Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #18

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Does it seem weird to anyone else that a hotel would install cameras INSIDE the room? Sex, lies and videotape anyone?
I imagined that this whole line of thinking started from JVDS, since the only interview he's given was just this weekend with de Telegraaf, who are now reporting this 'undercover operation'. Don't you think he put the bug in their ear?

The article even states that it was JVDS who mentioned that for "Elton Garcia everything ... was arranged and paid for ".

JVDS could be a green eyed monster -- please feel free to correct me if I am wrong -- I recall reading over the past year some of the young and upcoming poker players (winning ones) have had ''sponsors''---could this be the case of Elton ((((god knows JVDS could get little sponsorship))))

first google link that comes up
Cottages, it is my understanding from reading numerous medical journals on the topic that rewiring is about certain childhood brain electrodes/wires shut down while other adult wires are being developed. Retapping, so to speak. Brain cells die and a daily bases, but other cells are regenerating. I'll have to find the specific research for you and post it later. It's sorta of like regeneration. If alcohol and drugs are present, the body heals more slowly. I'll see if I can find the article for you, tomorrow.

Thanks for your comment!

Please do provide med. journal articles. Knowledge is power for all of society. MADD took their knowledge and statistics and made this world a better and safer place. I just think maybe you've misunderstood something, or are not reading current articles? You come very close to making a correct statement, but then the conclusion is off. But we look at the articles together once you find them :). Science is continually being updated, so maybe what you read is outdated. I have researched this for a very long time, and have my own working paper (although the core tenets have not changed in the last 10 years).

Some of the better sources for a relatively comprehensive and current understanding is the highly renowned (and credentialed) "Neurons to Neighborhoods" (please, find it here: together with a book I previously referenced "How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain." Both sources are based on cumulative studies, and they are outstanding resources.
Oh puhleeze ... when I was instructed to read the first article I clicked on something about Peruvian women wanting to get impregnated by JVDS. Thinking oh puhleeze...I continued until I found the article about Elton Garcia etc etc. and thinking it was just as believable as the wannabe baby mommas from Peru

So sorry, new one. I forgot that the RSSonline feed keeps changing as to first article..
Curiouser and curiouser...three new items about Joran in this report:

(1) Peruvian woman are proposing to him in prison; one even wants to have his baby.

(2) The 'hitman' occasionally 'jokes' that for $75,000 he'd murder him.

(3) Now he says that he was threatened during interrogations: They would "put his head in a bucket of water ... if he was not cooperating."

His attorney is probably reading here and other sites that have spoken of water boarding and the english to peruvian translation results in a bucket of water. Hahahaha

Maybe the peruvians are having lost in translations moments too?!? LOL
Will do, Cottages. I may not be conveying my understanding appropriately, but will certainly look for the studies that I followed 4 years ago. It's been a while, I concede.

I will look tomorrow and PM you. If it's relevent will post about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the "wiring" of the teenage to adult brain. Which I believe Joran is suffering from in his adult life.

His attorney is probably reading here and other sites that have spoken of water boarding and the english to peruvian translation results in a bucket of water. Hahahaha

Maybe the peruvians are having lost in translations moments too?!? LOL

....thinking out loud here --- waterboarding sounds better than being JVDS"s baby momma:woohoo:
The articles and the translations are nuts. None of them make any sense at all.
Oh, I stand corrected. Guess I'd better quit trying to translate the robotic translations...LOL!

Thanks for the 'human' translation, Rotterdam!

Here are photos of the camera outside his room taken a week or so ago:

I'm trying to figure out which camera's video we've seen.

Okay in the first picture you posted that one looks like it is facing room 309. And if we viewed video from that camera wouldn't we see him full on as he exited the room and see his backside as he entered?

Then as we can see there is a crosshall in front of his room that intersects with the hall facing his door as a T shape.

So wouldn't the camera from which we viewed footage have been located in the crosshall and to his left?

This means nothing in relation to the camera's and the allegation's JVDS has been said to have asserted in the Dutch article being discussed right now :)

I'm just trying to get my bearing when I look at your pictures is all :)
....thinking out loud here --- waterboarding sounds better than being JVDS"s baby momma:woohoo:

When I read the post I was thinking of a middle school swirly. You know, head in the toilet, flush and swirl? Bucket of water seems pretty lame as compared to water boarding.

Baby momma? I'm hoping and praying there aren't any other victims in this case.
Actually, I believe Joran did say he was framed. At least that was one of the leads on the ABC story about it this morning. His mother has never said that she knows, or even thinks, he did it. She has, very rationally in my view, only stated that IF he did it, then she can't stand by him and he must pay the price like anyone else.

Anita, imho, is shellshocked at this point. It's been reported that she went into a deep depression after her husband's sudden death back in February, and probably hasn't totally emerged from it. Now she's dealing with the unanticipated trauma of Joran being charged with murder in another country. With all that she's been through in the past few months, I suspect that she simply doesn't know what to do or say.

I was translating :). But actually, AVS didn't say "if" either, she said he may have done something to SF. But when a *mother* (especially on that has vehemently denied prior involvement in a death) says something like that, she's saying, "Okay, obviously he did kill this one."

If Joran said someone else killed SF and made it look like he did it, can you point me to that article? Hopefully the article explains that these framers killed SF in front of him so that he would know all the details of her death when he got around to confessing. Does it say how they forced her belongings & Jeep into his possession? Does it say how they made him take some of those possessions to Chile or how they made him stage the coffee videos?

These are the least of the questions I would have for a frame scenario. My biggest question is how did they get in and out of the room but aren't on the video, or perhaps Spiderman was involved (big grin)?

Really, I just can't wrap my mind around this. I mean, a lot of things are *possible* but out of everything that is possible, nothing is the least bit probable except that psycho-JVS is the murderer all the actual (not thought-up) the evidence shows he is.

But other theories would make a good sci-fi book. I'm sure JVS will write [another] one :).
I imagined that this whole line of thinking started from JVDS, since the only interview he's given was just this weekend with de Telegraaf, who are now reporting this 'undercover operation'. Don't you think he put the bug in their ear?

The article even states that it was JVDS who mentioned that for "Elton Garcia everything ... was arranged and paid for ".

I think this is an example of him setting off another false flag
Remember his former g'friend said something like (paraphrasing here) that when you catch JVDS in a lie he doubles down and makes it (the next lie) larger?

I don't believe that Joran will claim Stephany was killed by others in front of him. But you never know, he is full of stories. As I noted, I believe he is innocent of wrongdoing in both this case and the Natalee Holloway disappearance, but he is an inveterate liar and that makes it even harder to defend him. That being said, I think the most likely scenario would be that she was still alive when Joran left the hotel for good.

As for anything else that has been claimed by the Peruvian authorities, remember that they also claimed Joran willingly "confessed." If it can be demonstrated that he didn't, and a false "confession" was prepared for him to sign, I think that all of their claims must be seen in a more skeptical light. We don't know what the video tape from that camera shows, except for the excerpts we've all seen numerous times. To be certain, we would have to see the uncut tape, especially from the time Joran left until the moment when a hotel worker opens the door and finds her body. If anyone is seen on that tape, leaving or entering his room during that time, then Joran is unquestionably innocent.
Will do, Cottages. I may not be conveying my understanding appropriately, but will certainly look for the studies that I followed 4 years ago. It's been a while, I concede.

I will look tomorrow and PM you. If it's relevent will post about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the "wiring" of the teenage to adult brain. Which I believe Joran is suffering from in his adult life.


10-4. And I definitely agree alcohol & drugs have an effect on brain wiring, just not rewiring. They have to have an effect because the brain is still developing and these substances impact neurotransmitters which damage the nerve terminals...literally fry them, just like that old commercial with the eggs in the frying pan.
Anita's interview was also with the Telegraaf two days earlier where she states that Joran was invited to Lima. I never considered the Telegraaf like a National Enquirer though or similar tabloid. But I need to see a lot more proof before I believe this tale.

invited in this case is a loose term.....he was a gambler and knew where the tournaments were going to be held -- maybe he even got an online invitation to attend as he was an online gambler
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