NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #40

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I noticed something interesting!

I have never been so angry over stuff as I am right now. He knows whats happened to Zahra and yet I'm the one in here at least for now. I have heard from mail I have gotten that people think is guilty and heartless to and me. Makes me wonder if there hasn't been someone else. My lawyers have asked me if I wanted to divorce him cause of some stuff thats come out about Zahra. We really didn't kill her but what he did after the fact is kinda horrifying. Makes me scared of him. So I probably am gonna ahead an file I have lost my whole life anyway.

She's not admitting to knowing what happened to Zahra that is 'kinda horrifying'. She's saying that info '[ha]s come out about Zahra'!!

So who is she saying told her that information?

I think for sure LE either has a statement from AB that says it, or they may just have enough evidence to let EB know what they've already found (which shows it!). Either way, it's very interesting.

I hope LE asks her how she's saying she knows that if they weren't the ones who told her (of course they will).
I noticed something interesting!

She's not admitting to knowing what happened to Zahra that is 'kinda horrifying'. She's saying that info '[ha]s come out about Zahra'!!

So who is she saying told her that information?

I think for sure LE either has a statement from AB that says it, or they may just have enough evidence to let EB know what they've already found (which shows it!). Either way, it's very interesting.

I hope LE asks her how she's saying she knows that if they weren't the ones who told her (of course they will).

That is very interesting. Definitely something to think about. :waitasec:
The way I look at this letter if it's proven to be written by her and imo that is quite likely... is that what EB is saying happened or didn't happen is most likely an out and out fabrication on her part..I don't read it as a confession as to what really happened in the least..although I do hope that it can be used as leverage against her in some way. She obviously is admitting that she KNOWS what happened and I believe that she was telling her new 'friend' what she has cooked up in her mind as her explanation to what happened to Zahra..she may have told LE the same story and they ain't buying her version, thus the reason Adam is still out of jail..jmho..
I don't think EB would know the truth if it bit her in the azz..jmo..:silenced:

correction on my part~she knows it, but it won't come out of her mouth..<moo
To be clear, I think she knows very well what horrible thing happened to Zahra. I wouldn't dare believe her, lol.

Now, it seems she is trying to say that she didn't even know about that part until things 'came out' -- after the investigation started.

If they can prove her presence during the horrible part, I'll be very glad that her story is that she wasn't even there ;)

Those are likely some of the clothes being burnt, imo. I hope they recovered enough of them!
I don't think EB would know the truth if it bit her in the azz..jmo..:silenced:

correction on my part~she knows it, but it won't come out of her mouth..<moo

Oh I think you are so right. The VALIDITY of what she has to say will always be in question for me. IMO she is very self serving and I don't see that changing any time soon. I think that there is some truth in what she says but I'm sure it will not have went down just the way she says.
you guys I am going to start a Virtual world Info thread as it relates to this case IN THE PARKING LOT and it will be discussion ONLY FOR THE PARKING LOT.
It will be set up in the morning so look for it then.
Please continue to follow the rules in place here in THIS forum.
Was Adam involved in any of this?

I think the evidence indicates he had to have been.

Just the chipper itself that the dogs alerted on was on a property of a foreman of the
business where he was employed.

'. . . The property is owned by a foreman of the company, Real Tree Services,
for which Adam Baker works. Adam Baker would have had access to the property,
a former employee told WCNC-TV of Charlotte. Alvin Webb, a man who lives on the
neighboring property, told reporters that a sheriff's deputy told him that the cadaver dogs
had scored "many hits" on a wood chipper and a mulch pile on the property.
. . ."
Note1: Bolded by me (BBM)
Note2: No one in that article mentioned the stepmother having access to that property
or equipment or her knowing how to operate it.

Also his involvement would be consistent with past behavior concerning this couple.

'. . . Adam and Elisa Baker were arrested for communicating threats against their family members too . . .'

He was alleged to have been driving a car & attempting to run another car off the road.
'. . .&#8220;He (Adam Baker) chased me and my fiancée. He literally tried to
run us off
the road twice,&#8221; wrote Tyler in the complaint accompanying the warrant. . .'

This couple seems to both have shown aggression and danger to others in the past, threatening
and chasing people down, sometimes over money owed & sometimes over people helping Zahra
when she was being abused.

'. . .She was making Zahra walk up the hill by herself because that&#8217;s how she would
punish her because she (Elisa) knew it would hurt Zahra&#8217;s leg,&#8221; Yount said.
Baker came
out of her trailer and started screaming and threatening the girls. . .'

While both were allegedly aggressive & violent towards others it does seem that most news stories
that I have read indicate the stepmother was the one seen or heard to have been
harming Zahra. Yet a past home was altered seemingly to make some sort of little prison for Zahra
and that would probably need the agreement & probably the physical strength & building
skills of Adam.

So the news reports seem to indicate he was involved in the abuse in some way
by at least actively enabling/helping it to continue.

The chipper location would also seem to argue of Adam's involvement, at least in
body disposal if nothing else.

So where is Zahra? Sadly, since the dogs also hit on that mulch pile, is it possible we might be
waiting on DNA test results for charges to be filed?
Was Adam involved in any of this?

I think the evidence indicates he had to have been.

Just the chipper itself that the dogs alerted on was on a property of a foreman of the
business where he was employed.

'. . . The property is owned by a foreman of the company, Real Tree Services,
for which Adam Baker works. Adam Baker would have had access to the property,
a former employee told WCNC-TV of Charlotte. Alvin Webb, a man who lives on the
neighboring property, told reporters that a sheriff's deputy told him that the cadaver dogs
had scored "many hits" on a wood chipper and a mulch pile on the property.
. . ."
Note1: Bolded by me (BBM)
Note2: No one in that article mentioned the stepmother having access to that property
or equipment or her knowing how to operate it.

Also his involvement would be consistent with past behavior concerning this couple.

'. . . Adam and Elisa Baker were arrested for communicating threats against their family members too . . .'

He was alleged to have been driving a car & attempting to run another car off the road.
'. . .“He (Adam Baker) chased me and my fiancée. He literally tried to
run us off
the road twice,” wrote Tyler in the complaint accompanying the warrant. . .'

This couple seems to both have shown aggression and danger to others in the past, threatening
and chasing people down, sometimes over money owed & sometimes over people helping Zahra
when she was being abused.

'. . .She was making Zahra walk up the hill by herself because that’s how she would
punish her because she (Elisa) knew it would hurt Zahra’s leg,” Yount said.
Baker came
out of her trailer and started screaming and threatening the girls. . .'

While both were allegedly aggressive & violent towards others it does seem that most news stories
that I have read indicate the stepmother was the one seen or heard to have been
harming Zahra. Yet a past home was altered seemingly to make some sort of little prison for Zahra
and that would probably need the agreement & probably the physical strength & building
skills of Adam.

So the news reports seem to indicate he was involved in the abuse in some way
by at least actively enabling/helping it to continue.

The chipper location would also seem to argue of Adam's involvement, at least in
body disposal if nothing else.

So where is Zahra? Sadly, since the dogs also hit on that mulch pile, is it possible we might be
waiting on DNA test results for charges to be filed?

I think the 911 call that he made screams of his involvement.
He spoonfeeds the operator every element of the kidnapping story.
From how the mistake identity occurred, the vehicle and home belonging to his boss, why they are so late noticing her to be gone, brooding teen and all that, that her leg is missing. That is a lot of details absorb by a panick stricken parent who has just realized his daughter has been kidnapped for ransom.

The 911 call says more to me about his involvement than any of the other items. The 911 call plus those items, well that just paints a picture.

you guys I am going to start a Virtual world Info thread as it relates to this case IN THE PARKING LOT and it will be discussion ONLY FOR THE PARKING LOT.
It will be set up in the morning so look for it then.
Please continue to follow the rules in place here in THIS forum.

Sorry to be a bother, but where is the parking lot and how do I get to it? :waitasec:

I just got on here and read the letters

I have not read any posts about them but thought I would make my comments while they are fresh in my sorry if I am repeating thoughts you have already discussed...

My first thought is (sorry about this guys) but this lady is smarter and more articulate than I thought

There are no or hardly any spelling mistakes, her punctuation is good and her sentences were put together well... these letters were very easy to read....... I thought she would be a deads..t who couldnt spell and her sentences repeating themselves with words missing etc...

She also comes across as not as hard as I thought she would be (sorry about this too guys but just saying how they come across)..

She is also very well aware of what is going on out there in regards to how she is being viewed by the public and portrayed in the media....

so yes I think she is smarter than what I expected....

BUT then the stupid ramblings about the dark side and vampires just make her seem so childish....

that to me is a bit of a worry her obsession with being seen as different and liking the "dark side"...that just aint normal for a 42 year old......

Another thing I have noticed is that the writing seems to change......especially the slant!! I am not saying that I think someone else wrote the letters or they are doctored but I am sure a handwriting analyst would have an insight into her personality because of this...

I also think that zahra was not murdered intentionally.......something happened but they were it making her hop without her leg and she fell and hit her head, or fed drugs or something........

I am back to thinking HE put her through the woodchipper and that is the horrifying thing....and that would be horrifying even to her (maybe not charles manson!)........but to do this she must have been burnt first.....
I haven't been able to post since the letters came out. I am sick, I am beginning to think, we have just seen a preview of how truly evil people can be. I as the mother of 5 , am not sure I can bear to hear what THEY did to this angel.
I am so sad for Zahra's Mother and Australian family and friends. I believe this is going to be the most disturbingly Evil case most of us have seen.

Run with the Angels Sweet Zahra We will see to it that this will not happen to another child We will fight for Justice for ALL who failed you as well as harmed you!
Poor Grandmother.. No only the loss of her sweet grand daughter,but the relization that she raised a beast.
HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Boy do I have some thoughts!
I said long ago that LE knew she was dead and the wood chipper was the way they disposed of the body. I believe that is why LE broke down so much on his presser! IT was so clear at the time this was the case. I even stated that I thought LE had the body and even though I didn't say (pieces of her) I guessed it was in pieces and with this note it is in the HOSPITAL and are just a few pieces of Zahra. LE needs to keep in quiet until they find enough to identify her. Looking at the video of latest search on Christy road, they were looking at small piles, inside a small black bag, as if they were not looking for a whole body.

LE hasn't lied to us when they said they didn't have Zahra's body because they haven't positively identified her yet. OH they had a pretty good idea it was her and that is why the changed it to a homicide.

This part of EB's letter I think rings true!

Another poster mentioned giving Zahra a drug to quiet her down at night is close to the truth except my guess is Zahra was having a lot of pain from that LEG. She probably got a really bad pressure sore. She even could have died do to an infection. Perhaps this is why she wasn't in school because of this. If they sought medical attention for Zahra after that leg was so infected, they would clearly be charged with child abuse.

I believe they gave her drugs, probably a mixture of drugs provided by (someone we cannot talk about yet) This is why that person shows some guilt on his FB page.

Another poster hit on another point (so sorry I cannot remember who said what) and that was in that EB was arrested because of the admitted writing of the note. AB they didn't have enough to charge him, and they had so much investigation to do so they couldn't risk that.

We've all known all along that LE has kept a tight lip so parts of EB's note fits in to a lot of what we've all guessed. Would explain the two cars disposing of evidence too.

I believe now 97.9 percent that EB and AB are guilty. I also think who ever provided the drugs should also be charged with a crime.
Oh and taking apart the refrigerator could mean yes indeed they froze the body before put through the wood chipper and then took the parts and scattered them in many areas mixed with mulch, tree branches, other debris. If EB knew of that website, and her Goth (her dark sided self)etc then she probably knew about the past case with the guy who killed his wife with the wood chipper and that is where that idea came from.

I wouldn't doubt it a bit if AB cut her up in the bathtub first. This is why they cut the pipes because LE is working off this theory also.
you guys I am going to start a Virtual world Info thread as it relates to this case IN THE PARKING LOT and it will be discussion ONLY FOR THE PARKING LOT.
It will be set up in the morning so look for it then.
Please continue to follow the rules in place here in THIS forum.

Thank you so much JBean
My opinion is EB's attorney's will not be able to shut this woman up. She is close to losing it already when this letter was written. Given her personality it is only a matter of time that she will completely come unhinged! I know exactly what would cause her to come unhinged too (faster) and that is if a certain persons FB post was shown to her. She would TELL ALL!
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