Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

As angry as I get at the Grandparents, I can't help but be heartbroken for them. I worry about Cindy, she looks awful. People should go to the vigil, no matter what they believe, just to pray for Caylee and maybe the family. Prayer helps.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

"I am saddened that this is the person "officially" representing Caylee right now."

She doesn't represent Caylee. She represents the Anthony's.


But to take advantage of such situations is low.I know that's what she's paid for,spin,spin,spin,BUT there should be a limit IMO.Oops,I forgot these people have no morals at all,silly me!:rolleyes:
This was what I was going to ask also......could you go into more detail on what Michelle said? How and why you didn't think it was well thought out, etc?

Any and all info you give is greatly appreciated. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.:blowkiss:

I honestly remember very little of what was actually said by her verbatim. So, I will share the overall theme of her "speech".

- Mentioning of children all over being missing and that at their last recent even there was an issue even though they were there representing 14 other missing kids.

- Forget about sides and focus on Caylee.....even though she can't do that.

- That all we hear is what is chosen to be put out by the media.

- She did allude to an Isabella Rose...and how she would do this for her Isabella.

- She did also say that if a person would give up hope on finding their child that they were in the wrong church.

Regarding why I didn't think it was well thought out....First off, I want to preface this by saying people sitting togethor on a blanket in a park holding candles could be amazing. It is not about a proper way, but rather the energy derived from a group of people.

First off, in reality I am not sure what the purpose of the vigil was? Assuming the purpose was to keep the hope for Caylee to come home alive or deceased energized it just was not accomplished.

If it were well thought out, which should of been the job of Michelle then the bottom line focus would have been on Caylee.

This could have been accomplished by sharing videos of her.
Having George or Lee speak about how they miss her and also showing appreciation for the few people that came out.

Having some of her stuffed animals present.

Asking everyone to sit all up in the first 5 pews so that it didn't feel so empty.

Singing a song for Caylee.

Just having people share some sweet stories about her.

Instead it was Video played, Michelle speaking, one prayer, another prayer around the Anthony's, and the video played again that was played at the beginning.

That was it. Posters on the floor and some candles on a table.

It just felt very thrown togethor and last minute. No real thought put into the purpose.

Thanks for sharing your experience, Elizabeth. I have to agree with Gram2: as mad as I get at the Anthonys, I too can't help but feel heartbroken for them... they are in pain and I am sure that pain has influenced some of their misguided moves. I also feel that all of the wrong people have their claws in them (read: KFN)... their new "spoke-person" is an embarrassment and is not helping matters, one bit. It doesn't take eloquence to know that you do not speak that way in a house of worship... and a vigil for Caylee is not a place to promote ones self.

I totally agree.

Thanks again Elizabeth.
BTW, THANK YOU for taking the time to give us a first hand account!

I wonder if Cindy isn't about to enter a new phase of grieving...
She should be on TV and not conducting vigils:mad: ,I personally find it very disrespectful.
Also, my impression of Michelle Bart is that she comes across as a person who would be big into protesting or an extreme activist.

She just seems out of placing taking about a missing child.
ev1214 -

Thanks for sharing with us. I have a question. Why did you attend?
BTW, THANK YOU for taking the time to give us a first hand account!

I wonder if Cindy isn't about to enter a new phase of grieving...

I wonder that about all of them. With the Christmas holidays approaching and more time for them to think and read about everything that was coming out, that they might finally open up. I don't know if they can keep everything functioning until the trial.
I completely agree with you. I have a tremendous amount of compassion. Even though the Anthony's have not handled this in an ideal way they are doing what they think is best.

Once the trial goes through and the outcome is determined and it is no longer in the spotlight they will still be living this every single day for the rest of their lives.


I must disagree with you. I don't think the Anthonys are doing what they feel is right. I think they aree being manipulated by other people or sold a bill os good by criminal elements. I think they have no clue as to what they think is right. They have hitched themselves to people who are giving them BAD infomration and they are believing it. They are getting bad advice across the board. Cindy's family has tried to wake her up. She refuses. IF she thinks for one minute that her family does not have her best interests at heart, then she is in deep trouble. I think she is too far down the wrong path to adjust. Now she has a spokesperson who knows nothing about missing children and who is promotinsg herself and NOT CAYLEE. moo
ev1214 -

Thanks for sharing with us. I have a question. Why did you attend?
Hi Pink Panther,

In all honesty I attended for multiple reasons.

I attended because I was expecting this to be a big local event. I thought it would be a bunch of people coming togethor to pray for Caylee. Given that the vigil was not too far from me I figured I could not pass that up given how close I was.

Another reason was out of pure curiosity. I thought perhaps family members would have spoken and I wanted to hear what they were going to say and share.

I was really thinking I would get something out of attending the vigil. I honestly got nothing from it. I have been more moved by watching beautiful videos of Caylee on Youtube.com created by people that haven't even met her compared to this vigil tonight.

The words that Jesse Grund's father spoke the afternoon after a search were such beautiful words and really hit home.

That is what I was expecting and wanted to be part of in person.
Chewing gum on virtually every public interview, scratching, sniffing, taking one's shoe off, wiping one's nose with one's hand...And a baseball cap is surprising?


I'm not surprised at all.


Even more offensive, clueless, & classless?..Spread legs, rubbing her hands between those spread legs, getting thisclose to touching her crotch area..All of this done in front of local LE & FBI..:eek:

What was really gross?..During the FBI interview one (GA?) blew their nose on a tissue & then set it down on the table..I'm almost positive they then set down their water bottle on top of the snotty tissue..:eek:

When have any of them (including KA) dressed appropriately?..I can't think of one time..:rolleyes:
Hi Pink Panther,

In all honesty I attended for multiple reasons.

I attended because I was expecting this to be a big local event. I thought it would be a bunch of people coming togethor to pray for Caylee. Given that the vigil was not too far from me I figured I could not pass that up given how close I was.

Another reason was out of pure curiosity. I thought perhaps family members would have spoken and I wanted to hear what they were going to say and share.

I was really thinking I would get something out of attending the vigil. I honestly got nothing from it. I have been more moved by watching beautiful videos of Caylee on Youtube.com created by people that haven't even met her compared to this vigil tonight.

The words that Jesse Grund's father spoke the afternoon after a search were such beautiful words and really hit home.

That is what I was expecting and wanted to be part of in person.
Thank you for answering. I think you were brave to attend. I'm not sure I would have been able to muster it! Thanks again for sharing.
I believe the A's have exactly the kind of spokesperson that they want. Anyone that has spoken for them that has been reasonable, thoughtful and shown any morals is no longer representing them. After the current spokesman was around them for a while, she has seen the tone that the A's use to speak to people and about Caylee and has determined that if she wants to represent them that she must behave like them. The spokesperson behaving that way allows the A's to not have to be as aggressive and to be the "grieving grandparents". IMHO (Am I getting cynical?)
Also, my impression of Michelle Bart is that she comes across as a person who would be big into protesting or an extreme activist.

She just seems out of placing taking about a missing child.

Your impression is correct!! Google her name and you will see.

She is out of place, just like a lot of the other players on the Anthony side are.
Hi Pink Panther,

In all honesty I attended for multiple reasons.

I attended because I was expecting this to be a big local event. I thought it would be a bunch of people coming togethor to pray for Caylee. Given that the vigil was not too far from me I figured I could not pass that up given how close I was.

Another reason was out of pure curiosity. I thought perhaps family members would have spoken and I wanted to hear what they were going to say and share.

I was really thinking I would get something out of attending the vigil. I honestly got nothing from it. I have been more moved by watching beautiful videos of Caylee on Youtube.com created by people that haven't even met her compared to this vigil tonight.

The words that Jesse Grund's father spoke the afternoon after a search were such beautiful words and really hit home.

That is what I was expecting and wanted to be part of in person.

Are you planning on attending again, or did this one "do you in"?
Thanks for sharing your experience, Elizabeth. I have to agree with Gram2: as mad as I get at the Anthonys, I too can't help but feel heartbroken for them... they are in pain and I am sure that pain has influenced some of their misguided moves. I also feel that all of the wrong people have their claws in them (read: KFN)... their new "spoke-person" is an embarrassment and is not helping matters, one bit. It doesn't take eloquence to know that you do not speak that way in a house of worship... and a vigil for Caylee is not a place to promote ones self.

Exactly!!! :clap::clap::clap:

PR and a religous setting are complete diametric opposites.

It is a time to celebrate the life of Caylee and pray that she will be returned, a time to share good news, any words of optimism and, much thanks to the family supporters. It should be talk by the family members of Caylee, her cute or funny quirks and traits to provide input and energize the 'team' -- create a common bond.

It sounds as if the family is very tired, at the end and, cannot keep this up given the reality and that they left it to MB --- but it was just 'going through the motions' rather than something with any hope, closeness or, community spirit.
Are you planning on attending again, or did this one "do you in"?
I would attend another one if it took place again in a public place. I would not go to a driveway vigil.

I went to one of those a couple of months ago. In fact, it was the one where the guy had a baby doll with him.

I actuallly brought my dog with me so it just looked like I was walking my dog in the neighborhood. That one I went to out of pure curiosity.

I would not go to another driveway vigil because you are either a bystander staring, which I did once and won't do again, or you are a person in the "in circle" of the Anthony's and at that point you are up on their driveway with lights blaring on you...and feeling part of a circus.

I feel truly naive to have believed that tonight's vigil was going to be really big and moving.

So, to answer your question yes I will attend a vigil but only if it is in a public place like a park or a church...not the Anthony's driveway.


I honestly remember very little of what was actually said by her verbatim. So, I will share the overall theme of her "speech".

- Mentioning of children all over being missing and that at their last recent even there was an issue even though they were there representing 14 other missing kids.

- Forget about sides and focus on Caylee.....even though she can't do that.

- That all we hear is what is chosen to be put out by the media.

- She did allude to an Isabella Rose...and how she would do this for her Isabella.

- She did also say that if a person would give up hope on finding their child that they were in the wrong church.

Regarding why I didn't think it was well thought out....First off, I want to preface this by saying people sitting togethor on a blanket in a park holding candles could be amazing. It is not about a proper way, but rather the energy derived from a group of people.

First off, in reality I am not sure what the purpose of the vigil was? Assuming the purpose was to keep the hope for Caylee to come home alive or deceased energized it just was not accomplished.

If it were well thought out, which should of been the job of Michelle then the bottom line focus would have been on Caylee.

This could have been accomplished by sharing videos of her.
Having George or Lee speak about how they miss her and also showing appreciation for the few people that came out.

Having some of her stuffed animals present.

Asking everyone to sit all up in the first 5 pews so that it didn't feel so empty.

Singing a song for Caylee.

Just having people share some sweet stories about her.

Instead it was Video played, Michelle speaking, one prayer, another prayer around the Anthony's, and the video played again that was played at the beginning.

That was it. Posters on the floor and some candles on a table.

It just felt very thrown togethor and last minute. No real thought put into the purpose.


Thank you again....:blowkiss:

You have done a wonderful job of describing the "feeling" in the church tonight. Honestly it sounds like it was sad........sad that a precious, innocent baby girl was not thought about enough prior to her prayer vigil that someone, anyone from her own family didn't get up and share with all those who came out to show their love for Caylee; who wonderful, special and loved she was.

Instead you let a woman, who didn't even bother to groom herself, who had never met this child, get up and speak....turning into her own personal platform.

Sorry, this just upsets me.....I keep waiting for the day that someone from that family stands up and loves this innocent child more now than they have ever loved her and bring justice to this innocent child......always remembering, never forgetting, this is all about Caylee.

Thank you again, I appreciate it so much. Welcome, certainly glad to have you here.
Exactly!!! :clap::clap::clap:

PR and a religous setting are complete diametric opposites.

It is a time to celebrate the life of Caylee and pray that she will be returned, a time to share good news, any words of optimism and, much thanks to the family supporters. It should be talk by the family members of Caylee, her cute or funny quirks and traits to provide input and energize the 'team' -- create a common bond.

It sounds as if the family is very tired, at the end and, cannot keep this up given the reality and that they left it to MB --- but it was just 'going through the motions' rather than something with any hope, closeness or, community spirit.
Yes! I agree with all that you said.
Thank you again....:blowkiss:

You have done a wonderful job of describing the "feeling" in the church tonight. Honestly it sounds like it was sad........sad that a precious, innocent baby girl was not thought about enough prior to her prayer vigil that someone, anyone from her own family didn't get up and share with all those who came out to show their love for Caylee; who wonderful, special and loved she was.

Instead you let a woman, who didn't even bother to groom herself, who had never met this child, get up and speak....turning into her own personal platform.

Sorry, this just upsets me.....I keep waiting for the day that someone from that family stands up and loves this innocent child more now than they have ever loved her and bring justice to this innocent child......always remembering, never forgetting, this is all about Caylee.

Thank you again, I appreciate it so much. Welcome, certainly glad to have you here.
Now just for the record I was ten minutes late so maybe something was said by the family prior to me attending or right after I left.


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