Identified! NY - Manhattan, LIVING girl, 14-17, amnesia, Oct'09 - Kacie Peterson

Covenant House is a homeless youth center.
Interesting that she found her way there, but they don't seem to know her.
Could someone have seen that she was confused and called authorities before she had a chance to take shelter there?

I would like to know what Jane Doe DOES remember. How long does she actually have memory of being on the streets? When did she come to Covenant House? How did she find it or hear about it?
Did she wake up somewhere and just not remember anything? If so, where did she wake up? Lots of questions.
She's been with LE for 2 this point, if they are doing their job correctly, I would assume they would have checked her against well known missing persons already (Kara, Amber D. etc.)

Also, while she may THINK she's 14 or her name is Amber, there's no ID on her and from what I can see, no age related testing done either? She could be between 14 and 30 in my opinion. I would never think Jaycee Duggard would look 29 if I saw her on the street (without knowing anything about her story).

No disernible accent leads me to think she either moved around a lot (as a child probably) and never developed stereotypes of regional lingo or she's from a geographic region where accents aren't as common (Pac NW, Mid Atlantic? vs. Southern). I wonder what kinds of slang etc. she uses. For example, 'wicked' is popular term for 'cool' in NE but I never heard anyone use that to describe anything when I lived in TX.
No disernible accent leads me to think she either moved around a lot (as a child probably) and never developed stereotypes of regional lingo or she's from a geographic region where accents aren't as common (Pac NW, Mid Atlantic? vs. Southern). I wonder what kinds of slang etc. she uses. For example, 'wicked' is popular term for 'cool' in NE but I never heard anyone use that to describe anything when I lived in TX.

Respectfully snipped and bolded by me

This is an interesting thought, and lends credence to the military theory posted earlier. Military brat, maybe?
Bringing a couple of my posts over from the other thread.

I assume they could/would do some DNA testing to see if she matches with any missing persons that have DNA on file. Does anyone know any reasons why they wouldn't do that? Other than it not being a priority case because she is living and there is always a huge backlog?

The 2nd picture where she is smiling she looks even less like Amber Dubois. And sadly, it's been posted that this is not Kara. I didn't think it was, but I would have loved to see Kara go home safely after all this time.

Whoever this girl is, I hope she finds her name and can piece together what happened to her.

Also, does anyone else think it looks like her mouth area/lips might actually just be swollen. The botton lip in the first picture shows scabbing and the mouth looks more puffy big, than natural big to me. Is this just me? I suppose that the scabbing could be due to chapped lips and dehydration as she was apparently homeless.


It seems odd that she would know her age but not her name, her family, where she is from, what happened to her etc. Although, I don't know much about amnesia, and she DOES remember the excerpt from that book. So maybe retaining random information is common???

What's up with the picture in that link?

Also, just a thought, if she happened to be 18 or older, could she possibly be
a returned soldier (marine, army, etc) with extreme PTSD? The only reason I ask is because she was found in tattered camo pants and a black t-shirt. She had to get that clothing somewhere, not to say you can't get it at a 2nd hand clothing store, etc. Just an offhand thought here.
ETA: Some of the articles even specifically say Military Camoflauge, and then also the short haircut could be due to this as well.

And one last thing. I'm very curious as to the story behind this girl being found. Per the articles posted here, she was found in front of the Covenant House shelter. I'm just curious as to what brought attention to her. Was she acting strange or confused? Did she ask for help? Had anyone at the shelter seen her there before?
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me

This is an interesting thought, and lends credence to the military theory posted earlier. Military brat, maybe?

Goes along with military type clothing she had on (black t, camo pants, black sneaks). There have been a lot of base shifts/closings in military, especially in my area. Perhaps her family recently moved, could have had a breakdown/run away because she was upset about leaving friends behind etc. and wound up having a mental break of trauma to head causing the amnesia?

She seems too young looking to be active military or vet?
No disernible accent leads me to think she either moved around a lot (as a child probably) and never developed stereotypes of regional lingo or she's from a geographic region where accents aren't as common (Pac NW, Mid Atlantic? vs. Southern). I wonder what kinds of slang etc. she uses. For example, 'wicked' is popular term for 'cool' in NE but I never heard anyone use that to describe anything when I lived in TX.

I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Ut. I always thought Utah natives didn't have an accent. That is...until I moved to Texas and people started commenting on my accent.
I think EVERY area has a bit of an accent associated with it, as well as common slang.
I think your theory about this girl moving around a lot might be very valid.
I didn't know that this thread was running on the Amnesic girl, I commented on the thread under the Unidentifed... I also thought she looked like Kara K or Amber D with a fuller face...
Kara Kopetsky's NCMC site says she has brown hair and hazel eyes.\
5'5'', 110lb.
Amnesia teen:
has blonde hair and blue eyes.
5'6'' , medium build.

While the height difference is neglible, the hair color and eye color probably means it is not Kara K.

But Kara and amnesia teen both have full lips, and there is a 'look.'
I will check Kara's my space.

According to its Web site, with nearly 7,000 youths seeking shelter per year, "Covenant House New York is the nation's largest adolescent care agency serving homeless, runaway and at-risk youth."

A security guard for the shelter noticed the girl walking around on the sidewalk near Covenant House and approached her. Finding her unresponsive, he called the New York City Police Department.
I am curious too as to when she became conscious of herself again? I mean did she just all the sudden 'come to' and she was standing in Times Sq? It is hard to explain what I mean. I guess you would call it like a fugue state. If she made it to NYC from somewhere she was obviously awake and functional but she doesn't remember any of it. Was she in Port Authority when she 'came to?' How long did she wander the streets of Manhattan before she got help? What is her first memory?
A long-shot, but there are similarities.

Teegan Gartrell went missing from Perth in November of last year (2008) at the age of 13.,,24720489-2761,00.html

Here's some names I found of missing girls on HFTM that look similar (I don't know how to post images from there to here):

Jamie Fraley
Brittany Stewart
Samantha Smith
Brittney Becker

I hope the info on them is all updated - I noticed quite a few that aren't removed from there even though they've been located.

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