NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #39

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What a nitwit. I don't know why I can't look away from her high school type doodlings at the end of the first letter. Dark love, vamps rule!!!

"Goths rule!"

I had a similar thing, in similar handwriting, on my notebook when I was twelve.

[If, of course, you replace "goth" with "New Kids on the Block." :)]

In all seriousness, though, this speaks volumes about her character, in my opinion. Aside from the obvious immaturity, it just screams of an outcast trying to fit in. "Hello person who I know is dark! I'm dark too! Look! Look!! Look how dark I can be! People like us rule... right?" If she wasn't [allegedy] such a monster, I'd almost feel bad for her. I bet she was outcasted her entire life.
Thanks much, salvarenga, for the transcription.

No problem. I tried to leave it as is and not correct anything. I haven't had much of a chance to go back over it. If anyone finds errors, let me know.
whew... I'm sooo glad she brought up the waterbed.... I told you guys I had a strong feeling about I'm still catching up... :)
....and this.....

"I just wonder if Zahra hadn't survived Cancer an[d] been from Australia, if it would truly be like this. There are so many missing kids, but Zahra isn't missing," Baker wrote.

What are you trying to say EB.....that this is Zahra's own fault for being alive for you to kill....'If only she died of cancer' she laments, and she sits in her jail cell and ponders what might have been.

*paces around cell thinking of new angles of legal argument, fails, sits on bed reads more hate mail and wonders how much she has in her account.

None, hopefully.

NOT TO DEFEND EB IN ANY WAY, but I interpret that remark differently. I read it as her saying that the only reason so many people are noticing, and Zahra didn't just become one of the thousands of missing children who are never found and everyone forgets about immediately, is that she attracted extra attention as a cancer survivor and Australian. Two things that make her stand out.

In a way, she is partly right. Zahra's having survived cancer, losing a leg, and being hearing impaired, definitely grab our attention, because we feel the tremendous injustice of someone suffering so much at such a young age, and then to have THIS happen.

Maybe AB went back to the house to see what LE had done or found?? I bet he's scared tonight!! Bet Mom (AB's) is getting a clearer picture as well.
Maybe or maybe he was just fed up of being so put out. LE took his vehicle and he lost days of business when he had to stop and wait for LE to come and do their investigating for a few days. He's receiving no rent on his house and didn't the police just tear it up inside, I read? Plus, he can't even rent out that house now. He's out so much money all because he hired and befriended AB that he just might have had it with him. I would think that AB also has no job anymore.

and the ransom note was to him about his children.........UNFORGIVEABLE!
Im on suicide watch, why I have no idea. But I feel like I hav nothing to live for now.

Oh, the irony is indeed spellbinding...........

If she is on suicide watch, I doubt LE would give her a pen to write with! :crazy:
I have friends out working this case. They're exhausted and incredibly frustrated and I am pretty confident that they would not still be out there if she had been found (they would be home trying to catch up on the 3 weeks worth of sleep they've missed). NCMEC still has her up on their site and they are pretty quick generally in taking down someone who has been found living or deceased. Just saying.....
I notice that all of the little comments EB put in her doodles sections are just sayings stolen off of myspace pages of young people. Mostly fans of the movie twilight. Dark Heart is also a goth thing you see on myspace graphics. She can't even think up her own sayings to put in her jail house letters. And she must really miss her myspace. I hope she gets used to the fact that she will probably never get to myspace again.
NOT TO DEFEND EB IN ANY WAY, but I interpret that remark differently. I read it as her saying that the only reason so many people are noticing, and Zahra didn't just become one of the thousands of missing children who are never found and everyone forgets about immediately, is that she attracted extra attention as a cancer survivor and Australian. Two things that make her stand out.

In a way, she is partly right. Zahra's having survived cancer, losing a leg, and being hearing impaired, definitely grab our attention, because we feel the tremendous injustice of someone suffering so much at such a young age, and then to have THIS happen.


Yes, I see what you're saying.....let me adjust my hatred....

What are you trying to say EB.....that this level of attention Zahra's fault for being such a sympathetic high profile victim....'If only she had been the kind of kid that others thought deserved it, or didn't care about' she laments, and she sits in her jail cell and ponders what might have been.

*paces around cell thinking of new angles of legal argument, fails, sits on bed reads more hate mail and wonders how much she has in her account.

None, hopefully.
Maybe AB went back to the house to see what LE had done or found?? I bet he's scared tonight!! Bet Mom (AB's) is getting a clearer picture as well.

I hope he is...and I hope he's thinking about his new homeland with the death he wishes now he never laid eyes on EB and stayed put in Australia...
I had questioned a couple of locals about a drowning that happened in or around Connelly Springs near the end of September or early October. I am under the impression that two seasoned boater and swimmers drown, but their boat was found still running. I just wondered if they had maybe seen something suspicious and jumped in? I don't think their cause of death was ever determined? I was told perhaps they were just drunk. But your post made me wonder - again.

I thought I read somewhere that they found they were intoxicated?
I find it simply amazing that she could not utter one word about Zahara except to resent her attention she received from being a cancer survivor. I mean she doesn't say anything close to any remorse to what has happened to that poor child. The entire letter is about her misery. She is a very sick and self-absorbed person.
If the rest of my theory about the waterbed is correct, that the waterbed was placed over a large blood stain from Zahra.... Then AB is definately guilty... I'm still waiting for his arrest....
Gads ~ Just when I think it's as crazy as it can get,it gets crazier!
Salvarenga, thank you SO very much for transcribing! You truly have no idea how much it is appreciated.
Where did you see a copy of the ransom note? Do you think you can find a link to it; please?

Patty, I have looked and looked all this week. I can't find it anywhere. Believe me, if I wasn't so clear in my memory of noting the handwriting and thinking, "ah, so this is what her handwriting looks like", I would never have even brought it up here. I couldn't have imagined it, because where else would I have seen an example of her handwriting. Yet not one other person here seems to have seen it. I'm flummoxed. Don't know what else I can offer.
If the rest of my theory about the waterbed is correct, that the waterbed was placed over a large blood stain from Zahra.... Then AB is definately guilty... I'm still waiting for his arrest....


Me, too!
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