New Statement from Steve Thomas. A MUST READ!

Holdontoyourhat said:
Wow, where does all this hype and propaganda come from? I mean, considering that there is overwhelming hard evidence of an intruder (Its that little matter of the 'unknown DNA, mixed in with JBR's blood,' remember?).

--->>>New thought, ZZZZZZZZZZZZ, I have previously thought it quite possible for JonBenets panties to have slid over the toilet seat at the Whites or somewhere Christmas day that yielded the unidentified dna on the panties.

BUT, the unidentified DNA could have come in contact with her private parts by sliding up, over and on to a toilet seat SOMEWHERE.

Bigger question might be who all had visited at the Whites previously, that might have left their DNA on the toilet seat, OR OR where had JonBenet used a bathroom AFTER she was dressed for the party.

WE are still left at ground zero unless the national DNA banks come through sooner or later with a match.

Holdontoyourhat said:
Wow, where does all this hype and propaganda come from? I mean, considering that there is overwhelming hard evidence of an intruder (Its that little matter of the 'unknown DNA, mixed in with JBR's blood,' remember?).

Tell you what, if you can describe to me the actual condition of the DNA and what type of sample the DNA comes from, I'll listen.

Did you hear Mary Lacy state that the DNA could be OLD and not related to the case?

Please, your statements are so off base I don't know where to start.
"I mean, considering that there is overwhelming hard evidence of an intruder (Its that little matter of the 'unknown DNA, mixed in with JBR's blood,' remember?)."

If there were overwhelming hard evidence of an intruder, someone would have heard it by now!

I certainly never have!

That DNA is worthless.
Tricia said:
Tell you what, if you can describe to me the actual condition of the DNA and what type of sample the DNA comes from, I'll listen.

Did you hear Mary Lacy state that the DNA could be OLD and not related to the case?

Please, your statements are so off base I don't know where to start.
My statements? Try CBS News:

"The crime lab has two spots of JonBenet's blood found on the underwear she was wearing the night of the murder. Mixed in with that blood is the DNA of an unknown person. It has taken years to isolate, but forensic scientists in Colorado now have a complete DNA profile of the killer. They know the killer is a male. What they don't know is his name."

This all sounds very intruder-like to me.
Holdontoyourhat said:
My statements? Try CBS News:

"The crime lab has two spots of JonBenet's blood found on the underwear she was wearing the night of the murder. Mixed in with that blood is the DNA of an unknown person. It has taken years to isolate, but forensic scientists in Colorado now have a complete DNA profile of the killer. They know the killer is a male. What they don't know is his name."

This all sounds very intruder-like to me.

--->>>THEY have DNA that was found in JonBenets panties certainly, the WHERE it came from is still the big question.

Tiny 6 year old children whose legs do NOT touch the floor while sitting on the toilet, struggle and squirm to get seated, allowing their bodies to rub over a DIRTY - clean to the eye toilet seat. Do YOU know where all JonBenet went Christmas day, whose toilet seats she may have sat on on 'that' day? OR do you know when the last time JonBenet MAY have had a bath?

I will wait with the rest of the world for the illusive intruder to turn up in the National DNA Data bank.

The article reads: "...forensic scientists in Colorado now have a complete DNA profile of the killer."

I'm not sure that means "forensic scientists now have a DNA profile of a fellow toilet seat user, who just so happened to manage to have his DNA show up in the exact same place as blood stain produced by JBR while she was being attacked."

If thats what you want to read into it, go ahead.
Holdontoyourhat said:
The article reads: "...forensic scientists in Colorado now have a complete DNA profile of the killer."

I'm not sure that means "forensic scientists now have a DNA profile of a fellow toilet seat user, who just so happened to manage to have his DNA show up in the exact same place as blood stain produced by JBR while she was being attacked."

If thats what you want to read into it, go ahead.

--->>>Reality can be interpreted many ways. Such as six different people witnessing a car crash at an intersection, and who each of them thought caused it.

IF IF a toilet seat was involved in transference of a dab of moist DNA to have been there to be swabbed up by a childs private area of their bottom, THEN when the blood was caused by the paint brush handle to have washed (so to speak) the DNA into the pantie, I say and confirm I am 'reading' this this way.

IF IF you prefer an intruder, I will give you an intruder who having spent literally hours in the home, may in fact have used the very toilet seat in JonBenets bathroom, or another bathroom in the home, where it might have been picked up by JonBenet. WE would have to guess that the BPD took swabs from other toilet seats in the home, ya think ?, WE don't know.

IF IF many assume that the attack with the paint brush handle was merely deceitful staging, then those who believe that can do so as well.

celia said:
I am neither a RDI, nor a IDI supporter.......I dont have enough facts &/or knowledge, to make a decision either way......whilst some days I read something, & say "Eureka!...thats WAS the Ramseys"...other days it goes the other way......
The problem for me is that both sides have too MANY things that dont add up, to be absolutely certain......many times the only theory that makes sense , for me, is that both sides are right...& it was a joint effort on the part of the Ramseys AND non family, combined....

I should imagine, that whilst the DA, & LE have a great many facts more than the lounge chair wannabe sleuths have (as much as we would like to fool ourselves that we know all), they encounter many of the same problems........they may think they are reasonably sure that they know who was responsible, but there are those worrisome little details which , at the least ,dont fit, & at worst, point in another direction......

Along comes a man.....shouting his head off, via the written word "I DID IT".....who then repeats words to this effect on television, for the world to see....
What were the DA & LE supposed to do?....totally ignore him?
Or bring him in, in the hope that even if he hadnt done it, he might have information that would point more conclusively at who did...????

So...this didnt pan out....what a terrible thing...for EVERYONE!!!!!

I cannot understand why the RDI accusers are now gloating, celebrating, rubbing everyones nose in the fact, that the DA was wrong......
Somebody PLEASE explain to me how you see this as a cause for celebration & "I told you so"!

A small child is STILL dead.....her killer is STILL at large.....& some of you are going "WOOHOO...WE WERE RIGHT!"....

THIS is not a competition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is NOT RDI against IDI....we are SUPPOSED to be united in a common pinpoint a killer!

All this "OUR side writes better theories than YOUR side" et al, is disgraceful & reminiscent more of a schoolyard, than a forum of adults , seeking truth...

Can we please concentrate on keeping an open mind, & looking at ALL the details/facts/suppositions, instead of taking sides like children!

This couldn't have expressed my opinion better even if I had written it myself. You are right on! Thanks for writing it! :blowkiss:
HOTYH, that was just very poor reporting. The DNA is not from the killer. Now, that is my opinion but even Lacy said the DNA could be an artifact and not related to the case.

Just because a media outlet makes an outrages claim like this doesn't mean it's true.

If I could do one thing for you all here at WS that would be convince you the DNA means NOTHING.

Then, I could die a happy woman. :)
Yes Tricia, after a lot of reading I had that same thought , that the DNA they have is not that of the killer. It should be eliminated in any investigation, and then let the balance of evidence be weighed to determine who the killer is. It really does make the job much more simple in my mind.

I know Karr was not eliminated from the suspect pool because his DNA didn't match. The most important reason I heard was that they could not place him in Boulder at the time of JB's death!

Tricia said:
HOTYH, that was just very poor reporting. The DNA is not from the killer. Now, that is my opinion but even Lacy said the DNA could be an artifact and not related to the case.

Just because a media outlet makes an outrages claim like this doesn't mean it's true.

If I could do one thing for you all here at WS that would be convince you the DNA means NOTHING.

Then, I could die a happy woman. :)

--->>>A good morning hey to Tricia, WHO is going to TELL Lin Wood about this ?

On the other hand, I sorta like what I said a post or two ago about random users of the toilet in the Ramsey home. Remember Barnhill saw 'that' young man approach the home Christmas day. DID that man go into the house ?, was he let in by JonBenet, while mom was in the basement, ER did the young man have a key, ER WHO was 'he'.

PR says she was so busy getting things ready, running around upstairs downstairs, I wonder if the doorbell could be heard in the basement, OR upstairs either, HOW about way upstairs in the master bedroom?

Ramseys want us to believe their 'intruder' spent hours in the home. IF IF he did, then he prob went to 'a' bathroom.
Panties catching on the toilet seat is one of my favorite ways that 'the' dna appeared on panty.

OTOH IF Linda Pugh, did not clean in the basement, workman could have used the LOO down there, and it was NEVER cleaned off. Children in the basement playing, using bathroom, dust on JonBenets feet on autopsy.

Dr. Lee, say, "Is nah d-eng-a caze".

Pedro said:
So what is Steve doing these days?

:innocent: :angel: Gee, I wouldn't know other than Rocking the Ramsey Wordl by standing his ground and by his word!!!
RiverRat said:
:innocent: :angel: Gee, I wouldn't know other than Rocking the Ramsey Wordl by standing his ground and by his word!!!

--->>>I would also bet that he is enjoying every minute spent with his wife and new baby.

Enjoying his world without a DA in it, most particularly an Alex Hunter. Sorry I said a bad word.

Alex Hunter whose bath towels have A.H. on em.:innocent: :angel:

I still wonder what dog AH had in this fight, a cover for a non prosecutable perp, OR tunnel vision with the lenses gone out of his scope.

Amen, Celia. We need to have three equal parties, RDI's, IDI's, and FS's, instead of recognizing only two, right? Equal rules for all three. Like the 3 branches of gov't for balance of power.

Camper, I too like your toilet seat theory.

I could go along with lots of theories as certainly possible, so I'm going to suggest an additional one we've never discussed to my knowledge.

Shouldn't PR's DNA have been on the paint brush handle, if it was hers and she used it, and shouldn't hers be mixed in with the unidentified DNA?

Whoever used it to injure JonBenet and cause bleeding surely wore gloves. So those who say that's not the killer's DNA may be right, but have to be nice, right, Celia? We'd all be so glad and looking on the bright side if the case was ever solved, not sore losers about our present in-the-dark opinions. If the RDI team don't like the subject of the pineapple, no problem here. I've never cared much for it either. Burke or Patsy could have removed the bowl from the dishwasher and/or put it on the table to take out some for JonBenet to take up to her room in a tupperware container. So what? I've never thought it meant an awful lot.
Eagle, sorry I seem to have missed the definition of FS?

FS as listed with the RDI, IDI.


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