NV NV - Steven T. Koecher, 30, Henderson, 13 Dec 2009 - # 9

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I just was out there. I went up past the airport. Got to volunteer drive and made a right. Went down to LV Blvd. and turned around. Came back the same way. There is no one out there. No cars parked. No walking around in the area. No police presence at all. There are houses to the south of Volunteer and some type of excavating to the north of it. I just wonder if they are talking about the area south of those house. Or, the area bounded by LV Blvd., Executive Dr., and Volunteer Drive. That area bounded by those roads is really not that large.

If he went out there to off himself, he would have to have done it with a gun. I don't think it was cold enough that Sunday night to kill someone just by hypothermia. Plus, he had a long sleeve shirt on of some type on in the video. Could he have taken it off? Sure. But still, hypothermia? On a Vegas night in mid-December? Sounds like a stretch. Homeless people die here of heat exposure not cold exposure.

Since I have not been on here in a while, I do have to ask another question about something: his cell phone. The charger was found in his place in St. George right? Well, if he was out on the day before, he had his phone. He probably took it off the charger Saturday morning. So, he goes all Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday and into Sunday night without charging it. That's a day and half at least. I somehow get the idea that if his phone was working after midnight (essentially Monday morning) that he must have had it turned off at some point for it to last that long. That would lead me to believe that he had it turned off on Sunday for some reason. Can cellphone batteries last that long? Sure. But, being that that last ping on Monday morning comes out of nowhere, it would lead me to believe his phone was turned off and then got turned back on.
Since I have not been on here in a while, I do have to ask another question about something: his cell phone. The charger was found in his place in St. George right? Well, if he was out on the day before, he had his phone. He probably took it off the charger Saturday morning. So, he goes all Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday and into Sunday night without charging it. That's a day and half at least. I somehow get the idea that if his phone was working after midnight (essentially Monday morning) that he must have had it turned off at some point for it to last that long. That would lead me to believe that he had it turned off on Sunday for some reason. Can cellphone batteries last that long? Sure. But, being that that last ping on Monday morning comes out of nowhere, it would lead me to believe his phone was turned off and then got turned back on.

That's exactly what I've been thinking, because cellphones use more power when they're roaming. It also explains why he'd have checked voicemail.

Sure would like to know what the tip was.
utahsright.com doesn't list personal identifying information.
It'd make scouting things easier, but would also lead to even more identity theft.

You're personally filing an arrest warrant on Z - for what?
Based on a civil judgment against him, for nonpayment of rent?

The Washington County sheriff's office should have all of this information, in his previous arrest records (2007). If they won't give it to you, you might have to get an attorney.

Yes it is based on a civil judgment for nonpayment off rent. He didn't show up to court dates at all. DH taked to the detectives again and has the info he needs. When they find him the dectives have questions for him about Steven.
Hopefully it will be soon.

His body, that is sad to hear that.

=( Very sad. I've always held out hope for him to be with us, still am. But if he has passed it will be good to bring the much needed closure for family and friends.

I wonder what or if DH has anything planned this weekend. Maybe we can go out and help in the search.
I think they're waiting until Saturday because (if the tip is true), there's no rush AND they can get more people out there on the weekend.

Naegle promised me she'd let everyone know where to meet, as soon as she finds out.

I was on Search and Rescue for several years, and that is exactly why you wait for a weekend, especially when there is a lot of desolate, undeveloped land to be searched. We went on a couple of suspected suicides and waited until we could gather a sufficient number of searchers, trained and untrained.

Forgive me if this sounds crass, but if his body is suspected to be in a certain place, it has likely been there long enough that a couple more days isn't going to disturb a possible crime scene or disrupt the remains any more than they already are.
Yes it is based on a civil judgment for nonpayment off rent. He didn't show up to court dates at all. DH taked to the detectives again and has the info he needs. When they find him the dectives have questions for him about Steven.
Hopefully it will be soon.

Was Z the only person Steven knew, with a drug arrest record?

Z just doesn't seem "organized" enough to commit a major crime, unless he introduced SK to someone who could help SK make money quickly.

If he truly *was* the biggest drug dealer in St George, you'd think he'd have been able to at least pay the rent and avoid putting suspicion upon himself.

I'd also think that the St George detectives would file a criminal warrant, rather than waiting for you to do the civil work.
I was on Search and Rescue for several years, and that is exactly why you wait for a weekend, especially when there is a lot of desolate, undeveloped land to be searched. We went on a couple of suspected suicides and waited until we could gather a sufficient number of searchers, trained and untrained.

Forgive me if this sounds crass, but if his body is suspected to be in a certain place, it has likely been there long enough that a couple more days isn't going to disturb a possible crime scene or disrupt the remains any more than they already are.

Don't worry about crass; you can't much help it, when you're talking about someone who's been missing for a few months.

I think there's going to have a good response, based on the feedback I'm getting privately.
I will try to be there on Saturday. I have a family thingy, but may be able to move it to Sunday.

I think if there was any suspicion of foul play, LE would not wait until Saturday to do the search and they would not announce it publicly.

I have reached out to Frank Mahoney of the Nevada Center for Missing Loved Ones. His org was involved in the first search. I'll let ya'll know if he is aware of what's happening.

I will try to be there on Saturday. I have a family thingy, but may be able to move it to Sunday.

I think if there was any suspicion of foul play, LE would not wait until Saturday to do the search and they would not announce it publicly.

I have reached out to Frank Mahoney of the Nevada Center for Missing Loved Ones. His org was involved in the first search. I'll let ya'll know if he is aware of what's happening.


Thanks -- that'd be good to know. He'll probably want to be involved, even if he's not yet been notified.
I wonder if the tip might be from a pilot or passenger of a plane going in to land at the
airport - who might have seen something suspicious from the air.

Sad day...if this is the ending.
I just don't put much stock in this tip. I'd love to know when it was received, to whom it was sent, and the forum in which it was made.

If John or Jane Q. Public called the Henderson PD and left info, then I would expect LE to initiate a search. Unless I missed something, I got the impression LE was not taking the lead on this.

Judging by the fact that LE does not seem to be doing much with this 'information' I personally don't put much stock in it.
I just don't put much stock in this tip. I'd love to know when it was received, to whom it was sent, and the forum in which it was made.

If John or Jane Q. Public called the Henderson PD and left info, then I would expect LE to initiate a search. Unless I missed something, I got the impression LE was not taking the lead on this.

If you noticed on this site, a number of strange people began posting things that really did not make much sense and seemed to me at least designed to throw off the sleuthing. This tip could be along those same lines and could be sending the family on a wild goose chase. Who would know a body is in a deserted field near an airport? A killer perhaps and that would have set off bells and whistles with LE.

Judging by the fact that LE does not seem to be doing much with this 'information' I personally don't put much stock in it.
yup i think its just a WGC (wild goose chase)
I just don't put much stock in this tip. I'd love to know when it was received, to whom it was sent, and the forum in which it was made.

If John or Jane Q. Public called the Henderson PD and left info, then I would expect LE to initiate a search. Unless I missed something, I got the impression LE was not taking the lead on this.

If you noticed on this site, a number of strange people began posting things that really did not make much sense and seemed to me at least designed to throw off the sleuthing. This tip could be along those same lines and could be sending the family on a wild goose chase. Who would know a body is in a deserted field near an airport? A killer perhaps and that would have set off bells and whistles with LE.

Judging by the fact that LE does not seem to be doing much with this 'information' I personally don't put much stock in it.

its also a tactic used to try to draw out suspects in the limelight. see who shows up try to identify them and see if anyone raises any red flags or suspicions:waitasec:
its also a tactic used to try to draw out suspects in the limelight. see who shows up try to identify them and see if anyone raises any red flags or suspicions:waitasec:

LE has many ways to smoke out suspects if they believe foul play is involved.
Don't worry about crass; you can't much help it, when you're talking about someone who's been missing for a few months.

I think there's going to have a good response, based on the feedback I'm getting privately.

if its a valid tip LE would have been all over it. if he was a victim of a crime the suspects might get notification of the impending search and would try to get there asap to remove/detroy or disrupt evidence or clues. cmon whats happened to common sense. besdies LE isnt heartless enough to leave a decompossing body out there because its is very rough country and there are still coyotes and buzzards that would pick a dead body apart and drag clothes a belongings hither and tither for miles. so - no LE would not let any time go to waste - IF - the tip was valid
LE has many ways to smoke out suspects if they believe foul play is involved.

...and know-it-all hoaxers, too. They think they're smarter than everyone else, (like this guy) and won't get caught. Yet, they're the first ones who get smoked out.
yup and this is one of them

And in this day and age - the Internet...why the forensic search of Steven's laptop is so important. But that's not the ONLY computer!
And in this day and age - the Internet...why the forensic search of Steven's laptop is so important. But that's not the ONLY computer!


Are you talking about the library computers?
We don't know what kind of investigation was done on them, but we do have a couple clues.
We know that Steven's library records were checked.
He couldn't have used the library's computers without scanning his library card, so there'd be a record of when, where, how long (and maybe even what).

Just because we don't know something, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Are you talking about the library computers?
We don't know what kind of investigation was done on them, but we do have a couple clues.
We know that Steven's library records were checked.
He couldn't have used the library's computers without scanning his library card, so there'd be a record of when, where, how long (and maybe even what).

Just because we don't know something, doesn't mean it didn't happen.

No, I'm not referring to the library computers.
Wow, just wow. Thanks in advance to all the locals who will be out there searching. While I'd prefer another ending, and there's still that possibility, it would be a relief to have all the speculation and worry over with. :(
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