News station found video of THE DUCT TAPE on posters at the Anthony home!

Maybe we should have a poll, how many people here have ever owned this tape? Or even seen it before?

Who the heck knows....I never paid that close attention to my duct tape before. So I have to stay in my "neutral place" and say: I don't know,I might have.
I think my point is is that this duct tape is not rare. Some people claim it is rare based on documents from only one of Henkels distributors. I have heard enough to know that no one here has proven this is rare duct tape. It is the only example I have of what the SA will come up with. I think they need much more than this. LE may just be mistaken. This could be very popular duct tape.

If this tape was very popular I think they woiuld still be making it!!:waitasec:
Regarding the waterproof nature of Henkel duct tape. Waterproof does not mean impervious to the elements and able to last to infinity.....waterproofing means that additional production measures have been taken in order for the product to resist water. Additionally, as tape is exposed to water, adhesive will loosen thus allowing water to seep under layers of tape.

Thank you sleutherontheside! I guess I wasn't clear on my post about duct tape not being waterproof. It IS waterproof for a WHILE.....but not to infinity! lol I know that we have to replace duct tape often here at the pond because it does loose it's adhesive and the fiber deteriorates.

Out of the thousands of rolls of duct tape we have used, not ONE of them has been the Henkel brand duct tape.

On the other hand, I am a scrapbooker & cardmaker and I do use Henkel "DUCK" adhesive runner. Lots of scrappers use this adhesive runner for their projects. Henkel has been a very customer oriented organization. When I have had trouble with my Duck runner, Henkel will send a replacement right away!

Link to Henkel DUCK adhesive runner:
Maybe you can do an experiment. Overlap 3 pieces of Henkel tape and set them in the swamp for 6 months and see what has deteriorated. I just did a search on ebay and found some Henkel 200 MPH duck tape for sale. Don't think it's the same as what George bought several years ago, but probably close enough. Lots of sleuthers here have done experiments, such as pizza in the trunk. It would be one way of answering your questions.

AHHHH Yes, My thought exactly. Do an experiment and put it in a swamp along with all the other Schmuck that was out there and see if it deteriorates or not! Maybe the defense should perform that test EHH?:dance:
Not really. The Duct tape in question is rare. I guess Kronk stole a roll out of the A's garage...along with the phantom nanny.

OH SNAP!!! :doh: Of course-quick somebody call Yuri!!:crazy:
saw this while watching this oldie but goodie.....

It's holding up a Caylee missing poster on the back of someones car that is parked in the garage of the A home. Can't tell what type it is. It's near the end of the video at around 8:37ish

YouTube - Cindy Get the Hell out of Town Why you can People don't like you

I've seen this video before, but ya'll really need to watch it again. Lots of statements said by Cindy. Man, she really is a piece of work. How can anyone stand to live with her! *roll eyes*
I think my point is is that this duct tape is not rare. Some people claim it is rare based on documents from only one of Henkels distributors. I have heard enough to know that no one here has proven this is rare duct tape. It is the only example I have of what the SA will come up with. I think they need much more than this. LE may just be mistaken. This could be very popular duct tape.

This tape being only 2 percent of all duct tape sold out there, when it was being being sold, doesn't make it rare? It hasn't been manufactured for the last two years either. Heck, not only does that make it rare, it makes it almost non existent. My racing family buys duct tape by the box. We've been racing 40 years and have never seen Henckel tape.

With all due respect, you are not looking at all possibilities, you are grasping at straws to make your theory that SODDI fit. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole no matter how much you try. No one here is buying that theory, and a jury won't either when the case goes to trial.
Oh...lookie here! There is a FAQ section on the Henkel webpage for ducktape!

If you'll notice when you click the FAQ "Is Duck Tape Waterproof?" the answer is ...

"No, Duck Tape is not waterproof, it is water resistant."

It should be noted to those who may not have read the forensic reports that the two pieces of duct tape that were "stuck together" were not "stuck together" in the manner of one piece of duct tape with adhesive still having integrity adhered to another piece of duct tape. Because the forensic report states "NOTE: tape was separated easily without Un-du; unable to determine if pieces were originally stuck together..."

Whereas for Q66 - the duct tape on the gas can the report states "Tape removed from can using Un-du...Some adhesive residue remained on can..."

Un-du -

And it should also be pointed out to those who may not have taken the time to read all of the report that the FBI received (as stated above) the two pieces of duct tape as they came off the skull - stuck together and took pictures of them like that prior to separating the two pieces.

So that about clears up any insinuation that OCSO and the FBI are cohorting in some nefarious plot about the duct tape.
Here is a study of how certain bacteria degrade natural rubber (the adhesive in Henkel duck tape is natural rubber)

Note that the bacteria cultures used in this study were seeded with a fuel source of the organic compounds of squalane, squalene and pristane. Squalane and sqalene are both naturally produced by the human body and it is worth noting that pristane is produced in human adipocere

For those who do not have time to read this paper, I'll summarize. The natural rubber provided an additional fuel source to the bacteria, increasing their metabolic rate. The natural rubber started decomposing in rather short order.

As further evidence of the degradation of natural rubber in a microbial environment we have:

Natural rubber (cis-1,4-polyisoprene) is also readily biodegradable. Natural rubber retains carbon-carbon double bonds in the main polymeric chain that are believed to facilitate attack by either oxygen and/or microbes/fungi, leading subsequently to chain scission, molecular weight reduction, and eventually total degradation of the polymer. See Heap et al, J. Appl. Chem., 1968, 18, 189-194.

It goes on to say...

Unfortunately, natural rubber is biodegradable to the extent that it is too unstable for most uses. Natural rubber also suffers from poor mechanical properties (e.g., strength, creep resistance). Indeed, stabilizers, fillers, and/or crosslinking agents are routinely added to natural rubber to enhance its mechanical properties. Crosslinkers are typically required in order to provide sufficient mechanical integrity for practical use. However, the most common crosslinking process creates a polysulfide linkage, i.e., by vulcanization, that virtually eliminates the biodegradability of natural rubber. See Tsuchii et al. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 1990, 41, 1181-1187. Crosslinked natural rubber is also elastomeric and thermosetting, thus making it unsuitable for blown or extruded films, injection molded articles, fibers or other melt-processed articles.

So the only way to eliminate the biodegradability of natural rubber is to vulcanize it - you can't use vulcanized rubber (i.e. tire rubber, neoprene, etc.) to make adhesive on duct tape!

Have you read all the threads/posts about duct tape?

This tape being only 2 percent of all duct tape sold out there, when it was being being sold, doesn't make it rare? It hasn't been manufactured for the last two years either. Heck, not only does that make it rare, it makes it almost non existent. My racing family buys duct tape by the box. We've been racing 40 years and have never seen Henckel tape.

With all due respect, you are not looking at all possibilities, you are grasping at straws to make your theory that SODDI fit. You can't fit a square peg into a round hole no matter how much you try. No one here is buying that theory, and a jury won't either when the case goes to trial.

I agree- the duct tape is closest we are going to get to a smoking gun. It was Very Rare. Very few rolls manufacturted and sold. George A had at least one roll and KC used it too. Nails in her coffin!!!!!!!!!!!!
notthatsmart....You were discussing the tape not being rare. Have you ever used it? If so, where did you purchase it?

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Sounds like the duct tape is pretty damning evidence.

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It is life changing when you discover the wonders of the ignore list! You don't have to feel like you are reasoning with a drunken sailor about morality LOL![ame=""]YouTube - Cindy Anthony's Freudian slip[/ame]
There is no game here. Someones life is at stake. That documents appears to come from only one of Henkels Distributors. Profit statements wont work, they could have had expensive machinery break down during a given year and showed much less profit. Number of rolls works much better. Now, where does it say fd-30 is one roll of tape. How do I know whether it is one roll of tape or a pallet or a box or a semi load. I mean to say, when it says 90000 what is that?

Bolded by me.....

Someone's life is no longer at stake because it was taken from her.....Caylee!

I am sorry I am an advocate for the death penalty. Especially for those who hurt children. I would gladly insert the needle, pull the switch, release the trap door, pull the trigger in a firing squad, or have her hanged then drawn and quartered if necessary.

Her life is at stake because she broke the law by killing her 2 year old daughter. She has a team of lawyers that most can't afford. Her rights are well protected. Not so for Caylee, who keeps getting lost in a few peoples frenzy to save KC's life. I give two figs for her life. The life of her child is what is important to me.

Your argument about the duct tape does not work. Regardless of the fact that you state that it is not rare, you have not been able to prove that this is so. Purposefully misinterpreting documents is something that the defense will try to do as well but it will not work. Trying to place RK with the duct tape and Caylee does not work either. I notice that you have not tried to place the duct tape and Caylee in the hands of GA, CA, or LA. All of these people were more likely to have access to both (all three if you include the gas can) than RK by a long shot.

Do you have a dog in the hunt as far as the death penalty goes? It would appear that you are more interested in twisting the evidence for a SODDI defense or reducing the evidence to support taking the death penalty off the table than in really finding the truth.
There is no game here. Someones life is at stake. That documents appears to come from only one of Henkels Distributors. Profit statements wont work, they could have had expensive machinery break down during a given year and showed much less profit. Number of rolls works much better. Now, where does it say fd-30 is one roll of tape. How do I know whether it is one roll of tape or a pallet or a box or a semi load. I mean to say, when it says 90000 what is that?

The documents are from Shurtape Technologies, formerly a division of Henkels. Shurtape is not "one of" Henkel's distributors, they are the sole source owning the profit and loss of that brand of tape.

The list of companies seen in the documents includes direct sales (such as Lowe's) and distributors (such as New United Distributing). All US sources of this tape are represented in this document, with Shurtape Technologies being the supplier to those sources.

Units shipped are represented in these documents. In some pages Net Sales (Revenue) are included. From this we can see that Lowes was charged just under $3 per roll and Ace just over $3 per roll.

If I consider the two "model numbers" of the tape to be one, I get the following units sales across North America:

1998 - 55,927
1999 - 75,679
2000 - 70,084
2001 - 76,991
2002 - 97,744
2003 - 157,370
2004 - 154,405
2005 - 140,487
2006 - 123,720
2007 - 10,956

There is no game here. Someones life is at stake. That documents appears to come from only one of Henkels Distributors. Profit statements wont work, they could have had expensive machinery break down during a given year and showed much less profit. Number of rolls works much better. Now, where does it say fd-30 is one roll of tape. How do I know whether it is one roll of tape or a pallet or a box or a semi load. I mean to say, when it says 90000 what is that?

Missed this question and JWG beat me to the punch on the numbers but if you read the document, really read it, you will see that the units sold are there. Also the $ of product sold. If you divide the $ of product sold by the number sold, you will see that it comes to $2.85 for Lowe's. So in answer to the bolded item above.....

It would be per roll. Unless you believe that they sold an entire pallet, box, or semi truck load of 200 Degree duct tape for $2.84. If so, I need to get an email the next time they sell duct tape for $2.84 per truck load so I can stock up. You can never have too much duct tape.

Sometimes you do have to actually read the documents and apply some common sense. I don't believe that even JB will be able to dispute the numbers. They are there in black and white and can not be manipulated to be what he wants them to be.

It would be nice to know from Lowe's how these were distributed but even if they all went to Orlando it would still prove to be a rather small percentage of the entire population and if people who purchased this tape bought more that 1 roll at time that percentage becomes even smaller.

It is rare. It is no longer manufactured or sold. It has not been sold/manufactured since 2006.

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