OH OH - Jayme Bowen, 22, Columbus, 10 April 2014


Erick Bellomy who runs the non-profit organization "Jayme's Message" said "The banner photo is getting lots of shares on Facebook which means her face and his face are going all around the world."

Family And Friends Hold Weekend Rally For Missing Columbus Woman
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Family and friends of a missing Columbus woman staged a rally Saturday night to mark the one-year year anniversary of her disappearance.

22 year-old Jamye Bowen vanished last April in South Columbus. She was last seen leaving her sister's house on Stewart Avenue and was headed to her mother's home ten minutes away but never made it.

Nancy Bowen said she's been living a nightmare since her daughter vanished a year ago.

"You have no idea what it feels like,” said Bowen. “It has destroyed all of us. It is just unbelievable what a missing kid can do."

Dozens of family and friends gathered to remember the young woman at a rally at Schiller Park in South Columbus.

People passed out flyers, wore special shirts baring Bowen's picture, all in an effort to help generate new leads in the case.
Yes Schmaley there is roughly 900,000+ people missing as of this date. And its climbing in numbers.
Let me say something that if any of you are using KIK or Slapchat or even Tapatalk? Get rid of it. I found out that when my nephew went missing in April and has been found thanks to me for posting is missing poster he was found in Norwalk and under the age of 17. He told us that he found alot of people who use these sites on their phones are taking kids/teens like my nephew left and right, for example my nephew said that Kik and Tapatalk that he met a said girl on KIK who said she was the same age as my nephew and found out that she wasn't a girl, this happened in suburbs of cleveland and she wasn't the same age as my nephew, she was 41 yr old woman and she wouldn't let him go, she tied him to the bed and molested my nephew repeatedly and he got out of the ties and called my brother from his cell phone, which he had hidden in his backpack. He was only 15 at the time this happened. The latest one from April, the said girl was 16, found out she was a 28 yr old with 2 kids in the home and she made him a slave/babysitter. My nephew was missing for 21 days. We called everywhere until I posted a poster of my nephew everywhere on social media sites, the police and sheriff around the USA, Canada and in England re-posted the poster I made. They found him in Norwalk, Ohio, running with a 2 yr old girl (other one was in school) which he dropped off at a neighbor's house and told the woman call the police, the woman did and police took my nephew to the hospital with cuts and bruises all over his body, plus he was raped repeatedly by this woman. The woman was charged with kidnapping, molestation and child abuse. The house where my nephew said the house was a hoarder, garbage and messy house to put it nicely way.

Charlotte Trego, Tiffany Sayre and Wanda Lemons are all still missing from Ross County. Bellomy says three missing women from three different counties all have something in common other than drug addictions.

"The rehab center in Scioto County is connected not only with Jayme Bowen's case, but down in Portsmouth with Megan Lancaster's case and in Ross County with Charlotte Trego's case," he said.
I'm in Ohio as well, although I'm about 3 hours NE of Cbus. I'd just like to add to what SleuthRN posted upthread (GREAT post SleuthRN!) and share some information from a link I came across recently. It's a blog entry by a journalist who was an intern in the statehouse a few years back. It was posted shortly after a report was prepared for our previous AG confirming that Human Trafficking exists in Ohio, both Sex Trafficking and Labor Trafficking.

Some snippets from the article:

Definition of trafficking

Here's why Ohio has such a problem with Human Trafficking:

Most people think that those who are trafficked are trafficked OUT of the US. Also not true. Many are trafficked INTO the US.

The article can be found here http://lisadpreston.hubpages.com/hub/Human-trafficking-in-Ohio

I recently started learning more about Human Trafficking in relation to a missing child. And during my research I've found out that not only are there many components to it, but it is a massive social network made up of several players with several roles. It's also not confined to certain areas, and is a problem all over the US. I recently read somewhere that in many areas of the US the sex trade is replacing the drug trade among criminals because they've realized they can only sell a bag of drugs once, but a person can be sold several times a day.

Certain people are more vulnerable to being trafficked than others. Those are runaways, the homeless, and drug users. Among teen boys you can add gay to the list. Those that are trafficked can be groomed online by someone, it may be their dope dealer, for runaways it may be a pimp. Unfortunately, prostitution is very common among runaways as a way to make money, and drug users as a way to pay for their fix. Contrary to popular belief, they're not just snatched off the streets in most cases.

By the way, there is NO state in the US that doesn't have a problem with Human Trafficking. Not one. You may not hear about it, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Washington DC alone has a huge problem with trafficking considering it's size.

In 2013 the 7 worst states for Human Trafficking were South Dakota, New Hampshire, Delaware, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and North Dakota.

I live in NH and run a womens safe house program. Never in my 10 years doung it have I ever heard of a human trafficking issue. To say we are in the top 7 worse states seems far fetched and Id like to see proof of this, how they were collected & where the stats came from.

The link attached doesnt support the statement that these 7 states have the BIGGEST PROBLEM with sex trafficking, just dont have severe punative laws against it. Not well written and very misleading!
Human Trafficking and drugs go hand in hand. Women are mote likely to use their bodies as payment for drugs for themselves or forced by their man.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Charlotte Trego, Tiffany Sayre and Wanda Lemons are all still missing from Ross County. Bellomy says three missing women from three different counties all have something in common other than drug addictions.

"The rehab center in Scioto County is connected not only with Jayme Bowen's case, but down in Portsmouth with Megan Lancaster's case and in Ross County with Charlotte Trego's case," he said.
So a thinking person would conclude that someone who's associated with all three of these facilities is being looked at.
So a thinking person would conclude that someone who's associated with all three of these facilities is being looked at.

They were in one facility. In Scioto County. Should be easy to narrow it down.
Wonder if the girls were there at the same time.

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