Paint tote

Sorry, SD, but implied was the exemplars need to be from before the fact, not after the fact. As a lawyer or a study of law I would think you'd know that.

I did have a suspicion. But I had to try. But at the same time, I should think that you would know that a lot of times, after-the-fact behavior is a big clue in criminal cases. OJ leading the cops on a chase is only one of several instances I'd be happy to lay on you.

Elaborating for your sake: Were there any exemplars of insane or rambling notes or statments, or brutally violent behavior, from before the night their daughter was murdered?

I've got plenty of evidence of self-aggrandizement and need to be liked, which ties into some of the things I've said about this case. I'll get back to you.

Not looking for prior child murders, just prior rambling notes, insane deeds, or violent behavior that could be used to establish that either JR or PR even had any notion what a garrote or a countermeasure was.

Anybody who had ever watched "The Godfather" or "Law & order" would have an idea.

I don't find the fact she was wrapped in an unusual way and her mouth taped adds anything to the RDI argument whatsoever.

Well, that's okay, because the FBI did.

What RDI can't seem to do is show that either JR or PR had any knowledge of garrotes before the murder. That's probably because they didn't have any.

Pardon me, but that's like saying that because the CIA had no knowledge of an impending attack on the World Trade Center means that it didn't happen.

And the claim that just because JR was in the Philippines automatically gives him garrote knowledge is just ridiculous.

I would think he'd have more of an idea than most people.

How come you've concluded its 'OLDER' but LE apparently hasn't and so continues to use it to test suspects? Do you know something LE doesn't?

Given who's in charge of the "investgation" right now, I'd say probably. But Mary lacy, who is on your side and has been regardless of her own experiences in this case, seems to agree with us.

Or did you really, actually think that JBR's killer has never killed before?

Let me think on that...Yeah! And I'd be glad to tell you why!
So basically the R's are clean right up to the night of the murder. There's no domestic violence charges, no abuse charges, no anything charges. Nothing.

Any traffic tickets? (LOL)
Glad one of us is laughing.

U gotta admit, its hard to swallow this whole Jekyl and Hyde idea. One minute they're fine (no priors), the next minute they're extremely brutal in both word (threat to behead a child) and deed (headbash, garrote strangulation, other injuries, on a child), and the next they're fine again (no additional violence of any kind). I'm not buying that. Not for a minute.
Yeah, I just find it odd that the word TWISTER was used at all, to descibe a garrote. How would HE have known the slang word for it...(and its SPANISH slang for garrote).


Of course twister is relevant, very much so. It may explain the genesis of Lou Smit's intruder fantasy, also it may represent further evidence of post-mortem staging?

Lets assume JonBenet was manually strangled, possibly by some piece of clothing being twisted onto her neck, thus causing the lower abrasions. So to account for this in the staging firstly the garrote is applied, then subsequently John is making verbal suggestions that it was a twister mmmm?

Since the garrote as constructed could not operate as a twister patently John had never tried it out as a twister, what does that suggest?

Maybe he could understand that Spanish video on the stun guns after all....


Sure maybe he could, maybe spanish was spoken as a lingua-franca in the philipines, maybe he employed spanish speaking people?

One thing seems certain, someone knew the difference between a ligature strangulation e.g. a garroting in US terms, and a ligature and rod strangulation e.g. a garroting in Spanish terms, but that person had never constructed a garrote before?

imo the garrote was employed to effect the staging, subsequently Lou Smit promoted its use as evidence of a deranged pedophile motivated by perverted fantasies. This demonstrates clearly the success of the staging, e.g. someone not only planned the staging but also followed it through.

U gotta admit, its hard to swallow this whole Jekyl and Hyde idea. One minute they're fine (no priors), the next minute they're extremely brutal in both word (threat to behead a child) and deed (headbash, garrote strangulation, other injuries, on a child), and the next they're fine again (no additional violence of any kind). I'm not buying that. Not for a minute.

I'm not buying that. Not for a minute.

Dont give up your day job then, because thats how its done. Plenty people commit serious crimes who have no record, want to know a secret? Thats why nobody looks at them!

You must take a rest from the crime forums, try out some gardening, read the bible it describes some horrific crimes against humanity and gods law, especially by people who One minute they're fine (no priors) , next its infantacide, incest, murder, culminating in the death of the son of god.


Dont give up your day job then, because thats how its done. Plenty people commit serious crimes who have no record, want to know a secret? Thats why nobody looks at them!

You must take a rest from the crime forums, try out some gardening, read the bible it describes some horrific crimes against humanity and gods law, especially by people who One minute they're fine (no priors) , next its infantacide, incest, murder, culminating in the death of the son of god.


As you preach your gospel (to yourself), keep in mind the CODIS DNA, unsourced cord and tape, unmatched handwriting, socialistic innuendos (fat cat, Victory, not the country that it serves), execution-style technique, and unknown SBTC reference (its not 'Saved By THe Cross', thats just a wild-a$$ guess)..

Dream on, RDI.
Not looking for prior child murders, just prior rambling notes, insane deeds, or violent behavior that could be used to establish that either JR or PR even had any notion what a garrote or a countermeasure was.
Patsy, I believe, would have been familiar with the term countermeasures with regard to her ovarian cancer treatment.

I really am not considering the normalcy of JR's twister remark, as it is not really relevant. Its already widely accepted fact that JR didn't write the note, and there's no motive for JR to have killed his daughter. Its just another thing that RDI clings to despite the fact the investigation has obviously swayed to intruder.
Who says John Ramsey killed his daughter? The majority of RDIs think Patsy was the offender.
Who says John Ramsey killed his daughter? The majority of RDIs think Patsy was the offender.
I'm one who thinks she inflicted the head injury and he did the garrotting (with her assistance).

So basically the R's are clean right up to the night of the murder. There's no domestic violence charges, no abuse charges, no anything charges. Nothing.

Any traffic tickets? (LOL)
Do you know about the infamous Jeffrey MacDonald case? He too was clean right up to the night of the rage attack when he killed his family. No domestic violence charges, no abuse charges, no anything charges. Nothing.

Not even a traffic ticket.

Do you know about the infamous Jeffrey MacDonald case? He too was clean right up to the night of the rage attack when he killed his family. No domestic violence charges, no abuse charges, no anything charges. Nothing.

Not even a traffic ticket.


There has to be a first time for EVERYTHING, right?? There is a show called "Snapped"...I believe that it is on Court TV...anyway, it is about people that had no previous history of violence...and all of the sudden...they just "SNAPPED", and flew into rages, killing family members and/or other people. And hence....the name of the show.
There have been cases where one person snapped but many of you are saying two people snapped that night.

Patsy snapped, then John snapped. Patsy was still out of it the next morning but John had completely recovered.
There have been cases where one person snapped but many of you are saying two people snapped that night.

Patsy snapped, then John snapped. Patsy was still out of it the next morning but John had completely recovered.

Nah, its pretty simple actually. Patsy snapped and John helped to cover it up.
The problem with the 'snapped' idea is that all items used in the murder would need to be among household items that night, in order for the parents to use them. Since neither the cord or tape were ever officially sourced to the house, both could have been brought in by an intruder. The cord fiber found in the last place JBR was seen alive IMO makes the rage-accident idea seem even more remote. In other words, the evidence of unsourced cord and tape, and cord fibers found in JBR's bed, is more consistent with JR and PR's version of things and less consistent with RDI rage-accident version of things.

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