NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 4

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I think it's normal to do either, call back or don't call back and catch up later. I myself usually do the latter if a call gets dropped. But maybe HE was done listening to her go on for 45 minutes, maybe relieved the call dropped at all LOL.

Forceten, do you have any verified backup about the call being 45min long? This was mentioned a lot in the first two threads, but no one was able to say if it was accurate! I am very curious if this is fact or not. Another mystery :please:
Why does their last phone call sound so different from how I remember it being described before?

Article further states he "NEVER" parked the car without the club on, does someone recall if the club was on or not at the train station? Article goes into decent detail about the car, but doesn't mention if club was on or not. And if it wasn't, was it found in the car, or was that missing too?
Article states that RM was heading home early since it was a Friday, holiday weekend, etc. I totally buy that. But it also states in the 2nd bullet under the pic, he was headed home early as IM expected. So if she expected him home early, and there are a "thousand" chores to do, chaos going into Father's Day weekend, etc, etc, kids coming home from school about that time, I also find it odd that IM was not home and at her parents house instead, as confirmed by our verified insider.

NCNY claims the car is caught on video tape going down the block and leaving again. Between 2:40--2:50 pm I believe, or right around there. And he also said Ida missed him because she was at her parents house.

If there was truly "that much to do" preparing for Father's Day, the son's concert, etc...AND she EXPECTED him home early, dont you think she would have been home waiting for him, doing some of the thousand things she needed done in the meantime? Dont you think she would have been getting all last minute things done BEFORE the kids get home? Anyone with children knows you get 100x more done without them around than with them home. :twocents:
The article really pours it on about how busy of a weekend they had planned. And son's concert was next day.

And also, if she wasn't home, how does she know he was late arriving home?


I had the same thoughts, especially since the guy got up at 4:30 am. He was probably a little burnt by 2 pm. Maybe it depends on what she was doing at her parents's home. Maybe they are elderly and needed assistance? So it was not just a friendly visit, but work for her in some ways. I'm just being the devil's advocate here. Maybe she was doing other kinds of food preparations (potato salad, pasta salad, etc) most of the day?
Forceten, do you have any verified backup about the call being 45min long? This was mentioned a lot in the first two threads, but no one was able to say if it was accurate! I am very curious if this is fact or not. Another mystery :please:

If it is true, I could see why the call was dropped. Lol
If it is true, I could see why the call was dropped. Lol

Coincidence that the longer she talked, the louder the background noise got? :floorlaugh:

At my workplace, When guys are on the phone with their wives for more than a few minutes, they always pretend they are being paged or summoned by someone just to get free!!
Wow, I just did a serious double take!!! Just read Newsday online that a copper burglar was captured in Selden. Mid 40's and his first name was Robert. Caught stealing copper from a house or something. But Alas, his last name is Russo, not Mayer. :stormingmad:
I had the same thoughts, especially since the guy got up at 4:30 am. He was probably a little burnt by 2 pm. Maybe it depends on what she was doing at her parents's home. Maybe they are elderly and needed assistance? So it was not just a friendly visit, but work for her in some ways. I'm just being the devil's advocate here. Maybe she was doing other kinds of food preparations (potato salad, pasta salad, etc) most of the day?

Good point, and also, to go a bit further, with all these things to do and things going on, I am sure she wouldn't have been too happy if Rob suddenly decided to go out for a leisurely bike ride at that time.
I know people are often looking for tools at garage sales, but are tools really all that profitable to steal? We know he didn't have a wallet but he could have had cash, and clearly the cash from the scrap metal dealer, and, of course, he did have an I phone. I can accept that he might have been followed from Arrow and robbed but what happened to him and why would a perp risk driving the vehicle into a prominent location? Is someone going to rob him, drop him off, or worse and then enter his car? Too bad he didn't have On Star.

People do senseless and stupid things all the time, which is why our prisons are so full. A couple of desperate druggies could have seen him in that GTO and thought he had money. Since he didn't have his wallet, he could have offered the tools in the trunk to spare his life. Maybe they didn't believe he didn't have his wallet, so they got very angry and things got bad. The perps then had to cover their tracks. Maybe they want people to think he left town to keep the police from looking too hard and put a little time and distance from the robbery.

Just one of my many theories . .
Tools can be very expensive, especially if one needs a lot of good quality tools or specialized tools. I had a friend who had all of his carpentry tools ripped off from his van. It set him back a lot $$$. He needed them for work too.
Good point, and also, to go a bit further, with all these things to do and things going on, I am sure she wouldn't have been too happy if Rob suddenly decided to go out for a leisurely bike ride at that time.

Good point about the bike ride! Apparently, he had no time for that, according to the article.
Article states that RM was heading home early since it was a Friday, holiday weekend, etc. I totally buy that. But it also states in the 2nd bullet under the pic, he was headed home early as IM expected. So if she expected him home early, and there are a "thousand" chores to do, chaos going into Father's Day weekend, etc, etc, kids coming home from school about that time, I also find it odd that IM was not home and at her parents house instead, as confirmed by our verified insider.

NCNY claims the car is caught on video tape going down the block and leaving again. Between 2:40--2:50 pm I believe, or right around there. And he also said Ida missed him because she was at her parents house.

If there was truly "that much to do" preparing for Father's Day, the son's concert, etc... Dont you think she would have been getting all last minute things done BEFORE the kids get home? Anyone with children knows you get 100x more done without them around than with them home. :twocents:
The article really pours it on about how busy of a weekend they had planned. And son's concert was next day.

And also, if she wasn't home, how does she know he was late arriving home?


From the article 'He’d probably leave work early, since it was a Friday and there were so many things to do for the weekend.'

I don't think it was 'busy' as some might think. There are always a thousand chores to do in my house. It's never ending. :bigfight: I think they were probably normal chores and/or errands. But a lot of them. Maybe IM being at her parents house (which is right around the corner, walking distance) was one of them. Or maybe not. Maybe it was a casual visit and things weren't so 'busy'. But that weekend, there was many things to do, Son's gig and then Father's Day. Maybe they had a lot planned that wasn't discussed in the article. I just don't know.

AND she EXPECTED him home early, dont you think she would have been home waiting for him, doing some of the thousand things she needed done in the meantime?

LOL IM isn't exactly June Cleaver. LOL. I get your point.

But more to your point and Mcspy's......where were the kids?
Talked about barbecuing and picking up oysters for dinner. If 'busy' you'd might opt for a pizza delivery IMO.
Talked about barbecuing and picking up oysters for dinner. If 'busy' you'd might opt for a pizza delivery IMO.

I believe the oysters were for the barbeque which would have been that Sunday....although personally I would have waited until day of or night before barbequr to pick up any kind of seafood...the. fresher the better..IMO

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How was it described before? I do find the call being cut-off a tad odd. Maybe because he is missing. I wonder if it was because of the phone service or did he hang up on her?

I think he hung up on her. He's at work why is she calling him at 9am? To me something was going on.
Interesting news story!
Once again I see it mentioned how he would never park his car at the train station...
Also mention of the car seat in wrong position and tracking dogs not finding his scent at the train station..

Those three things BBM have me wondering if they were done intentionally for some reason. It's interesting, they are related and seem too coincidental...

I'm thinking it's some kind of ruse!

Perps now-a-days know about things like car seat position use of tracking dogs...

It's not a news story, it's a blog. Big difference. :twocents:
I suspect written by a supporter.
Anyone else having trouble with site tonight?

I feel we've all tossed around many theories. Makes me dizzy and tired.
I was ready to just give up. :twocents:

I get tired of going around in circles with same questions over and over.
:scared: :banghead:

Driving home, I had a few thoughts.
Rob's car was found the next day. (there have been 3 versions as to who found the car).
Let's go with FAQ that good friend the car.
What did that person do next?
Call IM? "OMG! I found his car at the station!" or......... call LE?
What happened next? Did LE automatically arrive with dog?
What is SOP? (Standard operating procedure)
It's a busy Saturday evening on LI. I'm sure LE gets many calls.
Was the car towed away at that point as evidence? Did IM have a key?
Or was LE called, officer shows up and writes report?
How exactly were dogs called in so quickly?

Just tossing this around.......
Anyone with relatives in LE? Perhaps they could help with answers.
TIA. :seeya:

I'm ignoring the "Blog". It's not a news story. :twocents:
Call me crazy, but I want to know more about the details regarding how the car was found and what happened next. What was the procedure?

I seriously doubt LE would show up the very next day with a dog.
But that's just me.
I think the author took some poetic license which is only causing confusion. But, IM originally said the call ended with RM saying "goodbye, I love you", on a TV interview broadcast, in her own words.

Now the call drops suddenly. And now IM heard RM say "bye, I love you" while sleeping at 4:30am. Prior she said she didn't see him leaving as it was 4:30am and she was sleeping.

So what is it.
Article further states he "NEVER" parked the car without the club on, does someone recall if the club was on or not at the train station? Article goes into decent detail about the car, but doesn't mention if club was on or not. And if it wasn't, was it found in the car, or was that missing too?

As per IM club was not on car and cant find it.
Thank you Jerry516--post 78---- if there was so much to be done then why wasn't IM at home?? RM was the foreman of the job-- he should be the last one off the job--so the job was shut down early or he the foreman was leaving early.

And Robbie is the first mention of how RM was referred to---isn't that a tactic used to humanize a hostage????

This was a strange article-----maybe thats what it is CuriousIAm--the "poetic license"
Thats been one of my questions ForceTen--- thats the time kids are coming home from school---and yet.........did the son have band rehearsal????

Or are we not allowed to discuss anything regarding the kids?????
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