News station found video of THE DUCT TAPE on posters at the Anthony home!

(1) Casey Anthonys' story(ies) do not make sense and we KNOW that she lying. :liar::liar::liar::liar: As a matter of fact IMVHO the whole A clan is lying, soo....

ETA-MOO~ She won't walk, no way, no how. She is much safer where she is anyway.

This deserves more than a mere "Thanks." Amen and AMEN!
You are so right. I have lived in FL for 35+ years and every house owned has the water meter on the street. Electric meter on side of garage.:twocents:

Having lived in Orlando, Miami, and on the Gulf Coast, every house had the water meter close to the street either in the front yard or on the side, I never saw one in anyone's private backyard. That would have been highly impractical for the meter reader to access before electronic readings came along.
:waitasec:Are you saying you WANT there to be other possibilities?
ETA I ask because it changes the debate ,IMO.If you [anyone posting,not you personally] are actively looking for a defense because you [anyone] don't want KC to be found guilty,that's different from seeing evidence objectively. I mean no disrespect by asking,just trying to clarify what we are debating.

I am looking at the evidence objectively.

I said before that I think Casey is guilty based on the evidence. Think being the key word. I do not know for sure. Then again of course she looks guilty because she is the only one being investigated.
I am looking at the evidence objectively.

I said before that I think Casey is guilty based on the evidence. Think being the key word. I do not know for sure. Then again of course she looks guilty because she is the only one being investigated.

She may be the only one being investigated now but in the beginning she was not investigated. LE treated her like a mother with a kidnapped child and investigated everything and everyone else. Once she was caught in lie after lie that changed as well it should have.

As the information came in she was the last person to have seen/been with Caylee and therefore is the person with the most valuable information. When she refused to give up any vital and true information she became the suspect.

Every name that she has given LE has been researched and either found not to be a real person or they have been questioned and found to have nothing to do with Caylee being missing.

All of us have objectively examined the evidence. Some of us pegged KC for this crime from the beginning but that did not stop us from discussing the case from all angles and trying to find other explanations.

I can't speak for anyone else but for me, in the beginning, I took one look at her and my intuition said that she did it and that Caylee was dead. I was right about Caylee and think that I will be right about KC, too. As the evidence came in it bolstered my conviction that KC did it, but I have looked at each new piece of evidence and tried to work out how someone else could have done it and it just doesn't work. It doesn't fit.

I don't know how she did it or why she did it because the body was not found for months and that evidence is mostly gone with time and she isn't talking and her family is running interference for her but that she did it, I have no doubt.

If you place KC in the scenarios with the duct tape and other pieces of evidence along with others that you suspect could have had access etc, KC always comes back as the most likely person. It is what it is and you can't really change it, no matter how you might wish to.

I am going to back out of this conversation now to avoid beating, what has become for me, a dead horse.
I am looking at the evidence objectively.

I said before that I think Casey is guilty based on the evidence. Think being the key word. I do not know for sure. Then again of course she looks guilty because she is the only one being investigated.

That statement is only partially correct from an objective perspective, IMO.

It is an entirely subjective perception that Casey looks guilty simply because she is the only person still being investigated. Others may have objective & subjective opinions that there are other contributing factors to the appearance of Casey's guilt.

As well, this is being stated in the current investigative time-frame. There is much data, documentation and evidence showing that during the earliest stages of the investigation into Caylee's disappearance, LE & the FBI both interviewed many other persons who might have been considered POI's back in the summer and fall of 2008. Each was ruled out. Whether that is reasonable, or not, to you is a subjective belief - not an objective one.

To be fair, I don't believe that is an entirely objective statement.

Not that I think people need to preface statements as being subjective or objective, simply that it illustrates how easy it is to disregard each other's opinions or beliefs when we aren't listening with an open mind and get locked into semantics. ;)
I am looking at the evidence objectively.

I said before that I think Casey is guilty based on the evidence. Think being the key word. I do not know for sure. Then again of course she looks guilty because she is the only one being investigated.

Thank you for clearing that part up. : )
I think we have seen documents that others were investigated.There are documants released on Jessie G,for instance. IMO LE was thorough.Heck ,there were even tests on rotting pizza and dead squirrels.
Once it's all laid out at trial I think it will be obvious to everyone who is responsible for Caylee's murder,duct tape and all.
I thought this thread was about duct tape. That is the topic.
I know...but on THAT thread there is a lot of info about RK...and the different routes he had in the Orlando area. IIRC he was just re-assigned to the neighborhood around the time that Caylee was found.
Perhaps this duct tape is just not that rare....

But under cross examination I probably would ask Roy if he had duct tape.
I would probably ask the other four employees that were there on Dec 11th if they had duct tape.

Just an observation...I don't think RK would be carrying around duct tape that was previously allowed to be deteriorated by water and weather and then just happen to put that tape on a skeleton maintaining the hair underneath.

Your proposed scenario has no merit or feasability
I looked up a little history on duct tape and found that the grade is determined by the cloth. The fbi report says the chemical make up is the same as the duct tape on the can, but the fibers do not match. I wonder why they do not match. Perhaps a different grade of 200 degree duct tape.

Weathered 200 degree duct tape is kind of an oxymoron. It goes against the claims of the manufacture.

I wonder if the fbi is saying the thread count is different.
I looked up a little history on duct tape and found that the grade is determined by the cloth. The fbi report says the chemical make up is the same as the duct tape on the can, but the fibers do not match. I wonder why they do not match. Perhaps a different grade of 200 degree duct tape.

Weathered 200 degree duct tape is kind of an oxymoron. It goes against the claims of the manufacture.

I wonder if the fbi is saying the thread count is different.

I think about it this way: I bet the shirt Caylee was wearing on the day she was murdered had a different thread count than any pieces that may have been found after she was dumped and left laying there for 6 months.

I am looking at the evidence objectively.

I said before that I think Casey is guilty based on the evidence. Think being the key word. I do not know for sure. Then again of course she looks guilty because she is the only one being investigated.

I think she is guilty but not because she is the only one being investigaged. LE has to follow the trail or clues. From the beginning where did that trail lead? KC brought LE to a vacant apartment, claiming that is where she left Caylee. She had them drive her around to other apts but couldn't recall which one was Zanny's mother. She lied about where she worked. She has no phone number or valid address for Zanny. No proof that Zanny ever existed. Why would LE look beyond KC in the face of these lies? LE has to ask themselves WHY she is lying about these simple things if she is innocent.

What were LE to check out when KC said "here is where I left her" but no one lived there? What were LE to check when KC said "here is where I work" but she didn't work there? Even if KC were covering for someone -- why lie about a job? She had that lie going on for how long? No Zanny has ever been found and she kept that lie going for how long prior? I don't see how or why LE would investigate anyone else when the mother cannot be believed.

If that were my little grandchild missing I would not want LE spending time on anything but getting facts from the last person to have my grandbaby. How could they find my grandchild if they have no facts to go on? Where could they look if the last person with my grandbaby won't tell the truth? I would want LE to focus on that person and only that person until the truth comes out.

I love my son but I love that grandchild in a totally different way. My son is an adult. My grandbaby is vulnerable, needs to be taken care of. People can say you don't know how you'd react in a situation like this but I disagree. I know exactly how I'd react and if my son tried to pass off a bu!!$hit story like KC I would be on him like white on rice. He would not get away with trying to snowball me. Some parents can turn a blind eye all they want but not me.
I am so glad that the photos prove out exactly the questions that Kathi was asking, wont the tape be OBVIOUSLY different having been that deteriorated in the flooded swamp for over a month. Now seeing the pics, wow..... the dots are pretty close to connect for the jury, of course there are no fingerprints, and of course the tape looks different under a microscope from the threading on tape that had not been under water in swamp. Seeing is believing, even for a die hard juror.
This deserves a round of applause...for everyone here who did their the news media who put it out there...for all those who care enough to seek justice for precious Caylee- bless you all.
CA has a new reason to hate "bloggers"...especially the really sleuthy ones.
And his arch nemesis Kathi Belich!!

YouTube - Belich Calls Baez Out
Wow!!! All I can say is SHE IS THE BOMB!! Keep up the good work Kathi!!

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