OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #25

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I have been all over the board with this murder case. Here is theory number 103.

Reader says it doesn't involve drugs. I think LE is allowed to lie to reporters.

4 different murders at 4 different times but within a close radius.

The first couple was about 6 years ago IIRC. They were shot in the heads while in bed asleep. They were involved in drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Second one, mother and daughter (Newsomes). Shot in the head while in bed asleep (daughter tried to run IIRC.) Mother involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Third one, Rhodens all shot in the head while in bed asleep (CR1 and GR dragged to bedroom and possibly covered with sheet.) CR1, GR, KR involved with drugs, selling, maybe trafficking, taking(GR).

Fourth one, Eapmans, shot in the head while in bed asleep. Involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Too similar to be coincidences. I think this is one man running the show with help from others who all work for someone involved in drugs, or the big guy around town who orders these killings.

I think the killer who is in charge of these murders like to leave the crime scene a certain way. He has a ritual as in serial killer. Killing them in bed while asleep is his "signature". JMO

Possibly sees himself as taking off, what LE isn't taking off, of the streets when it is bigger than pot? Someone whose child/relation may have died from one of the harder drugs?
Even if the bullied one is an adult, what are the odds they could talk 2 other people into planning and executing a mass murder of a family, then keep quiet about it? Keep in mind, they would have had to recruit a helper who had some experience in this sort of thing, possibly some military training. The bullied person would have to pay a lot of money or offer some other type of bribe to secure that kind of assistance for such an outrageous, risky murder.

Not trying to put down others theories. Maybe its better if I don't visit this thread anymore and read theories until some kind of news breaks or new information is revealed.

As I said, it's likely going to take some pressure from outside of Ohio to make this case move forward and that doesn't seem likely at this point.

I have changed my opinion because of your comments! You are right on! Please stay and comment some more.
I have been all over the board with this murder case. Here is theory number 103.

Reader says it doesn't involve drugs. I think LE is allowed to lie to reporters.

4 different murders at 4 different times but within a close radius.

The first couple was about 6 years ago IIRC. They were shot in the heads while in bed asleep. They were involved in drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Second one, mother and daughter (Newsomes). Shot in the head while in bed asleep (daughter tried to run IIRC.) Mother involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Third one, Rhodens all shot in the head while in bed asleep (CR1 and GR dragged to bedroom and possibly covered with sheet.) CR1, GR, KR involved with drugs, selling, maybe trafficking, taking(GR).

Fourth one, Eapmans, shot in the head while in bed asleep. Involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Too similar to be coincidences. I think this is one man running the show with help from others who all work for someone involved in drugs, or the big guy around town who orders these killings.

I think the killer who is in charge of these murders like to leave the crime scene a certain way. He has a ritual as in serial killer. Killing them in bed while asleep is his "signature". JMO

If you look back from the beginning, there's discrepancies from April 2016, to February 2017, that seem like either outright lies, or they gave interviews w/o knowing what in Hades was going on at the time.
Possibly sees himself as taking off, what LE isn't taking off, of the streets when it is bigger than pot? Someone whose child/relation may have died from one of the harder drugs?

Unless this "vigilante" has extensive experience and training with LE, a drug cartel or specialized military, with friends who have the same experience, it seems unlikely.

From the very beginning, various law enforcement agents experienced in this field labeled the MO as that of Mexican drug cartels. Here are interviews with two retired DEA agents who made the claim:



Even DeWine acknowledged the killers were professionals who left little evidence behind and took measures to hinder the investigation.

Now it's possible that evidence now points away from Mexican drug cartels, as LE has reported to the public. But it doesn't change the fact that all of the drug related murders listed above were conducted by killers with skill and experience in gaining entrance to homes, killing their targets while sleeping and escaping undetected, leaving little or no evidence behind.

It would seem highly unlikely any local citizenry would have that kind of experience, skill and cold blooded persistence.

Then there's this history, which may figure in somehow

I have been all over the board with this murder case. Here is theory number 103.

Reader says it doesn't involve drugs. I think LE is allowed to lie to reporters.

4 different murders at 4 different times but within a close radius.

The first couple was about 6 years ago IIRC. They were shot in the heads while in bed asleep. They were involved in drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Second one, mother and daughter (Newsomes). Shot in the head while in bed asleep (daughter tried to run IIRC.) Mother involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Third one, Rhodens all shot in the head while in bed asleep (CR1 and GR dragged to bedroom and possibly covered with sheet.) CR1, GR, KR involved with drugs, selling, maybe trafficking, taking(GR).

Fourth one, Eapmans, shot in the head while in bed asleep. Involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Too similar to be coincidences. I think this is one man running the show with help from others who all work for someone involved in drugs, or the big guy around town who orders these killings.

I think the killer who is in charge of these murders like to leave the crime scene a certain way. He has a ritual as in serial killer. Killing them in bed while asleep is his "signature". JMO

Are you thinking a vigilante with a hit squad working for him? Or a wannabe drug lord taking out the competition?
I have been all over the board with this murder case. Here is theory number 103.

Reader says it doesn't involve drugs. I think LE is allowed to lie to reporters.

4 different murders at 4 different times but within a close radius.

The first couple was about 6 years ago IIRC. They were shot in the heads while in bed asleep. They were involved in drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Second one, mother and daughter (Newsomes). Shot in the head while in bed asleep (daughter tried to run IIRC.) Mother involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Third one, Rhodens all shot in the head while in bed asleep (CR1 and GR dragged to bedroom and possibly covered with sheet.) CR1, GR, KR involved with drugs, selling, maybe trafficking, taking(GR).

Fourth one, Eapmans, shot in the head while in bed asleep. Involved with drugs, selling, trafficking, taking.

Too similar to be coincidences. I think this is one man running the show with help from others who all work for someone involved in drugs, or the big guy around town who orders these killings.

I think the killer who is in charge of these murders like to leave the crime scene a certain way. He has a ritual as in serial killer. Killing them in bed while asleep is his "signature". JMO

Hmm. I have been on the "locals" bandwagon since the get go, but I will say your post certainly has my attention.

The following link concerns a case out of Chillicothe if anyone wants to research it a bit. I can't say much, as I have no other links. Will say this guy had a "signature" ....
Not the same as you noted. He was in drugs other than marijuana.


The reason I am putting this out here, since you got me thinking.... This Dollar Bill fellow "seemed" to be a higher up in Chillicothe far as drugs, having people working for him, that sort of thing. He was local to Chillicothe. So, perhaps we have someone similar to this "profile" in the southern area, Pike, Scioto county into Kentucky, accounting for these other killings?

I say this with caution as the most we have heard on Rhodens was marijuana. BUT it could tie in considering the "signature".

He is one they might want to question concerning Rhodens, do these drug dealers communicate with other dealers in other areas? If so, I am sure he is able to point them in the right direction, since according to the article they have him talking. I do not think he had anything to do with Rhodens as he's been locked up.
Possibly sees himself as taking off, what LE isn't taking off, of the streets when it is bigger than pot? Someone whose child/relation may have died from one of the harder drugs?

Yes. If I remember correctly the other three were involved in the sale of Oxycontin. No evidence that the Rhodens were, but then again no evidence they were not. And one reporter interviewed a couple of young men who said if you wanted pills the Rhodens were the ones to see. Don't remember which news paper but it was one from overseas that made a huge deal of every one smoking cigarettes.

If Oxycontin is involved then there may be one person at the top who orders these killings for whatever reason (failed to pay, snitched, wasn't turning enough profit.)

Then again with the number of overdoses in that tri-state area (southern Ohio, northern Kentucky, eastern West Virginia) this could be a group of parents who lost kids banding together for revenge and hiring someone to carry out the killings.

This could be why there is so little evidence and all these murders have not been solved, because there is one person hiring different people to help with each murder.
Unless this "vigilante" has extensive experience and training with LE, a drug cartel or specialized military, with friends who have the same experience, it seems unlikely.

From the very beginning, various law enforcement agents experienced in this field labeled the MO as that of Mexican drug cartels. Here are interviews with two retired DEA agents who made the claim:



Even DeWine acknowledged the killers were professionals who left little evidence behind and took measures to hinder the investigation.

Now it's possible that evidence now points away from Mexican drug cartels, as LE has reported to the public. But it doesn't change the fact that all of the drug related murders listed above were conducted by killers with skill and experience in gaining entrance to homes, killing their targets while sleeping and escaping undetected, leaving little or no evidence behind.

It would seem highly unlikely any local citizenry would have that kind of experience, skill and cold blooded persistence.

Then there's this history, which may figure in somehow



Click here: Three More Arrests Made in Murders of Florida Couple With 17 Children | Fox News

In this case one or two of the ten people involved had military training (not special ops) and practiced with the others until they were halfway proficient in entering a house to rob and kill two adults. Children were left unharmed.

So it doesn't have to be a Navy Seal to carry this off. Just someone who had a little training (National Guard, veteran, hunter, burglars, thieves experienced in home invasions, LEO ect.) Anyone willing to kill.
Are you thinking a vigilante with a hit squad working for him? Or a wannabe drug lord taking out the competition?

How about a group of parents who lost kids to drug overdoses hiring a hitman to take revenge on the ones who supplied the drugs.

Or a wannabe drug lord taking out ones who failed to pay him for drugs he supplied them. As in GR taking a few here and there until it mounted up to a lot. The mother taking more then she was selling. Ditto the Eapmons.
Hmm. I have been on the "locals" bandwagon since the get go, but I will say your post certainly has my attention.

The following link concerns a case out of Chillicothe if anyone wants to research it a bit. I can't say much, as I have no other links. Will say this guy had a "signature" ....
Not the same as you noted. He was in drugs other than marijuana.


The reason I am putting this out here, since you got me thinking.... This Dollar Bill fellow "seemed" to be a higher up in Chillicothe far as drugs, having people working for him, that sort of thing. He was local to Chillicothe. So, perhaps we have someone similar to this "profile" in the southern area, Pike, Scioto county into Kentucky, accounting for these other killings?

I say this with caution as the most we have heard on Rhodens was marijuana. BUT it could tie in considering the "signature".

He is one they might want to question concerning Rhodens, do these drug dealers communicate with other dealers in other areas? If so, I am sure he is able to point them in the right direction, since according to the article they have him talking. I do not think he had anything to do with Rhodens as he's been locked up.

I don't have time to research right now but if someone from the area could connect the towns or areas of all four murders and maybe let us know the distance between them? Kind of get a general area or radius of the murder scenes that could point us to someone in that general area as being involved.

I think who ever killed the victims at all four murder scenes had to be very familiar with the victims and their homes. That could point to a local.

Click here: Three More Arrests Made in Murders of Florida Couple With 17 Children | Fox News

In this case one or two of the ten people involved had military training (not special ops) and practiced with the others until they were halfway proficient in entering a house to rob and kill two adults. Children were left unharmed.

So it doesn't have to be a Navy Seal to carry this off. Just someone who had a little training (National Guard, veteran, hunter, burglars, thieves experienced in home invasions, LEO ect.) Anyone willing to kill.

Yes, it's possible with the right equipment, training and practice. Are there any locals who have that kind of training and equipment? Any folks out there in Pike Co who would go out and do drills, practice so they could knock off a family of 8 because their friend was jealous of the wife's new lover or were angry they didn't inherit some real estate? Are they contracting out to the regional drug lords who are upset with snitches?

Are they free lancing or, for vigilante work for the local religious folk, doing it on a voluntary basis? If so, one would think Pike County LE, BCI, FBI, et al would have caught them by now.

Yes, it's possible for people to pick up these advanced skills on their own, possibly to commit a murder of two. But killing 8 people at 4 different homes with little evidence left behind might require more advanced skills, if not more practice. If, as some propose, a vigilante is behind it, he must have a lot of cash to pay these people. And why would he pick on the Rhodens when there are so many bigger drug / MJ dealers in the area?
I don't have time to research right now but if someone from the area could connect the towns or areas of all four murders and maybe let us know the distance between them? Kind of get a general area or radius of the murder scenes that could point us to someone in that general area as being involved.

I think who ever killed the victims at all four murder scenes had to be very familiar with the victims and their homes. That could point to a local.

The Eapmons were in central Kentucky. Their county prosecutor thought their case was linked to the Rhodens, due to the MO and the fact that children in the home were left unharmed.


There's a thread for them here at WS

Yes, it's possible with the right equipment, training and practice. Are there any locals who have that kind of training and equipment? Any folks out there in Pike Co who would go out and do drills, practice so they could knock off a family of 8 because their friend was jealous of the wife's new lover or were angry they didn't inherit some real estate? Are they contracting out to the regional drug lords who are upset with snitches?

Are they free lancing or, for vigilante work for the local religious folk, doing it on a voluntary basis? If so, one would think Pike County LE, BCI, FBI, et al would have caught them by now.

Yes, it's possible for people to pick up these advanced skills on their own, possibly to commit a murder of two. But killing 8 people at 4 different homes with little evidence left behind might require more advanced skills, if not more practice. If, as some propose, a vigilante is behind it, he must have a lot of cash to pay these people. And why would he pick on the Rhodens when there are so many bigger drug / MJ dealers in the area?

I am going to say there are a lot of people in Pike county with that kind of training. Pick any veteran from WWII right up to present day Iraq. Especially present day Iraq. I am pretty certain that locals in Pike county serve their country in equal numbers as the rest of the nation. So there could be many both men and women with that kind of training.

Then you have retired and working LE who have that kind of training.

For that matter teenagers in gangs that do a lot of burglaries and home invasions have that kind of training.

What equipment? A gun with bullets? Every one and their mama in the USA has that equipment. I don't see any special equipment needed to shoot someone in the head. Just a willingness to do it.

And people are killed every day over drugs and money. For stealing drugs. For snitching. For dealing.
Unless this "vigilante" has extensive experience and training with LE, a drug cartel or specialized military, with friends who have the same experience, it seems unlikely.

From the very beginning, various law enforcement agents experienced in this field labeled the MO as that of Mexican drug cartels. Here are interviews with two retired DEA agents who made the claim:



Even DeWine acknowledged the killers were professionals who left little evidence behind and took measures to hinder the investigation.

Now it's possible that evidence now points away from Mexican drug cartels, as LE has reported to the public. But it doesn't change the fact that all of the drug related murders listed above were conducted by killers with skill and experience in gaining entrance to homes, killing their targets while sleeping and escaping undetected, leaving little or no evidence behind.

It would seem highly unlikely any local citizenry would have that kind of experience, skill and cold blooded persistence.

Then there's this history, which may figure in somehow


If you're talking about LE who feared being outed, down the road, by someone in the Rhoden family, who possibly had started narcing, I can get on that theory.

Three of my pet theories have been:

Hillbilly justice (it still happens) and folks around here know how to use guns, and be quiet. Notice no one is talking to the press. Nothing is being said. Folks are minding their own.

Narcing got them killed, b/c a corrupt LE(s) was involved and didn't want to go to prison. Narcs are not popular even w/folks who aren't dealing. You got yourself into the mess, take your punishment if you get caught.

Or there's been some folks who they've crossed and they've done them foul, totally unforgivable, and the Rhodens didn't realize the seriousness of what they had done and what kind of blow back was going to hit them (as in blowing off a major drug player).

Those are the ones that have rambled around my brain the most, (a couple, three, others too, but they're kinda out there).
The persons knew the layout of the trailers, where they would be sleeping, and knew of the security system. I still believe that people very close to the family did this as the dogs would of ate them up. I know two on my radar that I feel committed this crime and I wold pull them in for a chat, as if they would submit to a polygraph, and press them. One of the people whom I feel that did this lines up to the mass murderer profile about 95 percent. If the bullets pulled out of the victims is either a 30-30 or 7M or .223/22, then I would really be going after them.

Click here: Three More Arrests Made in Murders of Florida Couple With 17 Children | Fox News

In this case one or two of the ten people involved had military training (not special ops) and practiced with the others until they were halfway proficient in entering a house to rob and kill two adults. Children were left unharmed.

So it doesn't have to be a Navy Seal to carry this off. Just someone who had a little training (National Guard, veteran, hunter, burglars, thieves experienced in home invasions, LEO ect.) Anyone willing to kill.

In that area, like here, I'd guess it would be easier to count the homes that don't own at least one firearm of some sort. People hunt, target shoot, etc... the bigger thing is finding someone to band up with who doesn't mind stalking the routines, and then killing humans, while they are at their most defenseless. Someone who has no problem murdering a 16 y/o kid, and two teenage girls, sleeping with their babies. That's a special kind of evil. There was no sign of forced entry. The person(s) were familiar with the area and the homes and most likely the dogs. Piketon may not be that large but UHR and LF is split between Adams, Pike, and Scioto counties (iirc). I don't know that one could have pulled it off, but I do think that two could have. They had the advantage of surprise (except at CR1's, and I don't see a young person being able to win that battle).
The persons knew the layout of the trailers, where they would be sleeping, and knew of the security system. I still believe that people very close to the family did this as the dogs would of ate them up. I know two on my radar that I feel committed this crime and I wold pull them in for a chat, as if they would submit to a polygraph, and press them. One of the people whom I feel that did this lines up to the mass murderer profile about 95 percent. If the bullets pulled out of the victims is either a 30-30 or 7M or .223/22, then I would really be going after them.

There are only about 3-4 different floor plans in a mobile home. All the bedrooms are down the hall or all but one are down the hall and one on the other end. If there were cameras mounted by the front door, there would be a monitor inside.
Hmm. I have been on the "locals" bandwagon since the get go, but I will say your post certainly has my attention.

The following link concerns a case out of Chillicothe if anyone wants to research it a bit. I can't say much, as I have no other links. Will say this guy had a "signature" ....
Not the same as you noted. He was in drugs other than marijuana.


The reason I am putting this out here, since you got me thinking.... This Dollar Bill fellow "seemed" to be a higher up in Chillicothe far as drugs, having people working for him, that sort of thing. He was local to Chillicothe. So, perhaps we have someone similar to this "profile" in the southern area, Pike, Scioto county into Kentucky, accounting for these other killings?

I say this with caution as the most we have heard on Rhodens was marijuana. BUT it could tie in considering the "signature".

He is one they might want to question concerning Rhodens, do these drug dealers communicate with other dealers in other areas? If so, I am sure he is able to point them in the right direction, since according to the article they have him talking. I do not think he had anything to do with Rhodens as he's been locked up.
This is fascinating that dollar bill was running drugs out of a house in Gallilopolis according to this article. Early on i suspected this man (below) may be involved with the Rhoden case, because on social media he was friends with a Rhoden. Kinda interesting he was also out of Gallilopolis. Must be quite a town.


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I am going to say there are a lot of people in Pike county with that kind of training. Pick any veteran from WWII right up to present day Iraq. Especially present day Iraq. I am pretty certain that locals in Pike county serve their country in equal numbers as the rest of the nation. So there could be many both men and women with that kind of training.

Then you have retired and working LE who have that kind of training.

For that matter teenagers in gangs that do a lot of burglaries and home invasions have that kind of training.

What equipment? A gun with bullets? Every one and their mama in the USA has that equipment. I don't see any special equipment needed to shoot someone in the head. Just a willingness to do it.

And people are killed every day over drugs and money. For stealing drugs. For snitching. For dealing.

Special equipment needed would be silencers, anything that allows you to find your way through a dark house and shoot a victim in total darkness without waking them up. Special skills to avoid leaving anything like DNA, hair, clothing fibers, prints. Two or more helpers to assist with shootings and another to drive and watch for cars, possibly monitor police scanner. Add in the skills to do all of this quickly killing 8 people in 4 different homes. These killer's got in and out fast, did the work, removed cameras, probably cell phones, and anything else that could hinder the investigation. As multiple LE experts said later, this was a professional job. I'll take their word on that. If it were a couple of local hunters or WW2 vets, they would have been caught by now, most likely the next day.

As for those here who think the Rhoden murders are not unusual, happen all the time, anyone could have done it, can you offer some links to other mass killings of 5 or 6 or 7 family members in multiple homes in one night in Pike County due to hillbilly justice or some common feud? I haven't been there, but that sounds pretty extreme.
Special equipment needed would be silencers, anything that allows you to find your way through a dark house and shoot a victim in total darkness without waking them up. Special skills to avoid leaving anything like DNA, hair, clothing fibers, prints. Two or more helpers to assist with shootings and another to drive and watch for cars, possibly monitor police scanner. Add in the skills to do all of this quickly killing 8 people in 4 different homes. These killer's got in and out fast, did the work, removed cameras, probably cell phones, and anything else that could hinder the investigation. As multiple LE experts said later, this was a professional job. I'll take their word on that. If it were a couple of local hunters or WW2 vets, they would have been caught by now, most likely the next day.

As for those here who think the Rhoden murders are not unusual, happen all the time, anyone could have done it, can you offer some links to other mass killings of 5 or 6 or 7 family members in multiple homes in one night in Pike County due to hillbilly justice or some common feud? I haven't been there, but that sounds pretty extreme.

I just feel they knew the killers and that they'd been in the homes before. That explains the dna, hair, dogs, etc. Silencers are not that silent, especially in an enclosed space like a trailer. Night vision goggles are not hard to come by. A pro would not have had to have shot a sleeping teenage mom five times, in the head. KR is really the one that stands out that they knew their assailants. Shot one time, I don't think he saw that coming, at all. I believe he welcomed them inside. They weren't really angry w/him, but felt he had to go. He was shot by all indications in his bed, w/a gun within reach under his pillow, in an unlocked trailer, with a dog that didn't care for strangers. Yet they waltzed right in and shot him in the head. That took no special skills at all. He'd had video cameras up, a dog, and a gun, and yet they did him no good. It doesn't necessarily have to be family, but, they have crossed the line somewhere, with someone. Whoever it was they were a bit sloppy with their shooting. If they were a true pro they would have taken the appropriate type of weapon for the job and shot the sleepers in what is called the T-zone or at the base of the neck. Shooting them 3-5-13 times doesn't speak pro to me. Someone without a conscience, few friends, very smart, and who was very, very, angry withe this family is more what I see. But, I could be very, very, wrong.
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