solidly with NH because there is no proof that KB ever got out of that car alive or anywhere near her apt.

Nor has their been confirmation that she entered Nicks car that night.
I do not think we are allowed to post blog links here, but I found an interesting article about statement analysis of the interviews Nick gave.
Oh I forgot to mention...

LE can find out where a cell phone's connections or pings occurred WITHOUT having the actual cell phone in their possession. The cell carrier has this data. So don't assume LE has KB's phone (I don't think they do and they haven't said they do). All that information and data is available via subpoena from the wireless provider.
I am active duty Air Force, been in 19 years so far, and here is what I know. The max SGLI amount IS $400,000, but recently added was The Service Death Gratuity of $100,000. So yes, in total, it would be $500,000.

Yes, This is correct. A friend of mine received 400K after her military husband passed away. This was about four years ago. However, I do not believe that MB was involved whatsoever. According to the brother, he was a push over and very much in love with Kelli. I do believe that they were recently separated though. I just think the timing was bad for MB and perfect for NH and he took advantage of it. JMO.
While anything is technically possible, what is probable is what LE and KB's family currently believe...and that is KB never was taken home or to her apt complex and never made it safely to her intended destination. And the chain of events stays solidly with NH because there is no proof that KB ever got out of that car alive or anywhere near her apt.

It's easy to overthink these things because it's seems inconceivable that someone could just vanish. I don't think this crime is all that complicated. It appears to involve one perp, who is now incarcerated, and no evidence of anyone else involved. The rest is finding KB's body and then LE getting enough evidence so the DA can prosecute the case.

Agree. Chasing white rabbits just wears you out.
Think of texting like short emails. It allows you to be in immediate touch if you want, but the person can also respond at their convenience. Just like email. Only shorter in length.
Oh I forgot to mention...

LE can find out where a cell phone's connections or pings occurred WITHOUT having the actual cell phone in their possession. The cell carrier has this data. So don't assume LE has KB's phone (I don't think they do and they haven't said they do). All that information and data is available via subpoena from the wireless provider.

I think the main reason that some people are assuming that they do have the phone is because her phone was turned off and then a few days later it was turned on. But it is only a guess. Not a fact.:please:
After Nick was arrested news sure did slow down. Not one conference from LE! moo
I do not think we are allowed to post blog links here, but I found an interesting article about statement analysis of the interviews Nick gave.

you are correct (and the statement analysis blog especially: it isn't an approved link and will show up *********)
Agree. Chasing white rabbits just wears you out.

Sadly, that's what happens in many of these cases as news is awaited. Then things get repeated, but often incorrectly, and trying to maintain the actual facts of a case becomes increasingly difficult.

It's kind of like an online version of the game "telephone." What is said by person or source #1 gets nuanced into something else entirely by the time it's been repeated more than twice.
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